// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
// copy or use the software.
// Intel License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
# include "precomp.hpp"
# include <opencv2/core/utils/configuration.private.hpp>
# include "opencv2/core/core_c.h"
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <time.h>
# if defined _WIN32
# include <io.h>
# include <windows.h>
# undef small
# undef min
# undef max
# undef abs
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <eh.h>
# endif
# else
# include <unistd.h>
# include <signal.h>
# include <setjmp.h>
# endif
// isDirectory
# if defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE
# include <windows.h>
# else
# include <dirent.h>
# include <sys / stat.h>
# endif
# define DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY(propertyName, propertyValue) \
do { \
std : : stringstream ssName , ssValue ; \
ssName < < propertyName ; \
ssValue < < ( propertyValue ) ; \
: : testing : : Test : : RecordProperty ( ssName . str ( ) , ssValue . str ( ) ) ; \
} while ( false )
# define DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(msg) \
do { \
std : : cout < < msg < < std : : endl ; \
} while ( false )
# include "opencv2/core/opencl/opencl_info.hpp"
# include "opencv2/core/utils/allocator_stats.hpp"
namespace cv { namespace ocl {
cv : : utils : : AllocatorStatisticsInterface & getOpenCLAllocatorStatistics ( ) ;
} }
# endif // HAVE_OPENCL
# include "opencv2/core/utils/allocator_stats.hpp"
namespace cv {
CV_EXPORTS cv : : utils : : AllocatorStatisticsInterface & getAllocatorStatistics ( ) ;
# include "opencv_tests_config.hpp"
# include "ts_tags.hpp"
# if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__linux__)
extern " C " {
size_t malloc_peak ( void ) __attribute__ ( ( weak ) ) ;
void malloc_reset_peak ( void ) __attribute__ ( ( weak ) ) ;
} // extern "C"
# else // stubs
static size_t ( * malloc_peak ) ( void ) = 0 ;
static void ( * malloc_reset_peak ) ( void ) = 0 ;
# endif
namespace opencv_test {
bool required_opencv_test_namespace = false ; // compilation check for non-refactored tests
namespace cvtest
details : : SkipTestExceptionBase : : SkipTestExceptionBase ( bool handlingTags )
if ( ! handlingTags )
testTagIncreaseSkipCount ( " skip_other " , true , true ) ;
details : : SkipTestExceptionBase : : SkipTestExceptionBase ( const cv : : String & message , bool handlingTags )
if ( ! handlingTags )
testTagIncreaseSkipCount ( " skip_other " , true , true ) ;
this - > msg = message ;
uint64 param_seed = 0x12345678 ; // real value is passed via parseCustomOptions function
static std : : string path_join ( const std : : string & prefix , const std : : string & subpath )
CV_Assert ( subpath . empty ( ) | | subpath [ 0 ] ! = ' / ' ) ;
if ( prefix . empty ( ) )
return subpath ;
bool skipSlash = prefix . size ( ) > 0 ? ( prefix [ prefix . size ( ) - 1 ] = = ' / ' | | prefix [ prefix . size ( ) - 1 ] = = ' \\ ' ) : false ;
std : : string path = prefix + ( skipSlash ? " " : " / " ) + subpath ;
return path ;
* Exception and memory handlers *
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// a few platform-dependent declarations
# if defined _WIN32
# ifdef _MSC_VER
static void SEHTranslator ( unsigned int /*u*/ , EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExp )
TS : : FailureCode code = TS : : FAIL_EXCEPTION ;
switch ( pExp - > ExceptionRecord - > ExceptionCode )
break ;
break ;
code = TS : : FAIL_EXCEPTION ;
throw code ;
# endif
# else
static const int tsSigId [ ] = { SIGSEGV , SIGBUS , SIGFPE , SIGILL , SIGABRT , - 1 } ;
static jmp_buf tsJmpMark ;
static void signalHandler ( int sig_code )
TS : : FailureCode code = TS : : FAIL_EXCEPTION ;
switch ( sig_code )
case SIGFPE :
break ;
case SIGSEGV :
case SIGBUS :
break ;
case SIGILL :
code = TS : : FAIL_EXCEPTION ;
longjmp ( tsJmpMark , ( int ) code ) ;
# endif
// reads 16-digit hexadecimal number (i.e. 64-bit integer)
int64 readSeed ( const char * str )
int64 val = 0 ;
if ( str & & strlen ( str ) = = 16 )
for ( int i = 0 ; str [ i ] ; i + + )
int c = tolower ( str [ i ] ) ;
if ( ! isxdigit ( c ) )
return 0 ;
val = val * 16 +
( str [ i ] < ' a ' ? str [ i ] - ' 0 ' : str [ i ] - ' a ' + 10 ) ;
return val ;
* Base Class for Tests *
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
BaseTest : : BaseTest ( )
ts = TS : : ptr ( ) ;
test_case_count = - 1 ;
BaseTest : : ~ BaseTest ( )
clear ( ) ;
void BaseTest : : clear ( )
const CvFileNode * BaseTest : : find_param ( CvFileStorage * fs , const char * param_name )
CvFileNode * node = cvGetFileNodeByName ( fs , 0 , get_name ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return node ? cvGetFileNodeByName ( fs , node , param_name ) : 0 ;
int BaseTest : : read_params ( CvFileStorage * )
return 0 ;
bool BaseTest : : can_do_fast_forward ( )
return true ;
void BaseTest : : safe_run ( int start_from )
ts - > update_context ( 0 , - 1 , true ) ;
ts - > update_context ( this , - 1 , true ) ;
if ( ! : : testing : : GTEST_FLAG ( catch_exceptions ) )
run ( start_from ) ;
# if !defined _WIN32
int _code = setjmp ( tsJmpMark ) ;
if ( ! _code )
run ( start_from ) ;
throw TS : : FailureCode ( _code ) ;
# else
run ( start_from ) ;
# endif
catch ( const cv : : Exception & exc )
const char * errorStr = cvErrorStr ( exc . code ) ;
char buf [ 1 < < 16 ] ;
const char * delim = exc . err . find ( ' \n ' ) = = cv : : String : : npos ? " " : " \n " ;
sprintf ( buf , " OpenCV Error: \n \t %s (%s%s) in %s, file %s, line %d " ,
errorStr , delim , exc . err . c_str ( ) , exc . func . size ( ) > 0 ?
exc . func . c_str ( ) : " unknown function " , exc . file . c_str ( ) , exc . line ) ;
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " %s \n " , buf ) ;
ts - > set_failed_test_info ( TS : : FAIL_ERROR_IN_CALLED_FUNC ) ;
catch ( const TS : : FailureCode & fc )
std : : string errorStr = TS : : str_from_code ( fc ) ;
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " General failure: \n \t %s (%d) \n " , errorStr . c_str ( ) , fc ) ;
ts - > set_failed_test_info ( fc ) ;
catch ( . . . )
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " Unknown failure \n " ) ;
ts - > set_failed_test_info ( TS : : FAIL_EXCEPTION ) ;
ts - > set_gtest_status ( ) ;
void BaseTest : : run ( int start_from )
int test_case_idx , count = get_test_case_count ( ) ;
int64 t_start = cvGetTickCount ( ) ;
double freq = cv : : getTickFrequency ( ) ;
bool ff = can_do_fast_forward ( ) ;
int progress = 0 , code ;
int64 t1 = t_start ;
for ( test_case_idx = ff & & start_from > = 0 ? start_from : 0 ;
count < 0 | | test_case_idx < count ; test_case_idx + + )
ts - > update_context ( this , test_case_idx , ff ) ;
progress = update_progress ( progress , test_case_idx , count , ( double ) ( t1 - t_start ) / ( freq * 1000 ) ) ;
code = prepare_test_case ( test_case_idx ) ;
if ( code < 0 | | ts - > get_err_code ( ) < 0 )
return ;
if ( code = = 0 )
continue ;
run_func ( ) ;
if ( ts - > get_err_code ( ) < 0 )
return ;
if ( validate_test_results ( test_case_idx ) < 0 | | ts - > get_err_code ( ) < 0 )
std : : stringstream ss ;
dump_test_case ( test_case_idx , & ss ) ;
std : : string s = ss . str ( ) ;
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " %s " , s . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
void BaseTest : : run_func ( void )
assert ( 0 ) ;
int BaseTest : : get_test_case_count ( void )
return test_case_count ;
int BaseTest : : prepare_test_case ( int )
return 0 ;
int BaseTest : : validate_test_results ( int )
return 0 ;
int BaseTest : : update_progress ( int progress , int test_case_idx , int count , double dt )
int width = 60 - ( int ) get_name ( ) . size ( ) ;
if ( count > 0 )
int t = cvRound ( ( ( double ) test_case_idx * width ) / count ) ;
if ( t > progress )
ts - > printf ( TS : : CONSOLE , " . " ) ;
progress = t ;
else if ( cvRound ( dt ) > progress )
ts - > printf ( TS : : CONSOLE , " . " ) ;
progress = cvRound ( dt ) ;
return progress ;
void BaseTest : : dump_test_case ( int test_case_idx , std : : ostream * out )
* out < < " test_case_idx = " < < test_case_idx < < std : : endl ;
BadArgTest : : BadArgTest ( )
test_case_idx = - 1 ;
// oldErrorCbk = 0;
// oldErrorCbkData = 0;
BadArgTest : : ~ BadArgTest ( void )
int BadArgTest : : run_test_case ( int expected_code , const string & _descr )
int errcount = 0 ;
bool thrown = false ;
const char * descr = _descr . c_str ( ) ? _descr . c_str ( ) : " " ;
run_func ( ) ;
catch ( const cv : : Exception & e )
thrown = true ;
if ( e . code ! = expected_code & &
e . code ! = cv : : Error : : StsError & & e . code ! = cv : : Error : : StsAssert // Exact error codes support will be dropped. Checks should provide proper text messages intead.
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " %s (test case #%d): the error code %d is different from the expected %d \n " ,
descr , test_case_idx , e . code , expected_code ) ;
errcount = 1 ;
catch ( . . . )
thrown = true ;
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " %s (test case #%d): unknown exception was thrown (the function has likely crashed) \n " ,
descr , test_case_idx ) ;
errcount = 1 ;
if ( ! thrown )
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " %s (test case #%d): no expected exception was thrown \n " ,
descr , test_case_idx ) ;
errcount = 1 ;
test_case_idx + + ;
return errcount ;
* Base Class for Test System *
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/******************************** Constructors/Destructors ******************************/
TSParams : : TSParams ( )
rng_seed = ( uint64 ) - 1 ;
use_optimized = true ;
test_case_count_scale = 1 ;
TestInfo : : TestInfo ( )
test = 0 ;
code = 0 ;
rng_seed = rng_seed0 = 0 ;
test_case_idx = - 1 ;
TS : : TS ( )
} // ctor
TS : : ~ TS ( )
} // dtor
string TS : : str_from_code ( const TS : : FailureCode code )
switch ( code )
case OK : return " Ok " ;
case FAIL_GENERIC : return " Generic/Unknown " ;
case FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA : return " No test data " ;
case FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA : return " Invalid test data " ;
case FAIL_ERROR_IN_CALLED_FUNC : return " cvError invoked " ;
case FAIL_EXCEPTION : return " Hardware/OS exception " ;
case FAIL_MEMORY_EXCEPTION : return " Invalid memory access " ;
case FAIL_ARITHM_EXCEPTION : return " Arithmetic exception " ;
case FAIL_MEMORY_CORRUPTION_BEGIN : return " Corrupted memblock (beginning) " ;
case FAIL_MEMORY_CORRUPTION_END : return " Corrupted memblock (end) " ;
case FAIL_MEMORY_LEAK : return " Memory leak " ;
case FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT : return " Invalid function output " ;
case FAIL_MISMATCH : return " Unexpected output " ;
case FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY : return " Bad accuracy " ;
case FAIL_HANG : return " Infinite loop(?) " ;
case FAIL_BAD_ARG_CHECK : return " Incorrect handling of bad arguments " ;
default :
return " Generic/Unknown " ;
static int tsErrorCallback ( int status , const char * func_name , const char * err_msg , const char * file_name , int line , void * data )
TS * ts = ( TS * ) data ;
const char * delim = std : : string ( err_msg ) . find ( ' \n ' ) = = std : : string : : npos ? " " : " \n " ;
ts - > printf ( TS : : LOG , " OpenCV Error: \n \t %s (%s%s) in %s, file %s, line %d \n " , cvErrorStr ( status ) , delim , err_msg , func_name [ 0 ] ! = 0 ? func_name : " unknown function " , file_name , line ) ;
return 0 ;
/************************************** Running tests **********************************/
void TS : : init ( const string & modulename )
data_search_subdir . push_back ( modulename ) ;
# ifndef WINRT
char * datapath_dir = getenv ( " OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH " ) ;
# else
char * datapath_dir = OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH ;
# endif
if ( datapath_dir )
data_path = path_join ( path_join ( datapath_dir , modulename ) , " " ) ;
cv : : redirectError ( ( cv : : ErrorCallback ) tsErrorCallback , this ) ;
if ( : : testing : : GTEST_FLAG ( catch_exceptions ) )
# if defined _WIN32
# ifdef _MSC_VER
_set_se_translator ( SEHTranslator ) ;
# endif
# else
for ( int i = 0 ; tsSigId [ i ] > = 0 ; i + + )
signal ( tsSigId [ i ] , signalHandler ) ;
# endif
# if defined _WIN32
# ifdef _MSC_VER
_set_se_translator ( 0 ) ;
# endif
# else
for ( int i = 0 ; tsSigId [ i ] > = 0 ; i + + )
signal ( tsSigId [ i ] , SIG_DFL ) ;
# endif
if ( params . use_optimized = = 0 )
cv : : setUseOptimized ( false ) ;
rng = RNG ( params . rng_seed ) ;
void TS : : set_gtest_status ( )
TS : : FailureCode code = get_err_code ( ) ;
if ( code > = 0 )
return SUCCEED ( ) ;
char seedstr [ 32 ] ;
sprintf ( seedstr , " %08x%08x " , ( unsigned ) ( current_test_info . rng_seed > > 32 ) ,
( unsigned ) ( current_test_info . rng_seed ) ) ;
string logs = " " ;
if ( ! output_buf [ SUMMARY_IDX ] . empty ( ) )
logs + = " \n ----------------------------------- \n \t SUM: " + output_buf [ SUMMARY_IDX ] ;
if ( ! output_buf [ LOG_IDX ] . empty ( ) )
logs + = " \n ----------------------------------- \n \t LOG: \n " + output_buf [ LOG_IDX ] ;
if ( ! output_buf [ CONSOLE_IDX ] . empty ( ) )
logs + = " \n ----------------------------------- \n \t CONSOLE: " + output_buf [ CONSOLE_IDX ] ;
logs + = " \n ----------------------------------- \n " ;
FAIL ( ) < < " \n \t failure reason: " < < str_from_code ( code ) < <
" \n \t test case # " < < current_test_info . test_case_idx < <
" \n \t seed: " < < seedstr < < logs ;
void TS : : update_context ( BaseTest * test , int test_case_idx , bool update_ts_context )
if ( current_test_info . test ! = test )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = CONSOLE_IDX ; i + + )
output_buf [ i ] = string ( ) ;
rng = RNG ( params . rng_seed ) ;
current_test_info . rng_seed0 = current_test_info . rng_seed = rng . state ;
current_test_info . test = test ;
current_test_info . test_case_idx = test_case_idx ;
current_test_info . code = 0 ;
cvSetErrStatus ( CV_StsOk ) ;
if ( update_ts_context )
current_test_info . rng_seed = rng . state ;
void TS : : set_failed_test_info ( int fail_code )
if ( current_test_info . code > = 0 )
current_test_info . code = TS : : FailureCode ( fail_code ) ;
# if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1400
# undef vsnprintf
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
# endif
void TS : : vprintf ( int streams , const char * fmt , va_list l )
char str [ 1 < < 14 ] ;
vsnprintf ( str , sizeof ( str ) - 1 , fmt , l ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_IDX ; i + + )
if ( ( streams & ( 1 < < i ) ) )
output_buf [ i ] + = std : : string ( str ) ;
// in the new GTest-based framework we do not use
// any output files (except for the automatically generated xml report).
// if a test fails, all the buffers are printed, so we do not want to duplicate the information and
// thus only add the new information to a single buffer and return from the function.
break ;
void TS : : printf ( int streams , const char * fmt , . . . )
if ( streams )
va_list l ;
va_start ( l , fmt ) ;
vprintf ( streams , fmt , l ) ;
va_end ( l ) ;
TS * TS : : ptr ( )
static TS ts ;
return & ts ;
void fillGradient ( Mat & img , int delta )
const int ch = img . channels ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( ! img . empty ( ) & & img . depth ( ) = = CV_8U & & ch < = 4 ) ;
int n = 255 / delta ;
int r , c , i ;
for ( r = 0 ; r < img . rows ; r + + )
int kR = r % ( 2 * n ) ;
int valR = ( kR < = n ) ? delta * kR : delta * ( 2 * n - kR ) ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < img . cols ; c + + )
int kC = c % ( 2 * n ) ;
int valC = ( kC < = n ) ? delta * kC : delta * ( 2 * n - kC ) ;
uchar vals [ ] = { uchar ( valR ) , uchar ( valC ) , uchar ( 200 * r / img . rows ) , uchar ( 255 ) } ;
uchar * p = img . ptr ( r , c ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) p [ i ] = vals [ i ] ;
void smoothBorder ( Mat & img , const Scalar & color , int delta )
const int ch = img . channels ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( ! img . empty ( ) & & img . depth ( ) = = CV_8U & & ch < = 4 ) ;
Scalar s ;
uchar * p = NULL ;
int n = 100 / delta ;
int nR = std : : min ( n , ( img . rows + 1 ) / 2 ) , nC = std : : min ( n , ( img . cols + 1 ) / 2 ) ;
int r , c , i ;
for ( r = 0 ; r < nR ; r + + )
double k1 = r * delta / 100. , k2 = 1 - k1 ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < img . cols ; c + + )
p = img . ptr ( r , c ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) s [ i ] = p [ i ] ;
s = s * k1 + color * k2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) p [ i ] = uchar ( s [ i ] ) ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < img . cols ; c + + )
p = img . ptr ( img . rows - r - 1 , c ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) s [ i ] = p [ i ] ;
s = s * k1 + color * k2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) p [ i ] = uchar ( s [ i ] ) ;
for ( r = 0 ; r < img . rows ; r + + )
for ( c = 0 ; c < nC ; c + + )
double k1 = c * delta / 100. , k2 = 1 - k1 ;
p = img . ptr ( r , c ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) s [ i ] = p [ i ] ;
s = s * k1 + color * k2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) p [ i ] = uchar ( s [ i ] ) ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c + + )
double k1 = c * delta / 100. , k2 = 1 - k1 ;
p = img . ptr ( r , img . cols - c - 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) s [ i ] = p [ i ] ;
s = s * k1 + color * k2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ch ; i + + ) p [ i ] = uchar ( s [ i ] ) ;
bool test_ipp_check = false ;
void checkIppStatus ( )
if ( test_ipp_check )
int status = cv : : ipp : : getIppStatus ( ) ;
EXPECT_LE ( 0 , status ) < < cv : : ipp : : getIppErrorLocation ( ) . c_str ( ) ;
static bool checkTestData = cv : : utils : : getConfigurationParameterBool ( " OPENCV_TEST_REQUIRE_DATA " , false ) ;
bool skipUnstableTests = false ;
bool runBigDataTests = false ;
int testThreads = 0 ;
static size_t memory_usage_base = 0 ;
static uint64_t memory_usage_base_opencv = 0 ;
static uint64_t memory_usage_base_opencl = 0 ;
# endif
void testSetUp ( )
fflush ( stdout ) ; fflush ( stderr ) ;
cv : : ipp : : setIppStatus ( 0 ) ;
cv : : theRNG ( ) . state = cvtest : : param_seed ;
cv : : setNumThreads ( cvtest : : testThreads ) ;
if ( malloc_peak ) // if memory profiler is available
malloc_reset_peak ( ) ;
memory_usage_base = malloc_peak ( ) ; // equal to malloc_current()
cv : : utils : : AllocatorStatisticsInterface & ocv_stats = cv : : getAllocatorStatistics ( ) ;
ocv_stats . resetPeakUsage ( ) ;
memory_usage_base_opencv = ocv_stats . getCurrentUsage ( ) ;
cv : : utils : : AllocatorStatisticsInterface & ocl_stats = cv : : ocl : : getOpenCLAllocatorStatistics ( ) ;
ocl_stats . resetPeakUsage ( ) ;
memory_usage_base_opencl = ocl_stats . getCurrentUsage ( ) ;
# endif
checkTestTags ( ) ;
void testTearDown ( )
: : cvtest : : checkIppStatus ( ) ;
uint64_t memory_usage = 0 ;
uint64_t ocv_memory_usage = 0 , ocv_peak = 0 ;
if ( malloc_peak ) // if memory profiler is available
size_t peak = malloc_peak ( ) ;
memory_usage = peak - memory_usage_base ;
if ( peak > 0 )
CV_LOG_INFO ( NULL , " Memory_usage (malloc): " < < memory_usage < < " (base= " < < memory_usage_base < < " ) " ) ;
// core/src/alloc.cpp: #define OPENCV_ALLOC_ENABLE_STATISTICS
// handle large buffers via fastAlloc()
// (not always accurate on heavy 3rdparty usage, like protobuf)
cv : : utils : : AllocatorStatisticsInterface & ocv_stats = cv : : getAllocatorStatistics ( ) ;
ocv_peak = ocv_stats . getPeakUsage ( ) ;
ocv_memory_usage = ocv_peak - memory_usage_base_opencv ;
if ( ocv_peak )
CV_LOG_INFO ( NULL , " Memory_usage (OpenCV): " < < ocv_memory_usage < < " (base= " < < memory_usage_base_opencv < < " current= " < < ocv_stats . getCurrentUsage ( ) < < " ) " ) ;
if ( memory_usage = = 0 ) // external profiler has higher priority (and accuracy)
memory_usage = ocv_memory_usage ;
uint64_t ocl_memory_usage = 0 , ocl_peak = 0 ;
cv : : utils : : AllocatorStatisticsInterface & ocl_stats = cv : : ocl : : getOpenCLAllocatorStatistics ( ) ;
ocl_peak = ocl_stats . getPeakUsage ( ) ;
ocl_memory_usage = ocl_peak - memory_usage_base_opencl ;
if ( ocl_memory_usage > 0 )
CV_LOG_INFO ( NULL , " Memory_usage (OpenCL): " < < ocl_memory_usage < < " (base= " < < memory_usage_base_opencl < < " current= " < < ocl_stats . getCurrentUsage ( ) < < " ) " ) ;
: : testing : : Test : : RecordProperty ( " ocl_memory_usage " ,
cv : : format ( " %llu " , ( unsigned long long ) ocl_memory_usage ) ) ;
# else
uint64_t ocl_memory_usage = 0 ;
# endif
if ( malloc_peak // external memory profiler is available
| | ocv_peak > 0 // or enabled OpenCV builtin allocation statistics
CV_LOG_INFO ( NULL , " Memory usage total: " < < ( memory_usage + ocl_memory_usage ) ) ;
: : testing : : Test : : RecordProperty ( " memory_usage " ,
cv : : format ( " %llu " , ( unsigned long long ) memory_usage ) ) ;
: : testing : : Test : : RecordProperty ( " total_memory_usage " ,
cv : : format ( " %llu " , ( unsigned long long ) ( memory_usage + ocl_memory_usage ) ) ) ;
bool checkBigDataTests ( )
if ( ! runBigDataTests )
testTagIncreaseSkipCount ( " skip_bigdata " , true , true ) ;
printf ( " [ SKIP ] BigData tests are disabled \n " ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
void parseCustomOptions ( int argc , char * * argv )
const string command_line_keys = string (
" { ipp test_ipp_check |false |check whether IPP works without failures } "
" { test_seed |809564 |seed for random numbers generator } "
" { test_threads |-1 |the number of worker threads, if parallel execution is enabled} "
" { skip_unstable |false |skip unstable tests } "
" { test_bigdata |false |run BigData tests (>=2Gb) } "
" { test_require_data | " ) + ( checkTestData ? " true " : " false " ) + string ( " |fail on missing non-required test data instead of skip (env:OPENCV_TEST_REQUIRE_DATA)} "
" { h help |false |print help info } "
) ;
cv : : CommandLineParser parser ( argc , argv , command_line_keys ) ;
if ( parser . get < bool > ( " help " ) )
std : : cout < < " \n Available options besides google test option: \n " ;
parser . printMessage ( ) ;
test_ipp_check = parser . get < bool > ( " test_ipp_check " ) ;
if ( ! test_ipp_check )
# ifndef WINRT
test_ipp_check = getenv ( " OPENCV_IPP_CHECK " ) ! = NULL ;
# else
test_ipp_check = false ;
# endif
param_seed = parser . get < unsigned int > ( " test_seed " ) ;
testThreads = parser . get < int > ( " test_threads " ) ;
skipUnstableTests = parser . get < bool > ( " skip_unstable " ) ;
runBigDataTests = parser . get < bool > ( " test_bigdata " ) ;
if ( parser . has ( " test_require_data " ) )
checkTestData = parser . get < bool > ( " test_require_data " ) ;
activateTestTags ( parser ) ;
static bool isDirectory ( const std : : string & path )
# if defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE
# ifdef WINRT
wchar_t wpath [ MAX_PATH ] ;
size_t copied = mbstowcs ( wpath , path . c_str ( ) , MAX_PATH ) ;
CV_Assert ( ( copied ! = MAX_PATH ) & & ( copied ! = ( size_t ) - 1 ) ) ;
BOOL status = : : GetFileAttributesExW ( wpath , GetFileExInfoStandard , & all_attrs ) ;
# else
BOOL status = : : GetFileAttributesExA ( path . c_str ( ) , GetFileExInfoStandard , & all_attrs ) ;
# endif
DWORD attributes = all_attrs . dwFileAttributes ;
return status & & ( ( attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ! = 0 ) ;
# else
struct stat s ;
if ( 0 ! = stat ( path . c_str ( ) , & s ) )
return false ;
return S_ISDIR ( s . st_mode ) ;
# endif
void addDataSearchPath ( const std : : string & path )
if ( isDirectory ( path ) )
TS : : ptr ( ) - > data_search_path . push_back ( path ) ;
void addDataSearchSubDirectory ( const std : : string & subdir )
TS : : ptr ( ) - > data_search_subdir . push_back ( subdir ) ;
static std : : string findData ( const std : : string & relative_path , bool required , bool findDirectory )
# define CHECK_FILE_WITH_PREFIX(prefix, result) \
{ \
result . clear ( ) ; \
std : : string path = path_join ( prefix , relative_path ) ; \
/*printf("Trying %s\n", path.c_str());*/ \
if ( findDirectory ) \
{ \
if ( isDirectory ( path ) ) \
result = path ; \
} \
else \
{ \
FILE * f = fopen ( path . c_str ( ) , " rb " ) ; \
if ( f ) { \
fclose ( f ) ; \
result = path ; \
} \
} \
# define TEST_TRY_FILE_WITH_PREFIX(prefix) \
{ \
std : : string result__ ; \
CHECK_FILE_WITH_PREFIX ( prefix , result__ ) ; \
if ( ! result__ . empty ( ) ) \
return result__ ; \
const std : : vector < std : : string > & search_path = TS : : ptr ( ) - > data_search_path ;
for ( size_t i = search_path . size ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - )
const std : : string & prefix = search_path [ i - 1 ] ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > & search_subdir = TS : : ptr ( ) - > data_search_subdir ;
# ifndef WINRT
char * datapath_dir = getenv ( " OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH " ) ;
# else
char * datapath_dir = OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH ;
# endif
std : : string datapath ;
if ( datapath_dir )
datapath = datapath_dir ;
//CV_Assert(isDirectory(datapath) && "OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH is specified but it doesn't exist");
if ( isDirectory ( datapath ) )
for ( size_t i = search_subdir . size ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - )
const std : : string & subdir = search_subdir [ i - 1 ] ;
std : : string prefix = path_join ( datapath , subdir ) ;
std : : string result_ ;
CHECK_FILE_WITH_PREFIX ( prefix , result_ ) ;
if ( ! required & & ! result_ . empty ( ) )
std : : cout < < " TEST ERROR: Don't use 'optional' findData() for " < < relative_path < < std : : endl ;
static bool checkOptionalFlag = cv : : utils : : getConfigurationParameterBool ( " OPENCV_TEST_CHECK_OPTIONAL_DATA " , false ) ;
if ( checkOptionalFlag )
CV_Assert ( required | | result_ . empty ( ) ) ;
if ( ! result_ . empty ( ) )
return result_ ;
datapath = path_join ( " ./ " , OPENCV_TEST_DATA_INSTALL_PATH ) ;
if ( isDirectory ( datapath ) )
for ( size_t i = search_subdir . size ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - )
const std : : string & subdir = search_subdir [ i - 1 ] ;
std : : string prefix = path_join ( datapath , subdir ) ;
if ( isDirectory ( datapath ) )
for ( size_t i = search_subdir . size ( ) ; i > 0 ; i - - )
const std : : string & subdir = search_subdir [ i - 1 ] ;
std : : string prefix = path_join ( datapath , subdir ) ;
# endif
# endif
const char * type = findDirectory ? " directory " : " data file " ;
if ( required | | checkTestData )
CV_Error ( cv : : Error : : StsError , cv : : format ( " OpenCV tests: Can't find required %s: %s " , type , relative_path . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
throw SkipTestException ( cv : : format ( " OpenCV tests: Can't find %s: %s " , type , relative_path . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
std : : string findDataFile ( const std : : string & relative_path , bool required )
return findData ( relative_path , required , false ) ;
std : : string findDataDirectory ( const std : : string & relative_path , bool required )
return findData ( relative_path , required , true ) ;
inline static std : : string getSnippetFromConfig ( const std : : string & start , const std : : string & end )
const std : : string buildInfo = cv : : getBuildInformation ( ) ;
size_t pos1 = buildInfo . find ( start ) ;
if ( pos1 ! = std : : string : : npos )
pos1 + = start . length ( ) ;
pos1 = buildInfo . find_first_not_of ( " \t \n \r " , pos1 ) ;
size_t pos2 = buildInfo . find ( end , pos1 ) ;
if ( pos2 ! = std : : string : : npos )
pos2 = buildInfo . find_last_not_of ( " \t \n \r " , pos2 ) ;
if ( pos1 ! = std : : string : : npos & & pos2 ! = std : : string : : npos & & pos1 < pos2 )
return buildInfo . substr ( pos1 , pos2 - pos1 + 1 ) ;
return std : : string ( ) ;
inline static void recordPropertyVerbose ( const std : : string & property ,
const std : : string & msg ,
const std : : string & value ,
const std : : string & build_value = std : : string ( ) )
: : testing : : Test : : RecordProperty ( property , value ) ;
std : : cout < < msg < < " : " < < ( value . empty ( ) ? std : : string ( " N/A " ) : value ) < < std : : endl ;
if ( ! build_value . empty ( ) )
: : testing : : Test : : RecordProperty ( property + " _build " , build_value ) ;
if ( build_value ! = value )
std : : cout < < " WARNING: build value differs from runtime: " < < build_value < < endl ;
inline static void recordPropertyVerbose ( const std : : string & property , const std : : string & msg ,
const char * value , const char * build_value = NULL )
return recordPropertyVerbose ( property , msg ,
value ? std : : string ( value ) : std : : string ( ) ,
build_value ? std : : string ( build_value ) : std : : string ( ) ) ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
# define CV_TEST_BUILD_CONFIG "Debug"
# else
# define CV_TEST_BUILD_CONFIG "Release"
# endif
void SystemInfoCollector : : OnTestProgramStart ( const testing : : UnitTest & )
std : : cout < < " CTEST_FULL_OUTPUT " < < std : : endl ; // Tell CTest not to discard any output
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_version " , " OpenCV version " , cv : : getVersionString ( ) , CV_VERSION ) ;
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_vcs_version " , " OpenCV VCS version " , getSnippetFromConfig ( " Version control: " , " \n " ) ) ;
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_build_type " , " Build type " , getSnippetFromConfig ( " Configuration: " , " \n " ) , CV_TEST_BUILD_CONFIG ) ;
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_compiler " , " Compiler " , getSnippetFromConfig ( " C++ Compiler: " , " \n " ) ) ;
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_parallel_framework " , " Parallel framework " , cv : : currentParallelFramework ( ) ) ;
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_cpu_features " , " CPU features " , cv : : getCPUFeaturesLine ( ) ) ;
# ifdef HAVE_IPP
recordPropertyVerbose ( " cv_ipp_version " , " Intel(R) IPP version " , cv : : ipp : : useIPP ( ) ? cv : : ipp : : getIppVersion ( ) : " disabled " ) ;
# endif
cv : : dumpOpenCLInformation ( ) ;
# endif
} //namespace cvtest
/* End of file. */