Open Source Computer Vision Library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
4.4 KiB

from plasTeX import Base
from plasTeX.Base.LaTeX.Verbatim import verbatim
from plasTeX.Base.LaTeX import Sectioning
import sys
class includegraphics(Base.Command):
args = '[size] file'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvclass(Sectioning.subsection):
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cvfunc(Sectioning.subsection):
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCPyFunc(Sectioning.subsection):
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCppFunc(Sectioning.subsection):
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cvFunc(Sectioning.subsection):
args = 'title alt'
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cvstruct(Sectioning.subsection):
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cvmacro(Sectioning.subsection):
def invoke(self, tex):
Sectioning.subsection.invoke(self, tex)
class cross(Base.Command):
args = 'name'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class label(Base.Command):
args = 'name'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class url(Base.Command):
args = 'loc'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvarg(Base.Command):
args = 'item def'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCross(Base.Command):
args = 'name altname'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCPyCross(Base.Command):
args = 'name'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCppCross(Base.Command):
args = 'name'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvdefC(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvcode(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvdefPy(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvdefCpp(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvC(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCpp(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvCPy(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class cvPy(Base.Command):
args = 'a'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class xxindex(Base.Command):
args = 'entry'
def invoke(self, tex):
Base.Command.invoke(self, tex)
class lstlisting(verbatim):
def parse(self, tex):
verbatim.parse(self, tex)
return self.attributes
def section_filename(title):
"""Image Processing ==> image_processing.rst"""
lower_list = [word.lower() for word in title.split()]
return "_".join(lower_list) + ".rst"
class chapter(Sectioning.chapter):
def filenameoverride(self):
if self.attributes['title'] is not None:
filename = section_filename(str(self.attributes['title']))
#assert filename in ['cxcore.rst', 'cvreference.rst']
return filename
raise AttributeError, 'This chapter does not generate a new file'
class section(Sectioning.section):
def filenameoverride(self):
if self.attributes['title'] is not None:
filename = section_filename(str(self.attributes['title']))
print 'section:', filename
return filename
raise AttributeError, 'This section does not generate a new file'
class xifthenelse(Base.Command):
args = 'test then else'
class _not(Base.Command):
macroName = 'not'
class _and(Base.Command):
macroName = 'and'
class _or(Base.Command):
macroName = 'or'
class NOT(Base.Command):
class AND(Base.Command):
class OR(Base.Command):
class openParen(Base.Command):
macroName = '('
class closeParen(Base.Command):
macroName = ')'
class isodd(Base.Command):
args = 'number:int'
class isundefined(Base.Command):
args = 'command:str'
class equal(Base.Command):
args = 'first second'
class lengthtest(Base.Command):
args = 'test'
class boolean(Base.Command):
args = 'name:str'