The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright © 2022-2023 Intel Corporation
"""Provides helpers for building AST
This is meant to make building Meson AST from foreign (largely declarative)
build descriptions easier.
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import typing as T
from .. import mparser
import builtins
class Builder:
filename: str
def _token(self, tid: str, value: mparser.TV_TokenTypes) -> mparser.Token[mparser.TV_TokenTypes]:
"""Create a Token object, but with the line numbers stubbed out.
:param tid: the token id (such as string, number, etc)
:param filename: the filename that the token was generated from
:param value: the value of the token
:return: A Token object
return mparser.Token(tid, self.filename, -1, -1, -1, (-1, -1), value)
def _symbol(self, val: str) -> mparser.SymbolNode:
return mparser.SymbolNode(self._token('', val))
def assign(self, value: mparser.BaseNode, varname: str) -> mparser.AssignmentNode:
return mparser.AssignmentNode(self.identifier(varname), self._symbol('='), value)
def string(self, value: str) -> mparser.StringNode:
"""Build A StringNode
:param value: the value of the string
:return: A StringNode
return mparser.StringNode(self._token('string', value))
def number(self, value: int) -> mparser.NumberNode:
"""Build A NumberNode
:param value: the value of the number
:return: A NumberNode
return mparser.NumberNode(self._token('number', str(value)))
def bool(self, value: builtins.bool) -> mparser.BooleanNode:
"""Build A BooleanNode
:param value: the value of the boolean
:return: A BooleanNode
return mparser.BooleanNode(self._token('bool', value))
def array(self, value: T.List[mparser.BaseNode]) -> mparser.ArrayNode:
"""Build an Array Node
:param value: A list of nodes to insert into the array
:return: An ArrayNode built from the arguments
args = mparser.ArgumentNode(self._token('array', 'unused'))
args.arguments = value
return mparser.ArrayNode(self._symbol('['), args, self._symbol(']'))
def dict(self, value: T.Dict[mparser.BaseNode, mparser.BaseNode]) -> mparser.DictNode:
"""Build an Dictionary Node
:param value: A dict of nodes to insert into the dictionary
:return: An DictNode built from the arguments
args = mparser.ArgumentNode(self._token('dict', 'unused'))
for key, val in value.items():
args.set_kwarg_no_check(key, val)
return mparser.DictNode(self._symbol('{'), args, self._symbol('}'))
def identifier(self, value: str) -> mparser.IdNode:
"""Build A IdNode
:param value: the value of the boolean
:return: A BooleanNode
return mparser.IdNode(self._token('id', value))
def method(self, name: str, id_: mparser.BaseNode,
pos: T.Optional[T.List[mparser.BaseNode]] = None,
kw: T.Optional[T.Mapping[str, mparser.BaseNode]] = None,
) -> mparser.MethodNode:
"""Create a method call.
:param name: the name of the method
:param id_: the object to call the method of
:param pos: a list of positional arguments, defaults to None
:param kw: a dictionary of keyword arguments, defaults to None
:return: a method call object
args = mparser.ArgumentNode(self._token('array', 'unused'))
if pos is not None:
args.arguments = pos
if kw is not None:
args.kwargs = {self.identifier(k): v for k, v in kw.items()}
return mparser.MethodNode(id_, self._symbol('.'), self.identifier(name), self._symbol('('), args, self._symbol(')'))
def function(self, name: str,
pos: T.Optional[T.List[mparser.BaseNode]] = None,
kw: T.Optional[T.Mapping[str, mparser.BaseNode]] = None,
) -> mparser.FunctionNode:
"""Create a function call.
:param name: the name of the function
:param pos: a list of positional arguments, defaults to None
:param kw: a dictionary of keyword arguments, defaults to None
:return: a method call object
args = mparser.ArgumentNode(self._token('array', 'unused'))
if pos is not None:
args.arguments = pos
if kw is not None:
args.kwargs = {self.identifier(k): v for k, v in kw.items()}
return mparser.FunctionNode(self.identifier(name), self._symbol('('), args, self._symbol(')'))
def equal(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.ComparisonNode:
"""Create an equality operation
:param lhs: The left hand side of the equal
:param rhs: the right hand side of the equal
:return: A comparison node
return mparser.ComparisonNode('==', lhs, self._symbol('=='), rhs)
def not_equal(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.ComparisonNode:
"""Create an inequality operation
:param lhs: The left hand side of the "!="
:param rhs: the right hand side of the "!="
:return: A comparison node
return mparser.ComparisonNode('!=', lhs, self._symbol('!='), rhs)
def in_(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.ComparisonNode:
"""Create an "in" operation
:param lhs: The left hand side of the "in"
:param rhs: the right hand side of the "in"
:return: A comparison node
return mparser.ComparisonNode('in', lhs, self._symbol('in'), rhs)
def not_in(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.ComparisonNode:
"""Create an "not in" operation
:param lhs: The left hand side of the "not in"
:param rhs: the right hand side of the "not in"
:return: A comparison node
return mparser.ComparisonNode('notin', lhs, self._symbol('not in'), rhs)
def or_(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.OrNode:
"""Create and OrNode
:param lhs: The Left of the Node
:param rhs: The Right of the Node
:return: The OrNode
return mparser.OrNode(lhs, self._symbol('or'), rhs)
def and_(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.AndNode:
"""Create an AndNode
:param lhs: The left of the And
:param rhs: The right of the And
:return: The AndNode
return mparser.AndNode(lhs, self._symbol('and'), rhs)
def not_(self, value: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.NotNode:
"""Create a not node
:param value: The value to negate
:return: The NotNode
return mparser.NotNode(self._token('not', ''), self._symbol('not'), value)
def block(self, lines: T.List[mparser.BaseNode]) -> mparser.CodeBlockNode:
block = mparser.CodeBlockNode(self._token('node', ''))
block.lines = lines
return block
def plus(self, lhs: mparser.BaseNode, rhs: mparser.BaseNode) -> mparser.ArithmeticNode:
"""Create an addition node
:param lhs: The left of the addition
:param rhs: The right of the addition
:return: The ArithmeticNode
return mparser.ArithmeticNode('add', lhs, self._symbol('+'), rhs)
def plusassign(self, value: mparser.BaseNode, varname: str) -> mparser.PlusAssignmentNode:
"""Create a "+=" node
:param value: The value to add
:param varname: The variable to assign
:return: The PlusAssignmentNode
return mparser.PlusAssignmentNode(self.identifier(varname), self._symbol('+='), value)
def if_(self, condition: mparser.BaseNode, block: mparser.CodeBlockNode) -> mparser.IfClauseNode:
"""Create a "if" block
:param condition: The condition
:param block: Lines inside the condition
:return: The IfClauseNode
clause = mparser.IfClauseNode(condition)
clause.ifs.append(mparser.IfNode(clause, self._symbol('if'), condition, block))
clause.elseblock = mparser.EmptyNode(-1, -1, self.filename)
return clause
def foreach(self, varnames: T.List[str], items: mparser.BaseNode, block: mparser.CodeBlockNode) -> mparser.ForeachClauseNode:
"""Create a "foreach" loop
:param varnames: Iterator variable names (one for list, two for dict).
:param items: The list of dict to iterate
:param block: Lines inside the loop
:return: The ForeachClauseNode
varids = [self.identifier(i) for i in varnames]
commas = [self._symbol(',') for i in range(len(varnames) - 1)]
return mparser.ForeachClauseNode(self._symbol('foreach'), varids, commas, self._symbol(':'), items, block, self._symbol('endforeach'))