[Docs] Add Chinese version of customize_models (#6725)
* Update customize_models.md * Update customize_models.md * Update customize_models.md * fix some problems based on review * fix a wrong word * [Fix] fix some wrong descriptionpull/6998/head^2
1 changed files with 355 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1 +1,356 @@ |
# 教程 4: 自定义模型 |
我们简单地把模型的各个组件分为五类: |
- 主干网络 (backbone):通常是一个用来提取特征图 (feature map) 的全卷积网络 (FCN network),例如:ResNet, MobileNet。 |
- Neck:主干网络和 Head 之间的连接部分,例如:FPN, PAFPN。 |
- Head:用于具体任务的组件,例如:边界框预测和掩码预测。 |
- 区域提取器 (roi extractor):从特征图中提取 RoI 特征,例如:RoI Align。 |
- 损失 (loss):在 Head 组件中用于计算损失的部分,例如:FocalLoss, L1Loss, GHMLoss. |
## 开发新的组件 |
### 添加一个新的主干网络 |
这里,我们以 MobileNet 为例来展示如何开发新组件。 |
#### 1. 定义一个新的主干网络(以 MobileNet 为例) |
新建一个文件 `mmdet/models/backbones/mobilenet.py` |
```python |
import torch.nn as nn |
from ..builder import BACKBONES |
@BACKBONES.register_module() |
class MobileNet(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, arg1, arg2): |
pass |
def forward(self, x): # should return a tuple |
pass |
``` |
#### 2. 导入该模块 |
你可以添加下述代码到 `mmdet/models/backbones/__init__.py` |
```python |
from .mobilenet import MobileNet |
``` |
或添加: |
```python |
custom_imports = dict( |
imports=['mmdet.models.backbones.mobilenet'], |
allow_failed_imports=False) |
``` |
到配置文件以避免原始代码被修改。 |
#### 3. 在你的配置文件中使用该主干网络 |
```python |
model = dict( |
... |
backbone=dict( |
type='MobileNet', |
arg1=xxx, |
arg2=xxx), |
... |
``` |
### 添加新的 Neck |
#### 1. 定义一个 Neck(以 PAFPN 为例) |
新建一个文件 `mmdet/models/necks/pafpn.py` |
```python |
from ..builder import NECKS |
@NECKS.register_module() |
class PAFPN(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, |
in_channels, |
out_channels, |
num_outs, |
start_level=0, |
end_level=-1, |
add_extra_convs=False): |
pass |
def forward(self, inputs): |
# implementation is ignored |
pass |
``` |
#### 2. 导入该模块 |
你可以添加下述代码到 `mmdet/models/necks/__init__.py` |
```python |
from .pafpn import PAFPN |
``` |
或添加: |
```python |
custom_imports = dict( |
imports=['mmdet.models.necks.pafpn.py'], |
allow_failed_imports=False) |
``` |
到配置文件以避免原始代码被修改。 |
#### 3. 修改配置文件 |
```python |
neck=dict( |
type='PAFPN', |
in_channels=[256, 512, 1024, 2048], |
out_channels=256, |
num_outs=5) |
``` |
### 添加新的 Head |
我们以 [Double Head R-CNN](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.06493) 为例来展示如何添加一个新的 Head。 |
首先,添加一个新的 bbox head 到 `mmdet/models/roi_heads/bbox_heads/double_bbox_head.py`。 |
Double Head R-CNN 在目标检测上实现了一个新的 bbox head。为了实现 bbox head,我们需要使用如下的新模块中三个函数。 |
```python |
from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS |
from .bbox_head import BBoxHead |
@HEADS.register_module() |
class DoubleConvFCBBoxHead(BBoxHead): |
r"""Bbox head used in Double-Head R-CNN |
/-> cls |
/-> shared convs -> |
\-> reg |
roi features |
/-> cls |
\-> shared fc -> |
\-> reg |
""" # noqa: W605 |
def __init__(self, |
num_convs=0, |
num_fcs=0, |
conv_out_channels=1024, |
fc_out_channels=1024, |
conv_cfg=None, |
norm_cfg=dict(type='BN'), |
**kwargs): |
kwargs.setdefault('with_avg_pool', True) |
super(DoubleConvFCBBoxHead, self).__init__(**kwargs) |
def forward(self, x_cls, x_reg): |
``` |
然后,如有必要,实现一个新的 bbox head。我们打算从 `StandardRoIHead` 来继承新的 `DoubleHeadRoIHead`。我们可以发现 `StandardRoIHead` 已经实现了下述函数。 |
```python |
import torch |
from mmdet.core import bbox2result, bbox2roi, build_assigner, build_sampler |
from ..builder import HEADS, build_head, build_roi_extractor |
from .base_roi_head import BaseRoIHead |
from .test_mixins import BBoxTestMixin, MaskTestMixin |
@HEADS.register_module() |
class StandardRoIHead(BaseRoIHead, BBoxTestMixin, MaskTestMixin): |
"""Simplest base roi head including one bbox head and one mask head. |
""" |
def init_assigner_sampler(self): |
def init_bbox_head(self, bbox_roi_extractor, bbox_head): |
def init_mask_head(self, mask_roi_extractor, mask_head): |
def forward_dummy(self, x, proposals): |
def forward_train(self, |
x, |
img_metas, |
proposal_list, |
gt_bboxes, |
gt_labels, |
gt_bboxes_ignore=None, |
gt_masks=None): |
def _bbox_forward(self, x, rois): |
def _bbox_forward_train(self, x, sampling_results, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, |
img_metas): |
def _mask_forward_train(self, x, sampling_results, bbox_feats, gt_masks, |
img_metas): |
def _mask_forward(self, x, rois=None, pos_inds=None, bbox_feats=None): |
def simple_test(self, |
x, |
proposal_list, |
img_metas, |
proposals=None, |
rescale=False): |
"""Test without augmentation.""" |
``` |
Double Head 的修改主要在 bbox_forward 的逻辑中,且它从 `StandardRoIHead` 中继承了其他逻辑。在 `mmdet/models/roi_heads/double_roi_head.py` 中,我们用下述代码实现新的 bbox head: |
```python |
from ..builder import HEADS |
from .standard_roi_head import StandardRoIHead |
@HEADS.register_module() |
class DoubleHeadRoIHead(StandardRoIHead): |
"""RoI head for Double Head RCNN |
https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.06493 |
""" |
def __init__(self, reg_roi_scale_factor, **kwargs): |
super(DoubleHeadRoIHead, self).__init__(**kwargs) |
self.reg_roi_scale_factor = reg_roi_scale_factor |
def _bbox_forward(self, x, rois): |
bbox_cls_feats = self.bbox_roi_extractor( |
x[:self.bbox_roi_extractor.num_inputs], rois) |
bbox_reg_feats = self.bbox_roi_extractor( |
x[:self.bbox_roi_extractor.num_inputs], |
rois, |
roi_scale_factor=self.reg_roi_scale_factor) |
if self.with_shared_head: |
bbox_cls_feats = self.shared_head(bbox_cls_feats) |
bbox_reg_feats = self.shared_head(bbox_reg_feats) |
cls_score, bbox_pred = self.bbox_head(bbox_cls_feats, bbox_reg_feats) |
bbox_results = dict( |
cls_score=cls_score, |
bbox_pred=bbox_pred, |
bbox_feats=bbox_cls_feats) |
return bbox_results |
``` |
最终,用户需要把该模块添加到 `mmdet/models/bbox_heads/__init__.py` 和 `mmdet/models/roi_heads/__init__.py` 以使相关的注册表可以找到并加载他们。 |
或者,用户可以添加: |
```python |
custom_imports=dict( |
imports=['mmdet.models.roi_heads.double_roi_head', 'mmdet.models.bbox_heads.double_bbox_head']) |
``` |
到配置文件并实现相同的目的。 |
Double Head R-CNN 的配置文件如下: |
```python |
_base_ = '../faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py' |
model = dict( |
roi_head=dict( |
type='DoubleHeadRoIHead', |
reg_roi_scale_factor=1.3, |
bbox_head=dict( |
_delete_=True, |
type='DoubleConvFCBBoxHead', |
num_convs=4, |
num_fcs=2, |
in_channels=256, |
conv_out_channels=1024, |
fc_out_channels=1024, |
roi_feat_size=7, |
num_classes=80, |
bbox_coder=dict( |
type='DeltaXYWHBBoxCoder', |
target_means=[0., 0., 0., 0.], |
target_stds=[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]), |
reg_class_agnostic=False, |
loss_cls=dict( |
type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=2.0), |
loss_bbox=dict(type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=1.0, loss_weight=2.0)))) |
``` |
从 MMDetection 2.0 版本起,配置系统支持继承配置以使用户可以专注于修改。 |
Double Head R-CNN 主要使用了一个新的 DoubleHeadRoIHead 和一个新的 `DoubleConvFCBBoxHead`,参数需要根据每个模块的 `__init__` 函数来设置。 |
### 添加新的损失 |
假设你想添加一个新的损失 `MyLoss` 用于边界框回归。 |
为了添加一个新的损失函数,用户需要在 `mmdet/models/losses/my_loss.py` 中实现。 |
装饰器 `weighted_loss` 可以使损失每个部分加权。 |
```python |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from ..builder import LOSSES |
from .utils import weighted_loss |
@weighted_loss |
def my_loss(pred, target): |
assert pred.size() == target.size() and target.numel() > 0 |
loss = torch.abs(pred - target) |
return loss |
@LOSSES.register_module() |
class MyLoss(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0): |
super(MyLoss, self).__init__() |
self.reduction = reduction |
self.loss_weight = loss_weight |
def forward(self, |
pred, |
target, |
weight=None, |
avg_factor=None, |
reduction_override=None): |
assert reduction_override in (None, 'none', 'mean', 'sum') |
reduction = ( |
reduction_override if reduction_override else self.reduction) |
loss_bbox = self.loss_weight * my_loss( |
pred, target, weight, reduction=reduction, avg_factor=avg_factor) |
return loss_bbox |
``` |
然后,用户需要把它加到 `mmdet/models/losses/__init__.py`。 |
```python |
from .my_loss import MyLoss, my_loss |
``` |
或者,你可以添加: |
```python |
custom_imports=dict( |
imports=['mmdet.models.losses.my_loss']) |
``` |
到配置文件来实现相同的目的。 |
如使用,请修改 `loss_xxx` 字段。 |
因为 MyLoss 是用于回归的,你需要在 Head 中修改 `loss_xxx` 字段。 |
```python |
loss_bbox=dict(type='MyLoss', loss_weight=1.0)) |
``` |
Reference in new issue