""" Rotation model images stitcher.
stitching_detailed img1 img2 [ . . . imgN ] [ flags ]
Flags :
- - preview
Run stitching in the preview mode . Works faster than usual mode ,
but output image will have lower resolution .
- - try_cuda ( yes | no )
Try to use CUDA . The default value is ' no ' . All default values
are for CPU mode .
\nMotion Estimation Flags :
- - work_megapix < float >
Resolution for image registration step . The default is 0.6 Mpx .
- - features ( surf | orb | sift )
Type of features used for images matching . The default is surf .
- - matcher ( homography | affine )
Matcher used for pairwise image matching .
- - estimator ( homography | affine )
Type of estimator used for transformation estimation .
- - match_conf < float >
Confidence for feature matching step . The default is 0.65 for surf and 0.3 for orb .
- - conf_thresh < float >
Threshold for two images are from the same panorama confidence .
The default is 1.0 .
- - ba ( no | reproj | ray | affine )
Bundle adjustment cost function . The default is ray .
- - ba_refine_mask ( mask )
Set refinement mask for bundle adjustment . It looks like ' x_xxx ' ,
where ' x ' means refine respective parameter and ' _ ' means don ' t
refine one , and has the following format :
< fx > < skew > < ppx > < aspect > < ppy > . The default mask is ' xxxxx ' . If bundle
adjustment doesn ' t support estimation of selected parameter then
the respective flag is ignored .
- - wave_correct ( no | horiz | vert )
Perform wave effect correction . The default is ' horiz ' .
- - save_graph < file_name >
Save matches graph represented in DOT language to < file_name > file .
Labels description : Nm is number of matches , Ni is number of inliers ,
C is confidence .
\nCompositing Flags :
- - warp ( affine | plane | cylindrical | spherical | fisheye | stereographic | compressedPlaneA2B1 | compressedPlaneA1 .5 B1 | compressedPlanePortraitA2B1 | compressedPlanePortraitA1 .5 B1 | paniniA2B1 | paniniA1 .5 B1 | paniniPortraitA2B1 | paniniPortraitA1 .5 B1 | mercator | transverseMercator )
Warp surface type . The default is ' spherical ' .
- - seam_megapix < float >
Resolution for seam estimation step . The default is 0.1 Mpx .
- - seam ( no | voronoi | gc_color | gc_colorgrad )
Seam estimation method . The default is ' gc_color ' .
- - compose_megapix < float >
Resolution for compositing step . Use - 1 for original resolution .
The default is - 1.
- - expos_comp ( no | gain | gain_blocks )
Exposure compensation method . The default is ' gain_blocks ' .
- - blend ( no | feather | multiband )
Blending method . The default is ' multiband ' .
- - blend_strength < float >
Blending strength from [ 0 , 100 ] range . The default is 5.
- - output < result_img >
The default is ' result.jpg ' .
- - timelapse ( as_is | crop )
Output warped images separately as frames of a time lapse movie , with ' fixed_ ' prepended to input file names .
- - rangewidth < int >
uses range_width to limit number of images to match with . \n
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import sys
import argparse
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' stitching_detailed ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' img_names ' , nargs = ' + ' , help = ' files to stitch ' , type = str )
parser . add_argument ( ' --preview ' , help = ' Run stitching in the preview mode. Works faster than usual mode but output image will have lower resolution. ' , type = bool , dest = ' preview ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --try_cuda ' , action = ' store ' , default = False , help = ' Try to use CUDA. The default value is no. All default values are for CPU mode. ' , type = bool , dest = ' try_cuda ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --work_megapix ' , action = ' store ' , default = 0.6 , help = ' Resolution for image registration step. The default is 0.6 Mpx ' , type = float , dest = ' work_megapix ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --features ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' orb ' , help = ' Type of features used for images matching. The default is orb. ' , type = str , dest = ' features ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --matcher ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' homography ' , help = ' Matcher used for pairwise image matching. ' , type = str , dest = ' matcher ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --estimator ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' homography ' , help = ' Type of estimator used for transformation estimation. ' , type = str , dest = ' estimator ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --match_conf ' , action = ' store ' , default = 0.3 , help = ' Confidence for feature matching step. The default is 0.65 for surf and 0.3 for orb. ' , type = float , dest = ' match_conf ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --conf_thresh ' , action = ' store ' , default = 1.0 , help = ' Threshold for two images are from the same panorama confidence.The default is 1.0. ' , type = float , dest = ' conf_thresh ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --ba ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' ray ' , help = ' Bundle adjustment cost function. The default is ray. ' , type = str , dest = ' ba ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --ba_refine_mask ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' xxxxx ' , help = ' Set refinement mask for bundle adjustment. mask is " xxxxx " ' , type = str , dest = ' ba_refine_mask ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --wave_correct ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' horiz ' , help = ' Perform wave effect correction. The default is " horiz " ' , type = str , dest = ' wave_correct ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --save_graph ' , action = ' store ' , default = None , help = ' Save matches graph represented in DOT language to <file_name> file. ' , type = str , dest = ' save_graph ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --warp ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' plane ' , help = ' Warp surface type. The default is " spherical " . ' , type = str , dest = ' warp ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --seam_megapix ' , action = ' store ' , default = 0.1 , help = ' Resolution for seam estimation step. The default is 0.1 Mpx. ' , type = float , dest = ' seam_megapix ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --seam ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' no ' , help = ' Seam estimation method. The default is " gc_color " . ' , type = str , dest = ' seam ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --compose_megapix ' , action = ' store ' , default = - 1 , help = ' Resolution for compositing step. Use -1 for original resolution. ' , type = float , dest = ' compose_megapix ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --expos_comp ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' no ' , help = ' Exposure compensation method. The default is " gain_blocks " . ' , type = str , dest = ' expos_comp ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --expos_comp_nr_feeds ' , action = ' store ' , default = 1 , help = ' Number of exposure compensation feed. ' , type = np . int32 , dest = ' expos_comp_nr_feeds ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --expos_comp_nr_filtering ' , action = ' store ' , default = 2 , help = ' Number of filtering iterations of the exposure compensation gains ' , type = float , dest = ' expos_comp_nr_filtering ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --expos_comp_block_size ' , action = ' store ' , default = 32 , help = ' BLock size in pixels used by the exposure compensator. ' , type = np . int32 , dest = ' expos_comp_block_size ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --blend ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' multiband ' , help = ' Blending method. The default is " multiband " . ' , type = str , dest = ' blend ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --blend_strength ' , action = ' store ' , default = 5 , help = ' Blending strength from [0,100] range. ' , type = np . int32 , dest = ' blend_strength ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --output ' , action = ' store ' , default = ' result.jpg ' , help = ' The default is " result.jpg " ' , type = str , dest = ' output ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --timelapse ' , action = ' store ' , default = None , help = ' Output warped images separately as frames of a time lapse movie, with " fixed_ " prepended to input file names. ' , type = str , dest = ' timelapse ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --rangewidth ' , action = ' store ' , default = - 1 , help = ' uses range_width to limit number of images to match with. ' , type = int , dest = ' rangewidth ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
img_names = args . img_names
print ( img_names )
preview = args . preview
try_cuda = args . try_cuda
work_megapix = args . work_megapix
seam_megapix = args . seam_megapix
compose_megapix = args . compose_megapix
conf_thresh = args . conf_thresh
features_type = args . features
matcher_type = args . matcher
estimator_type = args . estimator
ba_cost_func = args . ba
ba_refine_mask = args . ba_refine_mask
wave_correct = args . wave_correct
if wave_correct == ' no ' :
do_wave_correct = False
else :
do_wave_correct = True
if args . save_graph is None :
save_graph = False
else :
save_graph = True
save_graph_to = args . save_graph
warp_type = args . warp
if args . expos_comp == ' no ' :
expos_comp_type = cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_NO
elif args . expos_comp == ' gain ' :
expos_comp_type = cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_GAIN
elif args . expos_comp == ' gain_blocks ' :
expos_comp_type = cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_GAIN_BLOCKS
elif args . expos_comp == ' channel ' :
expos_comp_type = cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_CHANNELS
elif args . expos_comp == ' channel_blocks ' :
expos_comp_type = cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_CHANNELS_BLOCKS
else :
print ( " Bad exposure compensation method " )
exit ( )
expos_comp_nr_feeds = args . expos_comp_nr_feeds
expos_comp_nr_filtering = args . expos_comp_nr_filtering
expos_comp_block_size = args . expos_comp_block_size
match_conf = args . match_conf
seam_find_type = args . seam
blend_type = args . blend
blend_strength = args . blend_strength
result_name = args . output
if args . timelapse is not None :
timelapse = True
if args . timelapse == " as_is " :
timelapse_type = cv . detail . Timelapser_AS_IS
elif args . timelapse == " crop " :
timelapse_type = cv . detail . Timelapser_CROP
else :
print ( " Bad timelapse method " )
exit ( )
else :
timelapse = False
range_width = args . rangewidth
if features_type == ' orb ' :
finder = cv . ORB . create ( )
elif features_type == ' surf ' :
finder = cv . xfeatures2d_SURF . create ( )
elif features_type == ' sift ' :
finder = cv . xfeatures2d_SIFT . create ( )
else :
print ( " Unknown descriptor type " )
exit ( )
seam_work_aspect = 1
full_img_sizes = [ ]
features = [ ]
images = [ ]
is_work_scale_set = False
is_seam_scale_set = False
is_compose_scale_set = False ;
for name in img_names :
full_img = cv . imread ( name )
if full_img is None :
print ( " Cannot read image " , name )
exit ( )
full_img_sizes . append ( ( full_img . shape [ 1 ] , full_img . shape [ 0 ] ) )
if work_megapix < 0 :
img = full_img
work_scale = 1
is_work_scale_set = True
else :
if is_work_scale_set is False :
work_scale = min ( 1.0 , np . sqrt ( work_megapix * 1e6 / ( full_img . shape [ 0 ] * full_img . shape [ 1 ] ) ) )
is_work_scale_set = True
img = cv . resize ( src = full_img , dsize = None , fx = work_scale , fy = work_scale , interpolation = cv . INTER_LINEAR_EXACT )
if is_seam_scale_set is False :
seam_scale = min ( 1.0 , np . sqrt ( seam_megapix * 1e6 / ( full_img . shape [ 0 ] * full_img . shape [ 1 ] ) ) )
seam_work_aspect = seam_scale / work_scale
is_seam_scale_set = True
imgFea = cv . detail . computeImageFeatures2 ( finder , img )
features . append ( imgFea )
img = cv . resize ( src = full_img , dsize = None , fx = seam_scale , fy = seam_scale , interpolation = cv . INTER_LINEAR_EXACT )
images . append ( img )
if matcher_type == " affine " :
matcher = cv . detail_AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher ( False , try_cuda , match_conf )
elif range_width == - 1 :
matcher = cv . detail . BestOf2NearestMatcher_create ( try_cuda , match_conf )
else :
matcher = cv . detail . BestOf2NearestRangeMatcher_create ( range_width , try_cuda , match_conf )
p = matcher . apply2 ( features )
matcher . collectGarbage ( )
if save_graph :
f = open ( save_graph_to , " w " )
f . write ( cv . detail . matchesGraphAsString ( img_names , p , conf_thresh ) )
f . close ( )
indices = cv . detail . leaveBiggestComponent ( features , p , 0.3 )
img_subset = [ ]
img_names_subset = [ ]
full_img_sizes_subset = [ ]
num_images = len ( indices )
for i in range ( len ( indices ) ) :
img_names_subset . append ( img_names [ indices [ i , 0 ] ] )
img_subset . append ( images [ indices [ i , 0 ] ] )
full_img_sizes_subset . append ( full_img_sizes [ indices [ i , 0 ] ] )
images = img_subset ;
img_names = img_names_subset ;
full_img_sizes = full_img_sizes_subset ;
num_images = len ( img_names )
if num_images < 2 :
print ( " Need more images " )
exit ( )
if estimator_type == " affine " :
estimator = cv . detail_AffineBasedEstimator ( )
else :
estimator = cv . detail_HomographyBasedEstimator ( )
b , cameras = estimator . apply ( features , p , None )
if not b :
print ( " Homography estimation failed. " )
exit ( )
for cam in cameras :
cam . R = cam . R . astype ( np . float32 )
if ba_cost_func == " reproj " :
adjuster = cv . detail_BundleAdjusterReproj ( )
elif ba_cost_func == " ray " :
adjuster = cv . detail_BundleAdjusterRay ( )
elif ba_cost_func == " affine " :
adjuster = cv . detail_BundleAdjusterAffinePartial ( )
elif ba_cost_func == " no " :
adjuster = cv . detail_NoBundleAdjuster ( )
else :
print ( " Unknown bundle adjustment cost function: " , ba_cost_func )
exit ( )
adjuster . setConfThresh ( 1 )
refine_mask = np . zeros ( ( 3 , 3 ) , np . uint8 )
if ba_refine_mask [ 0 ] == ' x ' :
refine_mask [ 0 , 0 ] = 1
if ba_refine_mask [ 1 ] == ' x ' :
refine_mask [ 0 , 1 ] = 1
if ba_refine_mask [ 2 ] == ' x ' :
refine_mask [ 0 , 2 ] = 1
if ba_refine_mask [ 3 ] == ' x ' :
refine_mask [ 1 , 1 ] = 1
if ba_refine_mask [ 4 ] == ' x ' :
refine_mask [ 1 , 2 ] = 1
adjuster . setRefinementMask ( refine_mask )
b , cameras = adjuster . apply ( features , p , cameras )
if not b :
print ( " Camera parameters adjusting failed. " )
exit ( )
focals = [ ]
for cam in cameras :
focals . append ( cam . focal )
sorted ( focals )
if len ( focals ) % 2 == 1 :
warped_image_scale = focals [ len ( focals ) / / 2 ]
else :
warped_image_scale = ( focals [ len ( focals ) / / 2 ] + focals [ len ( focals ) / / 2 - 1 ] ) / 2
if do_wave_correct :
rmats = [ ]
for cam in cameras :
rmats . append ( np . copy ( cam . R ) )
rmats = cv . detail . waveCorrect ( rmats , cv . detail . WAVE_CORRECT_HORIZ )
for idx , cam in enumerate ( cameras ) :
cam . R = rmats [ idx ]
corners = [ ]
mask = [ ]
masks_warped = [ ]
images_warped = [ ]
sizes = [ ]
masks = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , num_images ) :
um = cv . UMat ( 255 * np . ones ( ( images [ i ] . shape [ 0 ] , images [ i ] . shape [ 1 ] ) , np . uint8 ) )
masks . append ( um )
warper = cv . PyRotationWarper ( warp_type , warped_image_scale * seam_work_aspect ) # warper peut etre nullptr?
for idx in range ( 0 , num_images ) :
K = cameras [ idx ] . K ( ) . astype ( np . float32 )
swa = seam_work_aspect
K [ 0 , 0 ] * = swa
K [ 0 , 2 ] * = swa
K [ 1 , 1 ] * = swa
K [ 1 , 2 ] * = swa
corner , image_wp = warper . warp ( images [ idx ] , K , cameras [ idx ] . R , cv . INTER_LINEAR , cv . BORDER_REFLECT )
corners . append ( corner )
sizes . append ( ( image_wp . shape [ 1 ] , image_wp . shape [ 0 ] ) )
images_warped . append ( image_wp )
p , mask_wp = warper . warp ( masks [ idx ] , K , cameras [ idx ] . R , cv . INTER_NEAREST , cv . BORDER_CONSTANT )
masks_warped . append ( mask_wp . get ( ) )
images_warped_f = [ ]
for img in images_warped :
imgf = img . astype ( np . float32 )
images_warped_f . append ( imgf )
if cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_CHANNELS == expos_comp_type :
compensator = cv . detail_ChannelsCompensator ( expos_comp_nr_feeds )
# compensator.setNrGainsFilteringIterations(expos_comp_nr_filtering)
elif cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_CHANNELS_BLOCKS == expos_comp_type :
compensator = cv . detail_BlocksChannelsCompensator ( expos_comp_block_size , expos_comp_block_size , expos_comp_nr_feeds )
# compensator.setNrGainsFilteringIterations(expos_comp_nr_filtering)
else :
compensator = cv . detail . ExposureCompensator_createDefault ( expos_comp_type )
compensator . feed ( corners = corners , images = images_warped , masks = masks_warped )
if seam_find_type == " no " :
seam_finder = cv . detail . SeamFinder_createDefault ( cv . detail . SeamFinder_NO )
elif seam_find_type == " voronoi " :
seam_finder = cv . detail . SeamFinder_createDefault ( cv . detail . SeamFinder_VORONOI_SEAM ) ;
elif seam_find_type == " gc_color " :
seam_finder = cv . detail_GraphCutSeamFinder ( " COST_COLOR " )
elif seam_find_type == " gc_colorgrad " :
seam_finder = cv . detail_GraphCutSeamFinder ( " COST_COLOR_GRAD " )
elif seam_find_type == " dp_color " :
seam_finder = cv . detail_DpSeamFinder ( " COLOR " )
elif seam_find_type == " dp_colorgrad " :
seam_finder = cv . detail_DpSeamFinder ( " COLOR_GRAD " )
if seam_finder is None :
print ( " Can ' t create the following seam finder " , seam_find_type )
exit ( )
seam_finder . find ( images_warped_f , corners , masks_warped )
imgListe = [ ]
compose_scale = 1
corners = [ ]
sizes = [ ]
images_warped = [ ]
images_warped_f = [ ]
masks = [ ]
blender = None
timelapser = None
compose_work_aspect = 1
for idx , name in enumerate ( img_names ) : # https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/samples/cpp/stitching_detailed.cpp#L725 ?
full_img = cv . imread ( name )
if not is_compose_scale_set :
if compose_megapix > 0 :
compose_scale = min ( 1.0 , np . sqrt ( compose_megapix * 1e6 / ( full_img . shape [ 0 ] * full_img . shape [ 1 ] ) ) )
is_compose_scale_set = True ;
compose_work_aspect = compose_scale / work_scale ;
warped_image_scale * = compose_work_aspect
warper = cv . PyRotationWarper ( warp_type , warped_image_scale )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( img_names ) ) :
cameras [ i ] . focal * = compose_work_aspect
cameras [ i ] . ppx * = compose_work_aspect
cameras [ i ] . ppy * = compose_work_aspect
sz = ( full_img_sizes [ i ] [ 0 ] * compose_scale , full_img_sizes [ i ] [ 1 ] * compose_scale )
K = cameras [ i ] . K ( ) . astype ( np . float32 )
roi = warper . warpRoi ( sz , K , cameras [ i ] . R ) ;
corners . append ( roi [ 0 : 2 ] )
sizes . append ( roi [ 2 : 4 ] )
if abs ( compose_scale - 1 ) > 1e-1 :
img = cv . resize ( src = full_img , dsize = None , fx = compose_scale , fy = compose_scale , interpolation = cv . INTER_LINEAR_EXACT )
else :
img = full_img ;
img_size = ( img . shape [ 1 ] , img . shape [ 0 ] ) ;
K = cameras [ idx ] . K ( ) . astype ( np . float32 )
corner , image_warped = warper . warp ( img , K , cameras [ idx ] . R , cv . INTER_LINEAR , cv . BORDER_REFLECT )
mask = 255 * np . ones ( ( img . shape [ 0 ] , img . shape [ 1 ] ) , np . uint8 )
p , mask_warped = warper . warp ( mask , K , cameras [ idx ] . R , cv . INTER_NEAREST , cv . BORDER_CONSTANT )
compensator . apply ( idx , corners [ idx ] , image_warped , mask_warped )
image_warped_s = image_warped . astype ( np . int16 )
image_warped = [ ]
dilated_mask = cv . dilate ( masks_warped [ idx ] , None )
seam_mask = cv . resize ( dilated_mask , ( mask_warped . shape [ 1 ] , mask_warped . shape [ 0 ] ) , 0 , 0 , cv . INTER_LINEAR_EXACT )
mask_warped = cv . bitwise_and ( seam_mask , mask_warped )
if blender == None and not timelapse :
blender = cv . detail . Blender_createDefault ( cv . detail . Blender_NO )
dst_sz = cv . detail . resultRoi ( corners = corners , sizes = sizes )
blend_width = np . sqrt ( dst_sz [ 2 ] * dst_sz [ 3 ] ) * blend_strength / 100
if blend_width < 1 :
blender = cv . detail . Blender_createDefault ( cv . detail . Blender_NO )
elif blend_type == " multiband " :
blender = cv . detail_MultiBandBlender ( )
blender . setNumBands ( ( np . log ( blend_width ) / np . log ( 2. ) - 1. ) . astype ( np . int ) )
elif blend_type == " feather " :
blender = cv . detail_FeatherBlender ( )
blender . setSharpness ( 1. / blend_width )
blender . prepare ( dst_sz )
elif timelapser == None and timelapse :
timelapser = cv . detail . Timelapser_createDefault ( timelapse_type )
timelapser . initialize ( corners , sizes )
if timelapse :
matones = np . ones ( ( image_warped_s . shape [ 0 ] , image_warped_s . shape [ 1 ] ) , np . uint8 )
timelapser . process ( image_warped_s , matones , corners [ idx ] )
pos_s = img_names [ idx ] . rfind ( " / " ) ;
if pos_s == - 1 :
fixedFileName = " fixed_ " + img_names [ idx ] ;
else :
fixedFileName = img_names [ idx ] [ : pos_s + 1 ] + " fixed_ " + img_names [ idx ] [ pos_s + 1 : ]
cv . imwrite ( fixedFileName , timelapser . getDst ( ) )
else :
blender . feed ( cv . UMat ( image_warped_s ) , mask_warped , corners [ idx ] )
if not timelapse :
result = None
result_mask = None
result , result_mask = blender . blend ( result , result_mask )
cv . imwrite ( result_name , result )
zoomx = 600 / result . shape [ 1 ]
dst = cv . normalize ( src = result , dst = None , alpha = 255. , norm_type = cv . NORM_MINMAX , dtype = cv . CV_8U )
dst = cv . resize ( dst , dsize = None , fx = zoomx , fy = zoomx )
cv . imshow ( result_name , dst )
cv . waitKey ( )