#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import json
from os import path
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from build_java_shared_aar import cleanup, fill_template, get_compiled_aar_path, get_opencv_version
ANDROID_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "aar-template")
TEMP_DIR = "build_static"
ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR = path.join(TEMP_DIR, "AndroidProject")
COMPILED_AAR_PATH_1 = path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/build/outputs/aar/OpenCV-release.aar") # original package name
COMPILED_AAR_PATH_2 = path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/build/outputs/aar/opencv-release.aar") # lower case package name
AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR = path.join(TEMP_DIR, "aar_unzipped")
FINAL_AAR_PATH_TEMPLATE = "outputs/opencv_static_<OPENCV_VERSION>.aar"
FINAL_REPO_PATH = "outputs/maven_repo"
MAVEN_PACKAGE_NAME = "opencv-static"
def get_list_of_opencv_libs(sdk_dir):
files = os.listdir(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/staticlibs/arm64-v8a"))
libs = [f[3:-2] for f in files if f[:3] == "lib" and f[-2:] == ".a"]
return libs
def get_list_of_3rdparty_libs(sdk_dir, abis):
libs = []
for abi in abis:
files = os.listdir(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/" + abi))
cur_libs = [f[3:-2] for f in files if f[:3] == "lib" and f[-2:] == ".a"]
for lib in cur_libs:
if lib not in libs:
return libs
def add_printing_linked_libs(sdk_dir, opencv_libs):
Modifies CMakeLists.txt file in Android project, so it prints linked libraries for each OpenCV library"
sdk_jni_dir = sdk_dir + "/sdk/native/jni"
with open(path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt"), "a") as f:
f.write('\nset(OpenCV_DIR "' + sdk_jni_dir + '")\n')
f.write('find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)\n')
for lib_name in opencv_libs:
output_filename_prefix = "linkedlibs." + lib_name + "."
f.write('get_target_property(OUT "' + lib_name + '" INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)\n')
f.write('file(WRITE "' + output_filename_prefix + '${ANDROID_ABI}.txt" "${OUT}")\n')
def read_linked_libs(lib_name, abis):
Reads linked libs for each OpenCV library from files, that was generated by gradle. See add_printing_linked_libs()
deps_lists = []
for abi in abis:
with open(path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/src/main/cpp", f"linkedlibs.{lib_name}.{abi}.txt")) as f:
text = f.read()
linked_libs = text.split(";")
linked_libs = [x.replace("$<LINK_ONLY:", "").replace(">", "") for x in linked_libs]
return merge_dependencies_lists(deps_lists)
def merge_dependencies_lists(deps_lists):
One library may have different dependencies for different ABIS.
We need to merge them into one list with all the dependencies preserving the order.
result = []
for d_list in deps_lists:
for i in range(len(d_list)):
if d_list[i] not in result:
if i == 0:
index = result.index(d_list[i-1])
result = result[:index + 1] + [d_list[i]] + result[index + 1:]
return result
def convert_deps_list_to_prefab(linked_libs, opencv_libs, external_libs):
Converting list of dependencies into prefab format.
prefab_linked_libs = []
for lib in linked_libs:
if (lib in opencv_libs) or (lib in external_libs):
prefab_linked_libs.append(":" + lib)
elif (lib[:3] == "lib" and lib[3:] in external_libs):
prefab_linked_libs.append(":" + lib[3:])
elif lib == "ocv.3rdparty.android_mediandk":
prefab_linked_libs += ["-landroid", "-llog", "-lmediandk"]
print("Warning: manualy handled ocv.3rdparty.android_mediandk dependency")
elif lib == "ocv.3rdparty.flatbuffers":
print("Warning: manualy handled ocv.3rdparty.flatbuffers dependency")
elif lib.startswith("ocv.3rdparty"):
raise Exception("Unknown lib " + lib)
prefab_linked_libs.append("-l" + lib)
return prefab_linked_libs
def main(args):
opencv_version = get_opencv_version(args.opencv_sdk_path)
abis = os.listdir(path.join(args.opencv_sdk_path, "sdk/native/libs"))
final_aar_path = FINAL_AAR_PATH_TEMPLATE.replace("<OPENCV_VERSION>", opencv_version)
sdk_dir = args.opencv_sdk_path
print("Removing data from previous runs...")
cleanup([TEMP_DIR, final_aar_path, path.join(FINAL_REPO_PATH, "org/opencv", MAVEN_PACKAGE_NAME)])
print("Preparing Android project...")
# ANDROID_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_DIR contains an Android project template that creates AAR
# Configuring the Android project to static C++ libs version
fill_template(path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/build.gradle.template"),
path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/build.gradle"),
{"LIB_NAME": "templib",
"LIB_TYPE": "c++_static",
"OPENCV_VERSION": opencv_version,
"COMPILE_SDK": args.android_compile_sdk,
"MIN_SDK": args.android_min_sdk,
"TARGET_SDK": args.android_target_sdk,
"ABI_FILTERS": ", ".join(['"' + x + '"' for x in abis]),
"JAVA_VERSION": args.java_version,
fill_template(path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt.template"),
path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt"),
{"LIB_NAME": "templib", "LIB_TYPE": "STATIC"})
local_props = ""
if args.ndk_location:
local_props += "ndk.dir=" + args.ndk_location + "\n"
if args.cmake_location:
local_props += "cmake.dir=" + args.cmake_location + "\n"
if local_props:
with open(path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "local.properties"), "wt") as f:
opencv_libs = get_list_of_opencv_libs(sdk_dir)
external_libs = get_list_of_3rdparty_libs(sdk_dir, abis)
add_printing_linked_libs(sdk_dir, opencv_libs)
print("Running gradle assembleRelease...")
# Running gradle to build the Android project
subprocess.run(["./gradlew", "assembleRelease"],
# The created AAR package contains only one empty libtemplib.a library.
# We need to add OpenCV libraries manually.
# AAR package is just a zip archive
complied_aar_path = get_compiled_aar_path(COMPILED_AAR_PATH_1, COMPILED_AAR_PATH_2) # two possible paths
shutil.unpack_archive(complied_aar_path, AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "zip")
print("Adding libs to AAR...")
# Copying 3rdparty libs from SDK into the AAR
for lib in external_libs:
for abi in abis:
os.makedirs(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi))
if path.exists(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/" + abi, "lib" + lib + ".a")):
shutil.copy(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/" + abi, "lib" + lib + ".a"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi, "lib" + lib + ".a"))
# One OpenCV library may have different dependency lists for different ABIs, but we can write only one
# full dependency list for all ABIs. So we just add empty .a library if this ABI doesn't have this dependency.
shutil.copy(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/templib/libs/android." + abi, "libtemplib.a"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi, "lib" + lib + ".a"))
shutil.copy(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/templib/libs/android." + abi + "/abi.json"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi + "/abi.json"))
shutil.copy(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/templib/module.json"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/module.json"))
# Copying OpenV libs from SDK into the AAR
for lib in opencv_libs:
for abi in abis:
os.makedirs(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi))
shutil.copy(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/staticlibs/" + abi, "lib" + lib + ".a"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi, "lib" + lib + ".a"))
shutil.copy(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/templib/libs/android." + abi + "/abi.json"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/libs/android." + abi + "/abi.json"))
os.makedirs(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/include/opencv2"))
shutil.copy(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/" + lib.replace("opencv_", "") + ".hpp"),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/include/opencv2/" + lib.replace("opencv_", "") + ".hpp"))
shutil.copytree(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/" + lib.replace("opencv_", "")),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/include/opencv2/" + lib.replace("opencv_", "")))
# Adding dependencies list
module_json_text = {
"export_libraries": convert_deps_list_to_prefab(read_linked_libs(lib, abis), opencv_libs, external_libs),
"android": {},
with open(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/" + lib + "/module.json"), "w") as f:
json.dump(module_json_text, f)
for h_file in ("cvconfig.h", "opencv.hpp", "opencv_modules.hpp"):
shutil.copy(path.join(sdk_dir, "sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/" + h_file),
path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/opencv_core/include/opencv2/" + h_file))
shutil.rmtree(path.join(AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, "prefab/modules/templib"))
# Creating final AAR zip archive
os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True)
shutil.make_archive(final_aar_path, "zip", AAR_UNZIPPED_DIR, ".")
os.rename(final_aar_path + ".zip", final_aar_path)
print("Creating local maven repo...")
shutil.copy(final_aar_path, path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/opencv-release.aar"))
subprocess.run(["./gradlew", "publishReleasePublicationToMyrepoRepository"],
os.makedirs(path.join(FINAL_REPO_PATH, "org/opencv"), exist_ok=True)
shutil.move(path.join(ANDROID_PROJECT_DIR, "OpenCV/build/repo/org/opencv", MAVEN_PACKAGE_NAME),
path.join(FINAL_REPO_PATH, "org/opencv", MAVEN_PACKAGE_NAME))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Builds AAR with static C++ libs from OpenCV SDK")
parser.add_argument('--android_compile_sdk', default="31")
parser.add_argument('--android_min_sdk', default="21")
parser.add_argument('--android_target_sdk', default="31")
parser.add_argument('--java_version', default="1_8")
parser.add_argument('--ndk_location', default="")
parser.add_argument('--cmake_location', default="")
args = parser.parse_args()