// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
// Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation
#include "../test_precomp.hpp"
#include "gapi_render_tests.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
cv::Scalar cvtBGRToYUVC(const cv::Scalar& bgr)
double y = bgr[2] * 0.299000 + bgr[1] * 0.587000 + bgr[0] * 0.114000;
double u = bgr[2] * -0.168736 + bgr[1] * -0.331264 + bgr[0] * 0.500000 + 128;
double v = bgr[2] * 0.500000 + bgr[1] * -0.418688 + bgr[0] * -0.081312 + 128;
return {y, u, v};
void drawMosaicRef(const cv::Mat& mat, const cv::Rect &rect, int cellSz)
cv::Rect mat_rect(0, 0, mat.cols, mat.rows);
auto intersection = mat_rect & rect;
cv::Mat msc_roi = mat(intersection);
bool has_crop_x = false;
bool has_crop_y = false;
int cols = msc_roi.cols;
int rows = msc_roi.rows;
if (msc_roi.cols % cellSz != 0)
has_crop_x = true;
cols -= msc_roi.cols % cellSz;
if (msc_roi.rows % cellSz != 0)
has_crop_y = true;
rows -= msc_roi.rows % cellSz;
cv::Mat cell_roi;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i += cellSz )
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j += cellSz)
cell_roi = msc_roi(cv::Rect(j, i, cellSz, cellSz));
cell_roi = cv::mean(cell_roi);
if (has_crop_x)
cell_roi = msc_roi(cv::Rect(cols, i, msc_roi.cols - cols, cellSz));
cell_roi = cv::mean(cell_roi);
if (has_crop_y)
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j += cellSz)
cell_roi = msc_roi(cv::Rect(j, rows, cellSz, msc_roi.rows - rows));
cell_roi = cv::mean(cell_roi);
if (has_crop_x)
cell_roi = msc_roi(cv::Rect(cols, rows, msc_roi.cols - cols, msc_roi.rows - rows));
cell_roi = cv::mean(cell_roi);
void blendImageRef(cv::Mat& mat, const cv::Point& org, const cv::Mat& img, const cv::Mat& alpha)
auto roi = mat(cv::Rect(org, img.size()));
cv::Mat img32f_w;
cv::merge(std::vector<cv::Mat>(3, alpha), img32f_w);
cv::Mat roi32f_w(roi.size(), CV_32FC3, cv::Scalar::all(1.0));
roi32f_w -= img32f_w;
cv::Mat img32f, roi32f;
img.convertTo(img32f, CV_32F, 1.0/255);
roi.convertTo(roi32f, CV_32F, 1.0/255);
cv::multiply(img32f, img32f_w, img32f);
cv::multiply(roi32f, roi32f_w, roi32f);
roi32f += img32f;
roi32f.convertTo(roi, CV_8U, 255.0);
} // namespace opencv_test