Class providing memory buffers for :ocv:func:`ocl::matchTemplate` function, plus it allows to adjust some specific parameters. ::
struct CV_EXPORTS MatchTemplateBuf
Size user_block_size;
oclMat imagef, templf;
std::vector<oclMat> images;
std::vector<oclMat> image_sums;
std::vector<oclMat> image_sqsums;
You can use field `user_block_size` to set specific block size for :ocv:func:`ocl::matchTemplate` function. If you leave its default value `Size(0,0)` then automatic estimation of block size will be used (which is optimized for speed). By varying `user_block_size` you can reduce memory requirements at the cost of speed.
:param image:Source image. ``CV_32F`` and ``CV_8U`` depth images (1..4 channels) are supported for now.
:param templ:Template image with the size and type the same as ``image`` .
:param result:Map containing comparison results ( ``CV_32FC1`` ). If ``image`` is *W x H* and ``templ`` is *w x h*, then ``result`` must be *W-w+1 x H-h+1*.
:param method:Specifies the way to compare the template with the image.