#!/usr/bin/env python
import os , sys
import argparse
import glob
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import logging as log
if sys . version_info [ 0 ] == 2 :
sys . exit ( " FATAL: Python 2.x is not supported " )
from pathlib import Path
SCRIPT_DIR = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
class Fail ( Exception ) :
def __init__ ( self , text = None ) :
self . t = text
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " ERROR " if self . t is None else self . t
def execute ( cmd , cwd = None , shell = False ) :
try :
log . debug ( " Executing: %s " % cmd )
log . info ( ' Executing: ' + ' ' . join ( cmd ) )
if cwd :
log . info ( " in: %s " % cwd )
retcode = subprocess . call ( cmd , shell = shell , cwd = str ( cwd ) if cwd else None )
if retcode < 0 :
raise Fail ( " Child was terminated by signal: %s " % - retcode )
elif retcode > 0 :
raise Fail ( " Child returned: %s " % retcode )
except OSError as e :
raise Fail ( " Execution failed: %d / %s " % ( e . errno , e . strerror ) )
def check_executable ( cmd ) :
try :
log . debug ( " Executing: %s " % cmd )
result = subprocess . check_output ( cmd , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT )
if not isinstance ( result , str ) :
result = result . decode ( " utf-8 " )
log . debug ( " Result: %s " % ( result + ' \n ' ) . split ( ' \n ' ) [ 0 ] )
return True
except OSError as e :
log . debug ( ' Failed: %s ' % e )
return False
def rm_one ( d ) :
d = str ( d ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
d = os . path . abspath ( d )
if os . path . exists ( d ) :
if os . path . isdir ( d ) :
log . info ( " Removing dir: %s " , d )
shutil . rmtree ( d )
elif os . path . isfile ( d ) :
log . info ( " Removing file: %s " , d )
os . remove ( d )
def prepare_dir ( d , clean = False ) :
d = str ( d ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
d = os . path . abspath ( d )
log . info ( " Preparing directory: ' %s ' (clean: %r ) " , d , clean )
if os . path . exists ( d ) :
if not os . path . isdir ( d ) :
raise Fail ( " Not a directory: %s " % d )
if clean :
for item in os . listdir ( d ) :
rm_one ( os . path . join ( d , item ) )
else :
os . makedirs ( d )
return Path ( d )
def check_dir ( d ) :
d = str ( d ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
d = os . path . abspath ( d )
log . info ( " Check directory: ' %s ' " , d )
if os . path . exists ( d ) :
if not os . path . isdir ( d ) :
raise Fail ( " Not a directory: %s " % d )
else :
raise Fail ( " The directory is missing: %s " % d )
return Path ( d )
# shutil.copytree fails if dst exists
def copytree ( src , dst , exclude = None ) :
log . debug ( ' copytree( %s , %s ) ' , src , dst )
src = str ( src ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
dst = str ( dst ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
if os . path . isfile ( src ) :
shutil . copy2 ( src , dst )
def copy_recurse ( subdir ) :
if exclude and subdir in exclude :
log . debug ( ' skip: %s ' , subdir )
s = os . path . join ( src , subdir )
d = os . path . join ( dst , subdir )
if os . path . exists ( d ) or exclude :
if os . path . isfile ( s ) :
shutil . copy2 ( s , d )
elif os . path . isdir ( s ) :
if not os . path . isdir ( d ) :
os . makedirs ( d )
for item in os . listdir ( s ) :
copy_recurse ( os . path . join ( subdir , item ) )
else :
assert False , s + " => " + d
else :
if os . path . isfile ( s ) :
shutil . copy2 ( s , d )
elif os . path . isdir ( s ) :
shutil . copytree ( s , d )
else :
assert False , s + " => " + d
copy_recurse ( ' ' )
def git_checkout ( dst , url , branch , revision , clone_extra_args , noFetch = False ) :
assert isinstance ( dst , Path )
log . info ( " Git checkout: ' %s ' ( %s @ %s ) " , dst , url , revision )
if noFetch :
elif not os . path . exists ( str ( dst / ' .git ' ) ) :
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' clone ' ] +
( [ ' -b ' , branch ] if branch else [ ] ) +
clone_extra_args + [ url , ' . ' ] , cwd = dst )
else :
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' fetch ' , ' origin ' ] + ( [ branch + ' : ' + branch ] if branch else [ ] ) , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' reset ' , ' --hard ' ] , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' clean ' , ' -f ' , ' -d ' ] , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' checkout ' , ' --force ' , ' -B ' , ' winpack_dldt ' , revision ] , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' clean ' , ' -f ' , ' -d ' ] , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' submodule ' , ' init ' ] , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' submodule ' , ' update ' , ' --force ' , ' --depth=1000 ' ] , cwd = dst )
log . info ( " Git checkout: DONE " )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' status ' ] , cwd = dst )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' log ' , ' --max-count=1 ' , ' HEAD ' ] , cwd = dst )
def git_apply_patch ( src_dir , patch_file ) :
src_dir = str ( src_dir ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
patch_file = str ( patch_file ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
assert os . path . exists ( patch_file ) , patch_file
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' apply ' , ' --3way ' , ' -v ' , ' --ignore-space-change ' , str ( patch_file ) ] , cwd = src_dir )
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' --no-pager ' , ' diff ' , ' HEAD ' ] , cwd = src_dir )
os . environ [ ' GIT_AUTHOR_NAME ' ] = os . environ [ ' GIT_COMMITTER_NAME ' ] = ' build '
os . environ [ ' GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL ' ] = os . environ [ ' GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL ' ] = ' build@opencv.org '
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' commit ' , ' -am ' , ' apply opencv patch ' ] , cwd = src_dir )
class BuilderDLDT :
def __init__ ( self , config ) :
self . config = config
cpath = self . config . dldt_config
log . info ( ' DLDT build configuration: %s ' , cpath )
if not os . path . exists ( cpath ) :
cpath = os . path . join ( SCRIPT_DIR , cpath )
if not os . path . exists ( cpath ) :
raise Fail ( ' Config " %s " is missing ' % cpath )
self . cpath = Path ( cpath )
clean_src_dir = self . config . clean_dldt
if self . config . dldt_src_dir :
assert os . path . exists ( self . config . dldt_src_dir ) , self . config . dldt_src_dir
dldt_dir_name = ' dldt-custom '
self . srcdir = self . config . dldt_src_dir
clean_src_dir = False
else :
assert not self . config . dldt_src_dir
self . init_patchset ( )
dldt_dir_name = ' dldt- ' + self . config . dldt_src_commit + \
( ' /patch- ' + self . patch_hashsum if self . patch_hashsum else ' ' )
if self . config . build_debug :
dldt_dir_name + = ' -debug '
self . srcdir = None # updated below
log . info ( ' DLDT directory: %s ' , dldt_dir_name )
self . outdir = prepare_dir ( os . path . join ( self . config . build_cache_dir , dldt_dir_name ) )
if self . srcdir is None :
self . srcdir = prepare_dir ( self . outdir / ' sources ' , clean = clean_src_dir )
self . build_dir = prepare_dir ( self . outdir / ' build ' , clean = self . config . clean_dldt )
self . sysrootdir = prepare_dir ( self . outdir / ' sysroot ' , clean = self . config . clean_dldt or self . config . clean_dldt_sysroot )
if not ( self . config . clean_dldt or self . config . clean_dldt_sysroot ) :
_ = prepare_dir ( self . sysrootdir / ' bin ' , clean = True ) # always clean sysroot/bin (package files)
_ = prepare_dir ( self . sysrootdir / ' etc ' , clean = True ) # always clean sysroot/etc (package files)
if self . config . build_subst_drive :
if os . path . exists ( self . config . build_subst_drive + ' : \\ ' ) :
execute ( [ ' subst ' , self . config . build_subst_drive + ' : ' , ' /D ' ] )
execute ( [ ' subst ' , self . config . build_subst_drive + ' : ' , str ( self . outdir ) ] )
def fix_path ( p ) :
return str ( p ) . replace ( str ( self . outdir ) , self . config . build_subst_drive + ' : ' )
self . srcdir = Path ( fix_path ( self . srcdir ) )
self . build_dir = Path ( fix_path ( self . build_dir ) )
self . sysrootdir = Path ( fix_path ( self . sysrootdir ) )
def init_patchset ( self ) :
cpath = self . cpath
self . patch_file = str ( cpath / ' patch.config.py ' ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
with open ( self . patch_file , ' r ' ) as f :
self . patch_file_contents = f . read ( )
patch_hashsum = None
try :
import hashlib
patch_hashsum = hashlib . md5 ( self . patch_file_contents . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) ) . hexdigest ( )
except :
log . warn ( " Can ' t compute hashsum of patches: %s " , self . patch_file )
self . patch_hashsum = self . config . override_patch_hashsum if self . config . override_patch_hashsum else patch_hashsum
def prepare_sources ( self ) :
if self . config . dldt_src_dir :
log . info ( ' Using DLDT custom repository: %s ' , self . srcdir )
def do_clone ( srcdir , noFetch ) :
git_checkout ( srcdir , self . config . dldt_src_url , self . config . dldt_src_branch , self . config . dldt_src_commit ,
[ ' -n ' , ' --depth=100 ' , ' --no-single-branch ' , ' --recurse-submodules ' ] +
( self . config . dldt_src_git_clone_extra or [ ] ) ,
noFetch = noFetch
if not os . path . exists ( str ( self . srcdir / ' .git ' ) ) :
log . info ( ' DLDT git checkout through " reference " copy. ' )
reference_dir = self . config . dldt_reference_dir
if reference_dir is None :
reference_dir = prepare_dir ( os . path . join ( self . config . build_cache_dir , ' dldt-git-reference-repository ' ) )
do_clone ( reference_dir , False )
log . info ( ' DLDT reference git checkout completed. Copying... ' )
else :
log . info ( ' Using DLDT reference repository. Copying... ' )
copytree ( reference_dir , self . srcdir )
do_clone ( self . srcdir , True )
else :
do_clone ( self . srcdir , False )
log . info ( ' DLDT git checkout completed. Patching... ' )
def applyPatch ( patch_file , subdir = None ) :
if subdir :
log . info ( ' Patching " %s " : %s ' % ( subdir , patch_file ) )
else :
log . info ( ' Patching: %s ' % ( patch_file ) )
git_apply_patch ( self . srcdir / subdir if subdir else self . srcdir , self . cpath / patch_file )
exec ( compile ( self . patch_file_contents , self . patch_file , ' exec ' ) )
log . info ( ' DLDT patches applied ' )
def build ( self ) :
self . cmake_path = ' cmake '
build_config = ' Release ' if not self . config . build_debug else ' Debug '
cmd = [ self . cmake_path , ' -G ' , ' Visual Studio 16 2019 ' , ' -A ' , ' x64 ' ]
cmake_vars = dict (
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = build_config ,
ENABLE_SPEECH_DEMO = ' OFF ' , # 2020.4+
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = str ( self . build_dir / ' install ' ) ,
OUTPUT_ROOT = str ( self . build_dir ) , # 2020.4+
self . build_config_file = str ( self . cpath / ' build.config.py ' ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
if os . path . exists ( str ( self . build_config_file ) ) :
with open ( self . build_config_file , ' r ' ) as f :
cfg = f . read ( )
exec ( compile ( cfg , str ( self . build_config_file ) , ' exec ' ) )
log . info ( ' DLDT processed build configuration script ' )
cmd + = [ ' -D %s = %s ' % ( k , v ) for ( k , v ) in cmake_vars . items ( ) if v is not None ]
if self . config . cmake_option_dldt :
cmd + = self . config . cmake_option_dldt
cmd . append ( str ( self . srcdir ) )
build_dir = self . build_dir
try :
execute ( cmd , cwd = build_dir )
# build
cmd = [ self . cmake_path , ' --build ' , ' . ' , ' --config ' , build_config , # '--target', 'install',
' -- ' ,
# '/m:2' is removed, not properly supported by 2021.3
' /v:n ' , ' /consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary ' ,
execute ( cmd , cwd = build_dir )
# install ngraph only
cmd = [ self . cmake_path , ' -DBUILD_TYPE= ' + build_config , ' -P ' , ' cmake_install.cmake ' ]
execute ( cmd , cwd = build_dir / ' ngraph ' )
except :
log . info ( ' DLDT build completed ' )
def make_sysroot ( self ) :
cfg_file = str ( self . cpath / ' sysroot.config.py ' ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
with open ( cfg_file , ' r ' ) as f :
cfg = f . read ( )
exec ( compile ( cfg , cfg_file , ' exec ' ) )
log . info ( ' DLDT sysroot preparation completed ' )
def cleanup ( self ) :
if self . config . build_subst_drive :
execute ( [ ' subst ' , self . config . build_subst_drive + ' : ' , ' /D ' ] )
class Builder :
def __init__ ( self , config ) :
self . config = config
build_dir_name = ' opencv_build ' if not self . config . build_debug else ' opencv_build_debug '
self . build_dir = prepare_dir ( Path ( self . config . output_dir ) / build_dir_name , clean = self . config . clean_opencv )
self . package_dir = prepare_dir ( Path ( self . config . output_dir ) / ' package/opencv ' , clean = True )
self . install_dir = prepare_dir ( self . package_dir / ' build ' )
self . src_dir = check_dir ( self . config . opencv_dir )
def build ( self , builderDLDT ) :
self . cmake_path = ' cmake '
build_config = ' Release ' if not self . config . build_debug else ' Debug '
cmd = [ self . cmake_path , ' -G ' , ' Visual Studio 16 2019 ' , ' -A ' , ' x64 ' ]
cmake_vars = dict (
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = build_config ,
BUILD_opencv_world = ' OFF ' ,
ENABLE_CXX11 = ' ON ' ,
WITH_TBB = ' ON ' ,
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = str ( self . install_dir ) ,
OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH = ' 3rdparty ' ,
OPENCV_INSTALL_DATA_DIR_RELATIVE = ' ../../src/opencv ' ,
BUILD_opencv_python2 = ' OFF ' ,
BUILD_opencv_python3 = ' ON ' ,
if self . config . dldt_release :
cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_RELEASE ' ] = str ( self . config . dldt_release )
cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_LIB_DIRS:PATH ' ] = str ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' deployment_tools/inference_engine/lib/intel64 ' )
assert os . path . exists ( cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_LIB_DIRS:PATH ' ] ) , cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_LIB_DIRS:PATH ' ]
cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH ' ] = str ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' deployment_tools/inference_engine/include ' )
assert os . path . exists ( cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH ' ] ) , cmake_vars [ ' INF_ENGINE_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH ' ]
ngraph_DIR = str ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' ngraph/cmake ' )
if not os . path . exists ( ngraph_DIR ) :
ngraph_DIR = str ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' ngraph/deployment_tools/ngraph/cmake ' )
assert os . path . exists ( ngraph_DIR ) , ngraph_DIR
cmake_vars [ ' ngraph_DIR:PATH ' ] = ngraph_DIR
cmake_vars [ ' TBB_DIR:PATH ' ] = str ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' tbb/cmake ' )
assert os . path . exists ( cmake_vars [ ' TBB_DIR:PATH ' ] ) , cmake_vars [ ' TBB_DIR:PATH ' ]
if self . config . build_debug :
cmake_vars [ ' CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ' ] = ' Debug '
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_opencv_python3 ' ] = ' OFF ' # python3x_d.lib is missing
cmake_vars [ ' OPENCV_INSTALL_APPS_LIST ' ] = ' all '
if self . config . build_tests :
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_TESTS ' ] = ' ON '
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_PERF_TESTS ' ] = ' ON '
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_opencv_ts ' ] = ' ON '
cmake_vars [ ' INSTALL_TESTS ' ] = ' ON '
if self . config . build_tests_dnn :
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_TESTS ' ] = ' ON '
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_PERF_TESTS ' ] = ' ON '
cmake_vars [ ' BUILD_opencv_ts ' ] = ' ON '
cmake_vars [ ' OPENCV_BUILD_TEST_MODULES_LIST ' ] = ' dnn '
cmake_vars [ ' OPENCV_BUILD_PERF_TEST_MODULES_LIST ' ] = ' dnn '
cmake_vars [ ' INSTALL_TESTS ' ] = ' ON '
cmd + = [ " -D %s = %s " % ( k , v ) for ( k , v ) in cmake_vars . items ( ) if v is not None ]
if self . config . cmake_option :
cmd + = self . config . cmake_option
cmd . append ( str ( self . src_dir ) )
log . info ( ' Configuring OpenCV... ' )
execute ( cmd , cwd = self . build_dir )
log . info ( ' Building OpenCV... ' )
# build
cmd = [ self . cmake_path , ' --build ' , ' . ' , ' --config ' , build_config , ' --target ' , ' install ' ,
' -- ' , ' /v:n ' , ' /m:2 ' , ' /consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary '
execute ( cmd , cwd = self . build_dir )
log . info ( ' OpenCV build/install completed ' )
def copy_sysroot ( self , builderDLDT ) :
log . info ( ' Copy sysroot files ' )
copytree ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' bin ' , self . install_dir / ' bin ' )
copytree ( builderDLDT . sysrootdir / ' etc ' , self . install_dir / ' etc ' )
log . info ( ' Copy sysroot files - DONE ' )
def package_sources ( self ) :
package_opencv = prepare_dir ( self . package_dir / ' src/opencv ' , clean = True )
package_opencv = str ( package_opencv ) # Python 3.5 may not handle Path
execute ( cmd = [ ' git ' , ' clone ' , ' -s ' , str ( self . src_dir ) , ' . ' ] , cwd = str ( package_opencv ) )
for item in os . listdir ( package_opencv ) :
if str ( item ) . startswith ( ' .git ' ) :
rm_one ( os . path . join ( package_opencv , item ) )
with open ( str ( self . package_dir / ' README.md ' ) , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( ' See licensing/copying statements in " build/etc/licenses " \n ' )
f . write ( ' Wiki page: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/Intel %27s -Deep-Learning-Inference-Engine-backend \n ' )
log . info ( ' Package OpenCV sources - DONE ' )
def main ( ) :
dldt_src_url = ' https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino '
dldt_src_commit = ' 2021.4.1 '
dldt_config = None
dldt_release = None
build_cache_dir_default = os . environ . get ( ' BUILD_CACHE_DIR ' , ' .build_cache ' )
build_subst_drive = os . environ . get ( ' BUILD_SUBST_DRIVE ' , None )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser (
description = ' Build OpenCV Windows package with Inference Engine (DLDT) ' ,
parser . add_argument ( ' output_dir ' , nargs = ' ? ' , default = ' . ' , help = ' Output directory ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' opencv_dir ' , nargs = ' ? ' , default = os . path . join ( SCRIPT_DIR , ' ../.. ' ) , help = ' Path to OpenCV source dir ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build_cache_dir ' , default = build_cache_dir_default , help = ' Build cache directory (sources and binaries cache of build dependencies, default = " %s " ) ' % build_cache_dir_default )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build_subst_drive ' , default = build_subst_drive , help = ' Drive letter to workaround Windows limit for 260 symbols in path (error MSB3491) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --cmake_option ' , action = ' append ' , help = ' Append OpenCV CMake option ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --cmake_option_dldt ' , action = ' append ' , help = ' Append CMake option for DLDT project ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --clean_dldt ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Clean DLDT build and sysroot directories ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --clean_dldt_sysroot ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Clean DLDT sysroot directories ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --clean_opencv ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Clean OpenCV build directory ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build_debug ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Build debug binaries ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build_tests ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Build OpenCV tests ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --build_tests_dnn ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' Build OpenCV DNN accuracy and performance tests only ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_src_url ' , default = dldt_src_url , help = ' DLDT source URL (tag / commit, default: %s ) ' % dldt_src_url )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_src_branch ' , help = ' DLDT checkout branch ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_src_commit ' , default = dldt_src_commit , help = ' DLDT source commit / tag (default: %s ) ' % dldt_src_commit )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_src_git_clone_extra ' , action = ' append ' , help = ' DLDT git clone extra args ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_release ' , default = dldt_release , help = ' DLDT release code for INF_ENGINE_RELEASE, e.g 2021030000 (default: %s ) ' % dldt_release )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_reference_dir ' , help = ' DLDT reference git repository (optional) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_src_dir ' , help = ' DLDT custom source repository (skip git checkout and patching, use for TESTING only) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --dldt_config ' , default = dldt_config , help = ' Specify DLDT build configuration (defaults to evaluate from DLDT commit/branch) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --override_patch_hashsum ' , default = ' ' , help = ' (script debug mode) ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
log . basicConfig (
format = ' %(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s ' ,
level = os . environ . get ( ' LOGLEVEL ' , ' INFO ' ) ,
datefmt = ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S '
log . debug ( ' Args: %s ' , args )
if not check_executable ( [ ' git ' , ' --version ' ] ) :
sys . exit ( " FATAL: ' git ' is not available " )
if not check_executable ( [ ' cmake ' , ' --version ' ] ) :
sys . exit ( " FATAL: ' cmake ' is not available " )
if os . path . realpath ( args . output_dir ) == os . path . realpath ( SCRIPT_DIR ) :
raise Fail ( " Specify output_dir (building from script directory is not supported) " )
if os . path . realpath ( args . output_dir ) == os . path . realpath ( args . opencv_dir ) :
raise Fail ( " Specify output_dir (building from OpenCV source directory is not supported) " )
# Relative paths become invalid in sub-directories
if args . opencv_dir is not None and not os . path . isabs ( args . opencv_dir ) :
args . opencv_dir = os . path . abspath ( args . opencv_dir )
if not args . dldt_config :
if str ( args . dldt_src_commit ) . startswith ( ' releases/20 ' ) : # releases/2020/4
args . dldt_config = str ( args . dldt_src_commit ) [ len ( ' releases/ ' ) : ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' . ' )
if not args . dldt_src_branch :
args . dldt_src_branch = args . dldt_src_commit
elif str ( args . dldt_src_branch ) . startswith ( ' releases/20 ' ) : # releases/2020/4
args . dldt_config = str ( args . dldt_src_branch ) [ len ( ' releases/ ' ) : ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' . ' )
else :
args . dldt_config = args . dldt_src_commit
_opencv_dir = check_dir ( args . opencv_dir )
_outdir = prepare_dir ( args . output_dir )
_cachedir = prepare_dir ( args . build_cache_dir )
ocv_hooks_dir = os . environ . get ( ' OPENCV_CMAKE_HOOKS_DIR ' , None )
hooks_dir = os . path . join ( SCRIPT_DIR , ' cmake-opencv-checks ' )
os . environ [ ' OPENCV_CMAKE_HOOKS_DIR ' ] = hooks_dir if ocv_hooks_dir is None else ( hooks_dir + ' ; ' + ocv_hooks_dir )
builder_dldt = BuilderDLDT ( args )
try :
builder_dldt . prepare_sources ( )
builder_dldt . build ( )
builder_dldt . make_sysroot ( )
builder_opencv = Builder ( args )
builder_opencv . build ( builder_dldt )
builder_opencv . copy_sysroot ( builder_dldt )
builder_opencv . package_sources ( )
except :
builder_dldt . cleanup ( )
log . info ( " ===== " )
log . info ( " ===== Build finished " )
log . info ( " ===== " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
try :
main ( )
except :
log . info ( ' FATAL: Error occurred. To investigate problem try to change logging level using LOGLEVEL=DEBUG environment variable. ' )