The Meson Build System
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path, PurePath, PureWindowsPath
import hashlib
import os
import typing as T
from . import ExtensionModule, ModuleReturnValue, ModuleInfo
from .. import mlog
from import BuildTarget, CustomTarget, CustomTargetIndex, InvalidArguments
from ..interpreter.type_checking import INSTALL_KW, INSTALL_MODE_KW, INSTALL_TAG_KW, NoneType
from ..interpreterbase import FeatureNew, KwargInfo, typed_kwargs, typed_pos_args, noKwargs
from ..mesonlib import File, MesonException, has_path_sep, path_is_in_root, relpath
from . import ModuleState
from import BuildTargetTypes
from ..interpreter import Interpreter
from ..interpreterbase import TYPE_kwargs
from ..mesonlib import FileOrString, FileMode
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
class ReadKwArgs(TypedDict):
"""Keyword Arguments for"""
encoding: str
class CopyKw(TypedDict):
"""Kwargs for fs.copy"""
install: bool
install_dir: T.Optional[str]
install_mode: FileMode
install_tag: T.Optional[str]
class FSModule(ExtensionModule):
INFO = ModuleInfo('fs', '0.53.0')
def __init__(self, interpreter: 'Interpreter') -> None:
'as_posix': self.as_posix,
'copyfile': self.copyfile,
'exists': self.exists,
'expanduser': self.expanduser,
'hash': self.hash,
'is_absolute': self.is_absolute,
'is_dir': self.is_dir,
'is_file': self.is_file,
'is_samepath': self.is_samepath,
'is_symlink': self.is_symlink,
'parent': self.parent,
'relative_to': self.relative_to,
'replace_suffix': self.replace_suffix,
'size': self.size,
'stem': self.stem,
def _absolute_dir(self, state: 'ModuleState', arg: 'FileOrString') -> Path:
make an absolute path from a relative path, WITHOUT resolving symlinks
if isinstance(arg, File):
return Path(arg.absolute_path(state.source_root, state.environment.get_build_dir()))
return Path(state.source_root) / Path(state.subdir) / Path(arg).expanduser()
def _resolve_dir(self, state: 'ModuleState', arg: 'FileOrString') -> Path:
resolves symlinks and makes absolute a directory relative to calling,
if not already absolute
path = self._absolute_dir(state, arg)
# accommodate unresolvable paths e.g. symlink loops
path = path.resolve()
except Exception:
# return the best we could do
return path
@FeatureNew('fs.expanduser', '0.54.0')
@typed_pos_args('fs.expanduser', str)
def expanduser(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
return str(Path(args[0]).expanduser())
@FeatureNew('fs.is_absolute', '0.54.0')
@typed_pos_args('fs.is_absolute', (str, File))
def is_absolute(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.is_absolute_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
return PurePath(str(args[0])).is_absolute()
@FeatureNew('fs.as_posix', '0.54.0')
@typed_pos_args('fs.as_posix', str)
def as_posix(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
this function assumes you are passing a Windows path, even if on a Unix-like system
and so ALL '\' are turned to '/', even if you meant to escape a character
return PureWindowsPath(args[0]).as_posix()
@typed_pos_args('fs.exists', str)
def exists(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
return self._resolve_dir(state, args[0]).exists()
@typed_pos_args('fs.is_symlink', (str, File))
def is_symlink(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.is_symlink_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
return self._absolute_dir(state, args[0]).is_symlink()
@typed_pos_args('fs.is_file', str)
def is_file(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
return self._resolve_dir(state, args[0]).is_file()
@typed_pos_args('fs.is_dir', str)
def is_dir(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
return self._resolve_dir(state, args[0]).is_dir()
@typed_pos_args('fs.hash', (str, File), str)
def hash(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString', str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.hash_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
file = self._resolve_dir(state, args[0])
if not file.is_file():
raise MesonException(f'{file} is not a file and therefore cannot be hashed')
h =[1])
except ValueError:
raise MesonException('hash algorithm {} is not available'.format(args[1]))
mlog.debug('computing {} sum of {} size {} bytes'.format(args[1], file, file.stat().st_size))
return h.hexdigest()
@typed_pos_args('fs.size', (str, File))
def size(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> int:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.size_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
file = self._resolve_dir(state, args[0])
if not file.is_file():
raise MesonException(f'{file} is not a file and therefore cannot be sized')
return file.stat().st_size
except ValueError:
raise MesonException('{} size could not be determined'.format(args[0]))
@typed_pos_args('fs.is_samepath', (str, File), (str, File))
def is_samepath(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString', 'FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> bool:
if isinstance(args[0], File) or isinstance(args[1], File):
FeatureNew('fs.is_samepath_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
file1 = self._resolve_dir(state, args[0])
file2 = self._resolve_dir(state, args[1])
if not file1.exists():
return False
if not file2.exists():
return False
return file1.samefile(file2)
except OSError:
return False
@typed_pos_args('fs.replace_suffix', (str, File), str)
def replace_suffix(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString', str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.replace_suffix_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
original = PurePath(str(args[0]))
new = original.with_suffix(args[1])
return str(new)
@typed_pos_args('fs.parent', (str, File))
def parent(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.parent_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
original = PurePath(str(args[0]))
new = original.parent
return str(new)
@typed_pos_args('', (str, File))
def name(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.name_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
original = PurePath(str(args[0]))
new =
return str(new)
@typed_pos_args('fs.stem', (str, File))
@FeatureNew('fs.stem', '0.54.0')
def stem(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
if isinstance(args[0], File):
FeatureNew('fs.stem_file', '0.59.0').use(state.subproject, location=state.current_node)
original = PurePath(str(args[0]))
new = original.stem
return str(new)
@FeatureNew('', '0.57.0')
@typed_pos_args('', (str, File))
@typed_kwargs('', KwargInfo('encoding', str, default='utf-8'))
def read(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple['FileOrString'], kwargs: 'ReadKwArgs') -> str:
"""Read a file from the source tree and return its value as a decoded
If the encoding is not specified, the file is assumed to be utf-8
encoded. Paths must be relative by default (to prevent accidents) and
are forbidden to be read from the build directory (to prevent build
path = args[0]
encoding = kwargs['encoding']
src_dir = state.environment.source_dir
sub_dir = state.subdir
build_dir = state.environment.get_build_dir()
if isinstance(path, File):
if path.is_built:
raise MesonException(
'fs.read_file does not accept built files() objects')
path = os.path.join(src_dir, path.relative_name())
if sub_dir:
src_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, sub_dir)
path = os.path.join(src_dir, path)
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if path_is_in_root(Path(path), Path(build_dir), resolve=True):
raise MesonException('path must not be in the build tree')
with open(path, encoding=encoding) as f:
data =
except FileNotFoundError:
raise MesonException(f'File {args[0]} does not exist.')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise MesonException(f'decoding failed for {args[0]}')
# Reconfigure when this file changes as it can contain data used by any
# part of the build configuration (e.g. `project(..., version:
# fs.read_file('VERSION')` or `configure_file(...)`
return data
@FeatureNew('fs.copyfile', '0.64.0')
@typed_pos_args('fs.copyfile', (File, str), optargs=[str])
KwargInfo('install_dir', (str, NoneType)),
def copyfile(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[FileOrString, T.Optional[str]],
kwargs: CopyKw) -> ModuleReturnValue:
"""Copy a file into the build directory at build time."""
if kwargs['install'] and not kwargs['install_dir']:
raise InvalidArguments('"install_dir" must be specified when "install" is true')
src = self.interpreter.source_strings_to_files([args[0]])[0]
# The input is allowed to have path separators, but the output may not,
# so use the basename for the default case
dest = args[1] if args[1] else os.path.basename(src.fname)
if has_path_sep(dest):
raise InvalidArguments('Destination path may not have path separators')
ct = CustomTarget(
state.environment.get_build_command() + ['--internal', 'copy', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
description='Copying file {}',
return ModuleReturnValue(ct, [ct])
@FeatureNew('fs.relative_to', '1.3.0')
@typed_pos_args('fs.relative_to', (str, File, CustomTarget, CustomTargetIndex, BuildTarget), (str, File, CustomTarget, CustomTargetIndex, BuildTarget))
def relative_to(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[T.Union[FileOrString, BuildTargetTypes], T.Union[FileOrString, BuildTargetTypes]], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
def to_path(arg: T.Union[FileOrString, CustomTarget, CustomTargetIndex, BuildTarget]) -> str:
if isinstance(arg, File):
return arg.absolute_path(state.environment.source_dir, state.environment.build_dir)
elif isinstance(arg, (CustomTarget, CustomTargetIndex, BuildTarget)):
return state.backend.get_target_filename_abs(arg)
return os.path.join(state.environment.source_dir, state.subdir, arg)
t = to_path(args[0])
f = to_path(args[1])
return relpath(t, f)
def initialize(*args: T.Any, **kwargs: T.Any) -> FSModule:
return FSModule(*args, **kwargs)