Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <time.h>
#include <opencv2/ts.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/util.hpp>
#include "gapi_tests_helpers.hpp"
#include <opencv2/gapi/render/render.hpp>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const cv::GCompileArg& arg)
return o << (arg.tag.empty() ? "empty" : arg.tag);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim& p)
using namespace cv::gapi::wip::draw;
switch (p.index())
case Prim::index_of<Rect>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Rect";
case Prim::index_of<Text>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Text";
case Prim::index_of<Circle>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Circle";
case Prim::index_of<Line>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Line";
case Prim::index_of<Mosaic>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Mosaic";
case Prim::index_of<Image>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Image";
case Prim::index_of<Poly>():
o << "cv::gapi::draw::Poly";
default: o << "Unrecognized primitive";
return o;
template <typename T> inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point_<T>& pt)
pt = cv::Point_<T>(static_cast<T>(static_cast<char>(rng(CHAR_MAX + 1U))),
static_cast<T>(static_cast<char>(rng(CHAR_MAX + 1U))));
template <typename T> inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point3_<T>& pt)
pt = cv::Point3_<T>(static_cast<T>(static_cast<char>(rng(CHAR_MAX + 1U))),
static_cast<T>(static_cast<char>(rng(CHAR_MAX + 1U))),
static_cast<T>(static_cast<char>(rng(CHAR_MAX + 1U))));
template <typename F> inline void initFloatPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point_<F> &pt)
static const int fscale = 256; // avoid bits near ULP, generate stable test input
pt = cv::Point_<F>(rng.uniform(0, 255 * fscale) / static_cast<F>(fscale),
rng.uniform(0, 255 * fscale) / static_cast<F>(fscale));
template<> inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point2f &pt)
{ initFloatPointRandU(rng, pt); }
template<> inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point2d &pt)
{ initFloatPointRandU(rng, pt); }
template <typename F> inline void initFloatPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point3_<F> &pt)
static const int fscale = 256; // avoid bits near ULP, generate stable test input
pt = cv::Point3_<F>(rng.uniform(0, 255 * fscale) / static_cast<F>(fscale),
rng.uniform(0, 255 * fscale) / static_cast<F>(fscale),
rng.uniform(0, 255 * fscale) / static_cast<F>(fscale));
template<> inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point3f &pt)
{ initFloatPointRandU(rng, pt); }
template<> inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG &rng, cv::Point3d &pt)
{ initFloatPointRandU(rng, pt); }
} // namespace
namespace opencv_test
class TestFunctional
cv::Mat in_mat1;
cv::Mat in_mat2;
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi;
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv;
cv::Scalar sc;
// integral Scalar initialization
cv::Scalar initScalarRandU(unsigned upper)
cv::RNG rng(time(nullptr));
double s1 = rng(upper);
double s2 = rng(upper);
double s3 = rng(upper);
double s4 = rng(upper);
return cv::Scalar(s1, s2, s3, s4);
// floating-point Scalar initialization (cv::core)
cv::Scalar initScalarRandU()
cv::RNG rng(time(nullptr));
double s1 = exp(rng.uniform(-1, 6) * 3.0 * CV_LOG2) * (rng.uniform(0, 2) ? 1. : -1.);
double s2 = exp(rng.uniform(-1, 6) * 3.0 * CV_LOG2) * (rng.uniform(0, 2) ? 1. : -1.);
double s3 = exp(rng.uniform(-1, 6) * 3.0 * CV_LOG2) * (rng.uniform(0, 2) ? 1. : -1.);
double s4 = exp(rng.uniform(-1, 6) * 3.0 * CV_LOG2) * (rng.uniform(0, 2) ? 1. : -1.);
return cv::Scalar(s1, s2, s3, s4);
void initOutMats(cv::Size sz_in, int dtype)
if (dtype != -1)
out_mat_gapi = cv::Mat(sz_in, dtype);
out_mat_ocv = cv::Mat(sz_in, dtype);
void initMatsRandU(int type, cv::Size sz_in, int dtype, bool createOutputMatrices = true)
in_mat1 = cv::Mat(sz_in, type);
in_mat2 = cv::Mat(sz_in, type);
int sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
int ddepth = (dtype >= 0) ? CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype)
: sdepth; // dtype == -1 <=> dtype == SAME_TYPE
if ((sdepth >= CV_32F) || (ddepth >= CV_32F))
sc = initScalarRandU(); // initializing by floating-points
switch (sdepth)
case CV_8U:
sc = initScalarRandU(UCHAR_MAX + 1U);
case CV_16U:
sc = initScalarRandU(USHRT_MAX + 1U);
case CV_16S:
sc = initScalarRandU(SHRT_MAX + 1U);
sc = initScalarRandU(SCHAR_MAX + 1U);
// Details:
//if (CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F)
if (1)
cv::randu(in_mat1, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255));
cv::randu(in_mat2, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255));
const int fscale = 256; // avoid bits near ULP, generate stable test input
Mat in_mat32s(in_mat1.size(), CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32S, CV_MAT_CN(type)));
cv::randu(in_mat32s, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255 * fscale));
in_mat32s.convertTo(in_mat1, type, 1.0f / fscale, 0);
cv::randu(in_mat32s, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255 * fscale));
in_mat32s.convertTo(in_mat2, type, 1.0f / fscale, 0);
if (createOutputMatrices)
initOutMats(sz_in, dtype);
void initMatrixRandU(int type, cv::Size sz_in, int dtype, bool createOutputMatrices = true)
in_mat1 = cv::Mat(sz_in, type);
int sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
int ddepth = (dtype >= 0) ? CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype)
: sdepth; // dtype == -1 <=> dtype == SAME_TYPE
if ((sdepth >= CV_32F) || (ddepth >= CV_32F))
sc = initScalarRandU();
switch (sdepth)
case CV_8U:
sc = initScalarRandU(UCHAR_MAX + 1U);
case CV_16U:
sc = initScalarRandU(USHRT_MAX + 1U);
case CV_16S:
sc = initScalarRandU(SHRT_MAX + 1U);
sc = initScalarRandU(SCHAR_MAX + 1U);
if (CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F)
cv::randu(in_mat1, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255));
const int fscale = 256; // avoid bits near ULP, generate stable test input
Mat in_mat32s(in_mat1.size(), CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32S, CV_MAT_CN(type)));
cv::randu(in_mat32s, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255 * fscale));
in_mat32s.convertTo(in_mat1, type, 1.0f / fscale, 0);
if (createOutputMatrices)
initOutMats(sz_in, dtype);
void initMatrixRandN(int type, cv::Size sz_in, int dtype, bool createOutputMatrices = true)
in_mat1 = cv::Mat(sz_in, type);
cv::randn(in_mat1, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
if (createOutputMatrices)
initOutMats(sz_in, dtype);
void initMatFromImage(int type, const std::string& fileName)
int channels = (type >> CV_CN_SHIFT) + 1;
GAPI_Assert(channels == 1 || channels == 3 || channels == 4);
const int readFlags = (channels == 1) ? cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE : cv::IMREAD_COLOR;
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(findDataFile(fileName), readFlags);
if (channels == 4)
cv::cvtColor(mat, in_mat1, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
in_mat1 = mat;
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
if (in_mat1.depth() != depth)
in_mat1.convertTo(in_mat1, depth);
void initMatsFromImages(int channels, const std::string& pattern, int imgNum)
GAPI_Assert(channels == 1 || channels == 3 || channels == 4);
const int flags = (channels == 1) ? cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE : cv::IMREAD_COLOR;
cv::Mat m1 = cv::imread(findDataFile(cv::format(pattern.c_str(), imgNum)), flags);
cv::Mat m2 = cv::imread(findDataFile(cv::format(pattern.c_str(), imgNum + 1)), flags);
if (channels == 4)
cvtColor(m1, in_mat1, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
cvtColor(m2, in_mat2, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
std::tie(in_mat1, in_mat2) = std::make_tuple(m1, m2);
template <typename T>
inline void initPointRandU(cv::RNG& rng, T& pt) const
{ ::initPointRandU(rng, pt); }
// Disable unreachable code warning for MSVS 2015
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1910 /*MSVS 2017*/
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4702)
// initialize std::vector<cv::Point_<T>>/std::vector<cv::Point3_<T>>
template <typename T, template <typename> class Pt>
void initPointsVectorRandU(const int sz_in, std::vector<Pt<T>> &vec_) const
cv::RNG& rng = theRNG();
for (int i = 0; i < sz_in; i++)
Pt<T> pt;
initPointRandU(rng, pt);
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1910 /*MSVS 2017*/
#pragma warning(pop)
template<typename Pt>
inline void initMatByPointsVectorRandU(const cv::Size &sz_in)
std::vector<Pt> in_vector;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz_in.width, in_vector);
in_mat1 = cv::Mat(in_vector, true);
// initialize Mat by a vector of Points
template<template <typename> class Pt>
inline void initMatByPointsVectorRandU(int type, cv::Size sz_in, int)
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
switch (depth)
case CV_8U:
case CV_8S:
case CV_16U:
case CV_16S:
case CV_32S:
case CV_32F:
case CV_64F:
case CV_16F:
GAPI_Error("Unsupported depth");
// empty function intended to show that nothing is to be initialized via TestFunctional methods
void initNothing(int, cv::Size, int, bool = true) {}
template<class T>
class TestPerfParams: public TestFunctional, public perf::TestBaseWithParam<T>{};
// FIXME: re-use MatType. current problem: "special values" interpreted incorrectly (-1 is printed
// as 16FC512)
struct MatType2
MatType2(int val = 0) : _value(val) {}
operator int() const { return _value; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MatType2& t)
switch (t)
case -1: return os << "SAME_TYPE";
default: PrintTo(MatType(t), &os); return os;
int _value;
// Universal parameter wrapper for common (pre-defined) and specific (user-defined) parameters
template<typename CommonParams, typename SpecificParams>
struct ParamsBase;
template<typename... CommonParams, typename... SpecificParams>
struct ParamsBase<std::tuple<CommonParams...>, std::tuple<SpecificParams...>>
using common_params_t = std::tuple<CommonParams...>;
using specific_params_t = std::tuple<SpecificParams...>;
using params_t = std::tuple<CommonParams..., SpecificParams...>;
static constexpr const size_t common_params_size = std::tuple_size<common_params_t>::value;
static constexpr const size_t specific_params_size = std::tuple_size<specific_params_t>::value;
template<size_t I>
static const typename std::tuple_element<I, common_params_t>::type&
getCommon(const params_t& t)
static_assert(I < common_params_size, "Index out of range");
return std::get<I>(t);
template<size_t I>
static const typename std::tuple_element<I, specific_params_t>::type&
getSpecific(const params_t& t)
static_assert(specific_params_size > 0,
"Impossible to call this function: no specific parameters specified");
static_assert(I < specific_params_size, "Index out of range");
return std::get<common_params_size + I>(t);
template<typename... SpecificParams>
struct Params : public ParamsBase<std::tuple<MatType2,cv::Size,MatType2,cv::GCompileArgs(*)()>,
static constexpr const size_t compile_args_num = 3;
template<typename ...SpecificParams>
struct ParamsSpecific : public ParamsBase<std::tuple<cv::GCompileArgs(*)()>,
static constexpr const size_t compile_args_num = 0;
// Base class for test fixtures
template<typename AllParams>
struct TestWithParamsBase : TestFunctional, TestWithParam<typename AllParams::params_t>
// Get common (pre-defined) parameter value by index
template<size_t I>
inline auto getCommonParam() const
-> decltype(AllParams::template getCommon<I>(this->GetParam()))
return AllParams::template getCommon<I>(this->GetParam());
// Get specific (user-defined) parameter value by index
template<size_t I>
inline auto getSpecificParam() const
-> decltype(AllParams::template getSpecific<I>(this->GetParam()))
return AllParams::template getSpecific<I>(this->GetParam());
// Return G-API compile arguments specified for test fixture
inline cv::GCompileArgs getCompileArgs() const
return getCommonParam<AllParams::compile_args_num>()();
template<typename... SpecificParams>
struct TestWithParams : public TestWithParamsBase<Params<SpecificParams...>>
using AllParams = Params<SpecificParams...>;
MatType2 type = this->template getCommonParam<0>();
cv::Size sz = this->template getCommonParam<1>();
MatType2 dtype = this->template getCommonParam<2>();
template<typename... SpecificParams>
struct TestWithParamsSpecific : public TestWithParamsBase<ParamsSpecific<SpecificParams...>>
using AllParams = ParamsSpecific<SpecificParams...>;
* @private
* @brief Create G-API test fixture with TestWithParams base class
* @param Fixture test fixture name
* @param InitF callable that will initialize default available members (from TestFunctional)
* @param API base class API. Specifies types of user-defined parameters. If there are no such
* parameters, empty angle brackets ("<>") must be specified.
* @param Number number of user-defined parameters (corresponds to the number of types in API).
* if there are no such parameters, 0 must be specified.
* @param ... list of names of user-defined parameters. if there are no parameters, the list
* must be empty.
//TODO: Consider to remove `Number` and use `std::tuple_size<decltype(std::make_tuple(__VA_ARGS__))>::value`
#define GAPI_TEST_FIXTURE(Fixture, InitF, API, Number, ...) \
struct Fixture : public TestWithParams API { \
static_assert(Number == AllParams::specific_params_size, \
"Number of user-defined parameters doesn't match size of __VA_ARGS__"); \
Fixture() { InitF(type, sz, dtype); } \
* @private
* @brief Create G-API test fixture with TestWithParams base class and additional base class.
* @param Fixture test fixture name.
@param ExtBase additional base class.
* @param InitF callable that will initialize default available members (from TestFunctional)
* @param API base class API. Specifies types of user-defined parameters. If there are no such
* parameters, empty angle brackets ("<>") must be specified.
* @param Number number of user-defined parameters (corresponds to the number of types in API).
* if there are no such parameters, 0 must be specified.
* @param ... list of names of user-defined parameters. if there are no parameters, the list
* must be empty.
#define GAPI_TEST_EXT_BASE_FIXTURE(Fixture, ExtBase, InitF, API, Number, ...) \
struct Fixture : public TestWithParams API, public ExtBase { \
static_assert(Number == AllParams::specific_params_size, \
"Number of user-defined parameters doesn't match size of __VA_ARGS__"); \
Fixture() { InitF(type, sz, dtype); } \
* @private
* @brief Create G-API test fixture with TestWithParamsSpecific base class
* This fixture has reduced number of common parameters and no initialization;
* it should be used if you don't need common parameters of GAPI_TEST_FIXTURE.
* @param Fixture test fixture name
* @param API base class API. Specifies types of user-defined parameters. If there are no such
* parameters, empty angle brackets ("<>") must be specified.
* @param Number number of user-defined parameters (corresponds to the number of types in API).
* if there are no such parameters, 0 must be specified.
* @param ... list of names of user-defined parameters. if there are no parameters, the list
* must be empty.
#define GAPI_TEST_FIXTURE_SPEC_PARAMS(Fixture, API, Number, ...) \
struct Fixture : public TestWithParamsSpecific API { \
static_assert(Number == AllParams::specific_params_size, \
"Number of user-defined parameters doesn't match size of __VA_ARGS__"); \
// Wrapper for test fixture API. Use to specify multiple types.
// Example: FIXTURE_API(int, bool) expands to <int, bool>
#define FIXTURE_API(...) <__VA_ARGS__>
using compare_f = std::function<bool(const cv::Mat &a, const cv::Mat &b)>;
using compare_scalar_f = std::function<bool(const cv::Scalar &a, const cv::Scalar &b)>;
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
using compare_rect_f = std::function<bool(const cv::Rect &a, const cv::Rect &b)>;
template<typename Elem>
using compare_vector_f = std::function<bool(const std::vector<Elem> &a,
const std::vector<Elem> &b)>;
template<typename Elem, int cn>
using compare_vec_f = std::function<bool(const cv::Vec<Elem, cn> &a, const cv::Vec<Elem, cn> &b)>;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct CompareF
CompareF() = default;
using callable_t = std::function<bool(const T1& a, const T2& b)>;
CompareF(callable_t&& cmp, std::string&& cmp_name) :
_comparator(std::move(cmp)), _name(std::move(cmp_name)) {}
bool operator()(const T1& a, const T2& b) const
return _comparator(a, b);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CompareF<T1, T2>& obj)
return os << obj._name;
callable_t _comparator;
std::string _name;
using CompareMats = CompareF<cv::Mat, cv::Mat>;
using CompareScalars = CompareF<cv::Scalar, cv::Scalar>;
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
using CompareRects = CompareF<cv::Rect, cv::Rect>;
template<typename Elem>
using CompareVectors = CompareF<std::vector<Elem>, std::vector<Elem>>;
template<typename Elem, int cn>
using CompareVecs = CompareF<cv::Vec<Elem, cn>, cv::Vec<Elem, cn>>;
template<typename T>
struct Wrappable
compare_f to_compare_f()
T t = *static_cast<T*const>(this);
return [t](const cv::Mat &a, const cv::Mat &b)
return t(a, b);
CompareMats to_compare_obj()
T t = *static_cast<T*const>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return CompareMats(to_compare_f(), ss.str());
template<typename T>
struct WrappableScalar
compare_scalar_f to_compare_f()
T t = *static_cast<T*const>(this);
return [t](const cv::Scalar &a, const cv::Scalar &b)
return t(a, b);
CompareScalars to_compare_obj()
T t = *static_cast<T*const>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return CompareScalars(to_compare_f(), ss.str());
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
template<typename T>
struct WrappableRect
compare_rect_f to_compare_f()
T t = *static_cast<T*const>(this);
return [t](const cv::Rect &a, const cv::Rect &b)
return t(a, b);
CompareRects to_compare_obj()
T t = *static_cast<T*const>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return CompareRects(to_compare_f(), ss.str());
template<typename T, typename Elem>
struct WrappableVector
compare_vector_f<Elem> to_compare_f()
T t = *static_cast<T* const>(this);
return [t](const std::vector<Elem>& a,
const std::vector<Elem>& b)
return t(a, b);
CompareVectors<Elem> to_compare_obj()
T t = *static_cast<T* const>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return CompareVectors<Elem>(to_compare_f(), ss.str());
template<typename T, typename Elem, int cn>
struct WrappableVec
compare_vec_f<Elem, cn> to_compare_f()
T t = *static_cast<T* const>(this);
return [t](const cv::Vec<Elem, cn> &a, const cv::Vec<Elem, cn> &b)
return t(a, b);
CompareVecs<Elem, cn> to_compare_obj()
T t = *static_cast<T* const>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return CompareVecs<Elem, cn>(to_compare_f(), ss.str());
class AbsExact : public Wrappable<AbsExact>
AbsExact() {}
bool operator() (const cv::Mat& in1, const cv::Mat& in2) const
if (cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_INF) != 0)
std::cout << "AbsExact error: G-API output and reference output matrixes are not bitexact equal." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AbsExact&)
return os << "AbsExact()";
class AbsTolerance : public Wrappable<AbsTolerance>
AbsTolerance(double tol) : _tol(tol) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Mat& in1, const cv::Mat& in2) const
if (cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_INF) > _tol)
std::cout << "AbsTolerance error: Number of different pixels in " << std::endl;
std::cout << "G-API output and reference output matrixes exceeds " << _tol << " pixels threshold." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AbsTolerance& obj)
return os << "AbsTolerance(" << std::to_string(obj._tol) << ")";
double _tol;
class Tolerance_FloatRel_IntAbs : public Wrappable<Tolerance_FloatRel_IntAbs>
Tolerance_FloatRel_IntAbs(double tol, double tol8u) : _tol(tol), _tol8u(tol8u) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Mat& in1, const cv::Mat& in2) const
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(in1.type());
double err = depth >= CV_32F ? cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_L1 | NORM_RELATIVE)
: cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_INF);
double tolerance = depth >= CV_32F ? _tol : _tol8u;
if (err > tolerance)
std::cout << "Tolerance_FloatRel_IntAbs error: err=" << err
<< " tolerance=" << tolerance
<< " depth=" << cv::typeToString(depth) << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Tolerance_FloatRel_IntAbs& obj)
return os << "Tolerance_FloatRel_IntAbs(" << obj._tol << ", " << obj._tol8u << ")";
double _tol;
double _tol8u;
class AbsSimilarPoints : public Wrappable<AbsSimilarPoints>
AbsSimilarPoints(double tol, double percent) : _tol(tol), _percent(percent) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Mat& in1, const cv::Mat& in2) const
Mat diff;
cv::absdiff(in1, in2, diff);
Mat err_mask = diff > _tol;
int err_points = (cv::countNonZero)(err_mask.reshape(1));
double max_err_points = _percent * std::max((size_t)1000,;
if (err_points > max_err_points)
std::cout << "AbsSimilarPoints error: err_points=" << err_points
<< " max_err_points=" << max_err_points << " (total=" << << ")"
<< " diff_tolerance=" << _tol << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AbsSimilarPoints& obj)
return os << "AbsSimilarPoints(" << obj._tol << ", " << obj._percent << ")";
double _tol;
double _percent;
class ToleranceFilter : public Wrappable<ToleranceFilter>
ToleranceFilter(double tol, double tol8u, double inf_tol = 2.0) : _tol(tol), _tol8u(tol8u), _inf_tol(inf_tol) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Mat& in1, const cv::Mat& in2) const
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(in1.type());
double err_Inf = cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_INF);
if (err_Inf > _inf_tol)
std::cout << "ToleranceFilter error: err_Inf=" << err_Inf << " tolerance=" << _inf_tol << std::endl;
return false;
double err = cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_L2 | NORM_RELATIVE);
double tolerance = depth >= CV_32F ? _tol : _tol8u;
if (err > tolerance)
std::cout << "ToleranceFilter error: err=" << err << " tolerance=" << tolerance
<< " depth=" << cv::depthToString(depth)
<< std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ToleranceFilter& obj)
return os << "ToleranceFilter(" << obj._tol << ", " << obj._tol8u << ", "
<< obj._inf_tol << ")";
double _tol;
double _tol8u;
double _inf_tol;
class ToleranceColor : public Wrappable<ToleranceColor>
ToleranceColor(double tol, double inf_tol = 2.0) : _tol(tol), _inf_tol(inf_tol) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Mat& in1, const cv::Mat& in2) const
double err_Inf = cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_INF);
if (err_Inf > _inf_tol)
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
std::cout << "ToleranceColor error: err_Inf=" << err_Inf
<< " tolerance=" << _inf_tol << std::endl;
return false;
double err = cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_L1 | NORM_RELATIVE);
if (err > _tol)
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
std::cout << "ToleranceColor error: err=" << err
<< " tolerance=" << _tol << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ToleranceColor& obj)
return os << "ToleranceColor(" << obj._tol << ", " << obj._inf_tol << ")";
double _tol;
double _inf_tol;
class AbsToleranceScalar : public WrappableScalar<AbsToleranceScalar>
AbsToleranceScalar(double tol) : _tol(tol) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Scalar& in1, const cv::Scalar& in2) const
double abs_err = std::abs(in1[0] - in2[0]) / std::max(1.0, std::abs(in2[0]));
if (abs_err > _tol)
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
std::cout << "AbsToleranceScalar error: abs_err=" << abs_err << " tolerance=" << _tol
<< " in1[0]" << in1[0] << " in2[0]" << in2[0] << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AbsToleranceScalar& obj)
return os << "AbsToleranceScalar(" << std::to_string(obj._tol) << ")";
double _tol;
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
class IoUToleranceRect : public WrappableRect<IoUToleranceRect>
IoUToleranceRect(double tol) : _tol(tol) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Rect& in1, const cv::Rect& in2) const
// determine the (x, y)-coordinates of the intersection rectangle
int xA = max(in1.x, in2.x);
int yA = max(in1.y, in2.y);
int xB = min(,;
int yB = min(,;
// compute the area of intersection rectangle
int interArea = max(0, xB - xA) * max(0, yB - yA);
// compute the area of union rectangle
int unionArea = in1.area() + in2.area() - interArea;
double iou = interArea / unionArea;
double err = 1 - iou;
if (err > _tol)
std::cout << "IoUToleranceRect error: err=" << err << " tolerance=" << _tol
<< " in1.x=" << in1.x << " in2.x=" << in2.x
<< " in1.y=" << in1.y << " in2.y=" << in2.y
<< " in1.width=" << in1.width << " in2.width=" << in2.width
<< " in1.height=" << in1.height << " in2.height=" << in2.height << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IoUToleranceRect& obj)
return os << "IoUToleranceRect(" << std::to_string(obj._tol) << ")";
double _tol;
template<typename Elem>
class AbsExactVector : public WrappableVector<AbsExactVector<Elem>, Elem>
AbsExactVector() {}
bool operator() (const std::vector<Elem>& in1,
const std::vector<Elem>& in2) const
if (cv::norm(in1, in2, NORM_INF, cv::noArray()) != 0)
std::cout << "AbsExact error: G-API output and reference output vectors are not"
" bitexact equal." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AbsExactVector<Elem>&)
return os << "AbsExactVector()";
template<typename Elem, int cn>
class RelDiffToleranceVec : public WrappableVec<RelDiffToleranceVec<Elem, cn>, Elem, cn>
RelDiffToleranceVec(double tol) : _tol(tol) {}
bool operator() (const cv::Vec<Elem, cn> &in1, const cv::Vec<Elem, cn> &in2) const
double abs_err = cv::norm(in1, in2, cv::NORM_L1);
double in2_norm = cv::norm(in2, cv::NORM_L1);
// Checks to avoid dividing by zero
double err = abs_err ? abs_err / (in2_norm ? in2_norm : cv::norm(in1, cv::NORM_L1))
: abs_err;
if (err > _tol)
std::cout << "RelDiffToleranceVec error: err=" << err << " tolerance=" << _tol;
for (int i = 0; i < cn; i++)
std::cout << " in1[" << i << "]=" << in1[i] << " in2[" << i << "]=" << in2[i];
std::cout << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RelDiffToleranceVec<Elem, cn>& obj)
return os << "RelDiffToleranceVec(" << std::to_string(obj._tol) << ")";
double _tol;
} // namespace opencv_test
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const opencv_test::compare_f&)
return os << "compare_f";
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const opencv_test::compare_scalar_f&)
return os << "compare_scalar_f";
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const opencv_test::compare_rect_f&)
return os << "compare_rect_f";
template<typename Elem>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const opencv_test::compare_vector_f<Elem>&)
return os << "compare_vector_f";
template<typename Elem, int cn>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const opencv_test::compare_vec_f<Elem, cn>&)
return os << "compare_vec_f";
} // anonymous namespace
// Note: namespace must match the namespace of the type of the printed object
namespace cv
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, CmpTypes op)
#define CASE(v) case CmpTypes::v: os << #v; break
switch (op)
default: GAPI_Error("unknown CmpTypes value");
#undef CASE
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, NormTypes op)
#define CASE(v) case NormTypes::v: os << #v; break
switch (op)
default: GAPI_Error("unknown NormTypes value");
#undef CASE
return os;
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, RetrievalModes op)
#define CASE(v) case RetrievalModes::v: os << #v; break
switch (op)
default: GAPI_Error("unknown RetrievalModes value");
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
#undef CASE
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ContourApproximationModes op)
#define CASE(v) case ContourApproximationModes::v: os << #v; break
switch (op)
default: GAPI_Error("unknown ContourApproximationModes value");
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
#undef CASE
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MorphTypes op)
#define CASE(v) case MorphTypes::v: os << #v; break
switch (op)
default: GAPI_Error("unknown MorphTypes value");
#undef CASE
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, DistanceTypes op)
#define CASE(v) case DistanceTypes::v: os << #v; break
switch (op)
default: GAPI_Error("unknown DistanceTypes value");
#undef CASE
return os;
Merge pull request #18857 from OrestChura:oc/kmeans [G-API]: kmeans() Standard Kernel Implementation * cv::gapi::kmeans kernel implementation - 4 overloads: - standard GMat - for any dimensionality - GMat without bestLabels initialization - GArray<Point2f> - for 2D - GArray<Point3f> - for 3D - Accuracy tests: - for every input - 2 tests 1) without initializing. In this case, no comparison with cv::kmeans is done as kmeans uses random auto-initialization 2) with initialization - in both cases, only 1 attempt is done as after first attempt kmeans initializes bestLabels randomly * Addressing comments - bestLabels is returned to its original place among parameters - checkVector and isPointsVector functions are merged into one, shared between core.hpp & imgproc.hpp by placing it into gmat.hpp (and implementation - to gmat.cpp) - typos corrected * addressing comments - unified names in tests - const added - typos * Addressing comments - fixed the doc note - ddepth -> expectedDepth, `< 0 ` -> `== -1` * Fix unsupported cases of input Mat - supported: multiple channels, reversed width - added test cases for those - added notes in docs - refactored checkVector to return dimentionality along with quantity * Addressing comments - makes chackVector smaller and (maybe) clearer * Addressing comments * Addressing comments - cv::checkVector -> cv::gapi::detail * Addressing comments - Changed checkVector: returns bool, quantity & dimensionality as references * Addressing comments - Polishing checkVector - FIXME added * Addressing discussion - checkVector: added overload, separate two different functionalities - depth assert - out of the function * Addressing comments - quantity -> amount, dimensionality -> dim - Fix typos * Addressing comments - fix docs - use 2 variable's definitions instead of one (for all non-trivial variables)
4 years ago
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, KmeansFlags op)
int op_(op);
switch (op_)
case KmeansFlags::KMEANS_PP_CENTERS:
default: GAPI_Error("unknown KmeansFlags value");
Merge pull request #18857 from OrestChura:oc/kmeans [G-API]: kmeans() Standard Kernel Implementation * cv::gapi::kmeans kernel implementation - 4 overloads: - standard GMat - for any dimensionality - GMat without bestLabels initialization - GArray<Point2f> - for 2D - GArray<Point3f> - for 3D - Accuracy tests: - for every input - 2 tests 1) without initializing. In this case, no comparison with cv::kmeans is done as kmeans uses random auto-initialization 2) with initialization - in both cases, only 1 attempt is done as after first attempt kmeans initializes bestLabels randomly * Addressing comments - bestLabels is returned to its original place among parameters - checkVector and isPointsVector functions are merged into one, shared between core.hpp & imgproc.hpp by placing it into gmat.hpp (and implementation - to gmat.cpp) - typos corrected * addressing comments - unified names in tests - const added - typos * Addressing comments - fixed the doc note - ddepth -> expectedDepth, `< 0 ` -> `== -1` * Fix unsupported cases of input Mat - supported: multiple channels, reversed width - added test cases for those - added notes in docs - refactored checkVector to return dimentionality along with quantity * Addressing comments - makes chackVector smaller and (maybe) clearer * Addressing comments * Addressing comments - cv::checkVector -> cv::gapi::detail * Addressing comments - Changed checkVector: returns bool, quantity & dimensionality as references * Addressing comments - Polishing checkVector - FIXME added * Addressing discussion - checkVector: added overload, separate two different functionalities - depth assert - out of the function * Addressing comments - quantity -> amount, dimensionality -> dim - Fix typos * Addressing comments - fix docs - use 2 variable's definitions instead of one (for all non-trivial variables)
4 years ago
return os;
} // namespace cv