The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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72 KiB

# Copyright 2012-2017 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy, os, re
from collections import OrderedDict
from . import environment
from . import dependencies
from . import mlog
from .mesonlib import File, MesonException
from .mesonlib import flatten, typeslistify, stringlistify, classify_unity_sources
from .mesonlib import get_filenames_templates_dict, substitute_values
from .environment import for_windows, for_darwin, for_cygwin
from .compilers import is_object, clike_langs, sort_clike, lang_suffixes
known_basic_kwargs = {'install': True,
'c_pch': True,
'cpp_pch': True,
'c_args': True,
'objc_args': True,
'objcpp_args': True,
'cpp_args': True,
'cs_args': True,
'vala_args': True,
'fortran_args': True,
'd_args': True,
'java_args': True,
'rust_args': True,
'link_args': True,
'link_depends': True,
'link_with': True,
'link_whole': True,
'include_directories': True,
'dependencies': True,
'install_dir': True,
'main_class': True,
'name_suffix': True,
'gui_app': True,
'extra_files': True,
'install_rpath': True,
'resources': True,
'sources': True,
'objects': True,
'native': True,
'build_by_default': True,
'override_options': True,
# These contain kwargs supported by both static and shared libraries. These are
# combined here because a library() call might be shared_library() or
# static_library() at runtime based on the configuration.
# FIXME: Find a way to pass that info down here so we can have proper target
# kwargs checking when specifically using shared_library() or static_library().
known_lib_kwargs = known_basic_kwargs.copy()
known_lib_kwargs.update({'version': True, # Only for shared libs
'soversion': True, # Only for shared libs
'name_prefix': True,
'vs_module_defs': True, # Only for shared libs
'vala_header': True,
'vala_vapi': True,
'vala_gir': True,
'pic': True, # Only for static libs
'rust_crate_type': True, # Only for Rust libs
class InvalidArguments(MesonException):
class Build:
"""A class that holds the status of one build including
all dependencies and so on.
def __init__(self, environment):
self.project_name = 'name of master project'
self.project_version = None
self.environment = environment
self.projects = {}
self.targets = OrderedDict()
self.compilers = OrderedDict()
self.cross_compilers = OrderedDict()
self.global_args = {}
self.projects_args = {}
self.global_link_args = {}
self.projects_link_args = {}
self.tests = []
self.benchmarks = []
self.headers = [] = [] = []
self.static_linker = None
self.static_cross_linker = None
self.subprojects = {}
self.install_scripts = []
self.postconf_scripts = []
self.install_dirs = []
self.dep_manifest_name = None
self.dep_manifest = {}
self.cross_stdlibs = {}
self.test_setups = {}
def add_compiler(self, compiler):
if self.static_linker is None and compiler.needs_static_linker():
self.static_linker = self.environment.detect_static_linker(compiler)
lang = compiler.get_language()
if lang not in self.compilers:
self.compilers[lang] = compiler
def add_cross_compiler(self, compiler):
if not self.cross_compilers:
self.static_cross_linker = self.environment.detect_static_linker(compiler)
lang = compiler.get_language()
if lang not in self.cross_compilers:
self.cross_compilers[lang] = compiler
def get_project(self):
return self.projects['']
def get_targets(self):
return self.targets
def get_tests(self):
return self.tests
def get_benchmarks(self):
return self.benchmarks
def get_headers(self):
return self.headers
def get_man(self):
def get_data(self):
def get_install_subdirs(self):
return self.install_dirs
def get_global_args(self, compiler):
return self.global_args.get(compiler.get_language(), [])
def get_project_args(self, compiler, project):
args = self.projects_args.get(project)
if not args:
return []
return args.get(compiler.get_language(), [])
def get_global_link_args(self, compiler):
return self.global_link_args.get(compiler.get_language(), [])
def get_project_link_args(self, compiler, project):
link_args = self.projects_link_args.get(project)
if not link_args:
return []
return link_args.get(compiler.get_language(), [])
class IncludeDirs:
def __init__(self, curdir, dirs, is_system, extra_build_dirs=None):
self.curdir = curdir
self.incdirs = dirs
self.is_system = is_system
# Interpreter has validated that all given directories
# actually exist.
if extra_build_dirs is None:
self.extra_build_dirs = []
self.extra_build_dirs = extra_build_dirs
def __repr__(self):
r = '<{} {}/{}>'
return r.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.curdir, self.incdirs)
def get_curdir(self):
return self.curdir
def get_incdirs(self):
return self.incdirs
def get_extra_build_dirs(self):
return self.extra_build_dirs
class ExtractedObjects:
Holds a list of sources for which the objects must be extracted
def __init__(self, target, srclist, is_unity): = target
self.srclist = srclist
if is_unity:
def __repr__(self):
r = '<{0} {1!r}: {2}>'
return r.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.srclist)
def check_unity_compatible(self):
# Figure out if the extracted object list is compatible with a Unity
# build. When we're doing a Unified build, we go through the sources,
# and create a single source file from each subset of the sources that
# can be compiled with a specific compiler. Then we create one object
# from each unified source file.
# If the list of sources for which we want objects is the same as the
# list of sources that go into each unified build, we're good.
srclist_set = set(self.srclist)
# Objects for all the sources are required, so we're compatible
if srclist_set == set(
# Check if the srclist is a subset (of the target's sources) that is
# going to form a unified source file and a single object
compsrcs = classify_unity_sources(,
for srcs in compsrcs.values():
if srclist_set == set(srcs):
msg = 'Single object files can not be extracted in Unity builds. ' \
'You can only extract all the object files at once.'
raise MesonException(msg)
class EnvironmentVariables:
def __init__(self):
self.envvars = []
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "<{0}: {1}>"
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.envvars)
def get_value(self, values, kwargs):
separator = kwargs.get('separator', os.pathsep)
value = ''
for var in values:
value += separator + var
return separator, value.strip(separator)
def set(self, env, name, values, kwargs):
return self.get_value(values, kwargs)[1]
def append(self, env, name, values, kwargs):
sep, value = self.get_value(values, kwargs)
if name in env:
return env[name] + sep + value
return value
def prepend(self, env, name, values, kwargs):
sep, value = self.get_value(values, kwargs)
if name in env:
return value + sep + env[name]
return value
def get_env(self, full_env):
env = {}
for method, name, values, kwargs in self.envvars:
env[name] = method(full_env, name, values, kwargs)
return env
class Target:
def __init__(self, name, subdir, build_by_default):
if '/' in name or '\\' in name:
# Fix failing test 53 when this becomes an error.
mlog.warning('''Target "%s" has a path separator in its name.
This is not supported, it can cause unexpected failures and will become
a hard error in the future.''' % name) = name
self.subdir = subdir
self.build_by_default = build_by_default
self.install = False
self.build_always = False
self.option_overrides = {}
def get_basename(self):
def get_subdir(self):
return self.subdir
def process_kwargs(self, kwargs):
if 'build_by_default' in kwargs:
self.build_by_default = kwargs['build_by_default']
if not isinstance(self.build_by_default, bool):
raise InvalidArguments('build_by_default must be a boolean value.')
self.option_overrides = self.parse_overrides(kwargs)
def parse_overrides(self, kwargs):
result = {}
overrides = stringlistify(kwargs.get('override_options', []))
for o in overrides:
if '=' not in o:
raise InvalidArguments('Overrides must be of form "key=value"')
k, v = o.split('=', 1)
k = k.strip()
v = v.strip()
result[k] = v
return result
class BuildTarget(Target):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs):
super().__init__(name, subdir, True)
self.subproject = subproject # Can not be calculated from subdir as subproject dirname can be changed per project.
self.is_cross = is_cross
unity_opt = environment.coredata.get_builtin_option('unity')
self.is_unity = unity_opt == 'on' or (unity_opt == 'subprojects' and subproject != '')
self.environment = environment
self.sources = []
self.compilers = OrderedDict()
self.objects = []
self.external_deps = []
self.include_dirs = []
self.link_targets = []
self.link_whole_targets = []
self.link_depends = []
self.name_prefix_set = False
self.name_suffix_set = False
self.filename = 'no_name'
# The list of all files outputted by this target. Useful in cases such
# as Vala which generates .vapi and .h besides the compiled output.
self.outputs = [self.filename]
self.need_install = False
self.pch = {}
self.extra_args = {}
self.generated = []
self.extra_files = []
# Sources can be:
# 1. Pre-existing source files in the source tree
# 2. Pre-existing sources generated by configure_file in the build tree
# 3. Sources files generated by another target or a Generator
# Objects can be:
# 1. Pre-existing objects provided by the user with the `objects:` kwarg
# 2. Compiled objects created by and extracted from another target
self.process_kwargs(kwargs, environment)
if not self.sources and not self.generated and not self.objects:
raise InvalidArguments('Build target %s has no sources.' % name)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.get_id() < other.get_id()
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "<{0} {1}: {2}>"
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_id(), self.filename)
def validate_cross_install(self, environment):
if environment.is_cross_build() and not self.is_cross and self.install:
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to install a natively built target in a cross build.')
def get_id(self):
# This ID must also be a valid file name on all OSs.
# It should also avoid shell metacharacters for obvious
# reasons.
base = + self.type_suffix()
if self.subproject == '':
return base
return self.subproject + '@@' + base
def check_unknown_kwargs(self, kwargs):
# Override this method in derived classes that have more
# keywords.
self.check_unknown_kwargs_int(kwargs, known_basic_kwargs)
def check_unknown_kwargs_int(self, kwargs, known_kwargs):
unknowns = []
for k in kwargs:
if k not in known_kwargs:
if len(unknowns) > 0:
mlog.warning('Unknown keyword argument(s) in target %s: %s.' %
(, ', '.join(unknowns)))
def process_objectlist(self, objects):
assert(isinstance(objects, list))
for s in objects:
if hasattr(s, 'held_object'):
s = s.held_object
if isinstance(s, (str, File, ExtractedObjects)):
elif isinstance(s, (GeneratedList, CustomTarget)):
msg = 'Generated files are not allowed in the \'objects\' kwarg ' + \
'for target {!r}.\nIt is meant only for '.format( + \
'pre-built object files that are shipped with the\nsource ' + \
'tree. Try adding it in the list of sources.'
raise InvalidArguments(msg)
msg = 'Bad object of type {!r} in target {!r}.'.format(type(s).__name__,
raise InvalidArguments(msg)
def process_sourcelist(self, sources):
if not isinstance(sources, list):
sources = [sources]
added_sources = {} # If the same source is defined multiple times, use it only once.
for s in sources:
# Holder unpacking. Ugly.
if hasattr(s, 'held_object'):
s = s.held_object
if isinstance(s, File):
if s not in added_sources:
added_sources[s] = True
elif isinstance(s, (GeneratedList, CustomTarget)):
msg = 'Bad source of type {!r} in target {!r}.'.format(type(s).__name__,
raise InvalidArguments(msg)
def can_compile_remove_sources(compiler, sources):
removed = False
for s in sources[:]:
if compiler.can_compile(s):
removed = True
return removed
def process_compilers(self):
Populate self.compilers, which is the list of compilers that this
target will use for compiling all its sources.
We also add compilers that were used by extracted objects to simplify
dynamic linker determination.
if not self.sources and not self.generated and not self.objects:
# Populate list of compilers
if self.is_cross:
compilers = self.environment.coredata.cross_compilers
compilers = self.environment.coredata.compilers
# Pre-existing sources
sources = list(self.sources)
# All generated sources
for gensrc in self.generated:
for s in gensrc.get_outputs():
# Generated objects can't be compiled, so don't use them for
# compiler detection. If our target only has generated objects,
# we will fall back to using the first c-like compiler we find,
# which is what we need.
if not is_object(s):
# Sources that were used to create our extracted objects
for o in self.objects:
if not isinstance(o, ExtractedObjects):
for s in o.srclist:
# Don't add Vala sources since that will pull in the Vala
# compiler even though we will never use it since we are
# dealing with compiled C code.
if not s.endswith(lang_suffixes['vala']):
if sources:
# For each source, try to add one compiler that can compile it.
# It's ok if no compilers can do so, because users are expected to
# be able to add arbitrary non-source files to the sources list.
for s in sources:
for lang, compiler in compilers.items():
if compiler.can_compile(s):
if lang not in self.compilers:
self.compilers[lang] = compiler
# Re-sort according to clike_langs
self.compilers = OrderedDict(sorted(self.compilers.items(),
key=lambda t: sort_clike(t[0])))
# No source files, target consists of only object files of unknown
# origin. Just add the first clike compiler that we have and hope
# that it can link these objects
for lang in clike_langs:
if lang in compilers:
self.compilers[lang] = compilers[lang]
# If all our sources are Vala, our target also needs the C compiler but
# it won't get added above.
if 'vala' in self.compilers and 'c' not in self.compilers:
self.compilers['c'] = compilers['c']
def validate_sources(self):
if not self.sources:
for lang in ('cs', 'java'):
if lang in self.compilers:
check_sources = list(self.sources)
compiler = self.compilers[lang]
if not self.can_compile_remove_sources(compiler, check_sources):
m = 'No {} sources found in target {!r}'.format(lang,
raise InvalidArguments(m)
if check_sources:
m = '{0} targets can only contain {0} files:\n'.format(lang.capitalize())
m += '\n'.join([repr(c) for c in check_sources])
raise InvalidArguments(m)
# CSharp and Java targets can't contain any other file types
assert(len(self.compilers) == 1)
def process_link_depends(self, sources, environment):
"""Process the link_depends keyword argument.
This is designed to handle strings, Files, and the output of Custom
Targets. Notably it doesn't handle generator() returned objects, since
adding them as a link depends would inherently cause them to be
generated twice, since the output needs to be passed to the ld_args and
if not isinstance(sources, list):
sources = [sources]
for s in sources:
if hasattr(s, 'held_object'):
s = s.held_object
if isinstance(s, File):
elif isinstance(s, str):
File.from_source_file(environment.source_dir, self.subdir, s))
elif hasattr(s, 'get_outputs'):
[File.from_built_file(s.subdir, p) for p in s.get_outputs()])
raise InvalidArguments(
'Link_depends arguments must be strings, Files, '
'or a Custom Target, or lists thereof.')
def get_original_kwargs(self):
return self.kwargs
def unpack_holder(self, d):
if not isinstance(d, list):
d = [d]
newd = []
for i in d:
if hasattr(i, 'held_object'):
return newd
def copy_kwargs(self, kwargs):
self.kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs)
# This sucks quite badly. Arguments
# are holders but they can't be pickled
# so unpack those known.
if 'dependencies' in self.kwargs:
self.kwargs['dependencies'] = self.unpack_holder(self.kwargs['dependencies'])
if 'link_with' in self.kwargs:
self.kwargs['link_with'] = self.unpack_holder(self.kwargs['link_with'])
def extract_objects(self, srclist):
obj_src = []
for src in srclist:
if not isinstance(src, str):
raise MesonException('Object extraction arguments must be strings.')
src = File(False, self.subdir, src)
if src not in self.sources:
raise MesonException('Tried to extract unknown source %s.' % src)
return ExtractedObjects(self, obj_src, self.is_unity)
def extract_all_objects(self):
return ExtractedObjects(self, self.sources, self.is_unity)
def get_all_link_deps(self):
return self.get_transitive_link_deps()
def get_transitive_link_deps(self):
result = []
for i in self.link_targets:
result += i.get_all_link_deps()
return result
def get_custom_install_dir(self):
return self.install_dir
def process_kwargs(self, kwargs, environment):
kwargs.get('modules', [])
self.need_install = kwargs.get('install', self.need_install)
llist = kwargs.get('link_with', [])
if not isinstance(llist, list):
llist = [llist]
for linktarget in llist:
# Sorry for this hack. Keyword targets are kept in holders
# in kwargs. Unpack here without looking at the exact type.
if hasattr(linktarget, "held_object"):
linktarget = linktarget.held_object
lwhole = kwargs.get('link_whole', [])
if not isinstance(lwhole, list):
lwhole = [lwhole]
for linktarget in lwhole:
# Sorry for this hack. Keyword targets are kept in holders
# in kwargs. Unpack here without looking at the exact type.
if hasattr(linktarget, "held_object"):
linktarget = linktarget.held_object
c_pchlist = kwargs.get('c_pch', [])
if not isinstance(c_pchlist, list):
c_pchlist = [c_pchlist]
self.add_pch('c', c_pchlist)
cpp_pchlist = kwargs.get('cpp_pch', [])
if not isinstance(cpp_pchlist, list):
cpp_pchlist = [cpp_pchlist]
self.add_pch('cpp', cpp_pchlist)
clist = kwargs.get('c_args', [])
if not isinstance(clist, list):
clist = [clist]
self.add_compiler_args('c', clist)
cpplist = kwargs.get('cpp_args', [])
if not isinstance(cpplist, list):
cpplist = [cpplist]
self.add_compiler_args('cpp', cpplist)
cslist = kwargs.get('cs_args', [])
if not isinstance(cslist, list):
cslist = [cslist]
self.add_compiler_args('cs', cslist)
valalist = kwargs.get('vala_args', [])
if not isinstance(valalist, list):
valalist = [valalist]
self.add_compiler_args('vala', valalist)
objclist = kwargs.get('objc_args', [])
if not isinstance(objclist, list):
objclist = [objclist]
self.add_compiler_args('objc', objclist)
objcpplist = kwargs.get('objcpp_args', [])
if not isinstance(objcpplist, list):
objcpplist = [objcpplist]
self.add_compiler_args('objcpp', objcpplist)
fortranlist = kwargs.get('fortran_args', [])
if not isinstance(fortranlist, list):
fortranlist = [fortranlist]
self.add_compiler_args('fortran', fortranlist)
rustlist = kwargs.get('rust_args', [])
if not isinstance(rustlist, list):
rustlist = [rustlist]
self.add_compiler_args('rust', rustlist)
if not isinstance(self, Executable):
self.vala_header = kwargs.get('vala_header', + '.h')
self.vala_vapi = kwargs.get('vala_vapi', + '.vapi')
self.vala_gir = kwargs.get('vala_gir', None)
dlist = stringlistify(kwargs.get('d_args', []))
self.add_compiler_args('d', dlist)
self.link_args = flatten(kwargs.get('link_args', []))
for i in self.link_args:
if not isinstance(i, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Link_args arguments must be strings.')
self.process_link_depends(kwargs.get('link_depends', []), environment)
# Target-specific include dirs must be added BEFORE include dirs from
# internal deps (added inside self.add_deps()) to override them.
inclist = kwargs.get('include_directories', [])
if not isinstance(inclist, list):
inclist = [inclist]
# Add dependencies (which also have include_directories)
deplist = kwargs.get('dependencies', [])
if not isinstance(deplist, list):
deplist = [deplist]
# If an item in this list is False, the output corresponding to
# the list index of that item will not be installed
self.install_dir = typeslistify(kwargs.get('install_dir', [None]),
(str, bool))
main_class = kwargs.get('main_class', '')
if not isinstance(main_class, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Main class must be a string')
self.main_class = main_class
if isinstance(self, Executable):
self.gui_app = kwargs.get('gui_app', False)
if not isinstance(self.gui_app, bool):
raise InvalidArguments('Argument gui_app must be boolean.')
elif 'gui_app' in kwargs:
raise InvalidArguments('Argument gui_app can only be used on executables.')
extra_files = kwargs.get('extra_files', [])
if not isinstance(extra_files, list):
extra_files = [extra_files]
for i in extra_files:
assert(isinstance(i, File))
trial = os.path.join(environment.get_source_dir(), i.subdir, i.fname)
if not(os.path.isfile(trial)):
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to add non-existing extra file %s.' % i)
self.extra_files = extra_files
self.install_rpath = kwargs.get('install_rpath', '')
if not isinstance(self.install_rpath, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Install_rpath is not a string.')
resources = kwargs.get('resources', [])
if not isinstance(resources, list):
resources = [resources]
for r in resources:
if not isinstance(r, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Resource argument is not a string.')
trial = os.path.join(environment.get_source_dir(), self.subdir, r)
if not os.path.isfile(trial):
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to add non-existing resource %s.' % r)
self.resources = resources
if 'name_prefix' in kwargs:
name_prefix = kwargs['name_prefix']
if isinstance(name_prefix, list):
if name_prefix:
raise InvalidArguments('name_prefix array must be empty to signify null.')
elif not isinstance(name_prefix, str):
raise InvalidArguments('name_prefix must be a string.')
self.prefix = name_prefix
self.name_prefix_set = True
if 'name_suffix' in kwargs:
name_suffix = kwargs['name_suffix']
if isinstance(name_suffix, list):
if name_suffix:
raise InvalidArguments('name_suffix array must be empty to signify null.')
if not isinstance(name_suffix, str):
raise InvalidArguments('name_suffix must be a string.')
self.suffix = name_suffix
self.name_suffix_set = True
if isinstance(self, StaticLibrary):
# You can't disable PIC on OS X. The compiler ignores -fno-PIC.
# PIC is always on for Windows (all code is position-independent
# since library loading is done differently)
if for_darwin(self.is_cross, self.environment) or for_windows(self.is_cross, self.environment):
self.pic = True
elif '-fPIC' in clist + cpplist:
mlog.warning("Use the 'pic' kwarg instead of passing -fPIC manually to static library {!r}".format(
self.pic = True
self.pic = kwargs.get('pic', False)
if not isinstance(self.pic, bool):
raise InvalidArguments('Argument pic to static library {!r} must be boolean'.format(
def get_filename(self):
return self.filename
def get_outputs(self):
return self.outputs
def get_extra_args(self, language):
return self.extra_args.get(language, [])
def get_dependencies(self):
transitive_deps = []
for t in self.link_targets + self.link_whole_targets:
if isinstance(t, StaticLibrary):
transitive_deps += t.get_dependencies()
return transitive_deps
def get_source_subdir(self):
return self.subdir
def get_sources(self):
return self.sources
def get_objects(self):
return self.objects
def get_generated_sources(self):
return self.generated
def should_install(self):
return self.need_install
def has_pch(self):
return len(self.pch) > 0
def get_pch(self, language):
return self.pch[language]
except KeyError:
def get_include_dirs(self):
return self.include_dirs
def add_deps(self, deps):
if not isinstance(deps, list):
deps = [deps]
for dep in deps:
if hasattr(dep, 'held_object'):
dep = dep.held_object
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.InternalDependency):
# Those parts that are internal.
for l in dep.libraries:
# Those parts that are external.
extpart = dependencies.InternalDependency('undefined',
[], [], [])
# Deps of deps.
elif isinstance(dep, dependencies.ExternalDependency):
elif isinstance(dep, BuildTarget):
raise InvalidArguments('''Tried to use a build target as a dependency.
You probably should put it in link_with instead.''')
# This is a bit of a hack. We do not want Build to know anything
# about the interpreter so we can't import it and use isinstance.
# This should be reliable enough.
if hasattr(dep, 'project_args_frozen') or hasattr('global_args_frozen'):
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to use subproject object as a dependency.\n'
'You probably wanted to use a dependency declared in it instead.\n'
'Access it by calling get_variable() on the subproject object.')
raise InvalidArguments('Argument is of an unacceptable type {!r}.\nMust be '
'either an external dependency (returned by find_library() or '
'dependency()) or an internal dependency (returned by '
def get_external_deps(self):
return self.external_deps
def link(self, target):
for t in flatten(target):
if hasattr(t, 'held_object'):
t = t.held_object
if not isinstance(t, (StaticLibrary, SharedLibrary)):
raise InvalidArguments('Link target {!r} is not library.'.format(t))
if isinstance(self, SharedLibrary) and isinstance(t, StaticLibrary) and not t.pic:
msg = "Can't link non-PIC static library {!r} into shared library {!r}. ".format(,
msg += "Use the 'pic' option to static_library to build with PIC."
raise InvalidArguments(msg)
if self.is_cross != t.is_cross:
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to mix cross built and native libraries in target {!r}'.format(
def link_whole(self, target):
for t in flatten(target):
if hasattr(t, 'held_object'):
t = t.held_object
if not isinstance(t, StaticLibrary):
raise InvalidArguments('{!r} is not a static library.'.format(t))
if isinstance(self, SharedLibrary) and not t.pic:
msg = "Can't link non-PIC static library {!r} into shared library {!r}. ".format(,
msg += "Use the 'pic' option to static_library to build with PIC."
raise InvalidArguments(msg)
if self.is_cross != t.is_cross:
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to mix cross built and native libraries in target {!r}'.format(
def add_pch(self, language, pchlist):
if not pchlist:
elif len(pchlist) == 1:
if not environment.is_header(pchlist[0]):
raise InvalidArguments('PCH argument %s is not a header.' % pchlist[0])
elif len(pchlist) == 2:
if environment.is_header(pchlist[0]):
if not environment.is_source(pchlist[1]):
raise InvalidArguments('PCH definition must contain one header and at most one source.')
elif environment.is_source(pchlist[0]):
if not environment.is_header(pchlist[1]):
raise InvalidArguments('PCH definition must contain one header and at most one source.')
pchlist = [pchlist[1], pchlist[0]]
raise InvalidArguments('PCH argument %s is of unknown type.' % pchlist[0])
elif len(pchlist) > 2:
raise InvalidArguments('PCH definition may have a maximum of 2 files.')
self.pch[language] = pchlist
def add_include_dirs(self, args):
ids = []
for a in args:
# FIXME same hack, forcibly unpack from holder.
if hasattr(a, 'held_object'):
a = a.held_object
if not isinstance(a, IncludeDirs):
raise InvalidArguments('Include directory to be added is not an include directory object.')
self.include_dirs += ids
def add_compiler_args(self, language, args):
args = flatten(args)
for a in args:
if not isinstance(a, (str, File)):
raise InvalidArguments('A non-string passed to compiler args.')
if language in self.extra_args:
self.extra_args[language] += args
self.extra_args[language] = args
def get_aliases(self):
return {}
def get_langs_used_by_deps(self):
Sometimes you want to link to a C++ library that exports C API, which
means the linker must link in the C++ stdlib, and we must use a C++
compiler for linking. The same is also applicable for objc/objc++, etc,
so we can keep using clike_langs for the priority order.
langs = []
# Check if any of the external libraries were written in this language
for dep in self.external_deps:
if dep.language not in langs:
# Check if any of the internal libraries this target links to were
# written in this language
for link_target in self.link_targets:
for language in link_target.compilers:
if language not in langs:
return langs
def get_clike_dynamic_linker(self):
We use the order of languages in `clike_langs` to determine which
linker to use in case the target has sources compiled with multiple
compilers. All languages other than those in this list have their own
Note that Vala outputs C code, so Vala sources can use any linker
that can link compiled C. We don't actually need to add an exception
for Vala here because of that.
# Populate list of all compilers, not just those being used to compile
# sources in this target
if self.is_cross:
all_compilers = self.environment.coredata.cross_compilers
all_compilers = self.environment.coredata.compilers
# Languages used by dependencies
dep_langs = self.get_langs_used_by_deps()
# Pick a compiler based on the language priority-order
for l in clike_langs:
if l in self.compilers or l in dep_langs:
return all_compilers[l]
except KeyError:
raise MesonException(
'Could not get a dynamic linker for build target {!r}. '
'Requires a linker for language "{}", but that is not '
'a project language.'.format(, l))
m = 'Could not get a dynamic linker for build target {!r}'
raise AssertionError(m.format(
def get_using_msvc(self):
Check if the dynamic linker is MSVC. Used by Executable, StaticLibrary,
and SharedLibrary for deciding when to use MSVC-specific file naming
and debug filenames.
If at least some code is built with MSVC and the final library is
linked with MSVC, we can be sure that some debug info will be
generated. We only check the dynamic linker here because the static
linker is guaranteed to be of the same type.
Interesting cases:
1. The Vala compiler outputs C code to be compiled by whatever
C compiler we're using, so all objects will still be created by the
MSVC compiler.
2. If the target contains only objects, process_compilers guesses and
picks the first compiler that smells right.
linker = self.get_clike_dynamic_linker()
if linker and linker.get_id() == 'msvc':
return True
return False
class Generator:
def __init__(self, args, kwargs):
if len(args) != 1:
raise InvalidArguments('Generator requires exactly one positional argument: the executable')
exe = args[0]
if hasattr(exe, 'held_object'):
exe = exe.held_object
if not isinstance(exe, (Executable, dependencies.ExternalProgram)):
raise InvalidArguments('First generator argument must be an executable.')
self.exe = exe
self.depfile = None
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "<{0}: {1}>"
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.exe)
def get_exe(self):
return self.exe
def process_kwargs(self, kwargs):
if 'arguments' not in kwargs:
raise InvalidArguments('Generator must have "arguments" keyword argument.')
args = kwargs['arguments']
if isinstance(args, str):
args = [args]
if not isinstance(args, list):
raise InvalidArguments('"Arguments" keyword argument must be a string or a list of strings.')
for a in args:
if not isinstance(a, str):
raise InvalidArguments('A non-string object in "arguments" keyword argument.')
self.arglist = args
if 'output' not in kwargs:
raise InvalidArguments('Generator must have "output" keyword argument.')
outputs = kwargs['output']
if not isinstance(outputs, list):
outputs = [outputs]
for rule in outputs:
if not isinstance(rule, str):
raise InvalidArguments('"output" may only contain strings.')
if '@BASENAME@' not in rule and '@PLAINNAME@' not in rule:
raise InvalidArguments('Every element of "output" must contain @BASENAME@ or @PLAINNAME@.')
if '/' in rule or '\\' in rule:
raise InvalidArguments('"outputs" must not contain a directory separator.')
if len(outputs) > 1:
for o in outputs:
if '@OUTPUT@' in o:
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to use @OUTPUT@ in a rule with more than one output.')
self.outputs = outputs
if 'depfile' in kwargs:
depfile = kwargs['depfile']
if not isinstance(depfile, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Depfile must be a string.')
if os.path.split(depfile)[1] != depfile:
raise InvalidArguments('Depfile must be a plain filename without a subdirectory.')
self.depfile = depfile
def get_base_outnames(self, inname):
plainname = os.path.split(inname)[1]
basename = os.path.splitext(plainname)[0]
return [x.replace('@BASENAME@', basename).replace('@PLAINNAME@', plainname) for x in self.outputs]
def get_dep_outname(self, inname):
if self.depfile is None:
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to get dep name for rule that does not have dependency file defined.')
plainname = os.path.split(inname)[1]
basename = os.path.splitext(plainname)[0]
return self.depfile.replace('@BASENAME@', basename).replace('@PLAINNAME@', plainname)
def get_arglist(self):
return self.arglist
def process_files(self, name, files, state, extra_args=[]):
output = GeneratedList(self, extra_args=extra_args)
for f in files:
if isinstance(f, str):
f = File.from_source_file(state.environment.source_dir, state.subdir, f)
elif not isinstance(f, File):
raise InvalidArguments('{} arguments must be strings or files not {!r}.'.format(name, f))
return output
class GeneratedList:
def __init__(self, generator, extra_args=[]):
if hasattr(generator, 'held_object'):
generator = generator.held_object
self.generator = generator = self.generator.exe
self.infilelist = []
self.outfilelist = []
self.outmap = {}
self.extra_depends = []
self.extra_args = extra_args
def add_file(self, newfile):
outfiles = self.generator.get_base_outnames(newfile.fname)
self.outfilelist += outfiles
self.outmap[newfile] = outfiles
def get_inputs(self):
return self.infilelist
def get_outputs(self):
return self.outfilelist
def get_outputs_for(self, filename):
return self.outmap[filename]
def get_generator(self):
return self.generator
def get_extra_args(self):
return self.extra_args
class Executable(BuildTarget):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs):
super().__init__(name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs)
# Unless overriden, executables have no suffix or prefix. Except on
# Windows and with C#/Mono executables where the suffix is 'exe'
if not hasattr(self, 'prefix'):
self.prefix = ''
if not hasattr(self, 'suffix'):
# Executable for Windows or C#/Mono
if (for_windows(is_cross, environment) or
for_cygwin(is_cross, environment) or 'cs' in self.compilers):
self.suffix = 'exe'
self.suffix = ''
self.filename =
if self.suffix:
self.filename += '.' + self.suffix
self.outputs = [self.filename]
def type_suffix(self):
return "@exe"
class StaticLibrary(BuildTarget):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs):
if 'pic' not in kwargs and 'b_staticpic' in environment.coredata.base_options:
kwargs['pic'] = environment.coredata.base_options['b_staticpic'].value
super().__init__(name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs)
if 'cs' in self.compilers:
raise InvalidArguments('Static libraries not supported for C#.')
if 'rust' in self.compilers:
# If no crate type is specified, or it's the generic lib type, use rlib
if not hasattr(self, 'rust_crate_type') or self.rust_crate_type == 'lib':
mlog.debug('Defaulting Rust static library target crate type to rlib')
self.rust_crate_type = 'rlib'
# Don't let configuration proceed with a non-static crate type
elif self.rust_crate_type not in ['rlib', 'staticlib']:
raise InvalidArguments('Crate type "{0}" invalid for static libraries; must be "rlib" or "staticlib"'.format(self.rust_crate_type))
# By default a static library is named libfoo.a even on Windows because
# MSVC does not have a consistent convention for what static libraries
# are called. The MSVC CRT uses libfoo.lib syntax but nothing else uses
# it and GCC only looks for static libraries called foo.lib and
# libfoo.a. However, we cannot use foo.lib because that's the same as
# the import library. Using libfoo.a is ok because people using MSVC
# always pass the library filename while linking anyway.
if not hasattr(self, 'prefix'):
self.prefix = 'lib'
if not hasattr(self, 'suffix'):
if 'rust' in self.compilers:
if not hasattr(self, 'rust_crate_type') or self.rust_crate_type == 'rlib':
# default Rust static library suffix
self.suffix = 'rlib'
elif self.rust_crate_type == 'staticlib':
self.suffix = 'a'
self.suffix = 'a'
self.filename = self.prefix + + '.' + self.suffix
self.outputs = [self.filename]
def type_suffix(self):
return "@sta"
def check_unknown_kwargs(self, kwargs):
self.check_unknown_kwargs_int(kwargs, known_lib_kwargs)
def process_kwargs(self, kwargs, environment):
super().process_kwargs(kwargs, environment)
if 'rust_crate_type' in kwargs:
rust_crate_type = kwargs['rust_crate_type']
if isinstance(rust_crate_type, str):
self.rust_crate_type = rust_crate_type
raise InvalidArguments('Invalid rust_crate_type "{0}": must be a string.'.format(rust_crate_type))
class SharedLibrary(BuildTarget):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs):
self.soversion = None
self.ltversion = None
self.vs_module_defs = None
# The import library this target will generate
self.import_filename = None
# The import library that Visual Studio would generate (and accept)
self.vs_import_filename = None
# The import library that GCC would generate (and prefer)
self.gcc_import_filename = None
super().__init__(name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs)
if 'rust' in self.compilers:
# If no crate type is specified, or it's the generic lib type, use dylib
if not hasattr(self, 'rust_crate_type') or self.rust_crate_type == 'lib':
mlog.debug('Defaulting Rust dynamic library target crate type to "dylib"')
self.rust_crate_type = 'dylib'
# Don't let configuration proceed with a non-dynamic crate type
elif self.rust_crate_type not in ['dylib', 'cdylib']:
raise InvalidArguments('Crate type "{0}" invalid for dynamic libraries; must be "dylib" or "cdylib"'.format(self.rust_crate_type))
if not hasattr(self, 'prefix'):
self.prefix = None
if not hasattr(self, 'suffix'):
self.suffix = None
self.basic_filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}'
self.determine_filenames(is_cross, environment)
def determine_filenames(self, is_cross, env):
See for details.
First we determine the filename template (self.filename_tpl), then we
set the output filename (self.filename).
The template is needed while creating aliases (self.get_aliases),
which are needed while generating .so shared libraries for Linux.
Besides this, there's also the import library name, which is only used
on Windows since on that platform the linker uses a separate library
called the "import library" during linking instead of the shared
library (DLL). The toolchain will output an import library in one of
two formats: GCC or Visual Studio.
When we're building with Visual Studio, the import library that will be
generated by the toolchain is self.vs_import_filename, and with
MinGW/GCC, it's self.gcc_import_filename. self.import_filename will
always contain the import library name this target will generate.
prefix = ''
suffix = ''
self.filename_tpl = self.basic_filename_tpl
# If the user already provided the prefix and suffix to us, we don't
# need to do any filename suffix/prefix detection.
# NOTE: manual prefix/suffix override is currently only tested for C/C++
if self.prefix is not None and self.suffix is not None:
# C# and Mono
elif 'cs' in self.compilers:
prefix = ''
suffix = 'dll'
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}'
# C, C++, Swift, Vala
# Only Windows uses a separate import library for linking
# For all other targets/platforms import_filename stays None
elif for_windows(is_cross, env):
suffix = 'dll'
self.vs_import_filename = '{0}.lib'.format(
self.gcc_import_filename = 'lib{0}.dll.a'.format(
if self.get_using_msvc():
# Shared library is of the form foo.dll
prefix = ''
# Import library is called foo.lib
self.import_filename = self.vs_import_filename
# Assume GCC-compatible naming
# Shared library is of the form libfoo.dll
prefix = 'lib'
# Import library is called libfoo.dll.a
self.import_filename = self.gcc_import_filename
# Shared library has the soversion if it is defined
if self.soversion:
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}-{0.soversion}.{0.suffix}'
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}'
elif for_cygwin(is_cross, env):
suffix = 'dll'
self.gcc_import_filename = 'lib{0}.dll.a'.format(
# Shared library is of the form cygfoo.dll
# (ld --dll-search-prefix=cyg is the default)
prefix = 'cyg'
# Import library is called libfoo.dll.a
self.import_filename = self.gcc_import_filename
if self.soversion:
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}-{0.soversion}.{0.suffix}'
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}'
elif for_darwin(is_cross, env):
prefix = 'lib'
suffix = 'dylib'
# On macOS, the filename can only contain the major version
if self.soversion:
# libfoo.X.dylib
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.soversion}.{0.suffix}'
# libfoo.dylib
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}'
prefix = 'lib'
suffix = 'so'
if self.ltversion:
#[.Y[.Z]] (.Y and .Z are optional)
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}.{0.ltversion}'
elif self.soversion:
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}.{0.soversion}'
# No versioning,
self.filename_tpl = '{0.prefix}{}.{0.suffix}'
if self.prefix is None:
self.prefix = prefix
if self.suffix is None:
self.suffix = suffix
self.filename = self.filename_tpl.format(self)
self.outputs = [self.filename]
def process_kwargs(self, kwargs, environment):
super().process_kwargs(kwargs, environment)
# Shared library version
if 'version' in kwargs:
self.ltversion = kwargs['version']
if not isinstance(self.ltversion, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Shared library version needs to be a string, not ' + type(self.ltversion).__name__)
if not re.fullmatch(r'[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,2}', self.ltversion):
raise InvalidArguments('Invalid Shared library version "{0}". Must be of the form X.Y.Z where all three are numbers. Y and Z are optional.'.format(self.ltversion))
# Try to extract/deduce the soversion
if 'soversion' in kwargs:
self.soversion = kwargs['soversion']
if isinstance(self.soversion, int):
self.soversion = str(self.soversion)
if not isinstance(self.soversion, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Shared library soversion is not a string or integer.')
elif self.ltversion:
# library version is defined, get the soversion from that
# We replicate what Autotools does here and take the first
# number of the version by default.
self.soversion = self.ltversion.split('.')[0]
# Visual Studio module-definitions file
if 'vs_module_defs' in kwargs:
path = kwargs['vs_module_defs']
if hasattr(path, 'held_object'):
path = path.held_object
if isinstance(path, str):
if os.path.isabs(path):
self.vs_module_defs = File.from_absolute_file(path)
self.vs_module_defs = File.from_source_file(environment.source_dir, self.subdir, path)
elif isinstance(path, File):
# When passing a generated file.
self.vs_module_defs = path
elif hasattr(path, 'get_filename'):
# When passing output of a Custom Target
path = File.from_built_file(path.subdir, path.get_filename())
self.vs_module_defs = path
raise InvalidArguments(
'Shared library vs_module_defs must be either a string, '
'a file object or a Custom Target')
if 'rust_crate_type' in kwargs:
rust_crate_type = kwargs['rust_crate_type']
if isinstance(rust_crate_type, str):
self.rust_crate_type = rust_crate_type
raise InvalidArguments('Invalid rust_crate_type "{0}": must be a string.'.format(rust_crate_type))
def check_unknown_kwargs(self, kwargs):
self.check_unknown_kwargs_int(kwargs, known_lib_kwargs)
def get_import_filename(self):
The name of the import library that will be outputted by the compiler
Returns None if there is no import library required for this platform
return self.import_filename
def get_import_filenameslist(self):
if self.import_filename:
return [self.vs_import_filename, self.gcc_import_filename]
return []
def get_all_link_deps(self):
return [self] + self.get_transitive_link_deps()
def get_aliases(self):
If the versioned library name is, aliases are:
* (soversion) ->
* (unversioned; for linking) ->
Same for dylib:
* libfoo.dylib (unversioned; for linking) -> libfoo.0.dylib
aliases = {}
# Aliases are only useful with .so and .dylib libraries. Also if
# there's no self.soversion (no versioning), we don't need aliases.
if self.suffix not in ('so', 'dylib') or not self.soversion:
return {}
# With .so libraries, the minor and micro versions are also in the
# filename. If ltversion != soversion we create an soversion alias:
# ->
# Where is the actual library
if self.suffix == 'so' and self.ltversion and self.ltversion != self.soversion:
alias_tpl = self.filename_tpl.replace('ltversion', 'soversion')
ltversion_filename = alias_tpl.format(self)
aliases[ltversion_filename] = self.filename
# is the actual library
ltversion_filename = self.filename
# Unversioned alias:
# ->
# libfoo.dylib -> libfoo.0.dylib
aliases[self.basic_filename_tpl.format(self)] = ltversion_filename
return aliases
def type_suffix(self):
return "@sha"
# A shared library that is meant to be used with dlopen rather than linking
# into something else.
class SharedModule(SharedLibrary):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs):
if 'version' in kwargs:
raise MesonException('Shared modules must not specify the version kwarg.')
if 'soversion' in kwargs:
raise MesonException('Shared modules must not specify the soversion kwarg.')
super().__init__(name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs)
self.import_filename = None
class CustomTarget(Target):
known_kwargs = {'input': True,
'output': True,
'command': True,
'capture': False,
'install': True,
'install_dir': True,
'build_always': True,
'depends': True,
'depend_files': True,
'depfile': True,
'build_by_default': True,
'override_options': True,
def __init__(self, name, subdir, kwargs, absolute_paths=False):
super().__init__(name, subdir, False)
self.dependencies = []
self.extra_depends = []
self.depend_files = [] # Files that this target depends on but are not on the command line.
self.depfile = None
self.extra_files = []
# Whether to use absolute paths for all files on the commandline
self.absolute_paths = absolute_paths
unknowns = []
for k in kwargs:
if k not in CustomTarget.known_kwargs:
if len(unknowns) > 0:
mlog.warning('Unknown keyword arguments in target %s: %s' %
(, ', '.join(unknowns)))
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.get_id() < other.get_id()
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "<{0} {1}: {2}>"
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_id(), self.command)
def get_id(self):
return + self.type_suffix()
def get_target_dependencies(self):
deps = self.dependencies[:]
deps += self.extra_depends
for c in self.sources:
if hasattr(c, 'held_object'):
c = c.held_object
if isinstance(c, (BuildTarget, CustomTarget)):
return deps
def flatten_command(self, cmd):
if not isinstance(cmd, list):
cmd = [cmd]
final_cmd = []
for c in cmd:
if hasattr(c, 'held_object'):
c = c.held_object
if isinstance(c, str):
elif isinstance(c, File):
elif isinstance(c, dependencies.ExternalProgram):
if not c.found():
m = 'Tried to use not-found external program {!r} in "command"'
raise InvalidArguments(m.format(
final_cmd += c.get_command()
elif isinstance(c, (BuildTarget, CustomTarget)):
elif isinstance(c, list):
final_cmd += self.flatten_command(c)
raise InvalidArguments('Argument {!r} in "command" is invalid'.format(c))
return final_cmd
def process_kwargs(self, kwargs):
self.sources = kwargs.get('input', [])
self.sources = flatten(self.sources)
if 'output' not in kwargs:
raise InvalidArguments('Missing keyword argument "output".')
self.outputs = kwargs['output']
if not isinstance(self.outputs, list):
self.outputs = [self.outputs]
# This will substitute values from the input into output and return it.
inputs = get_sources_string_names(self.sources)
values = get_filenames_templates_dict(inputs, [])
for i in self.outputs:
if not(isinstance(i, str)):
raise InvalidArguments('Output argument not a string.')
if '/' in i:
raise InvalidArguments('Output must not contain a path segment.')
if '@INPUT@' in i or '@INPUT0@' in i:
m = 'Output cannot contain @INPUT@ or @INPUT0@, did you ' \
raise InvalidArguments(m)
# We already check this during substitution, but the error message
# will be unclear/confusing, so check it here.
if len(inputs) != 1 and ('@PLAINNAME@' in i or '@BASENAME@' in i):
m = "Output cannot contain @PLAINNAME@ or @BASENAME@ when " \
"there is more than one input (we can't know which to use)"
raise InvalidArguments(m)
self.outputs = substitute_values(self.outputs, values)
self.capture = kwargs.get('capture', False)
if self.capture and len(self.outputs) != 1:
raise InvalidArguments('Capturing can only output to a single file.')
if 'command' not in kwargs:
raise InvalidArguments('Missing keyword argument "command".')
if 'depfile' in kwargs:
depfile = kwargs['depfile']
if not isinstance(depfile, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Depfile must be a string.')
if os.path.split(depfile)[1] != depfile:
raise InvalidArguments('Depfile must be a plain filename without a subdirectory.')
self.depfile = depfile
self.command = self.flatten_command(kwargs['command'])
if self.capture:
for c in self.command:
if isinstance(c, str) and '@OUTPUT@' in c:
raise InvalidArguments('@OUTPUT@ is not allowed when capturing output.')
if 'install' in kwargs:
self.install = kwargs['install']
if not isinstance(self.install, bool):
raise InvalidArguments('"install" must be boolean.')
if self.install:
if 'install_dir' not in kwargs:
raise InvalidArguments('"install_dir" must be specified '
'when installing a target')
# If an item in this list is False, the output corresponding to
# the list index of that item will not be installed
self.install_dir = typeslistify(kwargs['install_dir'], (str, bool))
self.install = False
self.install_dir = [None]
self.build_always = kwargs.get('build_always', False)
if not isinstance(self.build_always, bool):
raise InvalidArguments('Argument build_always must be a boolean.')
extra_deps = kwargs.get('depends', [])
if not isinstance(extra_deps, list):
extra_deps = [extra_deps]
for ed in extra_deps:
while hasattr(ed, 'held_object'):
ed = ed.held_object
if not isinstance(ed, (CustomTarget, BuildTarget)):
raise InvalidArguments('Can only depend on toplevel targets: custom_target or build_target (executable or a library)')
depend_files = kwargs.get('depend_files', [])
if not isinstance(depend_files, list):
depend_files = [depend_files]
for i in depend_files:
if isinstance(i, (File, str)):
raise InvalidArguments('Unknown type {!r} in depend_files.'.format(type(i).__name__))
def get_dependencies(self):
return self.dependencies
def should_install(self):
return self.install
def get_custom_install_dir(self):
return self.install_dir
def get_outputs(self):
return self.outputs
def get_filename(self):
return self.outputs[0]
def get_sources(self):
return self.sources
def get_generated_lists(self):
genlists = []
for c in self.sources:
if hasattr(c, 'held_object'):
c = c.held_object
if isinstance(c, GeneratedList):
return genlists
def get_generated_sources(self):
return self.get_generated_lists()
def type_suffix(self):
return "@cus"
class RunTarget(Target):
def __init__(self, name, command, args, dependencies, subdir):
super().__init__(name, subdir, False)
self.command = command
self.args = args
self.dependencies = dependencies
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.get_id() < other.get_id()
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "<{0} {1}: {2}>"
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_id(), self.command)
def get_id(self):
return + self.type_suffix()
def get_dependencies(self):
return self.dependencies
def get_generated_sources(self):
return []
def get_sources(self):
return []
def should_install(self):
return False
def get_filename(self):
def type_suffix(self):
return "@run"
class Jar(BuildTarget):
def __init__(self, name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs):
super().__init__(name, subdir, subproject, is_cross, sources, objects, environment, kwargs)
for s in self.sources:
if not s.endswith('.java'):
raise InvalidArguments('Jar source %s is not a java file.' % s)
self.filename = + '.jar'
self.outputs = [self.filename]
self.java_args = kwargs.get('java_args', [])
def get_main_class(self):
return self.main_class
def type_suffix(self):
return "@jar"
def get_java_args(self):
return self.java_args
def validate_cross_install(self, environment):
# All jar targets are installable.
class ConfigureFile:
def __init__(self, subdir, sourcename, targetname, configuration_data):
self.subdir = subdir
self.sourcename = sourcename
self.targetname = targetname
self.configuration_data = configuration_data
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "<{0}: {1} -> {2}>"
src = os.path.join(self.subdir, self.sourcename)
dst = os.path.join(self.subdir, self.targetname)
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, src, dst)
def get_configuration_data(self):
return self.configuration_data
def get_subdir(self):
return self.subdir
def get_source_name(self):
return self.sourcename
def get_target_name(self):
return self.targetname
class ConfigurationData:
def __init__(self):
self.values = {}
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.values)
def __contains__(self, value):
return value in self.values
def get(self, name):
return self.values[name] # (val, desc)
def keys(self):
return self.values.keys()
# A bit poorly named, but this represents plain data files to copy
# during install.
class Data:
def __init__(self, sources, install_dir, install_mode=None):
self.sources = sources
self.install_dir = install_dir
self.install_mode = install_mode
if not isinstance(self.sources, list):
self.sources = [self.sources]
for s in self.sources:
assert(isinstance(s, File))
class RunScript(dict):
def __init__(self, script, args):
assert(isinstance(script, list))
assert(isinstance(args, list))
self['exe'] = script
self['args'] = args
class TestSetup:
def __init__(self, *, exe_wrapper=None, gdb=None, timeout_multiplier=None, env=None):
self.exe_wrapper = exe_wrapper
self.gdb = gdb
self.timeout_multiplier = timeout_multiplier
self.env = env
def get_sources_string_names(sources):
For the specified list of @sources which can be strings, Files, or targets,
get all the output basenames.
names = []
for s in sources:
if hasattr(s, 'held_object'):
s = s.held_object
if isinstance(s, str):
elif isinstance(s, (BuildTarget, CustomTarget, GeneratedList)):
names += s.get_outputs()
elif isinstance(s, File):
raise AssertionError('Unknown source type: {!r}'.format(s))
return names