The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
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set -e
source /ci/
python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-pip python3-pytest-xdist python3
ninja make git autoconf automake patch python3-Cython python3-jsonschema
elfutils gcc gcc-c++ gcc-fortran gcc-objc gcc-obj-c++ vala rust bison flex curl
mono-core gtkmm3-devel gtest gmock protobuf-devel wxGTK3-3_2-devel gobject-introspection-devel
itstool gtk3-devel java-15-openjdk-devel gtk-doc llvm-devel clang-devel libSDL2-devel graphviz-devel zlib-devel zlib-devel-static
#hdf5-devel netcdf-devel libscalapack2-openmpi3-devel libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel openmpi3-devel
doxygen vulkan-devel vulkan-validationlayers openssh mercurial gtk-sharp3-complete gtk-sharp2-complete libpcap-devel libgpgme-devel
libqt5-qtbase-devel libqt5-qttools-devel libqt5-linguist libqt5-qtbase-private-headers-devel
libwmf-devel valgrind cmake nasm gnustep-base-devel gettext-tools gettext-runtime gettext-csharp ncurses-devel
libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libyaml-devel glib2-devel json-glib-devel
boost-devel libboost_date_time-devel libboost_filesystem-devel libboost_locale-devel libboost_system-devel
libboost_test-devel libboost_log-devel libboost_regex-devel
libboost_python-devel libboost_python-py3-1_71_0-devel libboost_regex-devel
# Sys update
zypper --non-interactive patch --with-update --with-optional
zypper --non-interactive update
# Install deps
zypper install -y "${pkgs[@]}"
python3 -m pip install hotdoc gobject PyGObject
echo 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi3/lib64/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"' >> /
# dmd is very special on OpenSUSE (as in the packages do not work)
# see
curl -fsS | bash -s dmd | tee dmd_out.txt
cat dmd_out.txt | grep source | sed 's/^[^`]*`//g' | sed 's/`.*//g' >> /
chmod +x /
source /
dub_fetch urld
dub build urld --compiler=dmd
dub_fetch dubtestproject
dub build dubtestproject:test1 --compiler=dmd
dub build dubtestproject:test2 --compiler=dmd
# Cleanup
zypper --non-interactive clean --all