- All models were trained on `cityscapes_train`, and tested on `cityscapes_val`.
- 1x training schedule indicates 64 epochs which corresponds to slightly less than the 24k iterations reported in the original schedule from the [Mask R-CNN paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06870)
- COCO pre-trained weights are used to initialize.
- A conversion [script](../../tools/convert_datasets/cityscapes.py) is provided to convert Cityscapes into COCO format. Please refer to [install.md](../../docs/install.md#prepare-datasets) for details.
- A conversion [script](../../tools/convert_datasets/cityscapes.py) is provided to convert Cityscapes into COCO format. Please refer to [install.md](../../docs/1_exist_data_model.md#prepare-datasets) for details.
- `CityscapesDataset` implemented three evaluation methods. `bbox` and `segm` are standard COCO bbox/mask AP. `cityscapes` is the cityscapes dataset official evaluation, which may be slightly higher than COCO.