The Meson Build System
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project('wxwidgets test', 'cpp', default_options : ['cpp_std=c++11'])
wxd = dependency('wxwidgets', version : '>=5', required : false)
wxd = dependency('wxwidgets', version : '>=3.0.0', required : false)
if wxd.found()
wp = executable('wxprog', 'wxprog.cpp', dependencies : wxd)
test('wxtest', wp)
# WxWidgets framework is available, we can use required here
wx_stc = dependency('wxwidgets', version : '>=3.0.0', modules : ['std', 'stc'])
stc_exe = executable('wxstc', 'wxstc.cpp', dependencies : wx_stc)
test('wxstctest', stc_exe)
# Check we can apply a version constraint
dependency('wxwidgets', version: '>=@0@'.format(wxd.version()))