The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright © 2022-2024 Intel Corporation
"""Interpreter for converting Cargo Toml definitions to Meson AST
There are some notable limits here. We don't even try to convert something with
a there's so few limits on what Cargo allows a (basically
none), and no good way for us to convert them. In that case, an actual meson
port will be required.
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import glob
import importlib
import itertools
import json
import os
import shutil
import collections
import typing as T
from . import builder
from . import version
from ..mesonlib import MesonException, Popen_safe, OptionKey
from .. import coredata, options
from types import ModuleType
from . import manifest
from .. import mparser
from ..environment import Environment
from ..coredata import KeyedOptionDictType
# tomllib is present in python 3.11, before that it is a pypi module called tomli,
# we try to import tomllib, then tomli,
# TODO: add a fallback to toml2json?
tomllib: T.Optional[ModuleType] = None
toml2json: T.Optional[str] = None
for t in ['tomllib', 'tomli']:
tomllib = importlib.import_module(t)
except ImportError:
# TODO: it would be better to use an Executable here, which could be looked
# up in the cross file or provided by a wrap. However, that will have to be
# passed in externally, since we don't have (and I don't think we should),
# have access to the `Environment` for that in this module.
toml2json = shutil.which('toml2json')
def load_toml(filename: str) -> T.Dict[object, object]:
if tomllib:
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
raw = tomllib.load(f)
if toml2json is None:
raise MesonException('Could not find an implementation of tomllib, nor toml2json')
p, out, err = Popen_safe([toml2json, filename])
if p.returncode != 0:
raise MesonException('toml2json failed to decode output\n', err)
raw = json.loads(out)
if not isinstance(raw, dict):
raise MesonException("Cargo.toml isn't a dictionary? How did that happen?")
return raw
def fixup_meson_varname(name: str) -> str:
"""Fixup a meson variable name
:param name: The name to fix
:return: the fixed name
return name.replace('-', '_')
# Pylance can figure out that these do not, in fact, overlap, but mypy can't
def _fixup_raw_mappings(d: manifest.BuildTarget) -> manifest.FixedBuildTarget: ... # type: ignore
def _fixup_raw_mappings(d: manifest.LibTarget) -> manifest.FixedLibTarget: ... # type: ignore
def _fixup_raw_mappings(d: manifest.Dependency) -> manifest.FixedDependency: ...
def _fixup_raw_mappings(d: T.Union[manifest.BuildTarget, manifest.LibTarget, manifest.Dependency]
) -> T.Union[manifest.FixedBuildTarget, manifest.FixedLibTarget,
"""Fixup raw cargo mappings to ones more suitable for python to consume.
This does the following:
* replaces any `-` with `_`, cargo likes the former, but python dicts make
keys with `-` in them awkward to work with
* Convert Dependndency versions from the cargo format to something meson
:param d: The mapping to fix
:return: the fixed string
raw = {fixup_meson_varname(k): v for k, v in d.items()}
if 'version' in raw:
assert isinstance(raw['version'], str), 'for mypy'
raw['version'] = version.convert(raw['version'])
return T.cast('T.Union[manifest.FixedBuildTarget, manifest.FixedLibTarget, manifest.FixedDependency]', raw)
class Package:
"""Representation of a Cargo Package entry, with defaults filled in."""
name: str
version: str
description: T.Optional[str] = None
resolver: T.Optional[str] = None
authors: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
edition: manifest.EDITION = '2015'
rust_version: T.Optional[str] = None
documentation: T.Optional[str] = None
readme: T.Optional[str] = None
homepage: T.Optional[str] = None
repository: T.Optional[str] = None
license: T.Optional[str] = None
license_file: T.Optional[str] = None
keywords: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
categories: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
workspace: T.Optional[str] = None
build: T.Optional[str] = None
links: T.Optional[str] = None
exclude: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
include: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
publish: bool = True
metadata: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
default_run: T.Optional[str] = None
autobins: bool = True
autoexamples: bool = True
autotests: bool = True
autobenches: bool = True
class Dependency:
"""Representation of a Cargo Dependency Entry."""
name: dataclasses.InitVar[str]
version: T.List[str]
registry: T.Optional[str] = None
git: T.Optional[str] = None
branch: T.Optional[str] = None
rev: T.Optional[str] = None
path: T.Optional[str] = None
optional: bool = False
package: str = ''
default_features: bool = True
features: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
api: str = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self, name: str) -> None:
self.package = self.package or name
# Extract wanted API version from version constraints.
api = set()
for v in self.version:
if v.startswith(('>=', '==')):
elif v.startswith('='):
if not api:
self.api = '0'
elif len(api) == 1:
self.api = api.pop()
raise MesonException(f'Cannot determine minimum API version from {self.version}.')
def from_raw(cls, name: str, raw: manifest.DependencyV) -> Dependency:
"""Create a dependency from a raw cargo dictionary"""
if isinstance(raw, str):
return cls(name, version.convert(raw))
return cls(name, **_fixup_raw_mappings(raw))
class BuildTarget:
name: str
crate_type: T.List[manifest.CRATE_TYPE] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: ['lib'])
path: dataclasses.InitVar[T.Optional[str]] = None
# True for lib, bin, test
test: bool = True
# True for lib
doctest: bool = False
# True for lib, bin, benchmark
bench: bool = True
# True for libraries and binaries
doc: bool = False
harness: bool = True
edition: manifest.EDITION = '2015'
required_features: T.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
plugin: bool = False
class Library(BuildTarget):
"""Representation of a Cargo Library Entry."""
doctest: bool = True
doc: bool = True
path: str = os.path.join('src', '')
proc_macro: bool = False
crate_type: T.List[manifest.CRATE_TYPE] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: ['lib'])
doc_scrape_examples: bool = True
class Binary(BuildTarget):
"""Representation of a Cargo Bin Entry."""
doc: bool = True
class Test(BuildTarget):
"""Representation of a Cargo Test Entry."""
bench: bool = True
class Benchmark(BuildTarget):
"""Representation of a Cargo Benchmark Entry."""
test: bool = True
class Example(BuildTarget):
"""Representation of a Cargo Example Entry."""
crate_type: T.List[manifest.CRATE_TYPE] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: ['bin'])
class Manifest:
"""Cargo Manifest definition.
Most of these values map up to the Cargo Manifest, but with default values
if not provided.
Cargo subprojects can contain what Meson wants to treat as multiple,
interdependent, subprojects.
:param subdir: the subdirectory that this cargo project is in
:param path: the path within the cargo subproject.
package: Package
dependencies: T.Dict[str, Dependency]
dev_dependencies: T.Dict[str, Dependency]
build_dependencies: T.Dict[str, Dependency]
lib: Library
bin: T.List[Binary]
test: T.List[Test]
bench: T.List[Benchmark]
example: T.List[Example]
features: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
target: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, Dependency]]
subdir: str
path: str = ''
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
self.features.setdefault('default', [])
def _convert_manifest(raw_manifest: manifest.Manifest, subdir: str, path: str = '') -> Manifest:
# This cast is a bit of a hack to deal with proc-macro
lib = _fixup_raw_mappings(raw_manifest.get('lib', {}))
# We need to set the name field if it's not set manually,
# including if other fields are set in the lib section
lib.setdefault('name', raw_manifest['package']['name'])
pkg = T.cast('manifest.FixedPackage',
{fixup_meson_varname(k): v for k, v in raw_manifest['package'].items()})
return Manifest(
{k: Dependency.from_raw(k, v) for k, v in raw_manifest.get('dependencies', {}).items()},
{k: Dependency.from_raw(k, v) for k, v in raw_manifest.get('dev-dependencies', {}).items()},
{k: Dependency.from_raw(k, v) for k, v in raw_manifest.get('build-dependencies', {}).items()},
[Binary(**_fixup_raw_mappings(b)) for b in raw_manifest.get('bin', {})],
[Test(**_fixup_raw_mappings(b)) for b in raw_manifest.get('test', {})],
[Benchmark(**_fixup_raw_mappings(b)) for b in raw_manifest.get('bench', {})],
[Example(**_fixup_raw_mappings(b)) for b in raw_manifest.get('example', {})],
raw_manifest.get('features', {}),
{k: {k2: Dependency.from_raw(k2, v2) for k2, v2 in v.get('dependencies', {}).items()}
for k, v in raw_manifest.get('target', {}).items()},
def _load_manifests(subdir: str) -> T.Dict[str, Manifest]:
filename = os.path.join(subdir, 'Cargo.toml')
raw = load_toml(filename)
manifests: T.Dict[str, Manifest] = {}
raw_manifest: T.Union[manifest.Manifest, manifest.VirtualManifest]
if 'package' in raw:
raw_manifest = T.cast('manifest.Manifest', raw)
manifest_ = _convert_manifest(raw_manifest, subdir)
manifests[] = manifest_
raw_manifest = T.cast('manifest.VirtualManifest', raw)
if 'workspace' in raw_manifest:
# XXX: need to verify that python glob and cargo globbing are the
# same and probably write a glob implementation. Blarg
# We need to chdir here to make the glob work correctly
pwd = os.getcwd()
members: T.Iterable[str]
members = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
glob.glob(m) for m in raw_manifest['workspace']['members'])
if 'exclude' in raw_manifest['workspace']:
members = (x for x in members if x not in raw_manifest['workspace']['exclude'])
for m in members:
filename = os.path.join(subdir, m, 'Cargo.toml')
raw = load_toml(filename)
raw_manifest = T.cast('manifest.Manifest', raw)
man = _convert_manifest(raw_manifest, subdir, m)
manifests[] = man
return manifests
def _version_to_api(version: str) -> str:
# x.y.z -> x
# 0.x.y -> 0.x
# 0.0.x -> 0
vers = version.split('.')
if int(vers[0]) != 0:
return vers[0]
elif len(vers) >= 2 and int(vers[1]) != 0:
return f'0.{vers[1]}'
return '0'
def _dependency_name(package_name: str, api: str) -> str:
basename = package_name[:-3] if package_name.endswith('-rs') else package_name
return f'{basename}-{api}-rs'
def _dependency_varname(package_name: str) -> str:
return f'{fixup_meson_varname(package_name)}_dep'
_OPTION_NAME_PREFIX = 'feature-'
def _option_name(feature: str) -> str:
# Add a prefix to avoid collision with Meson reserved options (e.g. "debug")
return _OPTION_NAME_PREFIX + feature
def _options_varname(depname: str) -> str:
return f'{fixup_meson_varname(depname)}_options'
def _extra_args_varname() -> str:
return 'extra_args'
def _extra_deps_varname() -> str:
return 'extra_deps'
def _create_project(cargo: Manifest, build: builder.Builder) -> T.List[mparser.BaseNode]:
"""Create a function call
:param cargo: The Manifest to generate from
:param build: The AST builder
:return: a list nodes
args: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = []
kwargs: T.Dict[str, mparser.BaseNode] = {
'version': build.string(cargo.package.version),
# Always assume that the generated meson is using the latest features
# This will warn when when we generate deprecated code, which is helpful
# for the upkeep of the module
'meson_version': build.string(f'>= {coredata.stable_version}'),
'default_options': build.array([build.string(f'rust_std={cargo.package.edition}')]),
if cargo.package.license:
kwargs['license'] = build.string(cargo.package.license)
elif cargo.package.license_file:
kwargs['license_files'] = build.string(cargo.package.license_file)
return [build.function('project', args, kwargs)]
def _process_feature(cargo: Manifest, feature: str) -> T.Tuple[T.Set[str], T.Dict[str, T.Set[str]], T.Set[str]]:
# Set of features that must also be enabled if this feature is enabled.
features: T.Set[str] = set()
# Map dependency name to a set of features that must also be enabled on that
# dependency if this feature is enabled.
dep_features: T.Dict[str, T.Set[str]] = collections.defaultdict(set)
# Set of dependencies that are required if this feature is enabled.
required_deps: T.Set[str] = set()
# Set of features that must be processed recursively.
to_process: T.Set[str] = {feature}
while to_process:
f = to_process.pop()
if '/' in f:
dep, dep_f = f.split('/', 1)
if dep[-1] == '?':
dep = dep[:-1]
elif f.startswith('dep:'):
elif f not in features:
to_process.update(cargo.features.get(f, []))
# A feature can also be a dependency
if f in cargo.dependencies:
return features, dep_features, required_deps
def _create_features(cargo: Manifest, build: builder.Builder) -> T.List[mparser.BaseNode]:
# Declare a dict that map enabled features to true. One for current project
# and one per dependency.
ast: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = []
ast.append(build.assign(build.dict({}), 'features'))
for depname in cargo.dependencies:
ast.append(build.assign(build.dict({}), _options_varname(depname)))
# Declare a dict that map required dependencies to true
ast.append(build.assign(build.dict({}), 'required_deps'))
for feature in cargo.features:
# if get_option(feature)
# required_deps += {'dep': true, ...}
# features += {'foo': true, ...}
# xxx_options += {'feature-foo': true, ...}
# ...
# endif
features, dep_features, required_deps = _process_feature(cargo, feature)
lines: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = [
build.dict({build.string(d): build.bool(True) for d in required_deps}),
build.dict({build.string(f): build.bool(True) for f in features}),
for depname, enabled_features in dep_features.items():
build.dict({build.string(_option_name(f)): build.bool(True) for f in enabled_features}),
ast.append(build.if_(build.function('get_option', [build.string(_option_name(feature))]), build.block(lines)))
ast.append(build.function('message', [
build.string('Enabled features:'),
build.method('keys', build.identifier('features'))],
return ast
def _create_dependencies(cargo: Manifest, build: builder.Builder) -> T.List[mparser.BaseNode]:
ast: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = []
for name, dep in cargo.dependencies.items():
# xxx_options += {'feature-default': true, ...}
extra_options: T.Dict[mparser.BaseNode, mparser.BaseNode] = {
build.string(_option_name('default')): build.bool(dep.default_features),
for f in dep.features:
extra_options[build.string(_option_name(f))] = build.bool(True)
ast.append(build.plusassign(build.dict(extra_options), _options_varname(name)))
kw = {
'version': build.array([build.string(s) for s in dep.version]),
'default_options': build.identifier(_options_varname(name)),
if dep.optional:
kw['required'] = build.method('get', build.identifier('required_deps'), [
build.string(name), build.bool(False)
# Lookup for this dependency with the features we want in default_options kwarg.
# However, this subproject could have been previously configured with a
# different set of features. Cargo collects the set of features globally
# but Meson can only use features enabled by the first call that triggered
# the configuration of that subproject.
# Verify all features that we need are actually enabled for that dependency,
# otherwise abort with an error message. The user has to set the corresponding
# option manually with -Dxxx-rs:feature-yyy=true, or the main project can do
# that in its project(..., default_options: ['xxx-rs:feature-yyy=true']).
# xxx_dep = dependency('xxx', version : ..., default_options : xxx_options)
[build.string(_dependency_name(dep.package, dep.api))],
# if xxx_dep.found()
build.if_(build.method('found', build.identifier(_dependency_varname(dep.package))), build.block([
# actual_features = xxx_dep.get_variable('features', default_value : '').split(',')
{'default_value': build.string('')}
# needed_features = []
# foreach f, _ : xxx_options
# needed_features += f.substring(8)
# endforeach
build.assign(build.array([]), 'needed_features'),
build.foreach(['f', 'enabled'], build.identifier(_options_varname(name)), build.block([
build.if_(build.identifier('enabled'), build.block([
build.method('substring', build.identifier('f'), [build.number(len(_OPTION_NAME_PREFIX))]),
# foreach f : needed_features
# if f not in actual_features
# error()
# endif
# endforeach
build.foreach(['f'], build.identifier('needed_features'), build.block([
build.if_(build.not_in(build.identifier('f'), build.identifier('actual_features')), build.block([
build.function('error', [
build.string(_dependency_name(dep.package, dep.api)),
build.string('previously configured with features'),
build.string('but need'),
return ast
def _create_meson_subdir(cargo: Manifest, build: builder.Builder) -> T.List[mparser.BaseNode]:
# Allow Cargo subprojects to add extra Rust args in meson/ file.
# This is used to replace logic.
# extra_args = []
# extra_deps = []
# fs = import('fs')
# if fs.is_dir('meson')
# subdir('meson')
# endif
return [
build.assign(build.array([]), _extra_args_varname()),
build.assign(build.array([]), _extra_deps_varname()),
build.assign(build.function('import', [build.string('fs')]), 'fs'),
build.if_(build.method('is_dir', build.identifier('fs'), [build.string('meson')]),
build.block([build.function('subdir', [build.string('meson')])]))
def _create_lib(cargo: Manifest, build: builder.Builder, crate_type: manifest.CRATE_TYPE) -> T.List[mparser.BaseNode]:
dependencies: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = []
dependency_map: T.Dict[mparser.BaseNode, mparser.BaseNode] = {}
for name, dep in cargo.dependencies.items():
if name != dep.package:
dependency_map[build.string(fixup_meson_varname(dep.package))] = build.string(name)
rust_args: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = [
posargs: T.List[mparser.BaseNode] = [
kwargs: T.Dict[str, mparser.BaseNode] = {
'dependencies': build.array(dependencies),
'rust_dependency_map': build.dict(dependency_map),
'rust_args': build.array(rust_args),
lib: mparser.BaseNode
if cargo.lib.proc_macro or crate_type == 'proc-macro':
lib = build.method('proc_macro', build.identifier('rust'), posargs, kwargs)
if crate_type in {'lib', 'rlib', 'staticlib'}:
target_type = 'static_library'
elif crate_type in {'dylib', 'cdylib'}:
target_type = 'shared_library'
raise MesonException(f'Unsupported crate type {crate_type}')
if crate_type in {'staticlib', 'cdylib'}:
kwargs['rust_abi'] = build.string('c')
lib = build.function(target_type, posargs, kwargs)
# features_args = []
# foreach f, _ : features
# features_args += ['--cfg', 'feature="' + f + '"']
# endforeach
# lib = xxx_library()
# dep = declare_dependency()
# meson.override_dependency()
return [
build.assign(build.array([]), 'features_args'),
build.foreach(['f', '_'], build.identifier('features'), build.block([
build.string('--cfg'),'feature="'),'f'), build.string('"'))),
build.assign(lib, 'lib'),
'link_with': build.identifier('lib'),
'variables': build.dict({
build.string('features'): build.method('join', build.string(','), [build.method('keys', build.identifier('features'))]),
build.string(_dependency_name(, _version_to_api(cargo.package.version))),
def interpret(subp_name: str, subdir: str, env: Environment) -> T.Tuple[mparser.CodeBlockNode, KeyedOptionDictType]:
# subp_name should be in the form "foo-0.1-rs"
package_name = subp_name.rsplit('-', 2)[0]
manifests = _load_manifests(os.path.join(env.source_dir, subdir))
cargo = manifests.get(package_name)
if not cargo:
raise MesonException(f'Cargo package {package_name!r} not found in {subdir}')
filename = os.path.join(cargo.subdir, cargo.path, 'Cargo.toml')
build = builder.Builder(filename)
# Generate project options
project_options: T.Dict[OptionKey, options.UserOption] = {}
for feature in cargo.features:
key = OptionKey(_option_name(feature), subproject=subp_name)
enabled = feature == 'default'
project_options[key] = options.UserBooleanOption(, f'Cargo {feature} feature', enabled)
ast = _create_project(cargo, build)
ast += [build.assign(build.function('import', [build.string('rust')]), 'rust')]
ast += _create_features(cargo, build)
ast += _create_dependencies(cargo, build)
ast += _create_meson_subdir(cargo, build)
# Libs are always auto-discovered and there's no other way to handle them,
# which is unfortunate for reproducability
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(env.source_dir, cargo.subdir, cargo.path, cargo.lib.path)):
for crate_type in cargo.lib.crate_type:
ast.extend(_create_lib(cargo, build, crate_type))
return build.block(ast), project_options