The Meson Build System

279 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2013-2014 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import typing as T
from . import coredata
from . import mesonlib
from . import mparser
from . import mlog
from .interpreterbase import FeatureNew, typed_pos_args, typed_kwargs, ContainerTypeInfo, KwargInfo
from .interpreter.type_checking import NoneType, in_set_validator
from .interpreterbase import TYPE_var, TYPE_kwargs
from .interpreterbase import SubProject
from typing_extensions import TypedDict, Literal
_DEPRECATED_ARGS = T.Union[bool, str, T.Dict[str, str], T.List[str]]
FuncOptionArgs = TypedDict('FuncOptionArgs', {
'type': str,
'description': str,
'yield': bool,
'choices': T.Optional[T.List[str]],
'value': object,
'min': T.Optional[int],
'max': T.Optional[int],
'deprecated': _DEPRECATED_ARGS,
class StringArgs(TypedDict):
value: str
class BooleanArgs(TypedDict):
value: bool
class ComboArgs(TypedDict):
value: str
choices: T.List[str]
class IntegerArgs(TypedDict):
value: int
min: T.Optional[int]
max: T.Optional[int]
class StringArrayArgs(TypedDict):
value: T.Optional[T.Union[str, T.List[str]]]
choices: T.List[str]
class FeatureArgs(TypedDict):
value: Literal['enabled', 'disabled', 'auto']
choices: T.List[str]
class OptionException(mesonlib.MesonException):
optname_regex = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]')
class OptionInterpreter:
def __init__(self, subproject: 'SubProject') -> None:
self.options: 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType' = {}
self.subproject = subproject
self.option_types: T.Dict[str, T.Callable[..., coredata.UserOption]] = {
'string': self.string_parser,
'boolean': self.boolean_parser,
'combo': self.combo_parser,
'integer': self.integer_parser,
'array': self.string_array_parser,
'feature': self.feature_parser,
def process(self, option_file: str) -> None:
with open(option_file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
ast = mparser.Parser(, option_file).parse()
except mesonlib.MesonException as me:
me.file = option_file
raise me
if not isinstance(ast, mparser.CodeBlockNode):
e = OptionException('Option file is malformed.')
e.lineno = ast.lineno()
e.file = option_file
raise e
for cur in ast.lines:
self.current_node = cur
except mesonlib.MesonException as e:
e.lineno = cur.lineno
e.colno = cur.colno
e.file = option_file
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise mesonlib.MesonException(
str(e), lineno=cur.lineno, colno=cur.colno, file=option_file)
def reduce_single(self, arg: T.Union[str, mparser.BaseNode]) -> 'TYPE_var':
if isinstance(arg, str):
return arg
elif isinstance(arg, (mparser.StringNode, mparser.BooleanNode,
return arg.value
elif isinstance(arg, mparser.ArrayNode):
return [self.reduce_single(curarg) for curarg in arg.args.arguments]
elif isinstance(arg, mparser.DictNode):
d = {}
for k, v in arg.args.kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(k, mparser.StringNode):
raise OptionException('Dictionary keys must be a string literal')
d[k.value] = self.reduce_single(v)
return d
elif isinstance(arg, mparser.UMinusNode):
res = self.reduce_single(arg.value)
if not isinstance(res, (int, float)):
raise OptionException('Token after "-" is not a number')
FeatureNew.single_use('negative numbers in meson_options.txt', '0.54.1', self.subproject)
return -res
elif isinstance(arg, mparser.NotNode):
res = self.reduce_single(arg.value)
if not isinstance(res, bool):
raise OptionException('Token after "not" is not a a boolean')
FeatureNew.single_use('negation ("not") in meson_options.txt', '0.54.1', self.subproject)
return not res
elif isinstance(arg, mparser.ArithmeticNode):
l = self.reduce_single(arg.left)
r = self.reduce_single(arg.right)
if not (arg.operation == 'add' and isinstance(l, str) and isinstance(r, str)):
raise OptionException('Only string concatenation with the "+" operator is allowed')
FeatureNew.single_use('string concatenation in meson_options.txt', '0.55.0', self.subproject)
return l + r
raise OptionException('Arguments may only be string, int, bool, or array of those.')
def reduce_arguments(self, args: mparser.ArgumentNode) -> T.Tuple['TYPE_var', 'TYPE_kwargs']:
if args.incorrect_order():
raise OptionException('All keyword arguments must be after positional arguments.')
reduced_pos = [self.reduce_single(arg) for arg in args.arguments]
reduced_kw = {}
for key in args.kwargs.keys():
if not isinstance(key, mparser.IdNode):
raise OptionException('Keyword argument name is not a string.')
a = args.kwargs[key]
reduced_kw[key.value] = self.reduce_single(a)
return reduced_pos, reduced_kw
def evaluate_statement(self, node: mparser.BaseNode) -> None:
if not isinstance(node, mparser.FunctionNode):
raise OptionException('Option file may only contain option definitions')
func_name = node.func_name
if func_name != 'option':
raise OptionException('Only calls to option() are allowed in option files.')
(posargs, kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(node.args)
self.func_option(posargs, kwargs)
validator=in_set_validator({'string', 'boolean', 'integer', 'combo', 'array', 'feature'})
KwargInfo('description', str, default=''),
(bool, str, ContainerTypeInfo(dict, str), ContainerTypeInfo(list, str)),
since_values={str: '0.63.0'},
KwargInfo('yield', bool, default=coredata.DEFAULT_YIELDING, since='0.45.0'),
@typed_pos_args('option', str)
def func_option(self, args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: 'FuncOptionArgs') -> None:
opt_name = args[0]
if is not None:
raise OptionException('Option names can only contain letters, numbers or dashes.')
key = mesonlib.OptionKey.from_string(opt_name).evolve(subproject=self.subproject)
if not key.is_project():
raise OptionException('Option name %s is reserved.' % opt_name)
opt_type = kwargs['type']
parser = self.option_types[opt_type]
description = kwargs['description'] or opt_name
# Drop the arguments we've already consumed
n_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()
if k not in {'type', 'description', 'deprecated', 'yield'}}
opt = parser(description, (kwargs['yield'], kwargs['deprecated']), n_kwargs)
if key in self.options:
mlog.deprecation(f'Option {opt_name} already exists.')
self.options[key] = opt
'string option',
KwargInfo('value', str, default=''),
def string_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: StringArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
return coredata.UserStringOption(description, kwargs['value'], *args)
'boolean option',
(bool, str),
validator=lambda x: None if isinstance(x, bool) or x in {'true', 'false'} else 'boolean options must have boolean values',
deprecated_values={str: ('1.1.0', 'use a boolean, not a string')},
def boolean_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: BooleanArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
return coredata.UserBooleanOption(description, kwargs['value'], *args)
'combo option',
KwargInfo('value', (str, NoneType)),
KwargInfo('choices', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str, allow_empty=False), required=True),
def combo_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: ComboArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
choices = kwargs['choices']
value = kwargs['value']
if value is None:
value = kwargs['choices'][0]
return coredata.UserComboOption(description, choices, value, *args)
'integer option',
(int, str),
deprecated_values={str: ('1.1.0', 'use an integer, not a string')},
KwargInfo('min', (int, NoneType)),
KwargInfo('max', (int, NoneType)),
def integer_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: IntegerArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
value = kwargs['value']
inttuple = (kwargs['min'], kwargs['max'], value)
return coredata.UserIntegerOption(description, inttuple, *args)
'string array option',
KwargInfo('value', (ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), str, NoneType)),
KwargInfo('choices', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), default=[]),
def string_array_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: StringArrayArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
choices = kwargs['choices']
value = kwargs['value'] if kwargs['value'] is not None else choices
return coredata.UserArrayOption(description, value,
'feature option',
KwargInfo('value', str, default='auto', validator=in_set_validator({'auto', 'enabled', 'disabled'})),
def feature_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: FeatureArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
return coredata.UserFeatureOption(description, kwargs['value'], *args)