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Merge pull request #20013 from savuor:rgbd_to_3d Moving RGBD parts to 3d * files moved from rgbd module in contrib repo * header paths fixed * perf file added * lapack compilation fixed * Rodrigues fixed in tests * rgbd namespace removed * headers fixed * initial: rgbd files moved to 3d module * rgbd updated from latest contrib master; less file duplication * "std::" for sin(), cos(), etc. * KinFu family -> back to contrib * paths & namespaces * removed duplicates, file version updated * namespace kinfu removed from 3d module * forgot to move test_colored_kinfu.cpp to contrib * tests fixed: Params removed * kinfu namespace removed * it works without objc bindings * include headers fixed * tests: data paths fixed * headers moved to/from public API * Intr -> Matx33f in public API * from kinfu_frame.hpp to utils.hpp * submap: Intr -> Matx33f, HashTSDFVolume -> Volume; no extra headers * no RgbdFrame class, no Mat fields & arg -> InputArray & pImpl * get/setPyramidAt() instead of lots of methods * Mat -> InputArray, TMat * prepareFrameCache: refactored * FastICPOdometry: +truncate threshold, +depthFactor; Mat/UMat choose * Mat/UMat choose * minor stuff related to headers * (un)signed int warnings; compilation minor issues * minors: submap: pyramids -> OdometryFrame; tests fix; FastICP minor; CV_EXPORTS_W for kinfu_frame.hpp * FastICPOdometry: caching, rgbCameraMatrix * OdometryFrame: pyramid%s% -> pyramids[] * drop: rgbCameraMatrix from FastICP, RGB cache mode, makeColoredFrameFrom depth and all color-functions it calls * makeFrameFromDepth, buildPyramidPointsNormals -> from public to internal utils.hpp * minors * FastICPOdometry: caching updated, init fields * OdometryFrameImpl<UMat> fixed * matrix building fixed; minors * returning linemode back to contrib * params.pose is Mat now * precomp headers reorganized * minor fixes, header paths, extra header removed * minors: intrinsics -> utils.hpp; whitespaces; empty namespace; warning fixed * moving declarations from/to headers * internal headers reorganized (once again) * fix include * extra var fix * fix include, fix (un)singed warning * calibration.cpp: reverting back * headers fix * workaround to fix bindings * temporary removed wrappers * VolumeType -> VolumeParams * (temporarily) removing wrappers for Volume and VolumeParams * pyopencv_linemod -> contrib * try to fix * headers fixed * fixing wrappers for rgbd * fixing docs * fixing rgbdPlane * RgbdNormals wrapped * wrap Volume and VolumeParams, VolumeType from enum to int * DepthCleaner wrapped * header folder "rgbd" -> "3d" * fixing header path * VolumeParams referenced by Ptr to support Python wrappers * render...() fixed * Ptr<VolumeParams> fixed * makeVolume(... resolution -> [X, Y, Z]) * fixing static declaration * try to fix ios objc bindings * OdometryFrame::release...() removed * fix for Odometry algos not supporting UMats: prepareFrameCache<>() * preparePyramidMask(): fix to compile with TMat = UMat * fixing debug guards * removing references back; adding makeOdometryFrame() instead * fixing OpenCL ICP hanging (some threads exit before reaching the barrier -> the rest threads hang) * try to fix objc wrapper warnings; rerun builders * VolumeType -> VolumeKind * try to fix OCL bug * prints removed * indentation fixed * headers fixed * license fix * WillowGarage licence notion removed, since it's in OpenCV's COPYRIGHT already * KinFu license notion shortened * debugging code removed * include guards fixed * KinFu license left in contrib module * isValidDepth() moved to private header * indentation fix * indentation fix in src files * RgbdNormals rewritten to pImpl * minor * DepthCleaner removed due to low code quality, no depthScale provided, no depth images found to be successfully filtered; can be replaced by bilateral filtering * minors, indentation * no "private" in public headers * depthTo3d test moved from separate file * Normals: setDepth() is useless, removing it * RgbdPlane => findPlanes() * rescaleDepth(): minor * warpFrame: minor * minor TODO * all Odometries (except base abstract class) rewritten to pImpl * FastICPOdometry now supports maxRotation and maxTranslation * minor * Odometry's children: now checks are done in setters * get rid of protected members in Odometry class * get/set cameraMatrix, transformType, maxRot/Trans, iters, minGradients -> OdometryImpl * cameraMatrix: from double to float * matrix exponentiation: Eigen -> dual quaternions * Odometry evaluation fixed to reuse existing code * "small" macro fixed by undef * pixNorm is calculated on CPU only now (and then uploads on GPU) * test registration: no cvtest classes * test RgbdNormals and findPlanes(): no cvtest classes * minor fix * tests for Odometry: no cvtest classes; UMat tests; logging fixed * more CV_OVERRIDE to overriden functions * fixing nondependent names to dependent * more to prev commit * forgotten fixes: overriden functions, (non)dependent names * FastICPOdometry: fix UMat support when OpenCL is off * try to fix compilation: missing namespaces * Odometry: static const-mimicking functions to internal constants * forgotten change to prev commit * more forgotten fixes * do not expose "submap.hpp" by default * in-class enums: give names, CamelCase, int=>enums; minors * namespaces, underscores, String * std::map is used by pose graph, adding it * compute()'s signature fixed, computeImpl()'s too * RgbdNormals: Mat -> InputArray * depth.hpp: Mat -> InputArray * cameraMatrix: Matx33f -> InputArray + default value + checks * "details" headers are not visible by default * TSDF tests: rearranging checks * cameraMatrix: no (realistic) default value * renderPointsNormals*(): no wrappers for them * debug: assert on empty frame in TSDF tests * debugging code for TSDF GPU * debug from integrate to raycast * no (non-zero) default camera matrix anymore * drop debugging code (does not help) * try to fix TSDF GPU: constant -> global const ptr
4 years ago
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// This code is also subject to the license terms in the file found in this module's directory
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
class RgbdDepthRegistrationTest
RgbdDepthRegistrationTest() { }
~RgbdDepthRegistrationTest() { }
void run()
// Test all three input types for no-op registrations (where a depth image is registered to itself)
noOpRandomRegistrationTest<unsigned short>(100, 2500);
noOpRandomRegistrationTest<float>(0.1f, 2.5f);
noOpRandomRegistrationTest<double>(0.1, 2.5);
// Test sentinel value handling, occlusion, and dilation
// K from a VGA Kinect
Mat K = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 525., 0., 319.5, 0., 525., 239.5, 0., 0., 1.);
int width = 640, height = 480;
// All elements are zero except for first two along the diagonal
Mat_<unsigned short> vgaDepth(height, width, (unsigned short)0);
vgaDepth(0, 0) = 1001;
vgaDepth(1, 1) = 1000;
Mat_<unsigned short> registeredDepth;
registerDepth(K, K, Mat(), Matx44f::eye(), vgaDepth, Size(width, height), registeredDepth, true);
// We expect the closer depth of 1000 to occlude the more distant depth and occupy the
// upper four left pixels in the depth image because of dilation
Mat_<unsigned short> expectedResult(height, width, (unsigned short)0);
expectedResult(0, 0) = 1000;
expectedResult(0, 1) = 1000;
expectedResult(1, 0) = 1000;
expectedResult(1, 1) = 1000;
Mat ad;
absdiff(registeredDepth, expectedResult, ad);
ASSERT_GT(std::numeric_limits<double>::min(), abs(sum(ad)[0])) << "Dilation and occlusion";
template <class DepthDepth>
void noOpRandomRegistrationTest(DepthDepth minDepth, DepthDepth maxDepth)
// K from a VGA Kinect
Mat K = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 525., 0., 319.5, 0., 525., 239.5, 0., 0., 1.);
// Create a random depth image
RNG rng;
Mat_<DepthDepth> randomVGADepth(480, 640);
rng.fill(randomVGADepth, RNG::UNIFORM, minDepth, maxDepth);
Mat registeredDepth;
registerDepth(K, K, Mat(), Matx44f::eye(), randomVGADepth, Size(640, 480), registeredDepth);
// Check per-pixel relative difference
Mat ad;
absdiff(registeredDepth, randomVGADepth, ad);
Mat mmin;
cv::min(registeredDepth, randomVGADepth, mmin);
Mat rel = ad / mmin;
double maxDiff = cv::norm(rel, NORM_INF);
ASSERT_GT(1e-07, maxDiff) << "No-op registration";
TEST(RGBD_DepthRegistration, compute)
RgbdDepthRegistrationTest test;;
TEST(RGBD_DepthRegistration, issue_2234)
Matx33f intrinsicsDepth(100, 0, 50, 0, 100, 50, 0, 0, 1);
Matx33f intrinsicsColor(100, 0, 200, 0, 100, 50, 0, 0, 1);
Mat_<float> depthMat(100, 100, (float)0.);
for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <= 100; j++)
depthMat(i-1,j-1) = (float)j;
Mat registeredDepth;
registerDepth(intrinsicsDepth, intrinsicsColor, Mat(), Matx44f::eye(), depthMat, Size(400, 100), registeredDepth);
Rect roi( 150, 0, 100, 100 );
Mat subM(registeredDepth,roi);
EXPECT_EQ(0, cvtest::norm(subM, depthMat, NORM_INF));
}} // namespace