Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// Intel License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
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#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
class CV_FindContourTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
enum { NUM_IMG = 4 };
void clear();
int read_params( const cv::FileStorage& fs );
int prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx );
int validate_test_results( int test_case_idx );
void run_func();
int min_blob_size, max_blob_size;
int blob_count, max_log_blob_count;
int retr_mode, approx_method;
int min_log_img_width, max_log_img_width;
int min_log_img_height, max_log_img_height;
Size img_size;
int count, count2;
IplImage* img[NUM_IMG];
CvMemStorage* storage;
CvSeq *contours, *contours2, *chain;
static const bool useVeryWideImages =
#if SIZE_MAX <= 0xffffffff
// 32-bit: don't even try the very wide images
// 64-bit: test with very wide images
int i;
test_case_count = useVeryWideImages ? 10 : 300;
min_blob_size = 1;
max_blob_size = 50;
max_log_blob_count = 10;
min_log_img_width = useVeryWideImages ? 17 : 3;
max_log_img_width = useVeryWideImages ? 17 : 10;
min_log_img_height = 3;
max_log_img_height = 10;
for( i = 0; i < NUM_IMG; i++ )
img[i] = 0;
storage = 0;
void CV_FindContourTest::clear()
int i;
for( i = 0; i < NUM_IMG; i++ )
cvReleaseImage( &img[i] );
cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
int CV_FindContourTest::read_params( const cv::FileStorage& fs )
int t;
int code = cvtest::BaseTest::read_params( fs );
if( code < 0 )
return code;
read( find_param( fs, "min_blob_size" ), min_blob_size, min_blob_size );
read( find_param( fs, "max_blob_size" ), max_blob_size, max_blob_size );
read( find_param( fs, "max_log_blob_count" ), max_log_blob_count, max_log_blob_count );
read( find_param( fs, "min_log_img_width" ), min_log_img_width, min_log_img_width );
read( find_param( fs, "max_log_img_width" ), max_log_img_width, max_log_img_width );
read( find_param( fs, "min_log_img_height"), min_log_img_height, min_log_img_height );
read( find_param( fs, "max_log_img_height"), max_log_img_height, max_log_img_height );
min_blob_size = cvtest::clipInt( min_blob_size, 1, 100 );
max_blob_size = cvtest::clipInt( max_blob_size, 1, 100 );
if( min_blob_size > max_blob_size )
CV_SWAP( min_blob_size, max_blob_size, t );
max_log_blob_count = cvtest::clipInt( max_log_blob_count, 1, 10 );
min_log_img_width = cvtest::clipInt( min_log_img_width, 1, useVeryWideImages ? 17 : 10 );
min_log_img_width = cvtest::clipInt( max_log_img_width, 1, useVeryWideImages ? 17 : 10 );
min_log_img_height = cvtest::clipInt( min_log_img_height, 1, 10 );
min_log_img_height = cvtest::clipInt( max_log_img_height, 1, 10 );
if( min_log_img_width > max_log_img_width )
std::swap( min_log_img_width, max_log_img_width );
if (min_log_img_height > max_log_img_height)
std::swap(min_log_img_height, max_log_img_height);
return 0;
static void
cvTsGenerateBlobImage( IplImage* img, int min_blob_size, int max_blob_size,
int blob_count, int min_brightness, int max_brightness,
RNG& rng )
int i;
Size size;
CV_Assert(img->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U && img->nChannels == 1);
cvZero( img );
// keep the border clear
cvSetImageROI( img, cvRect(1,1,img->width-2,img->height-2) );
size = cvGetSize( img );
for( i = 0; i < blob_count; i++ )
Point center;
Size axes;
int angle = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 180;
int brightness = cvtest::randInt(rng) %
(max_brightness - min_brightness) + min_brightness;
center.x = cvtest::randInt(rng) % size.width;
center.y = cvtest::randInt(rng) % size.height;
axes.width = (cvtest::randInt(rng) %
(max_blob_size - min_blob_size) + min_blob_size + 1)/2;
axes.height = (cvtest::randInt(rng) %
(max_blob_size - min_blob_size) + min_blob_size + 1)/2;
cvEllipse( img, cvPoint(center), cvSize(axes), angle, 0, 360, cvScalar(brightness), CV_FILLED );
cvResetImageROI( img );
static void
cvTsMarkContours( IplImage* img, int val )
int i, j;
int step = img->widthStep;
CV_Assert( img->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U && img->nChannels == 1 && (val&1) != 0);
for( i = 1; i < img->height - 1; i++ )
for( j = 1; j < img->width - 1; j++ )
uchar* t = (uchar*)(img->imageData + img->widthStep*i + j);
if( *t == 1 && (t[-step] == 0 || t[-1] == 0 || t[1] == 0 || t[step] == 0))
*t = (uchar)val;
cvThreshold( img, img, val - 2, val, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
int CV_FindContourTest::prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx )
RNG& rng = ts->get_rng();
const int min_brightness = 0, max_brightness = 2;
int i, code = cvtest::BaseTest::prepare_test_case( test_case_idx );
if( code < 0 )
return code;
blob_count = cvRound(exp(cvtest::randReal(rng)*max_log_blob_count*CV_LOG2));
img_size.width = cvRound(exp((cvtest::randReal(rng)*
(max_log_img_width - min_log_img_width) + min_log_img_width)*CV_LOG2));
img_size.height = cvRound(exp((cvtest::randReal(rng)*
(max_log_img_height - min_log_img_height) + min_log_img_height)*CV_LOG2));
approx_method = cvtest::randInt( rng ) % 4 + 1;
retr_mode = cvtest::randInt( rng ) % 4;
storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 1 << 10 );
for( i = 0; i < NUM_IMG; i++ )
img[i] = cvCreateImage( cvSize(img_size), 8, 1 );
cvTsGenerateBlobImage( img[0], min_blob_size, max_blob_size,
blob_count, min_brightness, max_brightness, rng );
cvCopy( img[0], img[1] );
cvCopy( img[0], img[2] );
cvTsMarkContours( img[1], 255 );
return 1;
void CV_FindContourTest::run_func()
contours = contours2 = chain = 0;
count = cvFindContours( img[2], storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), retr_mode, approx_method );
cvZero( img[3] );
if( contours && retr_mode != CV_RETR_EXTERNAL && approx_method < CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 )
cvDrawContours( img[3], contours, cvScalar(255), cvScalar(255), INT_MAX, -1 );
cvCopy( img[0], img[2] );
count2 = cvFindContours( img[2], storage, &chain, sizeof(CvChain), retr_mode, CV_CHAIN_CODE );
if( chain )
contours2 = cvApproxChains( chain, storage, approx_method, 0, 0, 1 );
cvZero( img[2] );
if( contours && retr_mode != CV_RETR_EXTERNAL && approx_method < CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 )
cvDrawContours( img[2], contours2, cvScalar(255), cvScalar(255), INT_MAX );
// the whole testing is done here, run_func() is not utilized in this test
int CV_FindContourTest::validate_test_results( int /*test_case_idx*/ )
int code = cvtest::TS::OK;
Merge pull request #25564 from mshabunin:cleanup-imgproc-2 imgproc: C-API cleanup, drawContours refactor #25564 Changes: * moved several macros from types_c.h to cvdef.h (assuming we will continue using them) * removed some cases of C-API usage in _imgproc_ module (`CV_TERMCRIT_*` and `CV_CMP_*`) * refactored `drawContours` to use C++ API instead of calling `cvDrawContours` + test for filled contours with holes (case with non-filled contours is simpler and is covered in some other tests) #### Note: There is one case where old drawContours behavior doesn't match the new one - when `contourIdx == -1` (means "draw all contours") and `maxLevel == 0` (means draw only selected contours, but not what is inside). From the docs: > **contourIdx** Parameter indicating a contour to draw. If it is negative, all the contours are drawn. > **maxLevel** Maximal level for drawn contours. If it is 0, only the specified contour is drawn. If it is 1, the function draws the contour(s) and all the nested contours. If it is 2, the function draws the contours, all the nested contours, all the nested-to-nested contours, and so on. This parameter is only taken into account when there is hierarchy available. Old behavior - only one first contour is drawn: ![actual_screenshot_08 05 2024]( a New behavior (also expected by the test) - all contours are drawn: ![expected_screenshot_08 05 2024](
10 months ago
cvCmpS( img[0], 0, img[0], cv::CMP_GT );
if( count != count2 )
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "The number of contours retrieved with different "
"approximation methods is not the same\n"
"(%d contour(s) for method %d vs %d contour(s) for method %d)\n",
count, approx_method, count2, CV_CHAIN_CODE );
code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT;
if( retr_mode != CV_RETR_EXTERNAL && approx_method < CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1 )
Mat _img[4];
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
_img[i] = cvarrToMat(img[i]);
code = cvtest::cmpEps2(ts, _img[0], _img[3], 0, true, "Comparing original image with the map of filled contours" );
if( code < 0 )
goto _exit_;
code = cvtest::cmpEps2( ts, _img[1], _img[2], 0, true,
"Comparing contour outline vs manually produced edge map" );
if( code < 0 )
goto _exit_;
if( contours )
CvTreeNodeIterator iterator1;
CvTreeNodeIterator iterator2;
int count3;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
CvTreeNodeIterator iterator;
cvInitTreeNodeIterator( &iterator, i == 0 ? contours : contours2, INT_MAX );
for( count3 = 0; cvNextTreeNode( &iterator ) != 0; count3++ )
if( count3 != count )
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG,
"The returned number of retrieved contours (using the approx_method = %d) does not match\n"
"to the actual number of contours in the tree/list (returned %d, actual %d)\n",
i == 0 ? approx_method : 0, count, count3 );
code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT;
goto _exit_;
cvInitTreeNodeIterator( &iterator1, contours, INT_MAX );
cvInitTreeNodeIterator( &iterator2, contours2, INT_MAX );
for( count3 = 0; count3 < count; count3++ )
CvSeq* seq1 = (CvSeq*)cvNextTreeNode( &iterator1 );
CvSeq* seq2 = (CvSeq*)cvNextTreeNode( &iterator2 );
CvSeqReader reader1;
CvSeqReader reader2;
if( !seq1 || !seq2 )
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG,
"There are NULL pointers in the original contour tree or the "
"tree produced by cvApproxChains\n" );
code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT;
goto _exit_;
cvStartReadSeq( seq1, &reader1 );
cvStartReadSeq( seq2, &reader2 );
if( seq1->total != seq2->total )
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG,
"The original contour #%d has %d points, while the corresponding contour has %d point\n",
count3, seq1->total, seq2->total );
code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT;
goto _exit_;
for(int i = 0; i < seq1->total; i++ )
CvPoint pt1 = {0, 0};
CvPoint pt2 = {0, 0};
CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt1, reader1 );
CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt2, reader2 );
if( pt1.x != pt2.x || pt1.y != pt2.y )
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG,
"The point #%d in the contour #%d is different from the corresponding point "
"in the approximated chain ((%d,%d) vs (%d,%d)", count3, i, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y );
code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT;
goto _exit_;
if( code < 0 )
#if 0
cvNamedWindow( "test", 0 );
cvShowImage( "test", img[0] );
ts->set_failed_test_info( code );
return code;
TEST(Imgproc_FindContours, accuracy)
CV_FindContourTest test;
//rotate/flip a quadrant appropriately
static void rot(int n, int *x, int *y, int rx, int ry)
if (ry == 0) {
if (rx == 1) {
*x = n-1 - *x;
*y = n-1 - *y;
//Swap x and y
int t = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = t;
static void d2xy(int n, int d, int *x, int *y)
int rx, ry, s, t=d;
*x = *y = 0;
for (s=1; s<n; s*=2)
rx = 1 & (t/2);
ry = 1 & (t ^ rx);
rot(s, x, y, rx, ry);
*x += s * rx;
*y += s * ry;
t /= 4;
TEST(Imgproc_FindContours, hilbert)
int n = 64, n2 = n*n, scale = 10, w = (n + 2)*scale;
Point ofs(scale, scale);
Mat img(w, w, CV_8U);
Point p(0,0);
for( int i = 0; i < n2; i++ )
Point q(0,0);
d2xy(n2, i, &q.x, &q.y);
line(img, p*scale + ofs, q*scale + ofs, Scalar::all(255));
p = q;
dilate(img, img, Mat());
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
findContours(img, contours, noArray(), RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
drawContours(img, contours, 0, Scalar::all(255), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(1, (int)contours.size());
ASSERT_EQ(9832, (int)contours[0].size());
TEST(Imgproc_FindContours, border)
Mat img;
cv::copyMakeBorder(Mat::zeros(8, 10, CV_8U), img, 1, 1, 1, 1, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(1));
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
findContours(img, contours, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
Mat img_draw_contours = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);
for (size_t cpt = 0; cpt < contours.size(); cpt++)
drawContours(img_draw_contours, contours, static_cast<int>(cpt), cv::Scalar(1));
ASSERT_EQ(0, cvtest::norm(img, img_draw_contours, NORM_INF));
TEST(Imgproc_FindContours, regression_4363_shared_nbd)
// Create specific test image
Mat1b img(12, 69, (const uchar&)0);
img(1, 1) = 1;
// Vertical rectangle with hole sharing the same NBD
for (int r = 1; r <= 10; ++r) {
for (int c = 3; c <= 5; ++c) {
img(r, c) = 1;
img(9, 4) = 0;
// 124 small CCs
for (int r = 1; r <= 7; r += 2) {
for (int c = 7; c <= 67; c += 2) {
img(r, c) = 1;
// Last CC
img(9, 7) = 1;
vector< vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours(img, contours, hierarchy, RETR_TREE, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
bool found = false;
size_t index = 0;
for (vector< vector<Point> >::const_iterator i = contours.begin(); i != contours.end(); ++i)
const vector<Point>& c = *i;
if (!c.empty() && c[0] == Point(7, 9))
found = true;
index = (size_t)(i - contours.begin());
EXPECT_TRUE(found) << "Desired result: point (7,9) is a contour - Actual result: point (7,9) is not a contour";
if (found)
Merge pull request #25146 from mshabunin:cpp-contours Reworked findContours to reduce C-API usage #25146 What is done: * rewritten `findContours` and `icvApproximateChainTC89` using C++ data structures * extracted LINK_RUNS mode to separate new public functions - `findContoursLinkRuns` (it uses completely different algorithm) * ~added new public `cv::approximateChainTC89`~ - **:x: decided to hide it** * enabled chain code output (method = 0, no public enum value for this in C++ yet) * kept old function as `findContours_old` (exported, but not exposed to user) * added more tests for findContours (`test_contours_new.cpp`), some tests compare results of old function with new one. Following tests have been added: * contours of random rectangle * contours of many small (1-2px) blobs * contours of random noise * backport of old accuracy test * separate test for LINK RUNS variant What is left to be done (can be done now or later): * improve tests: * some tests have limited verification (e.g. only verify contour sizes) * perhaps reference data can be collected and stored * maybe more test variants can be added (?) * add enum value for chain code output and a method of returning starting points (e.g. first 8 elements of returned `vector<uchar>` can represent 2 int point coordinates) * add documentation for new functions - **:heavy_check_mark: DONE** * check and improve performance (my experiment showed 0.7x-1.1x some time ago) * remove old functions completely (?) * change contour return order (BFS) or allow to select it (?) * return result tree as-is (?) (new data structures should be exposed, bindings should adapt)
11 months ago
ASSERT_EQ(contours.size(), hierarchy.size());
EXPECT_LT(hierarchy[index][3], 0) << "Desired result: (7,9) has no parent - Actual result: parent of (7,9) is another contour. index = " << index;
Merge pull request #25146 from mshabunin:cpp-contours Reworked findContours to reduce C-API usage #25146 What is done: * rewritten `findContours` and `icvApproximateChainTC89` using C++ data structures * extracted LINK_RUNS mode to separate new public functions - `findContoursLinkRuns` (it uses completely different algorithm) * ~added new public `cv::approximateChainTC89`~ - **:x: decided to hide it** * enabled chain code output (method = 0, no public enum value for this in C++ yet) * kept old function as `findContours_old` (exported, but not exposed to user) * added more tests for findContours (`test_contours_new.cpp`), some tests compare results of old function with new one. Following tests have been added: * contours of random rectangle * contours of many small (1-2px) blobs * contours of random noise * backport of old accuracy test * separate test for LINK RUNS variant What is left to be done (can be done now or later): * improve tests: * some tests have limited verification (e.g. only verify contour sizes) * perhaps reference data can be collected and stored * maybe more test variants can be added (?) * add enum value for chain code output and a method of returning starting points (e.g. first 8 elements of returned `vector<uchar>` can represent 2 int point coordinates) * add documentation for new functions - **:heavy_check_mark: DONE** * check and improve performance (my experiment showed 0.7x-1.1x some time ago) * remove old functions completely (?) * change contour return order (BFS) or allow to select it (?) * return result tree as-is (?) (new data structures should be exposed, bindings should adapt)
11 months ago
TEST(Imgproc_PointPolygonTest, regression_10222)
vector<Point> contour;
contour.push_back(Point(0, 0));
contour.push_back(Point(0, 100000));
contour.push_back(Point(100000, 100000));
contour.push_back(Point(100000, 50000));
contour.push_back(Point(100000, 0));
const Point2f point(40000, 40000);
const double result = cv::pointPolygonTest(contour, point, false);
EXPECT_GT(result, 0) << "Desired result: point is inside polygon - actual result: point is not inside polygon";
}} // namespace
/* End of file. */