Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/gapi/imgproc.hpp>
#include "gapi_imgproc_tests.hpp"
#include "gapi_imgproc_tests_common.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
// FIXME avoid this code duplicate in perf tests
void rgb2yuyv(const uchar* rgb_line, uchar* yuv422_line, int width)
CV_Assert(width % 2 == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += 2)
uchar r = rgb_line[i * 3 ];
uchar g = rgb_line[i * 3 + 1];
uchar b = rgb_line[i * 3 + 2];
yuv422_line[i * 2 ] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(-0.14713 * r - 0.28886 * g + 0.436 * b + 128.f); // U0
yuv422_line[i * 2 + 1] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>( 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b ); // Y0
yuv422_line[i * 2 + 2] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>( 0.615 * r - 0.51499 * g - 0.10001 * b + 128.f); // V0
r = rgb_line[i * 3 + 3];
g = rgb_line[i * 3 + 4];
b = rgb_line[i * 3 + 5];
yuv422_line[i * 2 + 3] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b); // Y1
void convertRGB2YUV422Ref(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat &out)
out.create(in.size(), CV_8UC2);
for (int i = 0; i < in.rows; ++i)
const uchar* in_line_p = in.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* out_line_p = out.ptr<uchar>(i);
rgb2yuyv(in_line_p, out_line_p, in.cols);
TEST_P(Filter2DTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Point anchor = {-1, -1};
double delta = 0;
cv::Mat kernel = cv::Mat(filterSize, CV_32FC1);
cv::Scalar kernMean, kernStddev;
const auto kernSize = filterSize.width * filterSize.height;
const auto bigKernSize = 49;
if (kernSize < bigKernSize)
kernMean = cv::Scalar(0.3);
kernStddev = cv::Scalar(0.5);
kernMean = cv::Scalar(0.008);
kernStddev = cv::Scalar(0.008);
randn(kernel, kernMean, kernStddev);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::filter2D(in, dtype, kernel, anchor, delta, borderType);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::filter2D(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, dtype, kernel, anchor, delta, borderType);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BoxFilterTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Point anchor = {-1, -1};
bool normalize = true;
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::boxFilter(in, dtype, cv::Size(filterSize, filterSize), anchor, normalize,
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::boxFilter(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, dtype, cv::Size(filterSize, filterSize), anchor,
normalize, borderType);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(SepFilterTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Mat kernelX(kernSize, 1, CV_32F);
cv::Mat kernelY(kernSize, 1, CV_32F);
randu(kernelX, -1, 1);
randu(kernelY, -1, 1);
cv::Point anchor = cv::Point(-1, -1);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::sepFilter(in, dtype, kernelX, kernelY, anchor, cv::Scalar() );
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::sepFilter2D(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, dtype, kernelX, kernelY );
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BlurTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Point anchor = {-1, -1};
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::blur(in, cv::Size(filterSize, filterSize), anchor, borderType);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::blur(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::Size(filterSize, filterSize), anchor, borderType);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(GaussianBlurTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Size kSize = cv::Size(kernSize, kernSize);
double sigmaX = rand();
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::gaussianBlur(in, kSize, sigmaX);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GaussianBlur(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, kSize, sigmaX);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(MedianBlurTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::medianBlur(in, kernSize);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::medianBlur(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, kernSize);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(ErodeTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(kernType, cv::Size(kernSize, kernSize));
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::erode(in, kernel);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::erode(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, kernel);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(Erode3x3Test, AccuracyTest)
cv::Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3,3));
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::erode3x3(in, numIters);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::erode(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, kernel, cv::Point(-1, -1), numIters);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(DilateTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(kernType, cv::Size(kernSize, kernSize));
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::dilate(in, kernel);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::dilate(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, kernel);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(Dilate3x3Test, AccuracyTest)
cv::Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3,3));
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::dilate3x3(in, numIters);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::dilate(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, kernel, cv::Point(-1,-1), numIters);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(MorphologyExTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::MorphShapes defShape = cv::MORPH_RECT;
int defKernSize = 3;
cv::Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(defShape, cv::Size(defKernSize, defKernSize));
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::morphologyEx(in, op, kernel);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::morphologyEx(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, op, kernel);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(SobelTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::Sobel(in, dtype, dx, dy, kernSize );
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::Sobel(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, dtype, dx, dy, kernSize);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(SobelXYTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv2;
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi2;
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::SobelXY(in, dtype, order, kernSize, 1, 0, border_type, border_val);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(std::get<0>(out), std::get<1>(out)));
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_gapi2), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// workaround for cv::Sobel
cv::Mat temp_in;
if(border_type == cv::BORDER_CONSTANT)
int n_pixels = (kernSize - 1) / 2;
cv::copyMakeBorder(in_mat1, temp_in, n_pixels, n_pixels, n_pixels, n_pixels, border_type, border_val);
in_mat1 = temp_in(cv::Rect(n_pixels, n_pixels, in_mat1.cols, in_mat1.rows));
cv::Sobel(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, dtype, order, 0, kernSize, 1, 0, border_type);
cv::Sobel(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv2, dtype, 0, order, kernSize, 1, 0, border_type);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi2, out_mat_ocv2));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi2.size());
TEST_P(LaplacianTest, AccuracyTest)
double delta = 10;
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::Laplacian(in, dtype, kernSize, scale, delta, borderType);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::Laplacian(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, dtype, kernSize, scale, delta, borderType);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BilateralFilterTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::bilateralFilter(in, d, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace, borderType);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::bilateralFilter(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, d, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace, borderType);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(EqHistTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::equalizeHist(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::equalizeHist(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(CannyTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::Canny(in, thrLow, thrUp, apSize, l2gr);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::Canny(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, thrLow, thrUp, apSize, l2gr);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(GoodFeaturesTest, AccuracyTest)
double k = 0.04;
initMatFromImage(type, fileName);
std::vector<cv::Point2f> outVecOCV, outVecGAPI;
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::goodFeaturesToTrack(in, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, cv::Mat(),
blockSize, useHarrisDetector, k);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1), cv::gout(outVecGAPI), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(in_mat1, outVecOCV, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance,
cv::noArray(), blockSize, useHarrisDetector, k);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(outVecGAPI, outVecOCV));
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(FindContoursNoOffsetTest, AccuracyTest)
findContoursTestBody(sz, type, mode, method, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(FindContoursOffsetTest, AccuracyTest)
const cv::Size sz(1280, 720);
const MatType2 type = CV_8UC1;
const cv::RetrievalModes mode = cv::RETR_EXTERNAL;
const cv::ContourApproximationModes method = cv::CHAIN_APPROX_NONE;
const CompareMats cmpF = AbsExact().to_compare_obj();
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
const cv::Point offset(15, 15);
findContoursTestBody(sz, type, mode, method, cmpF, getCompileArgs(), offset);
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(FindContoursHNoOffsetTest, AccuracyTest)
findContoursTestBody<HIERARCHY>(sz, type, mode, method, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(FindContoursHOffsetTest, AccuracyTest)
const cv::Size sz(1280, 720);
const MatType2 type = CV_8UC1;
const cv::RetrievalModes mode = cv::RETR_EXTERNAL;
const cv::ContourApproximationModes method = cv::CHAIN_APPROX_NONE;
const CompareMats cmpF = AbsExact().to_compare_obj();
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
const cv::Point offset(15, 15);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> outCtsOCV, outCtsGAPI;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> outHierOCV, outHierGAPI;
findContoursTestBody<HIERARCHY>(sz, type, mode, method, cmpF, getCompileArgs(), offset);
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(BoundingRectMatTest, AccuracyTest)
if (initByVector)
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
initMatByPointsVectorRandU<cv::Point_>(type, sz, dtype);
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
initMatrixRandU(type, sz, dtype);
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
boundingRectTestBody(in_mat1, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(BoundingRectVector32STest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point2i> in_vector;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vector);
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
boundingRectTestBody(in_vector, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(BoundingRectVector32FTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> in_vector;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vector);
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
boundingRectTestBody(in_vector, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
Merge pull request #18510 from OrestChura:oc/boundingRect [G-API]: findContours() and boundingRect() Standard Kernels Implementation * Add findContours() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - as OpenCV provides two overloads whether to calculate hierarchy or not, but they differ by only the output in sight of G-API, two different G-API functions and kernels implemented - G-API Imgproc documentation divided into more parts according to imgproc module parts - some typos connected with division into parts corrected - `GArray<GArray<U>>` overload for `get_out` function provided to coonvert correctly into `vector<vector<U>>` - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided * Add boundingRect() standard kernel - API and documentation provided: - GOpaque<Rect> used as an output - as OpenCV provides two possibilities whether to take a gray-scale image or a set of 2D points (`Point2i` or `Point2f` supported), three different overloads of a single G-API function and three kernels implemented - for a gray-scale image the overload via `GMat` - for a set of `Point2i` - the one via GArray<`Point2i`> - set of `Point2f` -> GArray<`Point2f`> - OCV backend supported - accuracy tests provided - comparison function for Rects provided - some typos in `gapi_tests_common` corrected * Fix precommit windows warnings * - Addressing comments: - split tests - Fix Windows warnings * Static_cast for warnings * - Remove randomness - Fix unnecessary precision losses * - Forgot reference for RNG * addressing comments * equalizeHist -> no group * `const` addedin new functions * Address suggestions: - Hierarchical -> H - added cv::GMatDesc::isVectorPoins() - added support of giving a set of points to boundingRect() * Addressing comments - IoU comparison function added for Rects - isPointsVector moved from a GMatDesc method to a separate function in imgproc.hpp - enums instead of int - typos corrected * Addressing comments - findContours: Point offset -> GOpaque<Point> - removed "straight" comparison for Rects, IoU available only - changed vectors initialization -> fix Debug test run - Some typos * added comment for later upgrades * Fix not to corrupt docs by FIXME * Addressing commens - overload without offset added (as a temporary workaround) - checkMetaForFindingContours -> validateFindingContoursMeta - added ostream overload for enums used in tests
4 years ago
TEST_P(FitLine2DMatVectorTest, AccuracyTest)
fitLineTestBody(in_mat1, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine2DVector32STest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point2i> in_vec;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vec);
fitLineTestBody(in_vec, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine2DVector32FTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point2f> in_vec;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vec);
fitLineTestBody(in_vec, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine2DVector64FTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point2d> in_vec;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vec);
fitLineTestBody(in_vec, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine3DMatVectorTest, AccuracyTest)
fitLineTestBody(in_mat1, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine3DVector32STest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point3i> in_vec;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vec);
fitLineTestBody(in_vec, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine3DVector32FTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point3f> in_vec;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vec);
fitLineTestBody(in_vec, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(FitLine3DVector64FTest, AccuracyTest)
std::vector<cv::Point3d> in_vec;
initPointsVectorRandU(sz.width, in_vec);
fitLineTestBody(in_vec, distType, cmpF, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(BGR2RGBTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::BGR2RGB(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(RGB2GrayTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::RGB2Gray(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BGR2GrayTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::BGR2Gray(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(RGB2YUVTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::RGB2YUV(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_RGB2YUV);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(YUV2RGBTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::YUV2RGB(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BGR2I420Test, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::BGR2I420(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3 / 2), out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(RGB2I420Test, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::RGB2I420(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_RGB2YUV_I420);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3 / 2), out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(I4202BGRTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::I4202BGR(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(Size(sz.width, sz.height * 2 / 3), out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(I4202RGBTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::I4202RGB(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(Size(sz.width, sz.height * 2 / 3), out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(NV12toRGBTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in_y;
cv::GMat in_uv;
auto out = cv::gapi::NV12toRGB(in_y, in_uv);
// Additional mat for uv
cv::Mat in_mat_uv(cv::Size(sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2), CV_8UC2);
cv::randn(in_mat_uv, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in_y, in_uv), cv::GOut(out));
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, in_mat_uv), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(in_mat1, in_mat_uv, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(NV12toBGRTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in_y;
cv::GMat in_uv;
auto out = cv::gapi::NV12toBGR(in_y, in_uv);
// Additional mat for uv
cv::Mat in_mat_uv(cv::Size(sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2), CV_8UC2);
cv::randn(in_mat_uv, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in_y, in_uv), cv::GOut(out));
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, in_mat_uv), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(in_mat1, in_mat_uv, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(NV12toGrayTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in_y;
cv::GMat in_uv;
auto out = cv::gapi::NV12toGray(in_y, in_uv);
// Additional mat for uv
cv::Mat in_mat_uv(cv::Size(sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2), CV_8UC2);
cv::randn(in_mat_uv, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in_y, in_uv), cv::GOut(out));
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, in_mat_uv), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi), getCompileArgs());
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv_planar;
cv::Mat uv_planar(in_mat1.rows / 2, in_mat1.cols, CV_8UC1,;
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::vconcat(in_mat1, uv_planar, out_mat_ocv_planar);
cv::cvtColor(out_mat_ocv_planar, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2GRAY_NV12);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
static void toPlanar(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat& out)
GAPI_Assert(out.depth() == in.depth());
GAPI_Assert(out.channels() == 1);
GAPI_Assert(in.channels() == 3);
GAPI_Assert(out.cols == in.cols);
GAPI_Assert(out.rows == 3*in.rows);
std::vector<cv::Mat> outs(3);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
outs[i] = out(cv::Rect(0, i*in.rows, in.cols, in.rows));
cv::split(in, outs);
TEST_P(NV12toRGBpTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Size sz_p = cv::Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in_y;
cv::GMat in_uv;
auto out = cv::gapi::NV12toRGBp(in_y, in_uv);
// Additional mat for uv
cv::Mat in_mat_uv(cv::Size(sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2), CV_8UC2);
cv::randn(in_mat_uv, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in_y, in_uv), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi_planar(cv::Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3), CV_8UC1);
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, in_mat_uv), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi_planar), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv_planar(cv::Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3), CV_8UC1);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(in_mat1, in_mat_uv, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12);
toPlanar(out_mat_ocv, out_mat_ocv_planar);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi_planar, out_mat_ocv_planar));
EXPECT_EQ(sz_p, out_mat_gapi_planar.size());
TEST_P(NV12toBGRpTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Size sz_p = cv::Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in_y;
cv::GMat in_uv;
auto out = cv::gapi::NV12toBGRp(in_y, in_uv);
// Additional mat for uv
cv::Mat in_mat_uv(cv::Size(sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2), CV_8UC2);
cv::randn(in_mat_uv, cv::Scalar::all(127), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in_y, in_uv), cv::GOut(out));
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi_planar(cv::Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3), CV_8UC1);
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, in_mat_uv), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi_planar), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv_planar(cv::Size(sz.width, sz.height * 3), CV_8UC1);
cv::cvtColorTwoPlane(in_mat1, in_mat_uv, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12);
toPlanar(out_mat_ocv, out_mat_ocv_planar);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi_planar, out_mat_ocv_planar));
EXPECT_EQ(sz_p, out_mat_gapi_planar.size());
TEST_P(RGB2LabTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::RGB2Lab(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_RGB2Lab);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BGR2LUVTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::BGR2LUV(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_BGR2Luv);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(LUV2BGRTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::LUV2BGR(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_Luv2BGR);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BGR2YUVTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::BGR2YUV(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_BGR2YUV);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(YUV2BGRTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::YUV2BGR(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_YUV2BGR);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(RGB2HSVTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::RGB2HSV(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_RGB2HSV);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(BayerGR2RGBTest, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::BayerGR2RGB(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::cvtColor(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, cv::COLOR_BayerGR2RGB);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
TEST_P(RGB2YUV422Test, AccuracyTest)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::RGB2YUV422(in);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat_gapi, getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
convertRGB2YUV422Ref(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat_gapi, out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(sz, out_mat_gapi.size());
static void ResizeAccuracyTest(const CompareMats& cmpF, int type, int interp, cv::Size sz_in,
cv::Size sz_out, double fx, double fy, cv::GCompileArgs&& compile_args)
cv::Mat in_mat1 (sz_in, type );
cv::Scalar mean = cv::Scalar::all(127);
cv::Scalar stddev = cv::Scalar::all(40.f);
cv::randn(in_mat1, mean, stddev);
auto out_mat_sz = sz_out.area() == 0 ? cv::Size(saturate_cast<int>(sz_in.width *fx),
: sz_out;
cv::Mat out_mat(out_mat_sz, type);
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv(out_mat_sz, type);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
auto out = cv::gapi::resize(in, sz_out, fx, fy, interp);
cv::GComputation c(in, out);
c.apply(in_mat1, out_mat, std::move(compile_args));
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::resize(in_mat1, out_mat_ocv, sz_out, fx, fy, interp);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat, out_mat_ocv));
TEST_P(ResizeTest, AccuracyTest)
ResizeAccuracyTest(cmpF, type, interp, sz, sz_out, 0.0, 0.0, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(ResizeTestFxFy, AccuracyTest)
ResizeAccuracyTest(cmpF, type, interp, sz, cv::Size{0, 0}, fx, fy, getCompileArgs());
TEST_P(ResizePTest, AccuracyTest)
constexpr int planeNum = 3;
cv::Size sz_in_p {sz.width, sz.height*planeNum};
cv::Size sz_out_p{sz_out.width, sz_out.height*planeNum};
cv::Mat in_mat(sz_in_p, CV_8UC1);
cv::randn(in_mat, cv::Scalar::all(127.0f), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::Mat out_mat (sz_out_p, CV_8UC1);
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv_p(sz_out_p, CV_8UC1);
cv::GMatP in;
auto out = cv::gapi::resizeP(in, sz_out, interp);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
c.compile(cv::descr_of(in_mat).asPlanar(planeNum), getCompileArgs())
(cv::gin(in_mat), cv::gout(out_mat));
for (int i = 0; i < planeNum; i++) {
const cv::Mat in_mat_roi = in_mat(cv::Rect(0, i*sz.height, sz.width, sz.height));
cv::Mat out_mat_roi = out_mat_ocv_p(cv::Rect(0, i*sz_out.height, sz_out.width, sz_out.height));
cv::resize(in_mat_roi, out_mat_roi, sz_out, 0, 0, interp);
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_TRUE(cmpF(out_mat, out_mat_ocv_p));
} // opencv_test