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// Imgcodecs.swift
// Created by Giles Payne on 2020/02/10.
import XCTest
import OpenCV
class ImgcodecsTest: OpenCVTestCase {
let LENA_PATH = Bundle(for: ImgcodecsTest.self).path(forResource:"lena", ofType:"png", inDirectory:"resources")!
func testImencodeStringMatListOfByte() {
var buff = [UInt8]()
XCTAssert(Imgcodecs.imencode(ext: ".jpg", img: gray127, buf: &buff))
XCTAssertFalse(0 == buff.count)
func testImencodeStringMatListOfByteListOfInteger() {
let params40:[Int32] = [ImwriteFlags.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY.rawValue, 40]
let params90:[Int32] = [ImwriteFlags.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY.rawValue, 90]
var buff40 = [UInt8]()
var buff90 = [UInt8]()
XCTAssert(Imgcodecs.imencode(ext: ".jpg", img: rgbLena, buf: &buff40, params: params40))
XCTAssert(Imgcodecs.imencode(ext: ".jpg", img: rgbLena, buf: &buff90, params: params90))
XCTAssert(buff40.count > 0)
XCTAssert(buff40.count < buff90.count)
func testImreadString() {
dst = Imgcodecs.imread(filename: LENA_PATH)
XCTAssertEqual(3, dst.channels())
XCTAssert(512 == dst.cols())
XCTAssert(512 == dst.rows())
func testImreadStringInt() {
dst = Imgcodecs.imread(filename: LENA_PATH, flags: 0)
XCTAssertEqual(1, dst.channels());
XCTAssert(512 == dst.cols());
XCTAssert(512 == dst.rows());