The Meson Build System
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project('dep versions', 'c')
# Find external dependency without version
zlib = dependency('zlib')
# Find external dependency with version
zlibver = dependency('zlib', version : '>1.0')
assert(zlib.version() == zlibver.version(), 'zlib versions did not match!')
# Find external dependency with conflicting version
zlibver = dependency('zlib', version : '<1.0', required : false)
assert(zlibver.found() == false, 'zlib <1.0 should not be found!')
# Test
dependency('somebrokenlib', version : '>=2.0', required : false)
dependency('somebrokenlib', version : '>=1.0', required : false)
# Find internal dependency without version
somelibver = dependency('somelib',
fallback : ['somelibnover', 'some_dep'])
# Find an internal dependency again with the same name and a specific version
somelib = dependency('somelib',
version : '== 0.1',
fallback : ['somelib', 'some_dep'])
# Find an internal dependency again with the same name and incompatible version
somelibver = dependency('somelib',
version : '>= 0.3',
fallback : ['somelibver', 'some_dep'])
# Find somelib again, but with a fallback that will fail
somelibfail = dependency('somelib',
version : '>= 0.2',
required : false,
fallback : ['somelibfail', 'some_dep'])
assert(somelibfail.found() == false, 'somelibfail found via wrong fallback')