The Meson Build System
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short-description: Tools to create OS X packages |
... |
# Creating OSX packages |
Meson does not have native support for building OSX packages but it |
does provide all the tools you need to create one yourself. The reason |
for this is that it is a very hard task to write a system that |
provides for all the different ways to do that but it is very easy to |
write simple scripts for each application. |
Sample code for this can be found in [the Meson manual test |
suite]( |
## Creating an app bundle |
OSX app bundles are actually extremely simple. They are just a |
directory of files in a certain format. All the details you need to |
know are on [this |
page]( |
and it is highly recommended that you read it first. |
Let's assume that we are creating our app bundle into |
`/tmp/`. Suppose we have one executable, so we need to |
install that into `Contents/MacOS`. If we define the executable like |
this: |
```meson |
executable('myapp', 'foo1.c', ..., install : true) |
``` |
then we just need to initialize our build tree with this command: |
```console |
$ meson --prefix=/tmp/ \ |
--bindir=Contents/MacOS \ |
builddir \ |
<other flags you might need> |
``` |
Now when we do `ninja install` the bundle is properly staged. If you |
have any resource files or data, you need to install them into |
`Contents/Resources` either by custom install commands or specifying |
more install paths to the Meson command. |
Next we need to install an `Info.plist` file and an icon. For those we |
need the following two Meson definitions. |
```meson |
install_data('myapp.icns', install_dir : 'Contents/Resources') |
install_data('Info.plist', install_dir : 'Contents') |
``` |
The format of `Info.plist` can be found in the link or the sample |
project linked above. The simplest way to get an icon in the `icns` |
format is to save your image as a tiff an then use the `tiff2icns` helper |
application that comes with XCode. |
Some applications assume that the working directory of the app process |
is the same where the binary executable is. If this is the case for |
you, then you need to create a wrapper script that looks like this: |
```bash |
#!/bin/bash |
cd "${0%/*}" |
./myapp |
``` |
install it with this: |
```meson |
install_data('', install_dir : 'Contents/MacOS') |
``` |
and make sure that you specify `` as the executable to run in |
your `Info.plist`. |
If you are not using any external libraries, this is all you need to |
do. You now have a full app bundle in `/tmp/` that you can |
use. Most applications use third party frameworks and libraries, |
though, so you need to add them to the bundle so it will work on other |
peoples' machines. |
As an example we are going to use the [SDL2]( |
framework. In order to bundle it in our app, we first specify an |
installer script to run. |
```meson |
meson.add_install_script('') |
``` |
The install script does two things. First it copies the whole |
framework into our bundle. |
```console |
$ mkdir -p ${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Contents/Frameworks |
$ cp -R /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework \ |
${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Contents/Frameworks |
``` |
Then it needs to alter the library search path of our |
executable(s). This tells OSX that the libraries your app needs are |
inside your bundle. In the case of SDL2, the invocation goes like |
this: |
```console |
$ install_name_tool -change @rpath/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2 \ |
@executable_path/../FrameWorks/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2 \ |
${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Contents/MacOS/myapp |
``` |
This is the part of OSX app bundling that you must always do |
manually. OSX dependencies come in many shapes and forms and |
unfortunately there is no reliable automatic way to determine how each |
dependency should be handled. Frameworks go to the `Frameworks` |
directory while plain `.dylib` files usually go to |
`Contents/Resources/lib` (but you can put them wherever you like). To |
get this done you have to check what your program links against with |
`otool -L /path/to/binary` and manually add the copy and fix steps to |
your install script. Do not copy system libraries inside your bundle, |
though. |
After this you have a fully working, self-contained OSX app bundle |
ready for distribution. |
## Creating a .dmg installer |
A .dmg installer is similarly quite simple, at its core it is |
basically a fancy compressed archive. A good description can be found |
on [this page]( Please read it |
and create a template image file according to its instructions. |
The actual process of creating the installer is very simple: you mount |
the template image, copy your app bundle in it, unmount it and convert |
the image into a compressed archive. The actual commands to do this |
are not particularly interesting, feel free to steal them from either |
the linked page above or from the sample script in Meson's test suite. |
## Putting it all together |
There are many ways to put the .dmg installer together and different |
people will do it in different ways. The linked sample code does it by |
having two different scripts. This separates the different pieces |
generating the installer into logical pieces. |
`` only deals with embedding dependencies and fixing |
the library paths. |
`` sets up the build with the proper paths, |
compiles, installs and generates the .dmg package. |
The main reasoning here is that in order to build a complete OSX |
installer package from source, all you need to do is to cd into the |
source tree and run `./`. To build packages on |
other platforms you would write scripts such as |
`build_windows_installer.bat` and so on.