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// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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This is a modification of the variational stereo correspondence algorithm, described in:
S. Kosov, T. Thormaehlen, H.-P. Seidel "Accurate Real-Time Disparity Estimation with Variational Methods"
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Vegas, USA
This code is written by Sergey G. Kosov for "Visir PX" application as part of Project X (www.project-10.de)
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <limits.h>
namespace cv
StereoVar::StereoVar() : levels(3), pyrScale(0.5), nIt(3), minDisp(0), maxDisp(16), poly_n(5), poly_sigma(1.2), fi(1000.0f), lambda(0.0f), penalization(PENALIZATION_TICHONOV), cycle(CYCLE_V), flags(USE_SMART_ID)
StereoVar::StereoVar(int _levels, double _pyrScale, int _nIt, int _minDisp, int _maxDisp, int _poly_n, double _poly_sigma, float _fi, float _lambda, int _penalization, int _cycle, int _flags) : levels(_levels), pyrScale(_pyrScale), nIt(_nIt), minDisp(_minDisp), maxDisp(_maxDisp), poly_n(_poly_n), poly_sigma(_poly_sigma), fi(_fi), lambda(_lambda), penalization(_penalization), cycle(_cycle), flags(_flags)
{ // No Parameters check, since they are all public
static Mat diffX(Mat &img)
// TODO try pointers or assm
register int x, y;
Mat dst(img.size(), img.type());
for (x = 0; x < img.cols - 1; x++)
for (y = 0; y < img.rows; y++)
dst.at<float>(y, x) = img.at<float>(y, x + 1) - img.at<float>(y ,x);
return dst;
static Mat Gradient(Mat &img)
Mat sobel, sobelX, sobelY;
Sobel(img, sobelX, sobelX.type(), 1, 0, 1);
Sobel(img, sobelY, sobelY.type(), 0, 1, 1);
sobelX = abs(sobelX);
sobelY = abs(sobelY);
add(sobelX, sobelY, sobel);
return sobel;
static float g_c(Mat z, int x, int y, float l)
return 0.5f*l / sqrtf(l*l + z.at<float>(y,x)*z.at<float>(y,x));
static float g_p(Mat z, int x, int y, float l)
return 0.5f*l*l / (l*l + z.at<float>(y,x)*z.at<float>(y,x)) ;
void StereoVar::VariationalSolver(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &u, int level)
register int n, x, y;
float gl = 1, gr = 1, gu = 1, gd = 1, gc = 4;
Mat U;
Mat Sobel;
int N = nIt;
float l = lambda;
float Fi = fi;
double scale = pow(pyrScale, (double) level);
if (flags & USE_SMART_ID) {
N = (int) (N / scale);
Fi /= (float) scale;
l *= (float) scale;
for (n = 0; n < N; n++) {
if (penalization != PENALIZATION_TICHONOV) {if(!Sobel.empty()) Sobel.release(); Sobel = Gradient(U);}
for (x = 1; x < u.cols - 1; x++) {
for (y = 1 ; y < u.rows - 1; y++) {
switch (penalization) {
gc = g_c(Sobel, x, y, l);
gl = gc + g_c(Sobel, x - 1, y, l);
gr = gc + g_c(Sobel, x + 1, y, l);
gu = gc + g_c(Sobel, x, y + 1, l);
gd = gc + g_c(Sobel, x, y - 1, l);
gc = gl + gr + gu + gd;
gc = g_p(Sobel, x, y, l);
gl = gc + g_p(Sobel, x - 1, y, l);
gr = gc + g_p(Sobel, x + 1, y, l);
gu = gc + g_p(Sobel, x, y + 1, l);
gd = gc + g_p(Sobel, x, y - 1, l);
gc = gl + gr + gu + gd;
float fi = Fi;
if (maxDisp > minDisp) {
if (U.at<float>(y,x) > maxDisp * scale) {fi*=1000; U.at<float>(y,x) = static_cast<float>(maxDisp * scale);}
if (U.at<float>(y,x) < minDisp * scale) {fi*=1000; U.at<float>(y,x) = static_cast<float>(minDisp * scale);}
int A = (int) (U.at<float>(y,x));
int neg = 0; if (U.at<float>(y,x) <= 0) neg = -1;
if (x + A >= u.cols)
u.at<float>(y, x) = U.at<float>(y, u.cols - A - 1);
else if (x + A + neg < 0)
u.at<float>(y, x) = U.at<float>(y, - A + 2);
else {
u.at<float>(y, x) = A + (I2x.at<float>(y, x + A + neg) * (I1.at<float>(y, x) - I2.at<float>(y, x + A))
+ fi * (gr * U.at<float>(y, x + 1) + gl * U.at<float>(y, x - 1) + gu * U.at<float>(y + 1, x) + gd * U.at<float>(y - 1, x) - gc * A))
/ (I2x.at<float>(y, x + A + neg) * I2x.at<float>(y, x + A + neg) + gc * fi) ;
u.at<float>(0, x) = u.at<float>(1, x);
u.at<float>(u.rows - 1, x) = u.at<float>(u.rows - 2, x);
for (y = 0; y < u.rows; y++) {
u.at<float>(y, 0) = u.at<float>(y, 1);
u.at<float>(y, u.cols - 1) = u.at<float>(y, u.cols - 2);
void StereoVar::VCycle_MyFAS(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &_u, int level)
CvSize imgSize = _u.size();
CvSize frmSize = cvSize((int) (imgSize.width * pyrScale + 0.5), (int) (imgSize.height * pyrScale + 0.5));
Mat I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, u_h, U, U_h;
//PRE relaxation
VariationalSolver(I1, I2, I2x, _u, level);
if (level >= levels - 1) return;
level ++;
//scaling DOWN
resize(I1, I1_h, frmSize, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
resize(I2, I2_h, frmSize, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
resize(_u, u_h, frmSize, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
u_h.convertTo(u_h, u_h.type(), pyrScale);
I2x_h = diffX(I2_h);
//Next level
U_h = u_h.clone();
VCycle_MyFAS(I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, U_h, level);
subtract(U_h, u_h, U_h);
U_h.convertTo(U_h, U_h.type(), 1.0 / pyrScale);
//scaling UP
resize(U_h, U, imgSize);
//correcting the solution
add(_u, U, _u);
//POST relaxation
VariationalSolver(I1, I2, I2x, _u, level - 1);
if (flags & USE_MEDIAN_FILTERING) medianBlur(_u, _u, 3);
void StereoVar::FMG(Mat &I1, Mat &I2, Mat &I2x, Mat &u, int level)
double scale = pow(pyrScale, (double) level);
CvSize frmSize = cvSize((int) (u.cols * scale + 0.5), (int) (u.rows * scale + 0.5));
Mat I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, u_h;
//scaling DOWN
resize(I1, I1_h, frmSize, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
resize(I2, I2_h, frmSize, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
resize(u, u_h, frmSize, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
u_h.convertTo(u_h, u_h.type(), scale);
I2x_h = diffX(I2_h);
switch (cycle) {
case CYCLE_O:
VariationalSolver(I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, u_h, level);
case CYCLE_V:
VCycle_MyFAS(I1_h, I2_h, I2x_h, u_h, level);
u_h.convertTo(u_h, u_h.type(), 1.0 / scale);
//scaling UP
resize(u_h, u, u.size(), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
if (flags & USE_MEDIAN_FILTERING) medianBlur(u, u, 3);
if (level >= 0) FMG(I1, I2, I2x, u, level);
void StereoVar::operator ()( const Mat& left, const Mat& right, Mat& disp )
CV_Assert(left.size() == right.size() && left.type() == right.type());
CvSize imgSize = left.size();
int MaxD = MAX(std::abs(minDisp), std::abs(maxDisp));
int SignD = 1; if (MIN(minDisp, maxDisp) < 0) SignD = -1;
if (minDisp >= maxDisp) {MaxD = 256; SignD = 1;}
Mat u;
if ((flags & USE_INITIAL_DISPARITY) && (!disp.empty())) {
CV_Assert(disp.size() == left.size() && disp.type() == CV_8UC1);
disp.convertTo(u, CV_32FC1, static_cast<double>(SignD * MaxD) / 256);
} else {
u.create(imgSize, CV_32FC1);
// Preprocessing
Mat leftgray, rightgray;
if (left.type() != CV_8UC1) {
cvtColor(left, leftgray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(right, rightgray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
} else {
if (flags & USE_EQUALIZE_HIST) {
equalizeHist(leftgray, leftgray);
equalizeHist(rightgray, rightgray);
if (poly_sigma > 0.0001) {
GaussianBlur(leftgray, leftgray, cvSize(poly_n, poly_n), poly_sigma);
GaussianBlur(rightgray, rightgray, cvSize(poly_n, poly_n), poly_sigma);
Mat I1, I2;
leftgray.convertTo(I1, CV_32FC1);
rightgray.convertTo(I2, CV_32FC1);
Mat I2x = diffX(I2);
FMG(I1, I2, I2x, u, levels - 1);
disp.create( left.size(), CV_8UC1 );
u = abs(u);
u.convertTo(disp, disp.type(), 256 / MaxD, 0);
} // namespace