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87 lines
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14 years ago
#include "image_pool.h"
#include "yuv420sp2rgb.h"
#include <android/log.h>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_opencv_jni_opencvJNI_addYUVtoPool(JNIEnv * env,
jclass thiz, jlong ppool, jobject _jpool, jbyteArray jbuffer,
jint jidx, jint jwidth, jint jheight, jboolean jgrey) {
image_pool *pool = (image_pool *) ppool;
Ptr<Mat> mat = pool->getYUV(jidx);
if (mat.empty() || mat->cols != jwidth || mat->rows != jheight * 2) {
mat = new Mat(jheight * 2, jwidth, CV_8UC1);
jsize sz = env->GetArrayLength(jbuffer);
uchar* buff = mat->ptr<uchar> (0);
env->GetByteArrayRegion(jbuffer, 0, sz, (jbyte*) buff);
pool->addYUVMat(jidx, mat);
Ptr<Mat> color = pool->getImage(jidx);
if (color.empty() || color->cols != jwidth || color->rows != jheight) {
color = new Mat(jheight, jwidth, CV_8UC3);
if (!jgrey) {
//doesn't work unfortunately..
//cvtColor(*mat,*color, CV_YCrCb2RGB);
color_convert_common(buff, buff + jwidth * jheight, jwidth, jheight,
color->ptr<uchar> (0), false);
if (jgrey) {
Mat grey;
pool->getGrey(jidx, grey);
cvtColor(grey, *color, CV_GRAY2RGB);
pool->addImage(jidx, color);
image_pool::image_pool() {
image_pool::~image_pool() {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "image_pool", "destructor called");
cv::Ptr<Mat> image_pool::getImage(int i) {
return imagesmap[i];
void image_pool::getGrey(int i, Mat & grey) {
cv::Ptr<Mat> tm = yuvImagesMap[i];
if (tm.empty())
grey = (*tm)(Range(0, tm->rows / 2), Range::all());
cv::Ptr<Mat> image_pool::getYUV(int i) {
return yuvImagesMap[i];
void image_pool::addYUVMat(int i, cv::Ptr<Mat> mat) {
yuvImagesMap[i] = mat;
void image_pool::addImage(int i, cv::Ptr<Mat> mat) {
imagesmap[i] = mat;