The Meson Build System
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# Copyright 2015 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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'''This module provides helper functions for Gnome/GLib related
functionality such as gobject-introspection and gresources.'''
import build
import os, sys
import subprocess
from coredata import MesonException
import mlog
class GnomeModule:
def compile_resources(self, state, args, kwargs):
cmd = ['glib-compile-resources', '@INPUT@', '--generate']
if 'source_dir' in kwargs:
d = os.path.join(state.build_to_src, state.subdir, kwargs.pop('source_dir'))
cmd += ['--sourcedir', d]
if 'c_name' in kwargs:
cmd += ['--c-name', kwargs.pop('c_name')]
cmd += ['--target', '@OUTPUT@']
kwargs['command'] = cmd
output_c = args[0] + '.c'
output_h = args[0] + '.h'
kwargs['input'] = args[1]
kwargs['output'] = output_c
target_c = build.CustomTarget(args[0]+'_c', state.subdir, kwargs)
kwargs['output'] = output_h
target_h = build.CustomTarget(args[0] + '_h', state.subdir, kwargs)
return [target_c, target_h]
def generate_gir(self, state, args, kwargs):
if len(args) != 1:
raise MesonException('Gir takes one argument')
girtarget = args[0]
while hasattr(girtarget, 'held_object'):
girtarget = girtarget.held_object
if not isinstance(girtarget, (build.Executable, build.SharedLibrary)):
raise MesonException('Gir target must be an executable or shared library')
pkgstr = subprocess.check_output(['pkg-config', '--cflags', 'gobject-introspection-1.0'])
pkgargs = pkgstr.decode().strip().split()
ns = kwargs.pop('namespace')
nsversion = kwargs.pop('nsversion')
libsources = kwargs.pop('sources')
girfile = '%s-%s.gir' % (ns, nsversion)
depends = [girtarget]
scan_command = ['g-ir-scanner', '@INPUT@']
scan_command += pkgargs
scan_command += ['--namespace='+ns, '--nsversion=' + nsversion, '--warn-all',
'--output', '@OUTPUT@']
for incdirs in girtarget.include_dirs:
for incdir in incdirs.get_incdirs():
scan_command += ['-I%s' % os.path.join(state.environment.get_source_dir(), incdir)]
if 'link_with' in kwargs:
link_with = kwargs.pop('link_with')
for link in link_with:
lib = link.held_object
scan_command += ['-l%s' %]
if isinstance(lib, build.SharedLibrary):
scan_command += ['-L%s' %
if 'includes' in kwargs:
includes = kwargs.pop('includes')
if isinstance(includes, str):
scan_command += ['--include=%s' % includes]
elif isinstance(includes, list):
scan_command += ['--include=%s' % inc for inc in includes]
raise MesonException('Gir includes must be str or list')
if state.global_args.get('c'):
scan_command += ['--cflags-begin']
scan_command += state.global_args['c']
scan_command += ['--cflags-end']
if kwargs.get('symbol_prefix'):
sym_prefix = kwargs.pop('symbol_prefix')
if not isinstance(sym_prefix, str):
raise MesonException('Gir symbol prefix must be str')
scan_command += ['--symbol-prefix=%s' % sym_prefix]
if kwargs.get('identifier_prefix'):
identifier_prefix = kwargs.pop('identifier_prefix')
if not isinstance(identifier_prefix, str):
raise MesonException('Gir identifier prefix must be str')
scan_command += ['--identifier-prefix=%s' % identifier_prefix]
if kwargs.get('export_packages'):
pkgs = kwargs.pop('export_packages')
if isinstance(pkgs, str):
scan_command += ['--pkg-export=%s' % pkgs]
elif isinstance(pkgs, list):
scan_command += ['--pkg-export=%s' % pkg for pkg in pkgs]
raise MesonException('Gir export packages must be str or list')
deps = None
if 'dependencies' in kwargs:
deps = kwargs.pop('dependencies')
if not isinstance (deps, list):
deps = [deps]
for dep in deps:
girdir = dep.held_object.get_variable ("girdir")
if girdir:
scan_command += ["--add-include-path=%s" % girdir]
inc_dirs = None
if kwargs.get('include_directories'):
inc_dirs = kwargs.pop('include_directories')
if isinstance(inc_dirs.held_object, build.IncludeDirs):
scan_command += ['--add-include-path=%s' % inc for inc in inc_dirs.held_object.get_incdirs()]
raise MesonException('Gir include dirs should be include_directories()')
if isinstance(girtarget, build.Executable):
scan_command += ['--program', girtarget]
elif isinstance(girtarget, build.SharedLibrary):
scan_command += ["-L", os.path.join (state.environment.get_build_dir(), girtarget.subdir)]
libname = girtarget.get_basename()
scan_command += ['--library', libname]
scankwargs = {'output' : girfile,
'input' : libsources,
'command' : scan_command,
'depends' : depends,
if kwargs.get('install'):
scankwargs['install'] = kwargs['install']
scankwargs['install_dir'] = os.path.join(state.environment.get_datadir(), 'gir-1.0')
scan_target = GirTarget(girfile, state.subdir, scankwargs)
typelib_output = '%s-%s.typelib' % (ns, nsversion)
typelib_cmd = ['g-ir-compiler', scan_target, '--output', '@OUTPUT@']
if inc_dirs:
typelib_cmd += ['--includedir=%s' % inc for inc in
if deps:
for dep in deps:
girdir = dep.held_object.get_variable ("girdir")
if girdir:
typelib_cmd += ["--includedir=%s" % girdir]
kwargs['output'] = typelib_output
kwargs['command'] = typelib_cmd
# Note that this can't be libdir, because e.g. on Debian it points to
# lib/x86_64-linux-gnu but the girepo dir is always under lib.
kwargs['install_dir'] = 'lib/girepository-1.0'
typelib_target = TypelibTarget(typelib_output, state.subdir, kwargs)
return [scan_target, typelib_target]
def compile_schemas(self, state, args, kwargs):
if len(args) != 0:
raise MesonException('Compile_schemas does not take positional arguments.')
srcdir = os.path.join(state.build_to_src, state.subdir)
outdir = state.subdir
cmd = ['glib-compile-schemas', '--targetdir', outdir, srcdir]
kwargs['command'] = cmd
kwargs['input'] = []
kwargs['output'] = 'gschemas.compiled'
if state.subdir == '':
targetname = 'gsettings-compile'
targetname = 'gsettings-compile-' + state.subdir
target_g = build.CustomTarget(targetname, state.subdir, kwargs)
return target_g
def gtkdoc(self, state, args, kwargs):
if len(args) != 1:
raise MesonException('Gtkdoc must have one positional argument.')
modulename = args[0]
if not isinstance(modulename, str):
raise MesonException('Gtkdoc arg must be string.')
if not 'src_dir' in kwargs:
raise MesonException('Keyword argument src_dir missing.')
src_dir = kwargs['src_dir']
targetname = modulename + '-doc'
command = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "../"))
args = [state.environment.get_source_dir(),
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(state.subdir, src_dir)),
res = [build.RunTarget(targetname, command, args, state.subdir)]
if kwargs.get('install', True):
res.append(build.InstallScript([command] + args))
return res
def gdbus_codegen(self, state, args, kwargs):
if len(args) != 2:
raise MesonException('Gdbus_codegen takes two arguments, name and xml file.')
namebase = args[0]
xml_file = args[1]
cmd = ['gdbus-codegen']
if 'interface_prefix' in kwargs:
cmd += ['--interface-prefix', kwargs.pop('interface_prefix')]
if 'namespace' in kwargs:
cmd += ['--c-namespace', kwargs.pop('namespace')]
cmd += ['--generate-c-code', os.path.join(state.subdir, namebase), '@INPUT@']
outputs = [namebase + '.c', namebase + '.h']
custom_kwargs = {'input' : xml_file,
'output' : outputs,
'command' : cmd
return build.CustomTarget(namebase + '-gdbus', state.subdir, custom_kwargs)
def initialize():
mlog.log('Warning, glib compiled dependencies will not work until this upstream issue is fixed:',
return GnomeModule()
class GirTarget(build.CustomTarget):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, kwargs):
super().__init__(name, subdir, kwargs)
class TypelibTarget(build.CustomTarget):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, kwargs):
super().__init__(name, subdir, kwargs)