The Meson Build System
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; ---------------------------------------------
; Hello World for Win64 Intel x64 Assembly
; by fruel (
; 13 June 2016
; ---------------------------------------------
GetStdHandle PROTO
ExitProcess PROTO
WriteConsoleA PROTO
msg BYTE "Hello World!",0
bytesWritten DWORD ?
mainCRTStartup proc
sub rsp, 5 * 8 ; reserve shadow space
mov rcx, -11 ; nStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
call GetStdHandle
mov rcx, rax ; hConsoleOutput
lea rdx, msg ; *lpBuffer
mov r8, LENGTHOF msg - 1 ; nNumberOfCharsToWrite
lea r9, bytesWritten ; lpNumberOfCharsWritten
mov QWORD PTR [rsp + 4 * SIZEOF QWORD], 0 ; lpReserved
call WriteConsoleA
mov rcx, 0 ; uExitCode
call ExitProcess
mainCRTStartup endp