Currently, ComplierHolder.determine_args() unconditionally adds the link
arguments to the commmand, even if we aren't linking, because it doesn't
have access to the mode (preprocess, compile, link) that
_get_compiler_check_args() will use.
This leads to command lines like:
'cl testfile.c /nologo /showIncludes /c /Fooutput.obj /Od kernel32.lib
user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib'
which clang-cl considers invalid; MSVS cl accepts this, ignoring the
unneeded libraries
Change from passing extra_args down to _get_compiler_check_args(), to
passing down a callback to CompilerHolder.determine_args() (with a bound
kwargs argument), so it can consult mode and kwargs to determine the args to