The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright 2014-2016 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os, sys
import pickle
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from . import backends
from .. import build
from .. import dependencies
from .. import mlog
from .. import compilers
from import BuildTarget
from ..mesonlib import MesonException, File
from ..environment import Environment
def split_o_flags_args(args):
Splits any /O args and returns them. Does not take care of flags overriding
previous ones. Skips non-O flag arguments.
['/Ox', '/Ob1'] returns ['/Ox', '/Ob1']
['/Oxj', '/MP'] returns ['/Ox', '/Oj']
o_flags = []
for arg in args:
if not arg.startswith('/O'):
flags = list(arg[2:])
# Assume that this one can't be clumped with the others since it takes
# an argument itself
if 'b' in flags:
o_flags += ['/O' + f for f in flags]
return o_flags
class RegenInfo():
def __init__(self, source_dir, build_dir, depfiles):
self.source_dir = source_dir
self.build_dir = build_dir
self.depfiles = depfiles
class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
def __init__(self, build):
super().__init__(build) = 'vs2010'
self.project_file_version = '10.0.30319.1'
self.sources_conflicts = {}
self.platform_toolset = None
self.vs_version = '2010'
def object_filename_from_source(self, target, source):
basename = os.path.basename(source.fname)
filename_without_extension = '.'.join(basename.split('.')[:-1])
if basename in self.sources_conflicts[target.get_id()]:
# If there are multiple source files with the same basename, we must resolve the conflict
# by giving each a unique object output file.
filename_without_extension = '.'.join(source.fname.split('.')[:-1]).replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_')
return filename_without_extension + '.' + self.environment.get_object_suffix()
def resolve_source_conflicts(self):
for name, target in
if not isinstance(target, BuildTarget):
conflicts = {}
for s in target.get_sources():
if hasattr(s, 'held_object'):
s = s.held_object
if not isinstance(s, File):
basename = os.path.basename(s.fname)
conflicting_sources = conflicts.get(basename, None)
if conflicting_sources is None:
conflicting_sources = []
conflicts[basename] = conflicting_sources
self.sources_conflicts[target.get_id()] = {name: src_conflicts for name, src_conflicts in conflicts.items()
if len(src_conflicts) > 1}
def generate_custom_generator_commands(self, target, parent_node):
generator_output_files = []
commands = []
inputs = []
outputs = []
custom_target_include_dirs = []
custom_target_output_files = []
target_private_dir = self.relpath(self.get_target_private_dir(target), self.get_target_dir(target))
down = self.target_to_build_root(target)
for genlist in target.get_generated_sources():
if isinstance(genlist, build.CustomTarget):
for i in genlist.get_outputs():
# Path to the generated source from the current vcxproj dir via the build root
ipath = os.path.join(down, self.get_target_dir(genlist), i)
idir = self.relpath(self.get_target_dir(genlist), self.get_target_dir(target))
if idir not in custom_target_include_dirs:
generator = genlist.get_generator()
exe = generator.get_exe()
infilelist = genlist.get_inputs()
outfilelist = genlist.get_outputs()
exe_arr = self.exe_object_to_cmd_array(exe)
base_args = generator.get_arglist()
for i in range(len(infilelist)):
if len(infilelist) == len(outfilelist):
sole_output = os.path.join(target_private_dir, outfilelist[i])
sole_output = ''
curfile = infilelist[i]
infilename = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), curfile)
outfiles_rel = genlist.get_outputs_for(curfile)
outfiles = [os.path.join(target_private_dir, of) for of in outfiles_rel]
generator_output_files += outfiles
args = [x.replace("@INPUT@", infilename).replace('@OUTPUT@', sole_output)\
for x in base_args]
args = self.replace_outputs(args, target_private_dir, outfiles_rel)
args = [x.replace("@SOURCE_DIR@", self.environment.get_source_dir()).replace("@BUILD_DIR@", target_private_dir)
for x in args]
fullcmd = exe_arr + self.replace_extra_args(args, genlist)
commands.append(' '.join(self.special_quote(fullcmd)))
if len(commands) > 0:
idgroup = ET.SubElement(parent_node, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
cbs = ET.SubElement(idgroup, 'CustomBuildStep')
ET.SubElement(cbs, 'Command').text = '\r\n'.join(commands)
ET.SubElement(cbs, 'Inputs').text = ";".join(inputs)
ET.SubElement(cbs, 'Outputs').text = ';'.join(outputs)
ET.SubElement(cbs, 'Message').text = 'Generating custom sources.'
pg = ET.SubElement(parent_node, 'PropertyGroup')
ET.SubElement(pg, 'CustomBuildBeforeTargets').text = 'ClCompile'
return generator_output_files, custom_target_output_files, custom_target_include_dirs
def generate(self, interp):
self.interpreter = interp
target_machine = self.interpreter.builtin['target_machine'].cpu_family_method(None, None)
if target_machine.endswith('64'):
# amd64 or x86_64
self.platform = 'x64'
elif target_machine == 'x86':
# x86
self.platform = 'Win32'
elif 'arm' in target_machine.lower():
self.platform = 'ARM'
raise MesonException('Unsupported Visual Studio platform: ' + target_machine)
self.buildtype = self.environment.coredata.get_builtin_option('buildtype')
sln_filename = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), + '.sln')
projlist = self.generate_projects()
self.gen_testproj('RUN_TESTS', os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), 'RUN_TESTS.vcxproj'))
self.gen_regenproj('REGEN', os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), 'REGEN.vcxproj'))
self.generate_solution(sln_filename, projlist)
def get_regen_stampfile(build_dir):
return os.path.join(os.path.join(build_dir, Environment.private_dir), 'regen.stamp')
def touch_regen_timestamp(build_dir):
with open(Vs2010Backend.get_regen_stampfile(build_dir), 'w'):
def generate_regen_info(self):
deps = self.get_regen_filelist()
regeninfo = RegenInfo(self.environment.get_source_dir(),
filename = os.path.join(self.environment.get_scratch_dir(),
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(regeninfo, f)
def get_obj_target_deps(self, obj_list):
result = {}
for o in obj_list:
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
result[] = True
return result.keys()
def determine_deps(self, p):
all_deps = {}
target =[p[0]]
if isinstance(target, build.CustomTarget):
for d in target.get_target_dependencies():
all_deps[d.get_id()] = True
return all_deps
if isinstance(target, build.RunTarget):
for d in [target.command] + target.args:
if isinstance(d, build.BuildTarget):
all_deps[d.get_id()] = True
return all_deps
for ldep in target.link_targets:
all_deps[ldep.get_id()] = True
for objdep in self.get_obj_target_deps(target.objects):
all_deps[objdep] = True
for gendep in target.generated:
if isinstance(gendep, build.CustomTarget):
all_deps[gendep.get_id()] = True
gen_exe = gendep.generator.get_exe()
if isinstance(gen_exe, build.Executable):
all_deps[gen_exe.get_id()] = True
return all_deps
def generate_solution(self, sln_filename, projlist):
with open(sln_filename, 'w') as ofile:
ofile.write('Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format '
'Version 11.00\n')
ofile.write('# Visual Studio ' + self.vs_version + '\n')
prj_templ = prj_line = 'Project("{%s}") = "%s", "%s", "{%s}"\n'
for p in projlist:
prj_line = prj_templ % (self.environment.coredata.guid,
p[0], p[1], p[2])
all_deps = self.determine_deps(p)
ofile.write('\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = '
regen_guid = self.environment.coredata.regen_guid
ofile.write('\t\t{%s} = {%s}\n' % (regen_guid, regen_guid))
for dep in all_deps.keys():
guid = self.environment.coredata.target_guids[dep]
ofile.write('\t\t{%s} = {%s}\n' % (guid, guid))
test_line = prj_templ % (self.environment.coredata.guid,
'RUN_TESTS', 'RUN_TESTS.vcxproj',
regen_line = prj_templ % (self.environment.coredata.guid,
'REGEN', 'REGEN.vcxproj',
ofile.write('\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = '
ofile.write('\t\t%s|%s = %s|%s\n' %
(self.buildtype, self.platform, self.buildtype,
ofile.write('\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = '
ofile.write('\t\t{%s}.%s|%s.ActiveCfg = %s|%s\n' %
(self.environment.coredata.regen_guid, self.buildtype,
self.platform, self.buildtype, self.platform))
ofile.write('\t\t{%s}.%s|%s.Build.0 = %s|%s\n' %
(self.environment.coredata.regen_guid, self.buildtype,
self.platform, self.buildtype, self.platform))
for p in projlist:
ofile.write('\t\t{%s}.%s|%s.ActiveCfg = %s|%s\n' %
(p[2], self.buildtype, self.platform,
self.buildtype, self.platform))
if not isinstance([p[0]], build.RunTarget):
ofile.write('\t\t{%s}.%s|%s.Build.0 = %s|%s\n' %
(p[2], self.buildtype, self.platform,
self.buildtype, self.platform))
ofile.write('\t\t{%s}.%s|%s.ActiveCfg = %s|%s\n' %
(self.environment.coredata.test_guid, self.buildtype,
self.platform, self.buildtype, self.platform))
ofile.write('\tGlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\n')
ofile.write('\t\tHideSolutionNode = FALSE\n')
def generate_projects(self):
projlist = []
for name, target in
outdir = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), self.get_target_dir(target))
fname = name + '.vcxproj'
relname = os.path.join(target.subdir, fname)
projfile = os.path.join(outdir, fname)
uuid = self.environment.coredata.target_guids[name]
self.gen_vcxproj(target, projfile, uuid)
projlist.append((name, relname, uuid))
return projlist
def split_sources(self, srclist):
sources = []
headers = []
objects = []
languages = []
for i in srclist:
if self.environment.is_header(i):
elif self.environment.is_object(i):
elif self.environment.is_source(i):
lang = self.lang_from_source_file(i)
if lang not in languages:
elif self.environment.is_library(i):
# Everything that is not an object or source file is considered a header.
return (sources, headers, objects, languages)
def target_to_build_root(self, target):
if target.subdir == '':
return ''
directories = os.path.normpath(target.subdir).split(os.sep)
return os.sep.join(['..']*len(directories))
def special_quote(self, arr):
return ['"%s"' % i for i in arr]
def create_basic_crap(self, target):
project_name =
root = ET.Element('Project', {'DefaultTargets': "Build",
'ToolsVersion': '4.0',
'xmlns': ''})
confitems = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup', {'Label': 'ProjectConfigurations'})
prjconf = ET.SubElement(confitems, 'ProjectConfiguration',
{'Include': self.buildtype + '|' + self.platform})
p = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Configuration')
p.text= self.buildtype
pl = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Platform')
pl.text = self.platform
globalgroup = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Globals')
guidelem = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectGuid')
guidelem.text = self.environment.coredata.test_guid
kw = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Keyword')
kw.text = self.platform + 'Proj'
p = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Platform')
p.text= self.platform
pname= ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectName')
pname.text = project_name
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props')
type_config = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Configuration')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'ConfigurationType')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'CharacterSet').text = 'MultiByte'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'UseOfMfc').text = 'false'
if self.platform_toolset:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'PlatformToolset').text = self.platform_toolset
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props')
direlem = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup')
fver = ET.SubElement(direlem, '_ProjectFileVersion')
fver.text = self.project_file_version
outdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'OutDir')
outdir.text = '.\\'
intdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'IntDir')
intdir.text = target.get_id() + '\\'
tname = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'TargetName')
tname.text =
return root
def gen_run_target_vcxproj(self, target, ofname, guid):
root = self.create_basic_crap(target)
action = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
customstep = ET.SubElement(action, 'PostBuildEvent')
cmd_raw = [target.command] + target.args
cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join(self.environment.get_script_dir(), ''),
self.environment.get_build_dir(), self.environment.get_source_dir(),
for i in cmd_raw:
if isinstance(i, build.BuildTarget):
cmd.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), self.get_target_filename(i)))
elif isinstance(i, dependencies.ExternalProgram):
cmd += i.fullpath
cmd_templ = '''"%s" '''*len(cmd)
ET.SubElement(customstep, 'Command').text = cmd_templ % tuple(cmd)
ET.SubElement(customstep, 'Message').text = 'Running custom command.'
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(ofname, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
def gen_custom_target_vcxproj(self, target, ofname, guid):
root = self.create_basic_crap(target)
action = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
customstep = ET.SubElement(action, 'CustomBuildStep')
# We need to always use absolute paths because our invocation is always
# from the target dir, not the build root.
target.absolute_paths = True
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(target, True)
cmd_templ = '''"%s" '''*len(cmd)
ET.SubElement(customstep, 'Command').text = cmd_templ % tuple(cmd)
ET.SubElement(customstep, 'Outputs').text = ';'.join(ofilenames)
ET.SubElement(customstep, 'Inputs').text = ';'.join(srcs)
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(ofname, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
def lang_from_source_file(cls, src):
ext = src.split('.')[-1]
if ext in compilers.c_suffixes:
return 'c'
if ext in compilers.cpp_suffixes:
return 'cpp'
raise MesonException('Could not guess language from source file %s.' % src)
def add_pch(self, inc_cl, proj_to_src_dir, pch_sources, source_file):
if len(pch_sources) <= 1:
# We only need per file precompiled headers if we have more than 1 language.
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(source_file)
header = os.path.join(proj_to_src_dir, pch_sources[lang][0])
pch_file = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeaderFile')
pch_file.text = header
pch_include = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'ForcedIncludeFiles')
pch_include.text = header + ';%(ForcedIncludeFiles)'
pch_out = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile')
pch_out.text = '$(IntDir)$(TargetName)-%s.pch' % lang
def add_additional_options(self, lang, parent_node, file_args):
if len(file_args[lang]) == 0:
# We only need per file options if they were not set per project.
args = file_args[lang] + ['%(AdditionalOptions)']
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(args)
def add_preprocessor_defines(self, lang, parent_node, file_defines):
if len(file_defines[lang]) == 0:
# We only need per file options if they were not set per project.
defines = file_defines[lang] + ['%(PreprocessorDefinitions)']
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "PreprocessorDefinitions").text = ';'.join(defines)
def add_include_dirs(self, lang, parent_node, file_inc_dirs):
if len(file_inc_dirs[lang]) == 0:
# We only need per file options if they were not set per project.
dirs = file_inc_dirs[lang] + ['%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)']
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories").text = ';'.join(dirs)
def has_objects(objects, additional_objects, generated_objects):
# Ignore generated objects, those are automatically used by MSBuild for VS2010, because they are part of
# the CustomBuildStep Outputs.
return len(objects) + len(additional_objects) > 0
def add_generated_objects(node, generated_objects):
# Do not add generated objects to project file. Those are automatically used by MSBuild for VS2010, because
# they are part of the CustomBuildStep Outputs.
def escape_preprocessor_define(define):
# See:
table = str.maketrans({'%': '%25', '$': '%24', '@': '%40',
"'": '%27', ';': '%3B', '?': '%3F', '*': '%2A',
# We need to escape backslash because it'll be un-escaped by
# Windows during process creation when it parses the arguments
# Basically, this converts `\` to `\\`.
'\\': '\\\\'})
return define.translate(table)
def escape_additional_option(option):
# See:
table = str.maketrans({'%': '%25', '$': '%24', '@': '%40',
"'": '%27', ';': '%3B', '?': '%3F', '*': '%2A', ' ': '%20',})
option = option.translate(table)
# Since we're surrounding the option with ", if it ends in \ that will
# escape the " when the process arguments are parsed and the starting
# " will not terminate. So we escape it if that's the case. I'm not
# kidding, this is how escaping works for process args on Windows.
if option.endswith('\\'):
option += '\\'
return '"{}"'.format(option)
def split_link_args(args):
Split a list of link arguments into three lists:
* library search paths
* library filenames (or paths)
* other link arguments
lpaths = []
libs = []
other = []
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith('/LIBPATH:'):
lpath = arg[9:]
# De-dup library search paths by removing older entries when
# a new one is found. This is necessary because unlike other
# search paths such as the include path, the library is
# searched for in the newest (right-most) search path first.
if lpath in lpaths:
# It's ok if we miss libraries with non-standard extensions here.
# They will go into the general link arguments.
elif arg.endswith('.lib') or arg.endswith('.a'):
# De-dup
if arg not in libs:
return (lpaths, libs, other)
def _get_cl_compiler(self, target):
for lang, c in target.compilers.items():
if lang in ('c', 'cpp'):
return c
# No source files, only objects, but we still need a compiler, so
# return a found compiler
if len(target.objects) > 0:
for lang, c in self.environment.coredata.compilers.items():
if lang in ('c', 'cpp'):
return c
raise MesonException('Could not find a C or C++ compiler. MSVC can only build C/C++ projects.')
def gen_vcxproj(self, target, ofname, guid):
mlog.debug('Generating vcxproj %s.' %
entrypoint = 'WinMainCRTStartup'
subsystem = 'Windows'
if isinstance(target, build.Executable):
conftype = 'Application'
if not target.gui_app:
subsystem = 'Console'
entrypoint = 'mainCRTStartup'
elif isinstance(target, build.StaticLibrary):
conftype = 'StaticLibrary'
elif isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
conftype = 'DynamicLibrary'
entrypoint = '_DllMainCrtStartup'
elif isinstance(target, build.CustomTarget):
return self.gen_custom_target_vcxproj(target, ofname, guid)
elif isinstance(target, build.RunTarget):
return self.gen_run_target_vcxproj(target, ofname, guid)
raise MesonException('Unknown target type for %s' % target.get_basename())
# Prefix to use to access the build root from the vcxproj dir
down = self.target_to_build_root(target)
# Prefix to use to access the source tree's root from the vcxproj dir
proj_to_src_root = os.path.join(down, self.build_to_src)
# Prefix to use to access the source tree's subdir from the vcxproj dir
proj_to_src_dir = os.path.join(proj_to_src_root, target.subdir)
(sources, headers, objects, languages) = self.split_sources(target.sources)
compiler = self._get_cl_compiler(target)
buildtype_args = compiler.get_buildtype_args(self.buildtype)
buildtype_link_args = compiler.get_buildtype_linker_args(self.buildtype)
project_name =
target_name =
root = ET.Element('Project', {'DefaultTargets': "Build",
'ToolsVersion': '4.0',
'xmlns': ''})
confitems = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup', {'Label': 'ProjectConfigurations'})
prjconf = ET.SubElement(confitems, 'ProjectConfiguration',
{'Include': self.buildtype + '|' + self.platform})
p = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Configuration')
p.text= self.buildtype
pl = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Platform')
pl.text = self.platform
# Globals
globalgroup = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Globals')
guidelem = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectGuid')
guidelem.text = guid
kw = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Keyword')
kw.text = self.platform + 'Proj'
ns = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'RootNamespace')
ns.text = target_name
p = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Platform')
p.text= self.platform
pname= ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectName')
pname.text = project_name
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props')
# Start configuration
type_config = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Configuration')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'ConfigurationType').text = conftype
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'CharacterSet').text = 'MultiByte'
if self.platform_toolset:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'PlatformToolset').text = self.platform_toolset
# FIXME: Meson's LTO support needs to be integrated here
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'WholeProgramOptimization').text = 'false'
# Let VS auto-set the RTC level
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'BasicRuntimeChecks').text = 'Default'
o_flags = split_o_flags_args(buildtype_args)
if '/Oi' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'IntrinsicFunctions').text = 'true'
if '/Ob1' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'InlineFunctionExpansion').text = 'OnlyExplicitInline'
elif '/Ob2' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'InlineFunctionExpansion').text = 'AnySuitable'
# Size-preserving flags
if '/Os' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'FavorSizeOrSpeed').text = 'Size'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'FavorSizeOrSpeed').text = 'Speed'
# Incremental linking increases code size
if '/INCREMENTAL:NO' in buildtype_link_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'LinkIncremental').text = 'false'
# CRT type; debug or release
if '/MDd' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'UseDebugLibraries').text = 'true'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'RuntimeLibrary').text = 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'UseDebugLibraries').text = 'false'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'RuntimeLibrary').text = 'MultiThreadedDLL'
# Debug format
if '/ZI' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'DebugInformationFormat').text = 'EditAndContinue'
elif '/Zi' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'DebugInformationFormat').text = 'ProgramDatabase'
elif '/Z7' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'DebugInformationFormat').text = 'OldStyle'
# Generate Debug info
if '/DEBUG' in buildtype_link_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'GenerateDebugInformation').text = 'true'
# Runtime checks
if '/RTC1' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'BasicRuntimeChecks').text = 'EnableFastChecks'
elif '/RTCu' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'BasicRuntimeChecks').text = 'UninitializedLocalUsageCheck'
elif '/RTCs' in buildtype_args:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'BasicRuntimeChecks').text = 'StackFrameRuntimeCheck'
# Optimization flags
if '/Ox' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'Optimization').text = 'Full'
elif '/O2' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'Optimization').text = 'MaxSpeed'
elif '/O1' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'Optimization').text = 'MinSpace'
elif '/Od' in o_flags:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'Optimization').text = 'Disabled'
# Warning level
warning_level = self.environment.coredata.get_builtin_option('warning_level')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'WarningLevel').text = 'Level' + warning_level
# End configuration
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props')
generated_files, custom_target_output_files, generated_files_include_dirs = self.generate_custom_generator_commands(target, root)
(gen_src, gen_hdrs, gen_objs, gen_langs) = self.split_sources(generated_files)
(custom_src, custom_hdrs, custom_objs, custom_langs) = self.split_sources(custom_target_output_files)
gen_src += custom_src
gen_hdrs += custom_hdrs
gen_langs += custom_langs
# Project information
direlem = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup')
fver = ET.SubElement(direlem, '_ProjectFileVersion')
fver.text = self.project_file_version
outdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'OutDir')
outdir.text = '.\\'
intdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'IntDir')
intdir.text = target.get_id() + '\\'
tfilename = os.path.splitext(target.get_filename())
ET.SubElement(direlem, 'TargetName').text = tfilename[0]
ET.SubElement(direlem, 'TargetExt').text = tfilename[1]
# Build information
compiles = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
clconf = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'ClCompile')
# Arguments, include dirs, defines for all files in the current target
target_args = []
target_defines = []
target_inc_dirs = ['.', self.relpath(self.get_target_private_dir(target),
proj_to_src_dir] + generated_files_include_dirs
# Arguments, include dirs, defines passed to individual files in
# a target; perhaps because the args are language-specific
file_args = dict((lang, []) for lang in target.compilers)
file_defines = dict((lang, []) for lang in target.compilers)
file_inc_dirs = dict((lang, []) for lang in target.compilers)
for l, args in self.environment.coredata.external_args.items():
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += args
for l, args in
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += args
for l, args in, {}).items():
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += args
for l, args in target.extra_args.items():
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += compiler.unix_compile_flags_to_native(args)
for l, comp in target.compilers.items():
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += comp.get_option_compile_args(self.environment.coredata.compiler_options)
for d in target.get_external_deps():
# Cflags required by external deps might have UNIX-specific flags,
# so filter them out if needed
d_compile_args = compiler.unix_compile_flags_to_native(d.get_compile_args())
for arg in d_compile_args:
if arg.startswith(('-D', '/D')):
define = arg[2:]
# De-dup
if define not in target_defines:
elif arg.startswith(('-I', '/I')):
inc_dir = arg[2:]
# De-dup
if inc_dir not in target_inc_dirs:
# De-dup
if arg not in target_args:
# Split preprocessor defines and include directories out of the list of
# all extra arguments. The rest go into %(AdditionalOptions).
for l, args in file_args.items():
file_args[l] = []
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith(('-D', '/D')):
define = self.escape_preprocessor_define(arg[2:])
# De-dup
if define not in file_defines[l]:
elif arg.startswith(('-I', '/I')):
inc_dir = arg[2:]
# De-dup
if inc_dir not in file_inc_dirs[l]:
languages += gen_langs
if len(target_args) > 0:
ET.SubElement(clconf, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(target_args)
for d in target.include_dirs:
for i in d.incdirs:
curdir = os.path.join(d.curdir, i)
target_inc_dirs.append(self.relpath(curdir, target.subdir)) # build dir
target_inc_dirs.append(os.path.join(proj_to_src_root, curdir)) # src dir
for i in d.get_extra_build_dirs():
curdir = os.path.join(d.curdir, i)
target_inc_dirs.append(self.relpath(curdir, target.subdir)) # build dir
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories').text = ';'.join(target_inc_dirs)
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PreprocessorDefinitions').text = ';'.join(target_defines)
rebuild = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'MinimalRebuild')
rebuild.text = 'true'
funclink = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'FunctionLevelLinking')
funclink.text = 'true'
pch_node = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PrecompiledHeader')
pch_sources = {}
for lang in ['c', 'cpp']:
pch = target.get_pch(lang)
if len(pch) == 0:
pch_node.text = 'Use'
pch_sources[lang] = [pch[0], pch[1], lang]
if len(pch_sources) == 1:
# If there is only 1 language with precompiled headers, we can use it for the entire project, which
# is cleaner than specifying it for each source file.
pch_source = list(pch_sources.values())[0]
header = os.path.join(proj_to_src_dir, pch_source[0])
pch_file = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PrecompiledHeaderFile')
pch_file.text = header
pch_include = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'ForcedIncludeFiles')
pch_include.text = header + ';%(ForcedIncludeFiles)'
pch_out = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile')
pch_out.text = '$(IntDir)$(TargetName)-%s.pch' % pch_source[2]
resourcecompile = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'ResourceCompile')
ET.SubElement(resourcecompile, 'PreprocessorDefinitions')
link = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'Link')
# Put all language args here, too.
extra_link_args = compiler.get_option_link_args(self.environment.coredata.compiler_options)
# FIXME: Can these buildtype linker args be added as tags in the
# vcxproj file (similar to buildtype compiler args) instead of in
# AdditionalOptions?
extra_link_args += compiler.get_buildtype_linker_args(self.buildtype)
for l in self.environment.coredata.external_link_args.values():
extra_link_args += l
if not isinstance(target, build.StaticLibrary):
extra_link_args += target.link_args
if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
extra_link_args += compiler.get_std_shared_module_link_args()
# External deps must be last because target link libraries may depend on them.
for dep in target.get_external_deps():
extra_link_args += dep.get_link_args()
for d in target.get_dependencies():
if isinstance(d, build.StaticLibrary):
for dep in d.get_external_deps():
extra_link_args += dep.get_link_args()
extra_link_args = compiler.unix_link_flags_to_native(extra_link_args)
(additional_libpaths, additional_links, extra_link_args) = self.split_link_args(extra_link_args)
if len(extra_link_args) > 0:
ET.SubElement(link, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(extra_link_args)
if len(additional_libpaths) > 0:
additional_libpaths.insert(0, '%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)')
ET.SubElement(link, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories').text = ';'.join(additional_libpaths)
# Add more libraries to be linked if needed
for t in target.get_dependencies():
lobj =[t.get_id()]
linkname = os.path.join(down, self.get_target_filename_for_linking(lobj))
for lib in self.get_custom_target_provided_libraries(target):
additional_links.append(self.relpath(lib, self.get_target_dir(target)))
additional_objects = []
for o in self.flatten_object_list(target, down):
assert(isinstance(o, str))
for o in custom_objs:
additional_objects.append(self.relpath(o, self.get_target_dir(target)))
if len(additional_links) > 0:
ET.SubElement(link, 'AdditionalDependencies').text = ';'.join(additional_links)
ofile = ET.SubElement(link, 'OutputFile')
ofile.text = '$(OutDir)%s' % target.get_filename()
subsys = ET.SubElement(link, 'SubSystem')
subsys.text = subsystem
if isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
# DLLs built with MSVC always have an import library except when
# they're data-only DLLs, but we don't support those yet.
ET.SubElement(link, 'ImportLibrary').text = target.get_import_filename()
# Add module definitions file, if provided
if target.vs_module_defs:
relpath = os.path.join(down, target.vs_module_defs.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src))
ET.SubElement(link, 'ModuleDefinitionFile').text = relpath
if '/ZI' in buildtype_args or '/Zi' in buildtype_args:
pdb = ET.SubElement(link, 'ProgramDataBaseFileName')
pdb.text = '$(OutDir}%s.pdb' % target_name
if isinstance(target, build.Executable):
ET.SubElement(link, 'EntryPointSymbol').text = entrypoint
targetmachine = ET.SubElement(link, 'TargetMachine')
targetplatform = self.platform.lower()
if targetplatform == 'win32':
targetmachine.text = 'MachineX86'
elif targetplatform == 'x64':
targetmachine.text = 'MachineX64'
elif targetplatform == 'arm':
targetmachine.text = 'MachineARM'
raise MesonException('Unsupported Visual Studio target machine: ' + targetmachine)
extra_files = target.extra_files
if len(headers) + len(gen_hdrs) + len(extra_files) > 0:
inc_hdrs = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup')
for h in headers:
relpath = os.path.join(down, h.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src))
ET.SubElement(inc_hdrs, 'CLInclude', Include=relpath)
for h in gen_hdrs:
ET.SubElement(inc_hdrs, 'CLInclude', Include=h)
for h in target.extra_files:
relpath = os.path.join(proj_to_src_dir, h)
ET.SubElement(inc_hdrs, 'CLInclude', Include=relpath)
if len(sources) + len(gen_src) + len(pch_sources) > 0:
inc_src = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup')
for s in sources:
relpath = os.path.join(down, s.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src))
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=relpath)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)
self.add_pch(inc_cl, proj_to_src_dir, pch_sources, s)
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
basename = os.path.basename(s.fname)
if basename in self.sources_conflicts[target.get_id()]:
ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'ObjectFileName').text = "$(IntDir)" + self.object_filename_from_source(target, s)
for s in gen_src:
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=s)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)
self.add_pch(inc_cl, proj_to_src_dir, pch_sources, s)
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
for lang in pch_sources:
header, impl, suffix = pch_sources[lang]
relpath = os.path.join(proj_to_src_dir, impl)
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=relpath)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)
pch = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeader')
pch.text = 'Create'
pch_out = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile')
pch_out.text = '$(IntDir)$(TargetName)-%s.pch' % suffix
pch_file = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeaderFile')
# MSBuild searches for the header relative from the implementation, so we have to use
# just the file name instead of the relative path to the file.
pch_file.text = os.path.split(header)[1]
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
if self.has_objects(objects, additional_objects, gen_objs):
inc_objs = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup')
for s in objects:
relpath = os.path.join(down, s.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src))
ET.SubElement(inc_objs, 'Object', Include=relpath)
for s in additional_objects:
ET.SubElement(inc_objs, 'Object', Include=s)
self.add_generated_objects(inc_objs, gen_objs)
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets')
# Reference the regen target.
ig = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup')
pref = ET.SubElement(ig, 'ProjectReference', Include=os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), 'REGEN.vcxproj'))
ET.SubElement(pref, 'Project').text = self.environment.coredata.regen_guid
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(ofname, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
# ElementTree can not do prettyprinting so do it manually
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(ofname)
with open(ofname, 'w') as of:
# World of horror! Python insists on not quoting quotes and
# fixing the escaped &quot; into &amp;quot; whereas MSVS
# requires quoted but not fixed elements. Enter horrible hack.
with open(ofname, 'r') as of:
txt =
with open(ofname, 'w') as of:
of.write(txt.replace('&amp;quot;', '&quot;'))
def gen_regenproj(self, project_name, ofname):
root = ET.Element('Project', {'DefaultTargets': 'Build',
'ToolsVersion': '4.0',
'xmlns': ''})
confitems = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup', {'Label': 'ProjectConfigurations'})
prjconf = ET.SubElement(confitems, 'ProjectConfiguration',
{'Include': self.buildtype + '|' + self.platform})
p = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Configuration')
p.text= self.buildtype
pl = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Platform')
pl.text = self.platform
globalgroup = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Globals')
guidelem = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectGuid')
guidelem.text = self.environment.coredata.test_guid
kw = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Keyword')
kw.text = self.platform + 'Proj'
p = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Platform')
p.text = self.platform
pname= ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectName')
pname.text = project_name
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props')
type_config = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Configuration')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'ConfigurationType').text = "Utility"
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'CharacterSet').text = 'MultiByte'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'UseOfMfc').text = 'false'
if self.platform_toolset:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'PlatformToolset').text = self.platform_toolset
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props')
direlem = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup')
fver = ET.SubElement(direlem, '_ProjectFileVersion')
fver.text = self.project_file_version
outdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'OutDir')
outdir.text = '.\\'
intdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'IntDir')
intdir.text = 'regen-temp\\'
tname = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'TargetName')
tname.text = project_name
action = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
midl = ET.SubElement(action, 'Midl')
ET.SubElement(midl, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories").text = '%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)'
ET.SubElement(midl, "OutputDirectory").text = '$(IntDir)'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'HeaderFileName').text = '%(Filename).h'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'TypeLibraryName').text = '%(Filename).tlb'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'InterfaceIdentifierFilename').text = '%(Filename)_i.c'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'ProxyFileName').text = '%(Filename)_p.c'
regen_command = [sys.executable,
private_dir = self.environment.get_scratch_dir()
cmd_templ = '''setlocal
"%s" "%s"
if %%errorlevel%% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %%errorlevel%% & goto :cmDone
exit /b %%1
if %%errorlevel%% neq 0 goto :VCEnd'''
igroup = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup')
rulefile = os.path.join(self.environment.get_scratch_dir(), 'regen.rule')
if not os.path.exists(rulefile):
with open(rulefile, 'w') as f:
f.write("# Meson regen file.")
custombuild = ET.SubElement(igroup, 'CustomBuild', Include=rulefile)
message = ET.SubElement(custombuild, 'Message')
message.text = 'Checking whether solution needs to be regenerated.'
ET.SubElement(custombuild, 'Command').text = cmd_templ % \
('" "'.join(regen_command), private_dir)
ET.SubElement(custombuild, 'Outputs').text = Vs2010Backend.get_regen_stampfile(self.environment.get_build_dir())
deps = self.get_regen_filelist()
ET.SubElement(custombuild, 'AdditionalInputs').text = ';'.join(deps)
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets')
ET.SubElement(root, 'ImportGroup', Label='ExtensionTargets')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(ofname, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
def gen_testproj(self, target_name, ofname):
project_name = target_name
root = ET.Element('Project', {'DefaultTargets': "Build",
'ToolsVersion': '4.0',
'xmlns': ''})
confitems = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup', {'Label': 'ProjectConfigurations'})
prjconf = ET.SubElement(confitems, 'ProjectConfiguration',
{'Include': self.buildtype + '|' + self.platform})
p = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Configuration')
p.text= self.buildtype
pl = ET.SubElement(prjconf, 'Platform')
pl.text = self.platform
globalgroup = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Globals')
guidelem = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectGuid')
guidelem.text = self.environment.coredata.test_guid
kw = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Keyword')
kw.text = self.platform + 'Proj'
p = ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'Platform')
p.text= self.platform
pname= ET.SubElement(globalgroup, 'ProjectName')
pname.text = project_name
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props')
type_config = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup', Label='Configuration')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'ConfigurationType')
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'CharacterSet').text = 'MultiByte'
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'UseOfMfc').text = 'false'
if self.platform_toolset:
ET.SubElement(type_config, 'PlatformToolset').text = self.platform_toolset
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props')
direlem = ET.SubElement(root, 'PropertyGroup')
fver = ET.SubElement(direlem, '_ProjectFileVersion')
fver.text = self.project_file_version
outdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'OutDir')
outdir.text = '.\\'
intdir = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'IntDir')
intdir.text = 'test-temp\\'
tname = ET.SubElement(direlem, 'TargetName')
tname.text = target_name
action = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
midl = ET.SubElement(action, 'Midl')
ET.SubElement(midl, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories").text = '%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)'
ET.SubElement(midl, "OutputDirectory").text = '$(IntDir)'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'HeaderFileName').text = '%(Filename).h'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'TypeLibraryName').text = '%(Filename).tlb'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'InterfaceIdentifierFilename').text = '%(Filename)_i.c'
ET.SubElement(midl, 'ProxyFileName').text = '%(Filename)_p.c'
postbuild = ET.SubElement(action, 'PostBuildEvent')
ET.SubElement(postbuild, 'Message')
test_command = [sys.executable,
cmd_templ = '''setlocal
"%s" "%s"
if %%errorlevel%% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %%errorlevel%% & goto :cmDone
exit /b %%1
if %%errorlevel%% neq 0 goto :VCEnd'''
test_data = self.serialise_tests()[0]
ET.SubElement(postbuild, 'Command').text =\
cmd_templ % ('" "'.join(test_command), test_data)
ET.SubElement(root, 'Import', Project='$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets')
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(ofname, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
# ElementTree can not do prettyprinting so do it manually
#doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(ofname)
#open(ofname, 'w').write(doc.toprettyxml())