The Meson Build System

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project('has function', 'c', 'cpp')
host_system = host_machine.system()
# This is used in the `test_compiler_check_flags_order` unit test
unit_test_args = '-I/tmp'
defines_has_builtin = '''#ifndef __has_builtin
#error "no __has_builtin"
compilers = [meson.get_compiler('c'), meson.get_compiler('cpp')]
foreach cc : compilers
if not cc.has_function('printf', prefix : '#include<stdio.h>',
args : unit_test_args)
error('"printf" function not found (should always exist).')
# Should also be able to detect it without specifying the header
# We check for a different function here to make sure the result is
# not taken from a cache (ie. the check above)
# On MSVC fprintf is defined as an inline function in the header, so it cannot
# be found without the include.
if not ['msvc', 'intel-cl'].contains(cc.get_id())
assert(cc.has_function('fprintf', args : unit_test_args),
'"fprintf" function not found without include (on !msvc).')
assert(cc.has_function('fprintf', prefix : '#include <stdio.h>',
args : unit_test_args),
'"fprintf" function not found with include (on msvc).')
# Compiler intrinsics
'strcmp intrinsic should have been found on MSVC')
assert(cc.has_function('strcmp', prefix : '#include <string.h>'),
'strcmp intrinsic should have been found with #include on MSVC')
if cc.has_function('hfkerhisadf', prefix : '#include<stdio.h>',
args : unit_test_args)
error('Found nonexistent function "hfkerhisadf".')
if cc.has_function('hfkerhisadf', args : unit_test_args)
error('Found nonexistent function "hfkerhisadf".')
# With glibc (before 2.32, see below) on Linux, lchmod is a stub that will
# always return an error, we want to detect that and declare that the
# function is not available.
# We can't check for the C library used here of course, but the main
# alternative Linux C library (musl) doesn't use glibc's stub mechanism;
# also, it has implemented lchmod since 2013, so it should be safe to check
# that lchmod is available on Linux when not using glibc.
if host_system == 'linux' or host_system == 'darwin'
assert (cc.has_function('poll', prefix : '#include <poll.h>',
args : unit_test_args),
'couldn\'t detect "poll" when defined by a header')
lchmod_prefix = '#include <sys/stat.h>\n#include <unistd.h>'
has_lchmod = cc.has_function('lchmod', prefix : lchmod_prefix, args : unit_test_args)
if host_system == 'linux'
# __GLIBC__ macro can be retrieved by including almost any C library header
glibc_major = cc.get_define('__GLIBC__', prefix: '#include <unistd.h>', args: unit_test_args)
# __GLIBC__ will only be set for glibc
if glibc_major != ''
glibc_minor = cc.get_define('__GLIBC_MINOR__', prefix: '#include <unistd.h>', args: unit_test_args)
glibc_vers = '@0@.@1@'.format(glibc_major, glibc_minor)
message('GLIBC version:', glibc_vers)
# lchmod was implemented in glibc 2.32 (
if glibc_vers.version_compare('<2.32')
assert (not has_lchmod, '"lchmod" check should have failed')
assert (has_lchmod, '"lchmod" check should have succeeded')
# Other C libraries for Linux should have lchmod
assert (has_lchmod, '"lchmod" check should have succeeded')
# macOS and *BSD have lchmod
assert (has_lchmod, '"lchmod" check should have succeeded')
# Check that built-ins are found properly both with and without headers
assert(cc.has_function('alloca', args : unit_test_args),
'built-in alloca must be found on ' + host_system)
assert(cc.has_function('alloca', prefix : '#include <alloca.h>',
args : unit_test_args),
'built-in alloca must be found with #include')
if not cc.compiles(defines_has_builtin, args : unit_test_args)
assert(not cc.has_function('alloca',
prefix : '#include <alloca.h>\n#undef alloca',
args : unit_test_args),
'built-in alloca must not be found with #include and #undef')
# For some functions one needs to define _GNU_SOURCE before including the
# right headers to get them picked up. Make sure we can detect these functions
# as well without any prefix
if cc.has_header_symbol('sys/socket.h', 'recvmmsg',
prefix : '#define _GNU_SOURCE',
args : unit_test_args)
# We assume that if recvmmsg exists sendmmsg does too
assert (cc.has_function('sendmmsg', args : unit_test_args),
'Failed to detect function "sendmmsg" (should always exist).')
# We should be able to find GCC and Clang __builtin functions
if ['gcc', 'clang'].contains(cc.get_id())
# __builtin_constant_p is documented to exist at least as far back as
# GCC 2.95.3
assert(cc.has_function('__builtin_constant_p', args : unit_test_args),
'__builtin_constant_p must be found under gcc and clang')