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#include "precomp.hpp"
typedef struct DefTrackPoint
float x,y,r,vx,vy,v;
} DefTrackPoint;
class DefTrackRec
int ID;
DefTrackRec(int id = 0,int BlobSize = sizeof(DefTrackPoint))
ID = id;
m_pMem = cvCreateMemStorage();
m_pSeq = cvCreateSeq(0,sizeof(CvSeq),BlobSize,m_pMem);
inline DefTrackPoint* GetPoint(int PointIndex)
return (DefTrackPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(m_pSeq,PointIndex);
inline void DelPoint(int PointIndex)
inline void Clear()
inline void AddPoint(float x, float y, float r)
DefTrackPoint p = {x,y,r,0,0,0};
int Num = GetPointNum();
if(Num > 0)
DefTrackPoint* pPrev = GetPoint(Num-1);
float Alpha = 0.8f;
float dx = x-pPrev->x;
float dy = y-pPrev->y;
p.vx = Alpha*dx+(1-Alpha)*pPrev->vx;
p.vy = Alpha*dy+(1-Alpha)*pPrev->vy;
p.v = Alpha*dx+(1-Alpha)*pPrev->v;
inline void AddPoint(DefTrackPoint* pB)
{ /* Add point and recalculate last velocities: */
int wnd=3;
int Num;
int i;
Num = GetPointNum();
for(i=MAX(0,Num-wnd-1); i<Num; ++i)
{ /* Next updating point: */
DefTrackPoint* p = GetPoint(i);
int j0 = i - wnd;
int j1 = i + wnd;
if(j0<0) j0 = 0;
float dt = (float)(j1-j0);
DefTrackPoint* p0 = GetPoint(j0);
DefTrackPoint* p1 = GetPoint(j1);
p->vx = (p1->x - p0->x) / dt;
p->vy = (p1->y - p0->y) / dt;
p->v = (float)sqrt(p->vx*p->vx+p->vy*p->vy);
} /* Next updating point. */
#if 0
{ /* Debug: */
int i;
printf("Blob %d: ",ID);
for(i=0; i<GetPointNum(); ++i)
DefTrackPoint* p = GetPoint(i);
inline int GetPointNum()
return m_pSeq->total;
CvMemStorage* m_pMem;
CvSeq* m_pSeq;
/* Fill array pIdxPairs by pair of index of correspondent blobs. */
/* Return number of pairs. */
/* pIdxPairs must have size not less that 2*(pSeqNum+pSeqTNum) */
/* pTmp is pointer to memory which size is pSeqNum*pSeqTNum*16 */
typedef struct DefMatch
int Idx; /* Previous best blob index. */
int IdxT; /* Previous best template blob index. */
double D; /* Blob to blob distance sum. */
} DefMatch;
static int cvTrackMatch(DefTrackRec* pSeq, int MaxLen, DefTrackRec* pSeqT, int* pIdxPairs, void* pTmp)
int NumPair = 0;
DefMatch* pMT = (DefMatch*)pTmp;
int Num = pSeq->GetPointNum();
int NumT = pSeqT->GetPointNum();
int i,it;
int i0=0; /* Last point in the track sequence. */
if(MaxLen > 0 && Num > MaxLen)
{ /* Set new point seq len and new last point in this seq: */
Num = MaxLen;
i0 = pSeq->GetPointNum() - Num;
for(i=0; i<Num; ++i)
{ /* For each point row: */
for(it=0; it<NumT; ++it)
{ /* For each point template column: */
DefTrackPoint* pB = pSeq->GetPoint(i+i0);
DefTrackPoint* pBT = pSeqT->GetPoint(it);
DefMatch* pMT_cur = pMT + i*NumT + it;
double dx = pB->x-pBT->x;
double dy = pB->y-pBT->y;
double D = dx*dx+dy*dy;
int DI[3][2] = {{-1,-1},{-1,0},{0,-1}};
int iDI;
pMT_cur->D = D;
pMT_cur->Idx = -1;
pMT_cur->IdxT = 0;
if(i==0) continue;
for(iDI=0; iDI<3; ++iDI)
int i_prev = i+DI[iDI][0];
int it_prev = it+DI[iDI][1];
if(i_prev >= 0 && it_prev>=0)
double D_cur = D+pMT[NumT*i_prev+it_prev].D;
if(pMT_cur->D > D_cur || (pMT_cur->Idx<0) )
{ /* Set new best local way: */
pMT_cur->D = D_cur;
pMT_cur->Idx = i_prev;
pMT_cur->IdxT = it_prev;
} /* Check next direction. */
} /* Fill next colum from table. */
} /* Fill next row. */
{ /* Back tracking. */
/* Find best end in template: */
int it_best = 0;
DefMatch* pMT_best = pMT + (Num-1)*NumT;
i = Num-1; /* set current i to last position */
for(it=1; it<NumT; ++it)
DefMatch* pMT_new = pMT + it + i*NumT;
if(pMT_best->D > pMT_new->D)
pMT_best->D = pMT_new->D;
it_best = it;
} /* Find best end template point. */
/* Back tracking whole sequence: */
for(it = it_best;i>=0 && it>=0;)
DefMatch* pMT_new = pMT + it + i*NumT;
pIdxPairs[2*NumPair] = i+i0;
pIdxPairs[2*NumPair+1] = it;
it = pMT_new->IdxT;
i = pMT_new->Idx;
} /* End back tracing. */
return NumPair;
} /* cvTrackMatch. */
typedef struct DefTrackForDist
CvBlob blob;
DefTrackRec* pTrack;
int LastFrame;
float state;
/* for debug */
int close;
} DefTrackForDist;
class CvBlobTrackAnalysisTrackDist : public CvBlobTrackAnalysis
/*---------------- Internal functions: --------------------*/
const char* m_pDebugAVIName; /* For debugging. */
//CvVideoWriter* m_pDebugAVI; /* For debugging. */
IplImage* m_pDebugImg; /* For debugging. */
char m_DataFileName[1024];
CvBlobSeq m_Tracks;
CvBlobSeq m_TrackDataBase;
int m_Frame;
void* m_pTempData;
int m_TempDataSize;
int m_TraceLen;
float m_AbnormalThreshold;
float m_PosThreshold;
float m_VelThreshold;
inline void* ReallocTempData(int Size)
if(Size <= m_TempDataSize && m_pTempData) return m_pTempData;
m_TempDataSize = 0;
m_pTempData = cvAlloc(Size);
if(m_pTempData) m_TempDataSize = Size;
return m_pTempData;
} /* ReallocTempData. */
m_pDebugImg = 0;
//m_pDebugAVI = 0;
m_Frame = 0;
m_pTempData = NULL;
m_TempDataSize = 0;
m_pDebugAVIName = NULL;
CommentParam("DebugAVI","Name of AVI file to save images from debug window");
m_TraceLen = 50;
CommentParam("TraceLen","Length (in frames) of trajectory part that is used for comparison");
m_AbnormalThreshold = 0.02f;
CommentParam("AbnormalThreshold","If trajectory is equal with less then <AbnormalThreshold*DataBaseTrackNum> tracks then trajectory is abnormal");
m_PosThreshold = 1.25;
CommentParam("PosThreshold","Minimal allowd distance in blob width that is allowed");
m_VelThreshold = 0.5;
CommentParam("VelThreshold","Minimal allowed relative difference between blob speed");
} /* Constructor. */
int i;
for(i=m_Tracks.GetBlobNum(); i>0; --i)
DefTrackForDist* pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_Tracks.GetBlob(i-1);
delete pF->pTrack;
if(m_pDebugImg) cvReleaseImage(&m_pDebugImg);
//if(m_pDebugAVI) cvReleaseVideoWriter(&m_pDebugAVI);
} /* Destructor. */
/*----------------- Interface: --------------------*/
virtual void AddBlob(CvBlob* pBlob)
DefTrackForDist* pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_Tracks.GetBlobByID(CV_BLOB_ID(pBlob));
if(pF == NULL)
{ /* Create new TRack record: */
DefTrackForDist F;
F.state = 0;
F.blob = pBlob[0];
F.LastFrame = m_Frame;
F.pTrack = new DefTrackRec(CV_BLOB_ID(pBlob));
pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_Tracks.GetBlobByID(CV_BLOB_ID(pBlob));
pF->blob = pBlob[0];
pF->LastFrame = m_Frame;
virtual void Process(IplImage* pImg, IplImage* /*pFG*/)
double MinTv = pImg->width/1440.0; /* minimal threshold for speed difference */
double MinTv2 = MinTv*MinTv;
for(int i=m_Tracks.GetBlobNum(); i>0; --i)
DefTrackForDist* pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_Tracks.GetBlob(i-1);
pF->state = 0;
if(pF->LastFrame == m_Frame || pF->LastFrame+1 == m_Frame)
{ /* Process one blob trajectory: */
int NumEq = 0;
int it;
for(it=m_TrackDataBase.GetBlobNum(); it>0; --it)
{ /* Check template: */
DefTrackForDist* pFT = (DefTrackForDist*)m_TrackDataBase.GetBlob(it-1);
int Num = pF->pTrack->GetPointNum();
int NumT = pFT->pTrack->GetPointNum();
int* pPairIdx = (int*)ReallocTempData(sizeof(int)*2*(Num+NumT)+sizeof(DefMatch)*Num*NumT);
void* pTmpData = pPairIdx+2*(Num+NumT);
int PairNum = 0;
int k;
int Equal = 1;
int UseVel = 0;
int UsePos = 0;
if(i==it) continue;
/* Match track: */
PairNum = cvTrackMatch( pF->pTrack, m_TraceLen, pFT->pTrack, pPairIdx, pTmpData );
Equal = MAX(1,cvRound(PairNum*0.1));
UseVel = 3*pF->pTrack->GetPointNum() > m_TraceLen;
UsePos = 10*pF->pTrack->GetPointNum() > m_TraceLen;
{ /* Check continues: */
float D;
int DI = pPairIdx[0*2+0]-pPairIdx[(PairNum-1)*2+0];
int DIt = pPairIdx[0*2+1]-pPairIdx[(PairNum-1)*2+1];
if(UseVel && DI != 0)
D = (float)(DI-DIt)/(float)DI;
} /* Check continues. */
for(k=0; Equal>0 && k<PairNum; ++k)
{ /* Compare with threshold: */
int j = pPairIdx[k*2+0];
int jt = pPairIdx[k*2+1];
DefTrackPoint* pB = pF->pTrack->GetPoint(j);
DefTrackPoint* pBT = pFT->pTrack->GetPoint(jt);
double dx = pB->x-pBT->x;
double dy = pB->y-pBT->y;
double dvx = pB->vx - pBT->vx;
double dvy = pB->vy - pBT->vy;
//double dv = pB->v - pBT->v;
double D = dx*dx+dy*dy;
double Td = pBT->r*m_PosThreshold;
double dv2 = dvx*dvx+dvy*dvy;
double Tv2 = (pBT->vx*pBT->vx+pBT->vy*pBT->vy)*m_VelThreshold*m_VelThreshold;
double Tvm = pBT->v*m_VelThreshold;
if(Tv2 < MinTv2) Tv2 = MinTv2;
if(Tvm < MinTv) Tvm = MinTv;
/* Check trajectory position: */
if(UsePos && D > Td*Td)
/* Check trajectory velocity. */
/* Don't consider trajectory tail because its unstable for velocity computation. */
if(UseVel && j>5 && jt>5 && dv2 > Tv2 )
} /* Compare with threshold. */
} /* Next template. */
{ /* Calculate state: */
float T = m_TrackDataBase.GetBlobNum() * m_AbnormalThreshold; /* calc threshold */
pF->state = (T - NumEq)/(T*0.2f) + 0.5f;
{// if abnormal blob
printf("Abnormal blob(%d) %d < %f, state=%f\n",CV_BLOB_ID(pF),NumEq,T, pF->state);
} /* Calculate state. */
} /* Process one blob trajectory. */
{ /* Move track to tracks data base: */
} /* Next blob. */
{ /* Debug output: */
m_pDebugImg = cvCloneImage(pImg);
cvCopy(pImg, m_pDebugImg);
for(int i=m_TrackDataBase.GetBlobNum(); i>0; --i)
{ /* Draw all elements in track data base: */
int j;
DefTrackForDist* pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_TrackDataBase.GetBlob(i-1);
CvScalar color = CV_RGB(0,0,0);
if(!pF->close) continue;
color = CV_RGB(0,0,255);
color = CV_RGB(0,0,128);
for(j=pF->pTrack->GetPointNum(); j>0; j--)
DefTrackPoint* pB = pF->pTrack->GetPoint(j-1);
int r = 0;//MAX(cvRound(pB->r),1);
cvCircle(m_pDebugImg, cvPoint(cvRound(pB->x),cvRound(pB->y)), r, color);
pF->close = 0;
} /* Draw all elements in track data base. */
for(int i=m_Tracks.GetBlobNum(); i>0; --i)
{ /* Draw all elements for all trajectories: */
DefTrackForDist* pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_Tracks.GetBlob(i-1);
int j;
int c = cvRound(pF->state*255);
CvScalar color = CV_RGB(c,255-c,0);
CvPoint p = cvPointFrom32f(CV_BLOB_CENTER(pF));
int x = cvRound(CV_BLOB_RX(pF)), y = cvRound(CV_BLOB_RY(pF));
CvSize s = cvSize(MAX(1,x), MAX(1,y));
cvEllipse( m_pDebugImg,
0, 0, 360,
CV_RGB(c,255-c,0), cvRound(1+(0*c)/255) );
for(j=pF->pTrack->GetPointNum(); j>0; j--)
DefTrackPoint* pB = pF->pTrack->GetPoint(j-1);
if(pF->pTrack->GetPointNum()-j > m_TraceLen) break;
cvCircle(m_pDebugImg, cvPoint(cvRound(pB->x),cvRound(pB->y)), 0, color);
pF->close = 0;
} /* Draw all elements for all trajectories. */
//cvShowImage("Tracks", m_pDebugImg);
} /* Debug output. */
#if 0
if(m_pDebugImg && m_pDebugAVIName)
{ /* Create avi file for writing: */
m_pDebugAVI = cvCreateVideoWriter(
if(m_pDebugAVI == NULL)
printf("WARNING!!! Can not create AVI file %s for writing\n",m_pDebugAVIName);
} /* Create avi file for writing. */
if(m_pDebugAVI)cvWriteFrame( m_pDebugAVI, m_pDebugImg );
} /* Write debug window to AVI file. */
float GetState(int BlobID)
DefTrackForDist* pF = (DefTrackForDist*)m_Tracks.GetBlobByID(BlobID);
return pF?pF->state:0.0f;
/* Return 0 if trajectory is normal;
return >0 if trajectory abnormal. */
virtual const char* GetStateDesc(int BlobID)
if(GetState(BlobID)>0.5) return "abnormal";
return NULL;
virtual void SetFileName(char* DataBaseName)
m_DataFileName[0] = m_DataFileName[1000] = 0;
strcat(m_DataFileName, ".yml");
virtual void Release(){ delete this; };
CvBlobTrackAnalysis* cvCreateModuleBlobTrackAnalysisTrackDist()
{return (CvBlobTrackAnalysis*) new CvBlobTrackAnalysisTrackDist;}