// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
// Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <opencv2/gapi/cpu/gcpukernel.hpp>
namespace opencv_test
G_API_OP(GBlurFrame, <GMat(GFrame)>, "test.blur_frame") {
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in) {
return in;
GAPI_OCV_KERNEL(OCVBlurFrame, GBlurFrame) {
static void run(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat& out) {
cv::blur(in, out, cv::Size{3,3});
struct GFrameTest : public ::testing::Test {
cv::Size sz{32,32};
cv::Mat in_mat;
cv::Mat out_mat;
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv;
: in_mat(cv::Mat(sz, CV_8UC1))
, out_mat(cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_8UC1))
, out_mat_ocv(cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_8UC1)) {
cv::randn(in_mat, cv::Scalar::all(127.0f), cv::Scalar::all(40.f));
cv::blur(in_mat, out_mat_ocv, cv::Size{3,3});
void check() {
EXPECT_EQ(0, cvtest::norm(out_mat, out_mat_ocv, NORM_INF));
TEST_F(GFrameTest, Input) {
cv::GFrame in;
auto out = GBlurFrame::on(in);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out));
auto pkg = cv::gapi::kernels<OCVBlurFrame>();
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat), cv::gout(out_mat), cv::compile_args(pkg));
} // namespace opencv_test