#!/usr/bin/env python
The script builds OpenCV . framework for iOS .
The built framework is universal , it can be used to build app and run it on either iOS simulator or real device .
Usage :
. / build_framework . py < outputdir >
By cmake conventions ( and especially if you work with OpenCV repository ) ,
the output dir should not be a subdirectory of OpenCV source tree .
Script will create < outputdir > , if it ' s missing, and a few its subdirectories:
< outputdir >
build /
iPhoneOS - * /
[ cmake - generated build tree for an iOS device target ]
iPhoneSimulator - * /
[ cmake - generated build tree for iOS simulator ]
opencv2 . framework /
[ the framework content ]
The script should handle minor OpenCV updates efficiently
- it does not recompile the library from scratch each time .
However , opencv2 . framework directory is erased and recreated on each run .
Adding - - dynamic parameter will build opencv2 . framework as App Store dynamic framework . Only iOS 8 + versions are supported .
from __future__ import print_function
import glob , re , os , os . path , shutil , string , sys , argparse , traceback , multiprocessing
from subprocess import check_call , check_output , CalledProcessError
IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = ' 8.0 ' # default, can be changed via command line options or environemnt variable
def execute ( cmd , cwd = None ) :
print ( " Executing: %s in %s " % ( cmd , cwd ) , file = sys . stderr )
print ( ' Executing: ' + ' ' . join ( cmd ) )
retcode = check_call ( cmd , cwd = cwd )
if retcode != 0 :
raise Exception ( " Child returned: " , retcode )
def getXCodeMajor ( ) :
ret = check_output ( [ " xcodebuild " , " -version " ] )
m = re . match ( r ' Xcode \ s+( \ d+) \ ..* ' , ret , flags = re . IGNORECASE )
if m :
return int ( m . group ( 1 ) )
else :
raise Exception ( " Failed to parse Xcode version " )
class Builder :
def __init__ ( self , opencv , contrib , dynamic , bitcodedisabled , exclude , targets ) :
self . opencv = os . path . abspath ( opencv )
self . contrib = None
if contrib :
modpath = os . path . join ( contrib , " modules " )
if os . path . isdir ( modpath ) :
self . contrib = os . path . abspath ( modpath )
else :
print ( " Note: contrib repository is bad - modules subfolder not found " , file = sys . stderr )
self . dynamic = dynamic
self . bitcodedisabled = bitcodedisabled
self . exclude = exclude
self . targets = targets
def getBD ( self , parent , t ) :
if len ( t [ 0 ] ) == 1 :
res = os . path . join ( parent , ' build- %s - %s ' % ( t [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . lower ( ) , t [ 1 ] . lower ( ) ) )
else :
res = os . path . join ( parent , ' build- %s ' % t [ 1 ] . lower ( ) )
if not os . path . isdir ( res ) :
os . makedirs ( res )
return os . path . abspath ( res )
def _build ( self , outdir ) :
outdir = os . path . abspath ( outdir )
if not os . path . isdir ( outdir ) :
os . makedirs ( outdir )
mainWD = os . path . join ( outdir , " build " )
dirs = [ ]
xcode_ver = getXCodeMajor ( )
if self . dynamic :
alltargets = self . targets
else :
# if we are building a static library, we must build each architecture separately
alltargets = [ ]
for t in self . targets :
for at in t [ 0 ] :
current = ( [ at ] , t [ 1 ] )
alltargets . append ( current )
for t in alltargets :
mainBD = self . getBD ( mainWD , t )
dirs . append ( mainBD )
cmake_flags = [ ]
if self . contrib :
cmake_flags . append ( " -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH= %s " % self . contrib )
if xcode_ver > = 7 and t [ 1 ] == ' iPhoneOS ' and self . bitcodedisabled == False :
cmake_flags . append ( " -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fembed-bitcode " )
cmake_flags . append ( " -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fembed-bitcode " )
self . buildOne ( t [ 0 ] , t [ 1 ] , mainBD , cmake_flags )
if self . dynamic == False :
self . mergeLibs ( mainBD )
self . makeFramework ( outdir , dirs )
def build ( self , outdir ) :
try :
self . _build ( outdir )
except Exception as e :
print ( " = " * 60 , file = sys . stderr )
print ( " ERROR: %s " % e , file = sys . stderr )
print ( " = " * 60 , file = sys . stderr )
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stderr )
sys . exit ( 1 )
def getToolchain ( self , arch , target ) :
return None
def getCMakeArgs ( self , arch , target ) :
args = [
" cmake " ,
" -GXcode " ,
" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release " ,
] + ( [
] if self . dynamic else [ ] )
if len ( self . exclude ) > 0 :
args + = [ " -DBUILD_opencv_world=OFF " ] if not self . dynamic else [ ]
args + = [ " -DBUILD_opencv_ %s =OFF " % m for m in self . exclude ]
return args
def getBuildCommand ( self , archs , target ) :
buildcmd = [
" xcodebuild " ,
if self . dynamic :
buildcmd + = [
if not self . bitcodedisabled :
buildcmd . append ( " BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode " )
for arch in archs :
buildcmd . append ( " -arch " )
buildcmd . append ( arch . lower ( ) )
else :
arch = " ; " . join ( archs )
buildcmd + = [
" ARCHS= %s " % arch ,
buildcmd + = [
" -sdk " , target . lower ( ) ,
" -configuration " , " Release " ,
" -parallelizeTargets " ,
" -jobs " , str ( multiprocessing . cpu_count ( ) ) ,
] + ( [ " -target " , " ALL_BUILD " ] if self . dynamic else [ ] )
return buildcmd
def getInfoPlist ( self , builddirs ) :
return os . path . join ( builddirs [ 0 ] , " ios " , " Info.plist " )
def buildOne ( self , arch , target , builddir , cmakeargs = [ ] ) :
# Run cmake
toolchain = self . getToolchain ( arch , target )
cmakecmd = self . getCMakeArgs ( arch , target ) + \
( [ " -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE= %s " % toolchain ] if toolchain is not None else [ ] )
if target . lower ( ) . startswith ( " iphoneos " ) :
cmakecmd . append ( " -DCPU_BASELINE=DETECT " )
cmakecmd . append ( self . opencv )
cmakecmd . extend ( cmakeargs )
execute ( cmakecmd , cwd = builddir )
# Clean and build
clean_dir = os . path . join ( builddir , " install " )
if os . path . isdir ( clean_dir ) :
shutil . rmtree ( clean_dir )
buildcmd = self . getBuildCommand ( arch , target )
execute ( buildcmd + [ " -target " , " ALL_BUILD " , " build " ] , cwd = builddir )
execute ( [ " cmake " , " -P " , " cmake_install.cmake " ] , cwd = builddir )
def mergeLibs ( self , builddir ) :
res = os . path . join ( builddir , " lib " , " Release " , " libopencv_merged.a " )
libs = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( builddir , " install " , " lib " , " *.a " ) )
libs3 = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( builddir , " install " , " share " , " OpenCV " , " 3rdparty " , " lib " , " *.a " ) )
print ( " Merging libraries: \n \t %s " % " \n \t " . join ( libs + libs3 ) , file = sys . stderr )
execute ( [ " libtool " , " -static " , " -o " , res ] + libs + libs3 )
def makeFramework ( self , outdir , builddirs ) :
name = " opencv2 "
# set the current dir to the dst root
framework_dir = os . path . join ( outdir , " %s .framework " % name )
if os . path . isdir ( framework_dir ) :
shutil . rmtree ( framework_dir )
os . makedirs ( framework_dir )
if self . dynamic :
dstdir = framework_dir
libname = " opencv2.framework/opencv2 "
else :
dstdir = os . path . join ( framework_dir , " Versions " , " A " )
libname = " libopencv_merged.a "
# copy headers from one of build folders
shutil . copytree ( os . path . join ( builddirs [ 0 ] , " install " , " include " , " opencv2 " ) , os . path . join ( dstdir , " Headers " ) )
# make universal static lib
libs = [ os . path . join ( d , " lib " , " Release " , libname ) for d in builddirs ]
lipocmd = [ " lipo " , " -create " ]
lipocmd . extend ( libs )
lipocmd . extend ( [ " -o " , os . path . join ( dstdir , name ) ] )
print ( " Creating universal library from: \n \t %s " % " \n \t " . join ( libs ) , file = sys . stderr )
execute ( lipocmd )
# dynamic framework has different structure, just copy the Plist directly
if self . dynamic :
resdir = dstdir
shutil . copyfile ( self . getInfoPlist ( builddirs ) , os . path . join ( resdir , " Info.plist " ) )
else :
# copy Info.plist
resdir = os . path . join ( dstdir , " Resources " )
os . makedirs ( resdir )
shutil . copyfile ( self . getInfoPlist ( builddirs ) , os . path . join ( resdir , " Info.plist " ) )
# make symbolic links
links = [
( [ " A " ] , [ " Versions " , " Current " ] ) ,
( [ " Versions " , " Current " , " Headers " ] , [ " Headers " ] ) ,
( [ " Versions " , " Current " , " Resources " ] , [ " Resources " ] ) ,
( [ " Versions " , " Current " , name ] , [ name ] )
for l in links :
s = os . path . join ( * l [ 0 ] )
d = os . path . join ( framework_dir , * l [ 1 ] )
os . symlink ( s , d )
class iOSBuilder ( Builder ) :
def getToolchain ( self , arch , target ) :
toolchain = os . path . join ( self . opencv , " platforms " , " ios " , " cmake " , " Toolchains " , " Toolchain- %s _Xcode.cmake " % target )
return toolchain
def getCMakeArgs ( self , arch , target ) :
arch = " ; " . join ( arch )
args = Builder . getCMakeArgs ( self , arch , target )
args = args + [
' -DIOS_ARCH= %s ' % arch
return args
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
folder = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( sys . argv [ 0 ] ) , " ../.. " ) )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' The script builds OpenCV.framework for iOS. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' out ' , metavar = ' OUTDIR ' , help = ' folder to put built framework ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --opencv ' , metavar = ' DIR ' , default = folder , help = ' folder with opencv repository (default is " ../.. " relative to script location) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --contrib ' , metavar = ' DIR ' , default = None , help = ' folder with opencv_contrib repository (default is " None " - build only main framework) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --without ' , metavar = ' MODULE ' , default = [ ] , action = ' append ' , help = ' OpenCV modules to exclude from the framework ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dynamic ' , default = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' build dynamic framework (default is " False " - builds static framework) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --disable-bitcode ' , default = False , dest = ' bitcodedisabled ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' disable bitcode (enabled by default) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --iphoneos_deployment_target ' , default = os . environ . get ( ' IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ' , IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ) , help = ' specify IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --iphoneos_archs ' , default = ' armv7,armv7s,arm64 ' , help = ' select iPhoneOS target ARCHS ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
os . environ [ ' IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ' ] = args . iphoneos_deployment_target
iphoneos_archs = args . iphoneos_archs . split ( ' , ' )
print ( ' Using iPhoneOS ARCHS= ' + str ( iphoneos_archs ) )
b = iOSBuilder ( args . opencv , args . contrib , args . dynamic , args . bitcodedisabled , args . without ,
( iphoneos_archs , " iPhoneOS " ) ,
] if os . environ . get ( ' BUILD_PRECOMMIT ' , None ) else
( iphoneos_archs , " iPhoneOS " ) ,
( [ " i386 " , " x86_64 " ] , " iPhoneSimulator " ) ,
] )
b . build ( args . out )