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Open Source Computer Vision Library
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198 lines
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198 lines
8.1 KiB
10 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from run_utils import *
from run_suite import TestSuite
def exe(program):
return program + ".exe" if hostos == 'nt' else program
class ApkInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.pkg_name = None
self.pkg_target = None
self.pkg_runner = None
def forcePackage(self, package):
if package:
if package.startswith("."):
self.pkg_target += package
self.pkg_target = package
class Tool:
def __init__(self):
self.cmd = []
def run(self, args = [], silent = False):
cmd = self.cmd[:]
return execute(self.cmd + args, silent)
class Adb(Tool):
def __init__(self, sdk_dir):
exe_path = os.path.join(sdk_dir, exe("platform-tools/adb"))
if not os.path.isfile(exe_path) or not os.access(exe_path, os.X_OK):
exe_path = None
# fix adb tool location
if not exe_path:
exe_path = getRunningProcessExePathByName("adb")
if not exe_path:
exe_path = "adb"
self.cmd = [exe_path]
self.cpuinfo = ""
def init(self, serial):
# remember current device serial. Needed if another device is connected while this script runs
if not serial:
serial = self.detectSerial()
if serial:
self.cmd.extend(["-s", serial])
# read device cpuinfo
self.cpuinfo = self.run(["shell", "cat /proc/cpuinfo"], silent = True)
if not self.cpuinfo:
raise Err("Can not get cpuinfo from Android device")
def detectSerial(self):
adb_res = self.run(["devices"], silent = True)
# assume here that device name may consists of any characters except newline
connected_devices = re.findall(r"^[^\n]+[ \t]+device\r?$", adb_res, re.MULTILINE)
if not connected_devices:
raise Err("Can not find Android device")
elif len(connected_devices) != 1:
raise Err("Too many (%s) devices are connected. Please specify single device using --serial option:\n\n%s", len(connected_devices), adb_res)
return connected_devices[0].split("\t")[0]
def getOSIdentifier(self):
return "Android" + self.run(["shell", "getprop ro.build.version.release"], silent = True).strip()
def getHardware(self):
hw = re.search(r"^Hardware[ \t]*:[ \t]*(.*?)$", self.cpuinfo, re.MULTILINE)
if hw:
return hw.group(1).strip()
def checkArmHardware(self, expected_abi):
if expected_abi and "armeabi-v7a" in expected_abi:
if "ARMv7" not in self.cpuinfo:
raise Err("Android device does not support ARMv7 commands, but tests are built for armeabi-v7a")
if "NEON" in expected_abi and "neon" not in self.cpuinfo:
raise Err("Android device has no NEON, but tests are built for %s", expected_abi)
class Aapt(Tool):
def __init__(self, sdk_dir):
aapt_fn = exe("aapt")
aapt = None
for r, ds, fs in os.walk( os.path.join(sdk_dir, 'build-tools') ):
if aapt_fn in fs:
aapt = os.path.join(r, aapt_fn)
if not aapt:
raise Err("Can not find aapt tool: %s", aapt_fn)
self.cmd = [aapt]
def dump(self, exe):
res = ApkInfo()
output = self.run(["dump", "xmltree", exe, "AndroidManifest.xml"], silent = True)
if not output:
raise Err("Can not dump manifest from %s", exe)
tags = re.split(r"[ ]+E: ", output)
# get package name
manifest_tag = [t for t in tags if t.startswith("manifest ")]
if not manifest_tag:
raise Err("Can not read package name from: %s", exe)
res.pkg_name = re.search(r"^[ ]+A: package=\"(?P<pkg>.*?)\" \(Raw: \"(?P=pkg)\"\)\r?$", manifest_tag[0], flags=re.MULTILINE).group("pkg")
# get test instrumentation info
instrumentation_tag = [t for t in tags if t.startswith("instrumentation ")]
if not instrumentation_tag:
raise Err("Can not find instrumentation detials in: %s", exe)
res.pkg_runner = re.search(r"^[ ]+A: android:name\(0x[0-9a-f]{8}\)=\"(?P<runner>.*?)\" \(Raw: \"(?P=runner)\"\)\r?$", instrumentation_tag[0], flags=re.MULTILINE).group("runner")
res.pkg_target = re.search(r"^[ ]+A: android:targetPackage\(0x[0-9a-f]{8}\)=\"(?P<pkg>.*?)\" \(Raw: \"(?P=pkg)\"\)\r?$", instrumentation_tag[0], flags=re.MULTILINE).group("pkg")
if not res.pkg_name or not res.pkg_runner or not res.pkg_target:
raise Err("Can not find instrumentation detials in: %s", exe)
return res
class AndroidTestSuite(TestSuite):
def __init__(self, options, cache, android_env = {}):
TestSuite.__init__(self, options, cache)
sdk_dir = options.android_sdk or os.environ.get("ANDROID_SDK", False) or os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(self.cache.android_executable))
log.debug("Detecting Android tools in directory: %s", sdk_dir)
self.adb = Adb(sdk_dir)
self.aapt = Aapt(sdk_dir)
self.env = android_env
def isTest(self, fullpath):
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
if fullpath.endswith(".apk") or os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK):
return True
return False
def getOS(self):
return self.adb.getOSIdentifier()
def getHardware(self):
return [self.adb.getHardware()]
def checkPrerequisites(self):
def runTest(self, path, logfile, workingDir, args = []):
args = args[:]
exe = os.path.abspath(path)
if exe.endswith(".apk"):
info = self.aapt.dump(exe)
if not info:
raise Err("Can not read info from test package: %s", exe)
self.adb.run(["uninstall", info.pkg_name])
output = self.adb.run(["install", exe], silent = True)
if not (output and "Success" in output):
raise Err("Can not install package: %s", exe)
params = ["-e package %s" % info.pkg_target]
ret = self.adb.run(["shell", "am instrument -w %s %s/%s" % (" ".join(params), info.pkg_name, info.pkg_runner)])
return None, ret
device_dir = getpass.getuser().replace(" ","") + "_" + self.options.mode +"/"
if isColorEnabled(args):
tempdir = "/data/local/tmp/"
android_dir = tempdir + device_dir
exename = os.path.basename(exe)
android_exe = android_dir + exename
self.adb.run(["push", exe, android_exe])
self.adb.run(["shell", "chmod 777 " + android_exe])
env_pieces = ["export %s=%s" % (a,b) for a,b in self.env.items()]
pieces = ["cd %s" % android_dir, "./%s %s" % (exename, " ".join(args))]
log.warning("Run: %s" % " && ".join(pieces))
ret = self.adb.run(["shell", " && ".join(env_pieces + pieces)])
# try get log
hostlogpath = os.path.join(workingDir, logfile)
self.adb.run(["pull", android_dir + logfile, hostlogpath])
# cleanup
self.adb.run(["shell", "rm " + android_dir + logfile])
self.adb.run(["shell", "rm " + tempdir + "__opencv_temp.*"], silent = True)
if os.path.isfile(hostlogpath):
return hostlogpath, ret
return None, ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
log.error("This is utility file, please execute run.py script")