Open Source Computer Vision Library
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.git* export-ignore
* text=auto whitespace=trailing-space,space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=4
*.py text
*.cpp text
*.hpp text
*.cxx text
*.hxx text
*.mm text
*.c text
*.h text
*.i text
*.js text
*.java text
*.scala text
*.cu text
*.cl text
*.css_t text
*.qrc text
*.qss text
*.S text
*.rst text
*.tex text
*.sty text
*.aidl text
*.mk text
*.cmake text whitespace=tabwidth=2
*.cmakein text whitespace=tabwidth=2
*.in text whitespace=tabwidth=2
CMakeLists.txt text whitespace=tabwidth=2
*.png binary
*.jpeg binary
*.jpg binary
*.exr binary
*.ico binary
*.a binary
*.so binary
*.dll binary
*.jar binary
*.pdf binary
*.pbxproj binary
*.vec binary
*.doc binary
*.xml -text whitespace=cr-at-eol
*.yml -text whitespace=cr-at-eol
.project -text whitespace=cr-at-eol merge=union
.classpath -text whitespace=cr-at-eol merge=union
.cproject -text whitespace=cr-at-eol merge=union
org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs -text whitespace=cr-at-eol merge=union
*.vcproj text eol=crlf merge=union
*.bat text eol=crlf
*.cmd text eol=crlf
*.cmd.tmpl text eol=crlf
*.sh text eol=lf