The Meson Build System
331 lines
13 KiB
331 lines
13 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team |
from __future__ import annotations |
from ..mesonlib import MesonException, OptionKey |
from .. import mlog |
from pathlib import Path |
import typing as T |
from ..environment import Environment |
from ..interpreterbase import TYPE_var |
language_map = { |
'c': 'C', |
'cpp': 'CXX', |
'cuda': 'CUDA', |
'objc': 'OBJC', |
'objcpp': 'OBJCXX', |
'cs': 'CSharp', |
'java': 'Java', |
'fortran': 'Fortran', |
'swift': 'Swift', |
} |
backend_generator_map = { |
'ninja': 'Ninja', |
'xcode': 'Xcode', |
'vs2010': 'Visual Studio 10 2010', |
'vs2012': 'Visual Studio 11 2012', |
'vs2013': 'Visual Studio 12 2013', |
'vs2015': 'Visual Studio 14 2015', |
'vs2017': 'Visual Studio 15 2017', |
'vs2019': 'Visual Studio 16 2019', |
'vs2022': 'Visual Studio 17 2022', |
} |
blacklist_cmake_defs = [ |
] |
def cmake_is_debug(env: 'Environment') -> bool: |
if OptionKey('b_vscrt') in env.coredata.options: |
is_debug = env.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('buildtype')) == 'debug' |
if env.coredata.options[OptionKey('b_vscrt')].value in {'mdd', 'mtd'}: |
is_debug = True |
return is_debug |
else: |
# Don't directly assign to is_debug to make mypy happy |
debug_opt = env.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('debug')) |
assert isinstance(debug_opt, bool) |
return debug_opt |
class CMakeException(MesonException): |
pass |
class CMakeBuildFile: |
def __init__(self, file: Path, is_cmake: bool, is_temp: bool) -> None: |
self.file = file |
self.is_cmake = is_cmake |
self.is_temp = is_temp |
def __repr__(self) -> str: |
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.file}; cmake={self.is_cmake}; temp={self.is_temp}>' |
def _flags_to_list(raw: str) -> T.List[str]: |
# Convert a raw commandline string into a list of strings |
res = [] |
curr = '' |
escape = False |
in_string = False |
for i in raw: |
if escape: |
# If the current char is not a quote, the '\' is probably important |
if i not in ['"', "'"]: |
curr += '\\' |
curr += i |
escape = False |
elif i == '\\': |
escape = True |
elif i in {'"', "'"}: |
in_string = not in_string |
elif i in {' ', '\n'}: |
if in_string: |
curr += i |
else: |
res += [curr] |
curr = '' |
else: |
curr += i |
res += [curr] |
res = [r for r in res if len(r) > 0] |
return res |
def cmake_get_generator_args(env: 'Environment') -> T.List[str]: |
backend_name = env.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('backend')) |
assert isinstance(backend_name, str) |
assert backend_name in backend_generator_map |
return ['-G', backend_generator_map[backend_name]] |
def cmake_defines_to_args(raw: T.List[T.Dict[str, TYPE_var]], permissive: bool = False) -> T.List[str]: |
res: T.List[str] = [] |
for i in raw: |
for key, val in i.items(): |
if key in blacklist_cmake_defs: |
mlog.warning('Setting', mlog.bold(key), 'is not supported. See the meson docs for cross compilation support:') |
mlog.warning(' - URL:') |
mlog.warning(' --> Ignoring this option') |
continue |
if isinstance(val, (str, int, float)): |
res += [f'-D{key}={val}'] |
elif isinstance(val, bool): |
val_str = 'ON' if val else 'OFF' |
res += [f'-D{key}={val_str}'] |
else: |
raise MesonException('Type "{}" of "{}" is not supported as for a CMake define value'.format(type(val).__name__, key)) |
return res |
# TODO: this function will become obsolete once the `cmake_args` kwarg is dropped |
def check_cmake_args(args: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
res: T.List[str] = [] |
dis = ['-D' + x for x in blacklist_cmake_defs] |
assert dis # Ensure that dis is not empty. |
for i in args: |
if any(i.startswith(x) for x in dis): |
mlog.warning('Setting', mlog.bold(i), 'is not supported. See the meson docs for cross compilation support:') |
mlog.warning(' - URL:') |
mlog.warning(' --> Ignoring this option') |
continue |
res += [i] |
return res |
class CMakeInclude: |
def __init__(self, path: Path, isSystem: bool = False): |
self.path = path |
self.isSystem = isSystem |
def __repr__(self) -> str: |
return f'<CMakeInclude: {self.path} -- isSystem = {self.isSystem}>' |
class CMakeFileGroup: |
def __init__(self, data: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None: |
self.defines: str = data.get('defines', '') |
self.flags = _flags_to_list(data.get('compileFlags', '')) |
self.is_generated: bool = data.get('isGenerated', False) |
self.language: str = data.get('language', 'C') |
self.sources = [Path(x) for x in data.get('sources', [])] |
# Fix the include directories |
self.includes: T.List[CMakeInclude] = [] |
for i in data.get('includePath', []): |
if isinstance(i, dict) and 'path' in i: |
isSystem = i.get('isSystem', False) |
assert isinstance(isSystem, bool) |
assert isinstance(i['path'], str) |
self.includes += [CMakeInclude(Path(i['path']), isSystem)] |
elif isinstance(i, str): |
self.includes += [CMakeInclude(Path(i))] |
def log(self) -> None: |
mlog.log('flags =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.flags))) |
mlog.log('defines =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.defines))) |
mlog.log('includes =', mlog.bold(', '.join([str(x) for x in self.includes]))) |
mlog.log('is_generated =', mlog.bold('true' if self.is_generated else 'false')) |
mlog.log('language =', mlog.bold(self.language)) |
mlog.log('sources:') |
for i in self.sources: |
with mlog.nested(): |
mlog.log(i.as_posix()) |
class CMakeTarget: |
def __init__(self, data: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None: |
self.artifacts = [Path(x) for x in data.get('artifacts', [])] |
self.src_dir = Path(data.get('sourceDirectory', '')) |
self.build_dir = Path(data.get('buildDirectory', '')) |
| str = data.get('name', '') |
self.full_name: str = data.get('fullName', '') |
self.install: bool = data.get('hasInstallRule', False) |
self.install_paths = [Path(x) for x in set(data.get('installPaths', []))] |
self.link_lang: str = data.get('linkerLanguage', '') |
self.link_libraries = _flags_to_list(data.get('linkLibraries', '')) |
self.link_flags = _flags_to_list(data.get('linkFlags', '')) |
self.link_lang_flags = _flags_to_list(data.get('linkLanguageFlags', '')) |
# self.link_path = Path(data.get('linkPath', '')) |
self.type: str = data.get('type', 'EXECUTABLE') |
# self.is_generator_provided: bool = data.get('isGeneratorProvided', False) |
self.files: T.List[CMakeFileGroup] = [] |
for i in data.get('fileGroups', []): |
self.files += [CMakeFileGroup(i)] |
def log(self) -> None: |
mlog.log('artifacts =', mlog.bold(', '.join([x.as_posix() for x in self.artifacts]))) |
mlog.log('src_dir =', mlog.bold(self.src_dir.as_posix())) |
mlog.log('build_dir =', mlog.bold(self.build_dir.as_posix())) |
mlog.log('name =', mlog.bold( |
mlog.log('full_name =', mlog.bold(self.full_name)) |
mlog.log('install =', mlog.bold('true' if self.install else 'false')) |
mlog.log('install_paths =', mlog.bold(', '.join([x.as_posix() for x in self.install_paths]))) |
mlog.log('link_lang =', mlog.bold(self.link_lang)) |
mlog.log('link_libraries =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.link_libraries))) |
mlog.log('link_flags =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.link_flags))) |
mlog.log('link_lang_flags =', mlog.bold(', '.join(self.link_lang_flags))) |
# mlog.log('link_path =', mlog.bold(self.link_path)) |
mlog.log('type =', mlog.bold(self.type)) |
# mlog.log('is_generator_provided =', mlog.bold('true' if self.is_generator_provided else 'false')) |
for idx, i in enumerate(self.files): |
mlog.log(f'Files {idx}:') |
with mlog.nested(): |
i.log() |
class CMakeProject: |
def __init__(self, data: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None: |
self.src_dir = Path(data.get('sourceDirectory', '')) |
self.build_dir = Path(data.get('buildDirectory', '')) |
| str = data.get('name', '') |
self.targets: T.List[CMakeTarget] = [] |
for i in data.get('targets', []): |
self.targets += [CMakeTarget(i)] |
def log(self) -> None: |
mlog.log('src_dir =', mlog.bold(self.src_dir.as_posix())) |
mlog.log('build_dir =', mlog.bold(self.build_dir.as_posix())) |
mlog.log('name =', mlog.bold( |
for idx, i in enumerate(self.targets): |
mlog.log(f'Target {idx}:') |
with mlog.nested(): |
i.log() |
class CMakeConfiguration: |
def __init__(self, data: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None: |
| str = data.get('name', '') |
self.projects: T.List[CMakeProject] = [] |
for i in data.get('projects', []): |
self.projects += [CMakeProject(i)] |
def log(self) -> None: |
mlog.log('name =', mlog.bold( |
for idx, i in enumerate(self.projects): |
mlog.log(f'Project {idx}:') |
with mlog.nested(): |
i.log() |
class SingleTargetOptions: |
def __init__(self) -> None: |
self.opts: T.Dict[str, str] = {} |
self.lang_args: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]] = {} |
self.link_args: T.List[str] = [] |
self.install = 'preserve' |
def set_opt(self, opt: str, val: str) -> None: |
self.opts[opt] = val |
def append_args(self, lang: str, args: T.List[str]) -> None: |
if lang not in self.lang_args: |
self.lang_args[lang] = [] |
self.lang_args[lang] += args |
def append_link_args(self, args: T.List[str]) -> None: |
self.link_args += args |
def set_install(self, install: bool) -> None: |
self.install = 'true' if install else 'false' |
def get_override_options(self, initial: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
res: T.List[str] = [] |
for i in initial: |
opt = i[:i.find('=')] |
if opt not in self.opts: |
res += [i] |
res += [f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self.opts.items()] |
return res |
def get_compile_args(self, lang: str, initial: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
if lang in self.lang_args: |
return initial + self.lang_args[lang] |
return initial |
def get_link_args(self, initial: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
return initial + self.link_args |
def get_install(self, initial: bool) -> bool: |
return {'preserve': initial, 'true': True, 'false': False}[self.install] |
class TargetOptions: |
def __init__(self) -> None: |
self.global_options = SingleTargetOptions() |
self.target_options: T.Dict[str, SingleTargetOptions] = {} |
def __getitem__(self, tgt: str) -> SingleTargetOptions: |
if tgt not in self.target_options: |
self.target_options[tgt] = SingleTargetOptions() |
return self.target_options[tgt] |
def get_override_options(self, tgt: str, initial: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
initial = self.global_options.get_override_options(initial) |
if tgt in self.target_options: |
initial = self.target_options[tgt].get_override_options(initial) |
return initial |
def get_compile_args(self, tgt: str, lang: str, initial: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
initial = self.global_options.get_compile_args(lang, initial) |
if tgt in self.target_options: |
initial = self.target_options[tgt].get_compile_args(lang, initial) |
return initial |
def get_link_args(self, tgt: str, initial: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]: |
initial = self.global_options.get_link_args(initial) |
if tgt in self.target_options: |
initial = self.target_options[tgt].get_link_args(initial) |
return initial |
def get_install(self, tgt: str, initial: bool) -> bool: |
initial = self.global_options.get_install(initial) |
if tgt in self.target_options: |
initial = self.target_options[tgt].get_install(initial) |
return initial