The Meson Build System

510 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter
# or an interpreter-based tool.
from .common import CMakeException
from .executor import CMakeExecutor
from ..environment import Environment
from ..mesonlib import MachineChoice
from .. import mlog
from contextlib import contextmanager
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, TimeoutExpired
from typing import List, Optional
import json
import os
CMAKE_SERVER_BEGIN_STR = '[== "CMake Server" ==['
CMAKE_SERVER_END_STR = ']== "CMake Server" ==]'
'error': ['cookie', 'errorMessage'],
'hello': ['supportedProtocolVersions'],
'message': ['cookie', 'message'],
'progress': ['cookie'],
'reply': ['cookie', 'inReplyTo'],
'signal': ['cookie', 'name'],
'handshake': [],
'configure': [],
'compute': [],
'cmakeInputs': ['buildFiles', 'cmakeRootDirectory', 'sourceDirectory'],
'codemodel': ['configurations']
# Base CMake server message classes
class MessageBase:
def __init__(self, msg_type: str, cookie: str):
self.type = msg_type
self.cookie = cookie
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
return {'type': self.type, 'cookie': self.cookie}
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.warning('CMake server message of type', mlog.bold(type(self).__name__), 'has no log function')
class RequestBase(MessageBase):
cookie_counter = 0
def __init__(self, msg_type: str):
super().__init__(msg_type, self.gen_cookie())
def gen_cookie():
RequestBase.cookie_counter += 1
return 'meson_{}'.format(RequestBase.cookie_counter)
class ReplyBase(MessageBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str, in_reply_to: str):
super().__init__('reply', cookie)
self.in_reply_to = in_reply_to
class SignalBase(MessageBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str, signal_name: str):
super().__init__('signal', cookie)
self.signal_name = signal_name
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log(mlog.bold('CMake signal:'), mlog.yellow(self.signal_name))
# Special Message classes
class Error(MessageBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str, message: str):
super().__init__('error', cookie)
self.message = message
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.error(mlog.bold('CMake server error:'),
class Message(MessageBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str, message: str):
super().__init__('message', cookie)
self.message = message
def log(self) -> None:
#mlog.log(mlog.bold('CMake:'), self.message)
class Progress(MessageBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str):
super().__init__('progress', cookie)
def log(self) -> None:
class MessageHello(MessageBase):
def __init__(self, supported_protocol_versions: List[dict]):
super().__init__('hello', '')
self.supported_protocol_versions = supported_protocol_versions
def supports(self, major: int, minor: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
for i in self.supported_protocol_versions:
if major == i['major']:
if minor is None or minor == i['minor']:
return True
return False
# Request classes
class RequestHandShake(RequestBase):
def __init__(self, src_dir: str, build_dir: str, generator: str, vers_major: int, vers_minor: Optional[int] = None):
self.src_dir = src_dir
self.build_dir = build_dir
self.generator = generator
self.vers_major = vers_major
self.vers_minor = vers_minor
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
vers = {'major': self.vers_major}
if self.vers_minor is not None:
vers['minor'] = self.vers_minor
# Old CMake versions (3.7) want '/' even on Windows
src_list = os.path.normpath(self.src_dir).split(os.sep)
bld_list = os.path.normpath(self.build_dir).split(os.sep)
return {
'sourceDirectory': '/'.join(src_list),
'buildDirectory': '/'.join(bld_list),
'generator': self.generator,
'protocolVersion': vers
class RequestConfigure(RequestBase):
def __init__(self, args: Optional[List[str]] = None):
self.args = args
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
res = super().to_dict()
if self.args:
res['cacheArguments'] = self.args
return res
class RequestCompute(RequestBase):
def __init__(self):
class RequestCMakeInputs(RequestBase):
def __init__(self):
class RequestCodeModel(RequestBase):
def __init__(self):
# Reply classes
class ReplyHandShake(ReplyBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str):
super().__init__(cookie, 'handshake')
class ReplyConfigure(ReplyBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str):
super().__init__(cookie, 'configure')
class ReplyCompute(ReplyBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str):
super().__init__(cookie, 'compute')
class CMakeBuildFile:
def __init__(self, file: str, is_cmake: bool, is_temp: bool):
self.file = file
self.is_cmake = is_cmake
self.is_temp = is_temp
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}: {}; cmake={}; temp={}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.file, self.is_cmake, self.is_temp)
class ReplyCMakeInputs(ReplyBase):
def __init__(self, cookie: str, cmake_root: str, src_dir: str, build_files: List[CMakeBuildFile]):
super().__init__(cookie, 'cmakeInputs')
self.cmake_root = cmake_root
self.src_dir = src_dir
self.build_files = build_files
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log('CMake root: ', mlog.bold(self.cmake_root))
mlog.log('Source dir: ', mlog.bold(self.src_dir))
mlog.log('Build files:', mlog.bold(str(len(self.build_files))))
with mlog.nested():
for i in self.build_files:
def _flags_to_list(raw: str) -> List[str]:
# Convert a raw commandline string into a list of strings
res = []
curr = ''
escape = False
in_string = False
for i in raw:
if escape:
# If the current char is not a quote, the '\' is probably important
if i not in ['"', "'"]:
curr += '\\'
curr += i
escape = False
elif i == '\\':
escape = True
elif i in ['"', "'"]:
in_string = not in_string
elif i in [' ', '\n']:
if in_string:
curr += i
res += [curr]
curr = ''
curr += i
res += [curr]
res = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, res))
return res
class CMakeFileGroup:
def __init__(self, data: dict):
self.defines = data.get('defines', '')
self.flags = _flags_to_list(data.get('compileFlags', ''))
self.includes = data.get('includePath', [])
self.is_generated = data.get('isGenerated', False)
self.language = data.get('language', 'C')
self.sources = data.get('sources', [])
# Fix the include directories
tmp = []
for i in self.includes:
if isinstance(i, dict) and 'path' in i:
tmp += [i['path']]
elif isinstance(i, str):
tmp += [i]
self.includes = tmp
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log('flags =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.flags)))
mlog.log('defines =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.defines)))
mlog.log('includes =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.includes)))
mlog.log('is_generated =', mlog.bold('true' if self.is_generated else 'false'))
mlog.log('language =', mlog.bold(self.language))
for i in self.sources:
with mlog.nested():
class CMakeTarget:
def __init__(self, data: dict):
self.artifacts = data.get('artifacts', [])
self.src_dir = data.get('sourceDirectory', '')
self.build_dir = data.get('buildDirectory', '') = data.get('name', '')
self.full_name = data.get('fullName', '')
self.install = data.get('hasInstallRule', False)
self.install_paths = list(set(data.get('installPaths', [])))
self.link_lang = data.get('linkerLanguage', '')
self.link_libraries = _flags_to_list(data.get('linkLibraries', ''))
self.link_flags = _flags_to_list(data.get('linkFlags', ''))
self.link_lang_flags = _flags_to_list(data.get('linkLanguageFlags', ''))
self.link_path = data.get('linkPath', '')
self.type = data.get('type', 'EXECUTABLE')
self.is_generator_provided = data.get('isGeneratorProvided', False)
self.files = []
for i in data.get('fileGroups', []):
self.files += [CMakeFileGroup(i)]
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log('artifacts =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.artifacts)))
mlog.log('src_dir =', mlog.bold(self.src_dir))
mlog.log('build_dir =', mlog.bold(self.build_dir))
mlog.log('name =', mlog.bold(
mlog.log('full_name =', mlog.bold(self.full_name))
mlog.log('install =', mlog.bold('true' if self.install else 'false'))
mlog.log('install_paths =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.install_paths)))
mlog.log('link_lang =', mlog.bold(self.link_lang))
mlog.log('link_libraries =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.link_libraries)))
mlog.log('link_flags =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.link_flags)))
mlog.log('link_lang_flags =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.link_lang_flags)))
mlog.log('link_path =', mlog.bold(self.link_path))
mlog.log('type =', mlog.bold(self.type))
mlog.log('is_generator_provided =', mlog.bold('true' if self.is_generator_provided else 'false'))
for idx, i in enumerate(self.files):
mlog.log('Files {}:'.format(idx))
with mlog.nested():
class CMakeProject:
def __init__(self, data: dict):
self.src_dir = data.get('sourceDirectory', '')
self.build_dir = data.get('buildDirectory', '') = data.get('name', '')
self.targets = []
for i in data.get('targets', []):
self.targets += [CMakeTarget(i)]
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log('src_dir =', mlog.bold(self.src_dir))
mlog.log('build_dir =', mlog.bold(self.build_dir))
mlog.log('name =', mlog.bold(
for idx, i in enumerate(self.targets):
mlog.log('Target {}:'.format(idx))
with mlog.nested():
class CMakeConfiguration:
def __init__(self, data: dict): = data.get('name', '')
self.projects = []
for i in data.get('projects', []):
self.projects += [CMakeProject(i)]
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log('name =', mlog.bold(
for idx, i in enumerate(self.projects):
mlog.log('Project {}:'.format(idx))
with mlog.nested():
class ReplyCodeModel(ReplyBase):
def __init__(self, data: dict):
super().__init__(data['cookie'], 'codemodel')
self.configs = []
for i in data['configurations']:
self.configs += [CMakeConfiguration(i)]
def log(self) -> None:
mlog.log('CMake code mode:')
for idx, i in enumerate(self.configs):
mlog.log('Configuration {}:'.format(idx))
with mlog.nested():
# Main client class
class CMakeClient:
def __init__(self, env: Environment):
self.env = env
self.proc = None
self.type_map = {
'error': lambda data: Error(data['cookie'], data['errorMessage']),
'hello': lambda data: MessageHello(data['supportedProtocolVersions']),
'message': lambda data: Message(data['cookie'], data['message']),
'progress': lambda data: Progress(data['cookie']),
'reply': self.resolve_type_reply,
'signal': lambda data: SignalBase(data['cookie'], data['name'])
self.reply_map = {
'handshake': lambda data: ReplyHandShake(data['cookie']),
'configure': lambda data: ReplyConfigure(data['cookie']),
'compute': lambda data: ReplyCompute(data['cookie']),
'cmakeInputs': self.resolve_reply_cmakeInputs,
'codemodel': lambda data: ReplyCodeModel(data),
def readMessageRaw(self) -> dict:
assert(self.proc is not None)
rawData = []
begin = False
while self.proc.poll() is None:
line = self.proc.stdout.readline()
if not line:
line = line.decode('utf-8')
line = line.strip()
if begin and line == CMAKE_SERVER_END_STR:
break # End of the message
elif begin:
rawData += [line]
begin = True # Begin of the message
if rawData:
return json.loads('\n'.join(rawData))
raise CMakeException('Failed to read data from the CMake server')
def readMessage(self) -> MessageBase:
raw_data = self.readMessageRaw()
if 'type' not in raw_data:
raise CMakeException('The "type" attribute is missing from the message')
msg_type = raw_data['type']
func = self.type_map.get(msg_type, None)
if not func:
raise CMakeException('Recieved unknown message type "{}"'.format(msg_type))
for i in CMAKE_MESSAGE_TYPES[msg_type]:
if i not in raw_data:
raise CMakeException('Key "{}" is missing from CMake server message type {}'.format(i, msg_type))
return func(raw_data)
def writeMessage(self, msg: MessageBase) -> None:
raw_data = '\n{}\n{}\n{}\n'.format(CMAKE_SERVER_BEGIN_STR, json.dumps(msg.to_dict(), indent=2), CMAKE_SERVER_END_STR)
def query(self, request: RequestBase) -> MessageBase:
while True:
reply = self.readMessage()
if reply.cookie == request.cookie and reply.type in ['reply', 'error']:
return reply
def query_checked(self, request: RequestBase, message: str) -> ReplyBase:
reply = self.query(request)
h ='SUCCEEDED') if reply.type == 'reply' else'FAILED')
mlog.log(message + ':', h)
if reply.type != 'reply':
raise CMakeException('CMake server query failed')
return reply
def do_handshake(self, src_dir: str, build_dir: str, generator: str, vers_major: int, vers_minor: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
# CMake prints the hello message on startup
msg = self.readMessage()
if not isinstance(msg, MessageHello):
raise CMakeException('Recieved an unexpected message from the CMake server')
request = RequestHandShake(src_dir, build_dir, generator, vers_major, vers_minor)
self.query_checked(request, 'CMake server handshake')
def resolve_type_reply(self, data: dict) -> ReplyBase:
reply_type = data['inReplyTo']
func = self.reply_map.get(reply_type, None)
if not func:
raise CMakeException('Recieved unknown reply type "{}"'.format(reply_type))
for i in ['cookie'] + CMAKE_REPLY_TYPES[reply_type]:
if i not in data:
raise CMakeException('Key "{}" is missing from CMake server message type {}'.format(i, type))
return func(data)
def resolve_reply_cmakeInputs(self, data: dict) -> ReplyCMakeInputs:
files = []
for i in data['buildFiles']:
for j in i['sources']:
files += [CMakeBuildFile(j, i['isCMake'], i['isTemporary'])]
return ReplyCMakeInputs(data['cookie'], data['cmakeRootDirectory'], data['sourceDirectory'], files)
def connect(self):
def startup(self) -> None:
if self.proc is not None:
raise CMakeException('The CMake server was already started')
for_machine = MachineChoice.HOST # TODO make parameter
cmake_exe = CMakeExecutor(self.env, '>=3.7', for_machine)
if not cmake_exe.found():
raise CMakeException('Unable to find CMake')
mlog.debug('Starting CMake server with CMake', mlog.bold(' '.join(cmake_exe.get_command())), 'version', mlog.cyan(cmake_exe.version()))
self.proc = Popen(cmake_exe.get_command() + ['-E', 'server', '--experimental', '--debug'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
def shutdown(self) -> None:
if self.proc is None:
mlog.debug('Shutting down the CMake server')
# Close the pipes to exit
# Wait for CMake to finish
except TimeoutExpired:
# Terminate CMake if there is a timeout
# terminate() may throw a platform specific exception if the process has already
# terminated. This may be the case if there is a race condition (CMake exited after
# the timeout but before the terminate() call). Additionally, this behavior can
# also be triggered on cygwin if CMake crashes.
# See
except Exception:
self.proc = None