Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#!/usr/bin/env python
The script builds OpenCV.framework for iOS.
The built framework is universal, it can be used to build app and run it on either iOS simulator or real device.
./ <outputdir>
By cmake conventions (and especially if you work with OpenCV repository),
the output dir should not be a subdirectory of OpenCV source tree.
Script will create <outputdir>, if it's missing, and a few its subdirectories:
[cmake-generated build tree for an iOS device target]
10 years ago
[cmake-generated build tree for iOS simulator]
[the framework content]
The script should handle minor OpenCV updates efficiently
- it does not recompile the library from scratch each time.
However, opencv2.framework directory is erased and recreated on each run.
from __future__ import print_function
import glob, re, os, os.path, shutil, string, sys, argparse, traceback
from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError
def execute(cmd, cwd = None):
print("Executing: %s in %s" % (cmd, cwd), file=sys.stderr)
retcode = check_call(cmd, cwd = cwd)
if retcode != 0:
raise Exception("Child returned:", retcode)
def getXCodeMajor():
ret = check_output(["xcodebuild", "-version"])
m = re.match(r'XCode\s+(\d)\..*', ret, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if m:
return int(
return 0
class Builder:
def __init__(self, opencv, contrib, exclude, targets):
self.opencv = os.path.abspath(opencv)
self.contrib = None
if contrib:
modpath = os.path.join(contrib, "modules")
if os.path.isdir(modpath):
self.contrib = os.path.abspath(modpath)
print("Note: contrib repository is bad - modules subfolder not found", file=sys.stderr)
self.exclude = exclude
self.targets = targets
def getBD(self, parent, t):
res = os.path.join(parent, '%s-%s' % t)
if not os.path.isdir(res):
return os.path.abspath(res)
def _build(self, outdir):
outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir)
if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
mainWD = os.path.join(outdir, "build")
dirs = []
xcode_ver = getXCodeMajor()
for t in self.targets:
mainBD = self.getBD(mainWD, t)
cmake_flags = []
if self.contrib:
cmake_flags.append("-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=%s" % self.contrib)
if xcode_ver >= 7 and t[1] == 'iPhoneOS':
self.buildOne(t[0], t[1], mainBD, cmake_flags)
self.makeFramework(outdir, dirs)
def build(self, outdir):
except Exception as e:
print("="*60, file=sys.stderr)
print("ERROR: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
print("="*60, file=sys.stderr)
def getToolchain(self, arch, target):
return None
def getCMakeArgs(self, arch, target):
args = [
if len(self.exclude) > 0:
args += ["-DBUILD_opencv_world=OFF"]
args += ("-DBUILD_opencv_%s=OFF" % m for m in self.exclude)
return args
def getBuildCommand(self, arch, target):
buildcmd = [
"ARCHS=%s" % arch,
"-sdk", target.lower(),
"-configuration", "Release",
"-jobs", "4"
return buildcmd
def getInfoPlist(self, builddirs):
return os.path.join(builddirs[0], "ios", "Info.plist")
def buildOne(self, arch, target, builddir, cmakeargs = []):
# Run cmake
toolchain = self.getToolchain(arch, target)
cmakecmd = self.getCMakeArgs(arch, target) + \
(["-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%s" % toolchain] if toolchain is not None else [])
if arch.startswith("armv") or arch.startswith("arm64"):
execute(cmakecmd, cwd = builddir)
# Clean and build
clean_dir = os.path.join(builddir, "install")
if os.path.isdir(clean_dir):
buildcmd = self.getBuildCommand(arch, target)
execute(buildcmd + ["-target", "ALL_BUILD", "build"], cwd = builddir)
execute(["cmake", "-P", "cmake_install.cmake"], cwd = builddir)
def mergeLibs(self, builddir):
res = os.path.join(builddir, "lib", "Release", "libopencv_merged.a")
libs = glob.glob(os.path.join(builddir, "install", "lib", "*.a"))
libs3 = glob.glob(os.path.join(builddir, "install", "share", "OpenCV", "3rdparty", "lib", "*.a"))
print("Merging libraries:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join(libs + libs3), file=sys.stderr)
execute(["libtool", "-static", "-o", res] + libs + libs3)
def makeFramework(self, outdir, builddirs):
name = "opencv2"
libname = "libopencv_merged.a"
# set the current dir to the dst root
framework_dir = os.path.join(outdir, "%s.framework" % name)
if os.path.isdir(framework_dir):
dstdir = os.path.join(framework_dir, "Versions", "A")
# copy headers from one of build folders
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(builddirs[0], "install", "include", "opencv2"), os.path.join(dstdir, "Headers"))
# make universal static lib
libs = [os.path.join(d, "lib", "Release", libname) for d in builddirs]
lipocmd = ["lipo", "-create"]
lipocmd.extend(["-o", os.path.join(dstdir, name)])
print("Creating universal library from:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join(libs), file=sys.stderr)
# copy Info.plist
resdir = os.path.join(dstdir, "Resources")
shutil.copyfile(self.getInfoPlist(builddirs), os.path.join(resdir, "Info.plist"))
# make symbolic links
links = [
(["A"], ["Versions", "Current"]),
(["Versions", "Current", "Headers"], ["Headers"]),
(["Versions", "Current", "Resources"], ["Resources"]),
(["Versions", "Current", name], [name])
for l in links:
s = os.path.join(*l[0])
d = os.path.join(framework_dir, *l[1])
os.symlink(s, d)
class iOSBuilder(Builder):
def getToolchain(self, arch, target):
toolchain = os.path.join(self.opencv, "platforms", "ios", "cmake", "Toolchains", "Toolchain-%s_Xcode.cmake" % target)
return toolchain
def getCMakeArgs(self, arch, target):
args = Builder.getCMakeArgs(self, arch, target)
args = args + [
'-DIOS_ARCH=%s' % arch
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":
folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "../.."))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The script builds OpenCV.framework for iOS.')
parser.add_argument('out', metavar='OUTDIR', help='folder to put built framework')
parser.add_argument('--opencv', metavar='DIR', default=folder, help='folder with opencv repository (default is "../.." relative to script location)')
parser.add_argument('--contrib', metavar='DIR', default=None, help='folder with opencv_contrib repository (default is "None" - build only main framework)')
parser.add_argument('--without', metavar='MODULE', default=[], action='append', help='OpenCV modules to exclude from the framework')
args = parser.parse_args()
b = iOSBuilder(args.opencv, args.contrib, args.without,
("armv7", "iPhoneOS"),
("arm64", "iPhoneOS"),
] if os.environ.get('BUILD_PRECOMMIT', None) else
("armv7", "iPhoneOS"),
("armv7s", "iPhoneOS"),
("arm64", "iPhoneOS"),
("i386", "iPhoneSimulator"),
("x86_64", "iPhoneSimulator"),