The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright 2018 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import copy, json, os, shutil
import typing as T
from . import ExtensionModule, ModuleInfo
from .. import mesonlib
from .. import mlog
from ..coredata import UserFeatureOption
from import known_shmod_kwargs
from ..dependencies import NotFoundDependency
from ..dependencies.detect import get_dep_identifier, find_external_dependency
from ..dependencies.python import BasicPythonExternalProgram, python_factory, _PythonDependencyBase
from ..interpreter import ExternalProgramHolder, extract_required_kwarg, permitted_dependency_kwargs
from ..interpreter import primitives as P_OBJ
from ..interpreter.type_checking import NoneType, PRESERVE_PATH_KW, SHARED_MOD_KWS
from ..interpreterbase import (
noPosargs, noKwargs, permittedKwargs, ContainerTypeInfo,
InvalidArguments, typed_pos_args, typed_kwargs, KwargInfo,
FeatureNew, FeatureNewKwargs, disablerIfNotFound
from ..mesonlib import MachineChoice
from ..programs import ExternalProgram, NonExistingExternalProgram
from typing_extensions import TypedDict, NotRequired
from . import ModuleState
from import Build, SharedModule, Data
from ..dependencies import Dependency
from ..interpreter import Interpreter
from ..interpreter.kwargs import ExtractRequired, SharedModule as SharedModuleKw
from ..interpreterbase.baseobjects import TYPE_var, TYPE_kwargs
class PyInstallKw(TypedDict):
pure: T.Optional[bool]
subdir: str
install_tag: T.Optional[str]
class FindInstallationKw(ExtractRequired):
disabler: bool
modules: T.List[str]
pure: T.Optional[bool]
class ExtensionModuleKw(SharedModuleKw):
subdir: NotRequired[T.Optional[str]]
mod_kwargs = {'subdir'}
mod_kwargs -= {'name_prefix', 'name_suffix'}
_MOD_KWARGS = [k for k in SHARED_MOD_KWS if not in {'name_prefix', 'name_suffix'}]
class PythonExternalProgram(BasicPythonExternalProgram):
# This is a ClassVar instead of an instance bool, because although an
# installation is cached, we actually copy it, modify attributes such as pure,
# and return a temporary one rather than the cached object.
run_bytecompile: T.ClassVar[T.Dict[str, bool]] = {}
def sanity(self, state: T.Optional['ModuleState'] = None) -> bool:
ret = super().sanity()
if ret:
self.platlib = self._get_path(state, 'platlib')
self.purelib = self._get_path(state, 'purelib')
return ret
def _get_path(self, state: T.Optional['ModuleState'], key: str) -> None:
rel_path =['install_paths'][key][1:]
if not state:
# This happens only from
return rel_path
value = state.get_option(f'{key}dir', module='python')
if value:
if state.is_user_defined_option('install_env', module='python'):
raise mesonlib.MesonException(f'python.{key}dir and python.install_env are mutually exclusive')
return value
install_env = state.get_option('install_env', module='python')
if install_env == 'auto':
install_env = 'venv' if['is_venv'] else 'system'
if install_env == 'system':
rel_path = os.path.join(['variables']['prefix'], rel_path)
elif install_env == 'venv':
if not['is_venv']:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('python.install_env cannot be set to "venv" unless you are in a venv!')
# inside a venv, deb_system is *never* active hence info['paths'] may be wrong
rel_path =['sysconfig_paths'][key]
return rel_path
_PURE_KW = KwargInfo('pure', (bool, NoneType))
_SUBDIR_KW = KwargInfo('subdir', str, default='')
_DEFAULTABLE_SUBDIR_KW = KwargInfo('subdir', (str, NoneType))
class PythonInstallation(ExternalProgramHolder):
def __init__(self, python: 'PythonExternalProgram', interpreter: 'Interpreter'):
ExternalProgramHolder.__init__(self, python, interpreter)
info =
prefix = self.interpreter.environment.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('prefix'))
assert isinstance(prefix, str), 'for mypy'
self.variables = info['variables']
self.suffix = info['suffix']
self.paths = info['paths']
self.pure = python.pure
self.platlib_install_path = os.path.join(prefix, python.platlib)
self.purelib_install_path = os.path.join(prefix, python.purelib)
self.version = info['version']
self.platform = info['platform']
self.is_pypy = info['is_pypy']
self.link_libpython = info['link_libpython']
'extension_module': self.extension_module_method,
'dependency': self.dependency_method,
'install_sources': self.install_sources_method,
'get_install_dir': self.get_install_dir_method,
'language_version': self.language_version_method,
'found': self.found_method,
'has_path': self.has_path_method,
'get_path': self.get_path_method,
'has_variable': self.has_variable_method,
'get_variable': self.get_variable_method,
'path': self.path_method,
@typed_kwargs('python.extension_module', *_MOD_KWARGS, _DEFAULTABLE_SUBDIR_KW, allow_unknown=True)
def extension_module_method(self, args: T.List['TYPE_var'], kwargs: ExtensionModuleKw) -> 'SharedModule':
if 'install_dir' in kwargs:
if kwargs['subdir'] is not None:
raise InvalidArguments('"subdir" and "install_dir" are mutually exclusive')
# We want to remove 'subdir', but it may be None and we want to replace it with ''
# It must be done this way since we don't allow both `install_dir`
# and `subdir` to be set at the same time
subdir = kwargs.pop('subdir') or ''
kwargs['install_dir'] = self._get_install_dir_impl(False, subdir)
new_deps = mesonlib.extract_as_list(kwargs, 'dependencies')
has_pydep = any(isinstance(dep, _PythonDependencyBase) for dep in new_deps)
if not has_pydep:
pydep = self._dependency_method_impl({})
if not pydep.found():
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Python dependency not found')
FeatureNew.single_use('python_installation.extension_module with implicit dependency on python',
'0.63.0', self.subproject, 'use python_installation.dependency()',
kwargs['dependencies'] = new_deps
# msys2's python3 has "-cpython-36m.dll", we have to be clever
# FIXME: explain what the specific cleverness is here
split, suffix = self.suffix.rsplit('.', 1)
args[0] += split
kwargs['name_prefix'] = ''
kwargs['name_suffix'] = suffix
if 'gnu_symbol_visibility' not in kwargs and \
(self.is_pypy or mesonlib.version_compare(self.version, '>=3.9')):
kwargs['gnu_symbol_visibility'] = 'inlineshidden'
return self.interpreter.func_shared_module(None, args, kwargs)
def _dependency_method_impl(self, kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> Dependency:
for_machine = self.interpreter.machine_from_native_kwarg(kwargs)
identifier = get_dep_identifier(self._full_path(), kwargs)
dep = self.interpreter.coredata.deps[for_machine].get(identifier)
if dep is not None:
return dep
new_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
new_kwargs['required'] = False
candidates = python_factory(self.interpreter.environment, for_machine, new_kwargs, self.held_object)
dep = find_external_dependency('python', self.interpreter.environment, new_kwargs, candidates)
self.interpreter.coredata.deps[for_machine].put(identifier, dep)
return dep
@permittedKwargs(permitted_dependency_kwargs | {'embed'})
@FeatureNewKwargs('python_installation.dependency', '0.53.0', ['embed'])
def dependency_method(self, args: T.List['TYPE_var'], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> 'Dependency':
disabled, required, feature = extract_required_kwarg(kwargs, self.subproject)
if disabled:
mlog.log('Dependency', mlog.bold('python'), 'skipped: feature', mlog.bold(feature), 'disabled')
return NotFoundDependency('python', self.interpreter.environment)
dep = self._dependency_method_impl(kwargs)
if required and not dep.found():
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Python dependency not found')
return dep
@typed_pos_args('install_data', varargs=(str, mesonlib.File))
KwargInfo('install_tag', (str, NoneType), since='0.60.0')
def install_sources_method(self, args: T.Tuple[T.List[T.Union[str, mesonlib.File]]],
kwargs: 'PyInstallKw') -> 'Data':
self.held_object.run_bytecompile[self.version] = True
tag = kwargs['install_tag'] or 'python-runtime'
pure = kwargs['pure'] if kwargs['pure'] is not None else self.pure
install_dir = self._get_install_dir_impl(pure, kwargs['subdir'])
return self.interpreter.install_data_impl(
mesonlib.FileMode(), rename=None, tag=tag, install_data_type='python',
@typed_kwargs('python_installation.install_dir', _PURE_KW, _SUBDIR_KW)
def get_install_dir_method(self, args: T.List['TYPE_var'], kwargs: 'PyInstallKw') -> str:
self.held_object.run_bytecompile[self.version] = True
pure = kwargs['pure'] if kwargs['pure'] is not None else self.pure
return self._get_install_dir_impl(pure, kwargs['subdir'])
def _get_install_dir_impl(self, pure: bool, subdir: str) -> P_OBJ.OptionString:
if pure:
base = self.purelib_install_path
name = '{py_purelib}'
base = self.platlib_install_path
name = '{py_platlib}'
return P_OBJ.OptionString(os.path.join(base, subdir), os.path.join(name, subdir))
def language_version_method(self, args: T.List['TYPE_var'], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> str:
return self.version
@typed_pos_args('python_installation.has_path', str)
def has_path_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> bool:
return args[0] in self.paths
@typed_pos_args('python_installation.get_path', str, optargs=[object])
def get_path_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str, T.Optional['TYPE_var']], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> 'TYPE_var':
path_name, fallback = args
return self.paths[path_name]
except KeyError:
if fallback is not None:
return fallback
raise InvalidArguments(f'{path_name} is not a valid path name')
@typed_pos_args('python_installation.has_variable', str)
def has_variable_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> bool:
return args[0] in self.variables
@typed_pos_args('python_installation.get_variable', str, optargs=[object])
def get_variable_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str, T.Optional['TYPE_var']], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> 'TYPE_var':
var_name, fallback = args
return self.variables[var_name]
except KeyError:
if fallback is not None:
return fallback
raise InvalidArguments(f'{var_name} is not a valid variable name')
@FeatureNew('Python module path method', '0.50.0')
def path_method(self, args: T.List['TYPE_var'], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> str:
return super().path_method(args, kwargs)
class PythonModule(ExtensionModule):
INFO = ModuleInfo('python', '0.46.0')
def __init__(self, interpreter: 'Interpreter') -> None:
self.installations: T.Dict[str, ExternalProgram] = {}
'find_installation': self.find_installation,
def _get_install_scripts(self) -> T.List[mesonlib.ExecutableSerialisation]:
backend = self.interpreter.backend
ret = []
optlevel = self.interpreter.environment.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('bytecompile', module='python'))
if optlevel == -1:
return ret
if not any(PythonExternalProgram.run_bytecompile.values()):
return ret
installdata = backend.create_install_data()
py_files = []
def should_append(f, isdir: bool = False):
# This uses the install_plan decorated names to see if the original source was propagated via
# install_sources() or get_install_dir().
return f.startswith(('{py_platlib}', '{py_purelib}')) and (f.endswith('.py') or isdir)
for t in installdata.targets:
if should_append(t.out_name):
py_files.append((t.out_name, os.path.join(installdata.prefix, t.outdir, os.path.basename(t.fname))))
for d in
if should_append(d.install_path_name):
py_files.append((d.install_path_name, os.path.join(installdata.prefix, d.install_path)))
for d in installdata.install_subdirs:
if should_append(d.install_path_name, True):
py_files.append((d.install_path_name, os.path.join(installdata.prefix, d.install_path)))
import importlib.resources
pycompile = os.path.join(self.interpreter.environment.get_scratch_dir(), '')
with open(pycompile, 'wb') as f:
f.write(importlib.resources.read_binary('mesonbuild.scripts', ''))
for i in self.installations.values():
if isinstance(i, PythonExternalProgram) and i.run_bytecompile[['version']]:
i = T.cast('PythonExternalProgram', i)
manifest = f'python-{["version"]}-installed.json'
manifest_json = []
for name, f in py_files:
if f.startswith((os.path.join(installdata.prefix, i.platlib), os.path.join(installdata.prefix, i.purelib))):
with open(os.path.join(self.interpreter.environment.get_scratch_dir(), manifest), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(manifest_json, f)
cmd = i.command + [pycompile, manifest, str(optlevel)]
script = backend.get_executable_serialisation(cmd, verbose=True, tag='python-runtime',
installdir_map={'py_purelib': i.purelib, 'py_platlib': i.platlib})
return ret
def postconf_hook(self, b: Build) -> None:
def _get_win_pythonpath(name_or_path: str) -> T.Optional[str]:
if not name_or_path.startswith(('python2', 'python3')):
return None
if not shutil.which('py'):
# program not installed, return without an exception
return None
ver = f'-{name_or_path[6:]}'
cmd = ['py', ver, '-c', "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('BINDIR'))"]
_, stdout, _ = mesonlib.Popen_safe(cmd)
directory = stdout.strip()
if os.path.exists(directory):
return os.path.join(directory, 'python')
return None
def _find_installation_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', display_name: str, name_or_path: str, required: bool) -> ExternalProgram:
if not name_or_path:
python = PythonExternalProgram('python3', mesonlib.python_command)
tmp_python = ExternalProgram.from_entry(display_name, name_or_path)
python = PythonExternalProgram(display_name, ext_prog=tmp_python)
if not python.found() and mesonlib.is_windows():
pythonpath = self._get_win_pythonpath(name_or_path)
if pythonpath is not None:
name_or_path = pythonpath
python = PythonExternalProgram(name_or_path)
# Last ditch effort, python2 or python3 can be named python
# on various platforms, let's not give up just yet, if an executable
# named python is available and has a compatible version, let's use
# it
if not python.found() and name_or_path in {'python2', 'python3'}:
tmp_python = ExternalProgram.from_entry(display_name, 'python')
python = PythonExternalProgram(name_or_path, ext_prog=tmp_python)
if python.found():
if python.sanity(state):
return python
sanitymsg = f'{python} is not a valid python or it is missing distutils'
if required:
raise mesonlib.MesonException(sanitymsg)
mlog.warning(sanitymsg, location=state.current_node)
return NonExistingExternalProgram(
@typed_pos_args('python.find_installation', optargs=[str])
KwargInfo('required', (bool, UserFeatureOption), default=True),
KwargInfo('disabler', bool, default=False, since='0.49.0'),
KwargInfo('modules', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[], since='0.51.0'),
_PURE_KW.evolve(default=True, since='0.64.0'),
def find_installation(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple[T.Optional[str]],
kwargs: 'FindInstallationKw') -> ExternalProgram:
feature_check = FeatureNew('Passing "feature" option to find_installation', '0.48.0')
disabled, required, feature = extract_required_kwarg(kwargs, state.subproject, feature_check)
# FIXME: this code is *full* of sharp corners. It assumes that it's
# going to get a string value (or now a list of length 1), of `python2`
# or `python3` which is completely nonsense. On windows the value could
# easily be `['py', '-3']`, or `['py', '-3.7']` to get a very specific
# version of python. On Linux we might want a python that's not in
# $PATH, or that uses a wrapper of some kind.
np: T.List[str] = state.environment.lookup_binary_entry(MachineChoice.HOST, 'python') or []
fallback = args[0]
display_name = fallback or 'python'
if not np and fallback is not None:
np = [fallback]
name_or_path = np[0] if np else None
if disabled:
mlog.log('Program', name_or_path or 'python', 'found:','NO'), '(disabled by:', mlog.bold(feature), ')')
return NonExistingExternalProgram()
python = self.installations.get(name_or_path)
if not python:
python = self._find_installation_impl(state, display_name, name_or_path, required)
self.installations[name_or_path] = python
want_modules = kwargs['modules']
found_modules: T.List[str] = []
missing_modules: T.List[str] = []
if python.found() and want_modules:
for mod in want_modules:
p, *_ = mesonlib.Popen_safe(
python.command +
['-c', f'import {mod}'])
if p.returncode != 0:
msg: T.List['mlog.TV_Loggable'] = ['Program',]
if want_modules:
msg.append('({})'.format(', '.join(want_modules)))
if python.found() and not missing_modules:
msg.extend(['YES'), '({})'.format(' '.join(python.command))])
if found_modules:
msg.append(', '.join(found_modules))
if not python.found():
if required:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('{} not found'.format(name_or_path or 'python'))
return NonExistingExternalProgram(
elif missing_modules:
if required:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('{} is missing modules: {}'.format(name_or_path or 'python', ', '.join(missing_modules)))
return NonExistingExternalProgram(
python = copy.copy(python)
python.pure = kwargs['pure']
python.run_bytecompile.setdefault(['version'], False)
return python
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException('Unreachable code was reached (PythonModule.find_installation).')
def initialize(interpreter: 'Interpreter') -> PythonModule:
mod = PythonModule(interpreter)
mod.interpreter.append_holder_map(PythonExternalProgram, PythonInstallation)
return mod