Open Source Computer Vision Library
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import as cv
15 years ago
import time
from pydmtx import DataMatrix
import numpy
import sys
import math
def absnorm8(im, im8):
""" im may be any single-channel image type. Return an 8-bit version, absolute value, normalized so that max is 255 """
(minVal, maxVal, _, _) = cv.MinMaxLoc(im)
cv.ConvertScaleAbs(im, im8, 255 / max(abs(minVal), abs(maxVal)), 0)
return im8
font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0, thickness = 2, lineType = cv.CV_AA)
if 0:
started = time.time()
print dm_write.decode(bg.width, bg.height, buffer(bg.tostring()), max_count = 1, min_edge = 12, max_edge = 13, shape = DataMatrix.DmtxSymbol10x10) # , timeout = 10)
print "took", time.time() - started
class DmtxFinder:
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {} = DataMatrix()
def Cached(self, name, rows, cols, type):
key = (name, rows, cols)
if not key in self.cache:
self.cache[key] = cv.CreateMat(rows, cols, type)
return self.cache[key]
def find0(self, img):
started = time.time(),
max_count = 4,
#min_edge = 6,
#max_edge = 19 # Units of 2 pixels
print "brute", time.time() - started
found = {}
for i in range(
stats = dm_read.stats(i + 1)
print stats
found[stats[0]] = stats[1]
return found
def find(self, img):
started = time.time()
gray = self.Cached('gray', img.height, img.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
cv.CvtColor(img, gray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
sobel = self.Cached('sobel', img.height, img.width, cv.CV_16SC1)
sobely = self.Cached('sobely', img.height, img.width, cv.CV_16SC1)
cv.Sobel(gray, sobel, 1, 0)
cv.Sobel(gray, sobely, 0, 1)
cv.Add(sobel, sobely, sobel)
sobel8 = self.Cached('sobel8', sobel.height, sobel.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
absnorm8(sobel, sobel8)
cv.Threshold(sobel8, sobel8, 128.0, 255.0, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY)
sobel_integral = self.Cached('sobel_integral', img.height + 1, img.width + 1, cv.CV_32SC1)
cv.Integral(sobel8, sobel_integral)
d = 16
_x1y1 = cv.GetSubRect(sobel_integral, (0, 0, sobel_integral.cols - d, sobel_integral.rows - d))
_x1y2 = cv.GetSubRect(sobel_integral, (0, d, sobel_integral.cols - d, sobel_integral.rows - d))
_x2y1 = cv.GetSubRect(sobel_integral, (d, 0, sobel_integral.cols - d, sobel_integral.rows - d))
_x2y2 = cv.GetSubRect(sobel_integral, (d, d, sobel_integral.cols - d, sobel_integral.rows - d))
summation = cv.CloneMat(_x2y2)
cv.Sub(summation, _x1y2, summation)
cv.Sub(summation, _x2y1, summation)
cv.Add(summation, _x1y1, summation)
sum8 = self.Cached('sum8', summation.height, summation.width, cv.CV_8UC1)
absnorm8(summation, sum8)
cv.Threshold(sum8, sum8, 32.0, 255.0, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY)
cv.ShowImage("sum8", sum8)
seq = cv.FindContours(sum8, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL)
subimg = cv.GetSubRect(img, (d / 2, d / 2, sum8.cols, sum8.rows))
t_cull = time.time() - started
seqs = []
while seq:
seq = seq.h_next()
started = time.time()
found = {}
print 'seqs', len(seqs)
for seq in seqs:
area = cv.ContourArea(seq)
if area > 1000:
rect = cv.BoundingRect(seq)
edge = int((14 / 14.) * math.sqrt(area) / 2 + 0.5)
candidate = cv.GetSubRect(subimg, rect)
sym =,
max_count = 1,
#min_edge = 6,
#max_edge = int(edge) # Units of 2 pixels
if sym:
onscreen = [(d / 2 + rect[0] + x, d / 2 + rect[1] + y) for (x, y) in[1]]
found[sym] = onscreen
print "FAILED"
t_brute = time.time() - started
print "cull took", t_cull, "brute", t_brute
return found
bg = cv.CreateMat(1024, 1024, cv.CV_8UC3)
cv.Set(bg, cv.RGB(0, 0, 0))
df = DmtxFinder()
cv.NamedWindow("camera", 1)
def mkdmtx(msg):
dm_write = DataMatrix()
pi = dm_write.image # .resize((14, 14))
cv_im = cv.CreateImageHeader(pi.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
cv.SetData(cv_im, pi.tostring())
return cv_im
# test = [('WIL', (100,100))]: # , ('LOW', (250,100)), ('GAR', (300, 300)), ('AGE', (500, 300))]:
test = []
y = 10
for j in range(7):
r = 28 + j * 4
mr = r * math.sqrt(2)
y += mr * 1.8
test += [(str(deg) + "abcdefgh"[j], (50 + deg * 11, y), math.pi * deg / 180, r) for deg in range(0, 90, 10)]
for (msg, (x, y), angle, r) in test:
map = cv.CreateMat(2, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
corners = [(x + r * math.cos(angle + th), y + r * math.sin(angle + th)) for th in [0, math.pi / 2, math.pi, 3 * math.pi / 4]]
src = mkdmtx(msg)
(sx, sy) = cv.GetSize(src)
cv.GetAffineTransform([(0,0), (sx, 0), (sx, sy)], corners[:3], map)
temp = cv.CreateMat(bg.rows, bg.cols, cv.CV_8UC3)
cv.Set(temp, cv.RGB(0, 0, 0))
cv.WarpAffine(src, temp, map)
cv.Or(temp, bg, bg)
cv.ShowImage("comp", bg)
scribble = cv.CloneMat(bg)
if 0:
for i in range(10):
for (sym, coords) in df.find(bg).items():
print sym
cv.PolyLine(scribble, [coords], 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0,0), 1, lineType = cv.CV_AA)
Xs = [x for (x, y) in coords]
Ys = [y for (x, y) in coords]
where = ((min(Xs) + max(Xs)) / 2, max(Ys) - 50)
cv.PutText(scribble, sym, where, font, cv.RGB(0,255, 0))
cv.ShowImage("results", scribble)
capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0)
while True:
img = cv.QueryFrame(capture)
cv.ShowImage("capture", img)
print df.find(img)