name: PR:3.4 W10
- 3.4
OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv_extra\testdata
PR_AUTHOR: ${{ github.event.pull_request.user.login }}
PR_AUTHOR_FORK: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME: ${{ github.head_ref }}
TARGET_BRANCH_NAME: ${{ github.base_ref }}
GTEST_FILTER_STRING: '-Samples.findFile'
GIT_CACHE: c:\Slave\git_cache
runs-on: opencv-cn-win
shell: cmd
- name: PR info
run: |
echo "PR Author: ${{ env.PR_AUTHOR }}"
echo "Source branch name: ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}"
echo "Target branch name: ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH_NAME }}"
- name: Clean
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }} && rm -rf *
- name: Fetch opencv
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }} && git clone --branch ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH_NAME }} --reference ${{ env.GIT_CACHE }}\opencv.git git@github.com:opencv/opencv.git
- name: Merge opencv with ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }} branch
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv
git config user.email "opencv.ci"
git config user.name "opencv.ci"
git pull -v "git@github.com:${{ env.PR_AUTHOR_FORK }}" "${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}"
- name: Fetch opencv_extra
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }} && git clone --single-branch --branch ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH_NAME }} --reference ${{ env.GIT_CACHE }}\opencv_extra.git git@github.com:opencv/opencv_extra.git
- name: Merge opencv_extra with ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }} branch
shell: bash
run: |
RET=$(git ls-remote --heads "git@github.com:${{ env.PR_AUTHOR }}/opencv_extra" "${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}") || true
if [[ ! -z "$RET" ]]; then
echo "Merge opencv_extra with ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }} branch"
cd opencv_extra
git config user.email "opencv.ci"
git config user.name "opencv.ci"
git pull -v "git@github.com:${{ env.PR_AUTHOR }}/opencv_extra" "${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}"
echo "No merge since ${{ env.PR_AUTHOR }}/opencv_extra does not have branch ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}"
- name: Configure OpenCV
run: |
mkdir ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
cmake -G Ninja ${{ env.EXTRA_CMAKE_OPTIONS }} ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv
- name: Build OpenCV
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
- name: Accuracy:calib3d
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_calib3d.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:core
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_core.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:dnn
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_dnn.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:features2d
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_features2d.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:flann
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_flann.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:highgui
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_highgui.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:imgcodecs
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_imgcodecs.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:imgproc
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_imgproc.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:ml
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_ml.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:objdetect
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_objdetect.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:photo
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_photo.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:shape
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_shape.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:stitching
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_stitching.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:superres
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_superres.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:video
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_video.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:videoio
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_videoio.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Accuracy:videostab
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_test_videostab.exe --skip_unstable --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:calib3d
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_calib3d.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:core
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_core.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:dnn
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_dnn.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:features2d
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_features2d.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:imgcodecs
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_imgcodecs.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:imgproc
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_imgproc.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:objdetect
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_objdetect.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:photo
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_photo.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:stitching
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_stitching.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:superres
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_superres.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:video
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_video.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Performance:videoio
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build && bin\opencv_perf_videoio.exe --perf_impl=plain --perf_min_samples=1 --perf_force_samples=1 --perf_verify_sanity --skip_unstable=1 --gtest_filter=${{ env.GTEST_FILTER_STRING }}
- name: Python3
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv\modules\python\test
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build\python_loader;${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build\lib\python3
set PATH=%PATH%;${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build\bin;${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build\lib\python3
python test.py --repo ..\..\..\ -v
- name: Java
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build
set PATH=%PATH%;${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-build\bin
${{ github.workspace }}\opencv\modules\ts\misc\run.py . -a -t java
runs-on: opencv-cn-win
shell: cmd
- name: PR info
run: |
echo "PR Author: ${{ env.PR_AUTHOR }}"
echo "Source branch name: ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}"
echo "Target branch name: ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH_NAME }}"
- name: Clean
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }} && rm -rf *
- name: Fetch opencv
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }} && git clone --branch ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH_NAME }} --reference ${{ env.GIT_CACHE }}\opencv.git git@github.com:opencv/opencv.git
- name: Merge opencv with ${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }} branch
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv
git config user.email "opencv.ci"
git config user.name "opencv.ci"
git pull -v "git@github.com:${{ env.PR_AUTHOR_FORK }}" "${{ env.SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME }}"
- name: Fetch opencv_contrib
run: cd ${{ github.workspace }} && git clone --single-branch --branch ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH_NAME }} --reference ${{ env.GIT_CACHE }}\opencv_contrib.git --depth 1 git@github.com:opencv/opencv_contrib.git
- name: Configure OpenCV Contrib
run: |
mkdir ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-contrib-build && cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-contrib-build
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
cmake -G Ninja ${{ env.EXTRA_CMAKE_OPTIONS }} -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}\opencv_contrib\modules ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv
- name: Build OpenCV Contrib
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}\opencv-contrib-build
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"