Open Source Computer Vision Library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
std::string encode_qrcode_images_name[] = {
"version1_mode1.png", "version1_mode2.png", "version1_mode4.png",
"version2_mode1.png", "version2_mode2.png", "version2_mode4.png",
"version3_mode2.png", "version3_mode4.png",
std::string encode_qrcode_eci_images_name[] = {
const Size fixed_size = Size(200, 200);
const float border_width = 2.0;
int establishCapacity(QRCodeEncoder::EncodeMode mode, int version, int capacity)
int result = 0;
capacity *= 8;
capacity -= 4;
switch (mode)
case QRCodeEncoder::MODE_NUMERIC:
if (version >= 10)
capacity -= 12;
capacity -= 10;
int tmp = capacity / 10;
result = tmp * 3;
if (tmp * 10 + 7 <= capacity)
result += 2;
else if (tmp * 10 + 4 <= capacity)
result += 1;
if (version < 10)
capacity -= 9;
capacity -= 13;
int tmp = capacity / 11;
result = tmp * 2;
if (tmp * 11 + 6 <= capacity)
case QRCodeEncoder::MODE_BYTE:
if (version > 9)
capacity -= 16;
capacity -= 8;
result = capacity / 8;
return result;
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode, generate_test_data)
const std::string root = "qrcode/encode";
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::WRITE);
file_config << "test_images" << "[";
size_t images_count = sizeof(encode_qrcode_images_name) / sizeof(encode_qrcode_images_name[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < images_count; i++)
file_config << "{:" << "image_name" << encode_qrcode_images_name[i];
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + "/" + encode_qrcode_images_name[i]);
Mat src = imread(image_path, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat straight_barcode;
EXPECT_TRUE(!src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
std::vector<Point2f> corners(4);
corners[0] = Point2f(border_width, border_width);
corners[1] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, border_width);
corners[2] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
corners[3] = Point2f(border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
Mat resized_src;
resize(qrcode, resized_src, fixed_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
float width_ratio = resized_src.cols * 1.0f / qrcode.cols;
float height_ratio = resized_src.rows * 1.0f / qrcode.rows;
for(size_t j = 0; j < corners.size(); j++)
corners[j].x = corners[j].x * width_ratio;
corners[j].y = corners[j].y * height_ratio;
std::string decoded_info = "";
EXPECT_TRUE(decodeQRCode(resized_src, corners, decoded_info, straight_barcode)) << "The QR code cannot be decoded: " << image_path;
file_config << "info" << decoded_info;
file_config << "}";
file_config << "]";
typedef testing::TestWithParam< std::string > Objdetect_QRCode_Encode;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode, regression) {
const int pixels_error = 3;
const std::string name_current_image = GetParam();
const std::string root = "qrcode/encode";
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + "/" + name_current_image);
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["test_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
std::string original_info = config["info"];
Ptr<QRCodeEncoder> encoder = QRCodeEncoder::create();
Mat result;
encoder->encode(original_info, result);
EXPECT_FALSE(result.empty()) << "Can't generate QR code image";
Mat src = imread(image_path, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat straight_barcode;
EXPECT_TRUE(!src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
double diff_norm = cvtest::norm(result - src, NORM_L1);
EXPECT_NEAR(diff_norm, 0.0, pixels_error) << "The generated QRcode is not same as test data. The difference: " << diff_norm;
return; // done
FAIL() << "Not found results in config file:" << dataset_config
<< "\nRe-run tests with enabled UPDATE_ENCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data.";
typedef testing::TestWithParam< std::string > Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_ECI;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_ECI, regression) {
const int pixels_error = 3;
const std::string name_current_image = GetParam();
const std::string root = "qrcode/encode";
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + "/" + name_current_image);
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "dataset_config.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode images_list = file_config["test_images"];
size_t images_count = static_cast<size_t>(images_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(images_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
params.mode = QRCodeEncoder::MODE_ECI;
for (size_t index = 0; index < images_count; index++)
FileNode config = images_list[(int)index];
std::string name_test_image = config["image_name"];
if (name_test_image == name_current_image)
std::string original_info = config["info"];
Mat result;
Ptr<QRCodeEncoder> encoder = QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
encoder->encode(original_info, result);
EXPECT_FALSE(result.empty()) << "Can't generate QR code image";
Mat src = imread(image_path, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat straight_barcode;
EXPECT_TRUE(!src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
double diff_norm = cvtest::norm(result - src, NORM_L1);
EXPECT_NEAR(diff_norm, 0.0, pixels_error) << "The generated QRcode is not same as test data. The difference: " << diff_norm;
return; // done
FAIL() << "Not found results in config file:" << dataset_config
<< "\nRe-run tests with enabled UPDATE_ENCODE_TEST_DATA macro to update test data.";
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Encode, testing::ValuesIn(encode_qrcode_images_name));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_ECI, testing::ValuesIn(encode_qrcode_eci_images_name));
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode, regression)
const std::string root = "qrcode/decode_encode";
const int min_version = 1;
const int test_max_version = 5;
const int max_ec_level = 3;
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "symbol_sets.json");
const std::string version_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "capacity.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
FileStorage capacity_config(version_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
ASSERT_TRUE(capacity_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << version_config;
FileNode mode_list = file_config["symbols_sets"];
FileNode capacity_list = capacity_config["version_ecc_capacity"];
size_t mode_count = static_cast<size_t>(mode_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(mode_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
const int testing_modes = 3;
QRCodeEncoder::EncodeMode modes[testing_modes] = {
for (int i = 0; i < testing_modes; i++)
QRCodeEncoder::EncodeMode mode = modes[i];
FileNode config = mode_list[i];
std::string symbol_set = config["symbols_set"];
for(int version = min_version; version <= test_max_version; version++)
FileNode capa_config = capacity_list[version - 1];
for(int level = 0; level <= max_ec_level; level++)
const int cur_capacity = capa_config["ecc_level"][level];
int true_capacity = establishCapacity(mode, version, cur_capacity);
std::string input_info = symbol_set;
std::mt19937 rand_gen {1};
std::shuffle(input_info.begin(), input_info.end(), rand_gen);
int count = 0;
if((int)input_info.length() > true_capacity)
input_info = input_info.substr(0, true_capacity);
while ((int)input_info.length() != true_capacity)
input_info += input_info.substr(count%(int)input_info.length(), 1);
QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
params.version = version;
params.correction_level = static_cast<QRCodeEncoder::CorrectionLevel>(level);
params.mode = mode;
Ptr<QRCodeEncoder> encoder = QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
Mat qrcode;
encoder->encode(input_info, qrcode);
EXPECT_TRUE(!qrcode.empty()) << "Can't generate this QR image (" << "mode: " << (int)mode <<
" version: "<< version <<" error correction level: "<< (int)level <<")";
std::vector<Point2f> corners(4);
corners[0] = Point2f(border_width, border_width);
corners[1] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, border_width);
corners[2] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
corners[3] = Point2f(border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
Mat resized_src;
resize(qrcode, resized_src, fixed_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
float width_ratio = resized_src.cols * 1.0f / qrcode.cols;
float height_ratio = resized_src.rows * 1.0f / qrcode.rows;
for(size_t k = 0; k < corners.size(); k++)
corners[k].x = corners[k].x * width_ratio;
corners[k].y = corners[k].y * height_ratio;
Mat straight_barcode;
std::string output_info = QRCodeDetector().decode(resized_src, corners, straight_barcode);
<< "The generated QRcode cannot be decoded." << " Mode: " << (int)mode
<< " version: " << version << " error correction level: " << (int)level;
EXPECT_EQ(input_info, output_info) << "The generated QRcode is not same as test data." << " Mode: " << (int)mode <<
" version: " << version << " error correction level: " << (int)level;
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Kanji, regression)
QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
params.mode = QRCodeEncoder::MODE_KANJI;
Mat qrcode;
const int testing_versions = 3;
std::string input_infos[testing_versions] = {"\x82\xb1\x82\xf1\x82\xc9\x82\xbf\x82\xcd\x90\xa2\x8a\x45", // "Hello World" in Japanese
"\x82\xa8\x95\xa0\x82\xaa\x8b\xf3\x82\xa2\x82\xc4\x82\xa2\x82\xdc\x82\xb7", // "I am hungry" in Japanese
"\x82\xb1\x82\xf1\x82\xc9\x82\xbf\x82\xcd\x81\x41\x8e\x84\x82\xcd\x8f\xad\x82\xb5\x93\xfa\x96\x7b\x8c\xea\x82\xf0\x98\x62\x82\xb5\x82\xdc\x82\xb7" // "Hello, I speak a little Japanese" in Japanese
for (int i = 0; i < testing_versions; i++)
std::string input_info = input_infos[i];
Ptr<QRCodeEncoder> encoder = QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
encoder->encode(input_info, qrcode);
std::vector<Point2f> corners(4);
corners[0] = Point2f(border_width, border_width);
corners[1] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, border_width);
corners[2] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
corners[3] = Point2f(border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
Mat resized_src;
resize(qrcode, resized_src, fixed_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
float width_ratio = resized_src.cols * 1.0f / qrcode.cols;
float height_ratio = resized_src.rows * 1.0f / qrcode.rows;
for(size_t j = 0; j < corners.size(); j++)
corners[j].x = corners[j].x * width_ratio;
corners[j].y = corners[j].y * height_ratio;
Mat straight_barcode;
std::string decoded_info = QRCodeDetector().decode(resized_src, corners, straight_barcode);
EXPECT_FALSE(decoded_info.empty()) << "The generated QRcode cannot be decoded.";
EXPECT_EQ(input_info, decoded_info);
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode_Structured_Append, regression)
// disabled since QR decoder probably doesn't support structured append mode qr codes
const std::string root = "qrcode/decode_encode";
const std::string dataset_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "symbol_sets.json");
const std::string version_config = findDataFile(root + "/" + "capacity.json");
FileStorage file_config(dataset_config, FileStorage::READ);
ASSERT_TRUE(file_config.isOpened()) << "Can't read validation data: " << dataset_config;
FileNode mode_list = file_config["symbols_sets"];
size_t mode_count = static_cast<size_t>(mode_list.size());
ASSERT_GT(mode_count, 0u) << "Can't find validation data entries in 'test_images': " << dataset_config;
int modes[] = {1, 2, 4};
const int min_stuctures_num = 2;
const int max_stuctures_num = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int mode = modes[i];
FileNode config = mode_list[i];
std::string symbol_set = config["symbols_set"];
std::string input_info = symbol_set;
std::mt19937 rand_gen {1};
std::shuffle(input_info.begin(), input_info.end(), rand_gen);
for (int j = min_stuctures_num; j < max_stuctures_num; j++)
QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
params.structure_number = j;
Ptr<QRCodeEncoder> encoder = QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
vector<Mat> qrcodes;
encoder->encodeStructuredAppend(input_info, qrcodes);
EXPECT_TRUE(!qrcodes.empty()) << "Can't generate this QR images";
CV_CheckEQ(qrcodes.size(), (size_t)j, "Number of QR codes");
std::vector<Point2f> corners(4 * qrcodes.size());
for (size_t k = 0; k < qrcodes.size(); k++)
Mat qrcode = qrcodes[k];
corners[4 * k] = Point2f(border_width, border_width);
corners[4 * k + 1] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, border_width);
corners[4 * k + 2] = Point2f(qrcode.cols * 1.0f - border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
corners[4 * k + 3] = Point2f(border_width, qrcode.rows * 1.0f - border_width);
float width_ratio = fixed_size.width * 1.0f / qrcode.cols;
float height_ratio = fixed_size.height * 1.0f / qrcode.rows;
resize(qrcode, qrcodes[k], fixed_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
for (size_t ki = 0; ki < 4; ki++)
corners[4 * k + ki].x = corners[4 * k + ki].x * width_ratio + fixed_size.width * k;
corners[4 * k + ki].y = corners[4 * k + ki].y * height_ratio;
Mat resized_src;
hconcat(qrcodes, resized_src);
std::vector<cv::String> decoded_info;
cv::String output_info;
EXPECT_TRUE(QRCodeDetector().decodeMulti(resized_src, corners, decoded_info));
for (size_t k = 0; k < decoded_info.size(); ++k)
if (!decoded_info[k].empty())
output_info = decoded_info[k];
<< "The generated QRcode cannot be decoded." << " Mode: " << modes[i]
<< " structures number: " << j;
EXPECT_EQ(input_info, output_info) << "The generated QRcode is not same as test data." << " Mode: " << mode <<
" structures number: " << j;
CV_ENUM(EncodeModes, QRCodeEncoder::EncodeMode::MODE_NUMERIC,
typedef ::testing::TestWithParam<EncodeModes> Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode_Structured_Append_Parameterized;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode_Structured_Append_Parameterized, regression_22205)
const std::string input_data = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
std::vector<cv::Mat> result_qrcodes;
cv::QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
int encode_mode = GetParam();
params.mode = static_cast<cv::QRCodeEncoder::EncodeMode>(encode_mode);
for(size_t struct_num = 2; struct_num < 5; ++struct_num)
params.structure_number = static_cast<int>(struct_num);
cv::Ptr<cv::QRCodeEncoder> encoder = cv::QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
encoder->encodeStructuredAppend(input_data, result_qrcodes);
EXPECT_EQ(result_qrcodes.size(), struct_num) << "The number of QR Codes requested is not equal"<<
"to the one returned";
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode_Structured_Append_Parameterized, EncodeModes::all());
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode, regression_issue22029)
const cv::String msg = "OpenCV";
const int min_version = 1;
const int max_version = 40;
for ( int v = min_version ; v <= max_version ; v++ )
Mat qrimg;
QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
params.version = v;
Ptr<QRCodeEncoder> qrcode_enc = cv::QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
qrcode_enc->encode(msg, qrimg);
const int white_margin = 2;
const int finder_width = 7;
const int timing_pos = white_margin + 6;
int i;
// Horizontal Check
// (1) White margin(Left)
for(i = 0; i < white_margin ; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)255,<uint8_t>(i, timing_pos)) << "i=" << i;
// (2) Finder pattern(Left)
for( ; i < white_margin + finder_width ; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)0,<uint8_t>(i, timing_pos)) << "i=" << i;
// (3) Timing pattern
for( ; i < qrimg.rows - finder_width - white_margin; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)(i % 2 == 0)?0:255,<uint8_t>(i, timing_pos)) << "i=" << i;
// (4) Finder pattern(Right)
for( ; i < qrimg.rows - white_margin; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)0,<uint8_t>(i, timing_pos)) << "i=" << i;
// (5) White margin(Right)
for( ; i < qrimg.rows ; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)255,<uint8_t>(i, timing_pos)) << "i=" << i;
// Vertical Check
// (1) White margin(Top)
for(i = 0; i < white_margin ; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)255,<uint8_t>(timing_pos, i)) << "i=" << i;
// (2) Finder pattern(Top)
for( ; i < white_margin + finder_width ; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)0,<uint8_t>(timing_pos, i)) << "i=" << i;
// (3) Timing pattern
for( ; i < qrimg.rows - finder_width - white_margin; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)(i % 2 == 0)?0:255,<uint8_t>(timing_pos, i)) << "i=" << i;
// (4) Finder pattern(Bottom)
for( ; i < qrimg.rows - white_margin; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)0,<uint8_t>(timing_pos, i)) << "i=" << i;
// (5) White margin(Bottom)
for( ; i < qrimg.rows ; i++ )
ASSERT_EQ((uint8_t)255,<uint8_t>(timing_pos, i)) << "i=" << i;
// This test reproduces issue only in a loop
TEST(Objdetect_QRCode_Encode_Decode, auto_version_pick)
cv::QRCodeEncoder::Params params;
params.correction_level = cv::QRCodeEncoder::CORRECT_LEVEL_L;
params.mode = cv::QRCodeEncoder::EncodeMode::MODE_AUTO;
cv::Ptr<cv::QRCodeEncoder> encoder = cv::QRCodeEncoder::create(params);
for (int len = 1; len < 19; len++) {
std::string input;
cv::randu(Mat(1, len, CV_8U, &input[0]), 'a', 'z' + 1);
cv::Mat qrcode;
encoder->encode(input, qrcode);
Merge pull request #24299 from dkurt:qrcode_decode In-house QR codes decoding #24299 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist QR codes decoding pipeline without 3rdparty dependency (Quirc library). Implemented according to standard **Merge with extra**: resolves resolves resolves Resources: * * ``` Geometric mean (ms) Name of Test quirc new2 new2 vs quirc (x-factor) decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("chessboard", 640x480) 9.151 9.157 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("chessboard", 1280x720) 21.609 21.609 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("chessboard", 1920x1080) 42.088 41.924 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("chessboard", 3840x2160) 169.737 169.050 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("random", 640x480) 8.552 8.611 0.99 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("random", 1280x720) 21.264 21.581 0.99 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("random", 1920x1080) 42.415 43.468 0.98 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("random", 3840x2160) 175.003 174.294 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("zero", 640x480) 8.528 8.421 1.01 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("zero", 1280x720) 21.548 21.209 1.02 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("zero", 1920x1080) 42.581 42.529 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_Not_QRCode::("zero", 3840x2160) 176.231 174.410 1.01 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"kanji.jpg" 6.105 6.072 1.01 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"link_github_ocv.jpg" 6.069 6.076 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"link_ocv.jpg" 6.143 6.240 0.98 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"link_wiki_cv.jpg" 6.369 6.420 0.99 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"russian.jpg" 6.558 6.549 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_1_down.jpg" 5.634 5.621 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_1_left.jpg" 5.560 5.609 0.99 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_1_right.jpg" 5.539 5.631 0.98 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_1_top.jpg" 5.622 5.566 1.01 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_1_up.jpg" 5.569 5.534 1.01 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_5_down.jpg" 6.514 6.436 1.01 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_5_left.jpg" 6.668 6.479 1.03 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_5_top.jpg" 6.481 6.484 1.00 decode::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode::"version_5_up.jpg" 7.011 6.513 1.08 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("2_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 14.885 15.089 0.99 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("2_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 14.896 14.906 1.00 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("3_close_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 6.661 6.663 1.00 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("3_close_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 6.614 6.592 1.00 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("3_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 14.814 14.592 1.02 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("3_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 15.245 15.135 1.01 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("4_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 10.923 10.881 1.00 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("4_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 10.680 10.128 1.05 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("5_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 11.788 11.576 1.02 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("6_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 25.887 25.979 1.00 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("6_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 26.183 25.627 1.02 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("7_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 32.786 32.253 1.02 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("7_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 24.290 24.435 0.99 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("8_close_qrcodes.png", "aruco_based") 89.696 89.247 1.01 decodeMulti::Perf_Objdetect_QRCode_Multi::("8_close_qrcodes.png", "contours_based") 89.872 89.600 1.00 ```
1 year ago
// Test two QR codes which error correction procedure requires more number of
// syndroms that described in the ISO/IEC 18004
typedef testing::TestWithParam<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> Objdetect_QRCode_decoding;
TEST_P(Objdetect_QRCode_decoding, error_correction)
const std::string filename = get<0>(GetParam());
const std::string expected = get<1>(GetParam());
QRCodeDetector qrcode;
cv::String decoded_msg;
Mat src = cv::imread(findDataFile("qrcode/" + filename), IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
std::vector<Point2f> corners(4);
corners[0] = Point2f(0, 0);
corners[1] = Point2f(src.cols * 1.0f, 0);
corners[2] = Point2f(src.cols * 1.0f, src.rows * 1.0f);
corners[3] = Point2f(0, src.rows * 1.0f);
Mat resized_src;
resize(src, resized_src, fixed_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
float width_ratio = resized_src.cols * 1.0f / src.cols;
float height_ratio = resized_src.rows * 1.0f / src.rows;
for(size_t m = 0; m < corners.size(); m++)
corners[m].x = corners[m].x * width_ratio;
corners[m].y = corners[m].y * height_ratio;
Mat straight_barcode;
EXPECT_NO_THROW(decoded_msg = qrcode.decode(resized_src, corners, straight_barcode));
ASSERT_FALSE(straight_barcode.empty()) << "Can't decode qrimage " << filename;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, decoded_msg);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Objdetect_QRCode_decoding, testing::ValuesIn(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>{
{"err_correct_1M.png", "New"},
{"err_correct_2L.png", "Version 2 QR Code Test Image"},
}} // namespace