The Geodetic Coordinate System is a spherical coordinate system, meaning that using them with Cartesian mathematics is technically incorrect. This
demo uses them to increase the readability and is accurate enough to make the point. A better coordinate system would be Universal Transverse Mercator.
Finding the corner coordinates
One easy method to find the corner coordinates of an image is to use the command-line tool ``gdalinfo``. For imagery which is ortho-rectified and contains
the projection information, you can use the `USGS EarthExplorer <http://>`_.
..code-block:: bash
$> gdalinfo N37W123.hgt
Driver: SRTMHGT/SRTMHGT File Format
Files: N37W123.hgt
Size is 3601, 3601
Coordinate System is:
... more output ...
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left (-123.0001389, 38.0001389) (123d 0' 0.50"W, 38d 0' 0.50"N)
Lower Left (-123.0001389, 36.9998611) (123d 0' 0.50"W, 36d59'59.50"N)
Upper Right (-121.9998611, 38.0001389) (121d59'59.50"W, 38d 0' 0.50"N)
Lower Right (-121.9998611, 36.9998611) (121d59'59.50"W, 36d59'59.50"N)
Center (-122.5000000, 37.5000000) (122d30' 0.00"W, 37d30' 0.00"N)
... more output ...
Below is the output of the program. Use the first image as the input. For the DEM model, download the SRTM file located at the USGS here. ` <>`_