The Meson Build System
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# Copyright 2012-2017 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os.path, subprocess
from ..mesonlib import EnvironmentException, version_compare, is_windows, is_osx
from .compilers import (
d_feature_args = {'gcc': {'unittest': '-funittest',
'version': '-fversion',
'import_dir': '-J'
'llvm': {'unittest': '-unittest',
'version': '-d-version',
'import_dir': '-J'
'dmd': {'unittest': '-unittest',
'version': '-version',
'import_dir': '-J'
ldc_optimization_args = {'0': [],
'g': [],
'1': ['-O1'],
'2': ['-O2'],
'3': ['-O3'],
's': ['-Os'],
dmd_optimization_args = {'0': [],
'g': [],
'1': ['-O'],
'2': ['-O'],
'3': ['-O'],
's': ['-O'],
class DCompiler(Compiler):
mscrt_args = {
'none': ['-mscrtlib='],
'md': ['-mscrtlib=msvcrt'],
'mdd': ['-mscrtlib=msvcrtd'],
'mt': ['-mscrtlib=libcmt'],
'mtd': ['-mscrtlib=libcmtd'],
def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs):
self.language = 'd'
super().__init__(exelist, version, **kwargs) = 'unknown'
self.is_cross = is_cross
self.is_64 = is_64
def sanity_check(self, work_dir, environment):
source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanity.d')
output_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'dtest')
with open(source_name, 'w') as ofile:
ofile.write('''void main() { }''')
pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + self.get_output_args(output_name) + self.get_target_arch_args() + [source_name], cwd=work_dir)
if pc.returncode != 0:
raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string())
if != 0:
raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by D compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string())
def needs_static_linker(self):
return True
def name_string(self):
return ' '.join(self.exelist)
def get_exelist(self):
return self.exelist
def get_linker_exelist(self):
return self.exelist[:]
def get_preprocess_only_args(self):
return ['-E']
def get_compile_only_args(self):
return ['-c']
def depfile_for_object(self, objfile):
return objfile + '.' + self.get_depfile_suffix()
def get_depfile_suffix(self):
return 'deps'
def get_pic_args(self):
if is_windows():
return []
return ['-fPIC']
def get_std_shared_lib_link_args(self):
return ['-shared']
def get_soname_args(self, prefix, shlib_name, suffix, soversion, is_shared_module):
# FIXME: Make this work for cross-compiling
gcc_type = GCC_STANDARD
if is_windows():
gcc_type = GCC_CYGWIN
if is_osx():
gcc_type = GCC_OSX
return get_gcc_soname_args(gcc_type, prefix, shlib_name, suffix, soversion, is_shared_module)
def get_feature_args(self, kwargs, build_to_src):
res = []
if 'unittest' in kwargs:
unittest = kwargs.pop('unittest')
unittest_arg = d_feature_args[]['unittest']
if not unittest_arg:
raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "unittest" feature.' % self.name_string())
if unittest:
if 'versions' in kwargs:
versions = kwargs.pop('versions')
if not isinstance(versions, list):
versions = [versions]
version_arg = d_feature_args[]['version']
if not version_arg:
raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "feature versions" feature.' % self.name_string())
for v in versions:
res.append('{0}={1}'.format(version_arg, v))
if 'import_dirs' in kwargs:
import_dirs = kwargs.pop('import_dirs')
if not isinstance(import_dirs, list):
import_dirs = [import_dirs]
import_dir_arg = d_feature_args[]['import_dir']
if not import_dir_arg:
raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "string import directories" feature.' % self.name_string())
for idir_obj in import_dirs:
basedir = idir_obj.get_curdir()
for idir in idir_obj.get_incdirs():
# Avoid superfluous '/.' at the end of paths when d is '.'
if idir not in ('', '.'):
expdir = os.path.join(basedir, idir)
expdir = basedir
srctreedir = os.path.join(build_to_src, expdir)
res.append('{0}{1}'.format(import_dir_arg, srctreedir))
if kwargs:
raise EnvironmentException('Unknown D compiler feature(s) selected: %s' % ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
return res
def get_buildtype_linker_args(self, buildtype):
if buildtype != 'plain':
return self.get_target_arch_args()
return []
def get_std_exe_link_args(self):
return []
def gen_import_library_args(self, implibname):
return ['-Wl,--out-implib=' + implibname]
def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, from_dir, rpath_paths, build_rpath, install_rpath):
if is_windows():
return []
# This method is to be used by LDC and DMD.
# GDC can deal with the verbatim flags.
if not rpath_paths and not install_rpath:
return []
paths = ':'.join([os.path.join(build_dir, p) for p in rpath_paths])
if build_rpath != '':
paths += ':' + build_rpath
if len(paths) < len(install_rpath):
padding = 'X' * (len(install_rpath) - len(paths))
if not paths:
paths = padding
paths = paths + ':' + padding
return ['-L-rpath={}'.format(paths)]
def _get_compiler_check_args(self, env, extra_args, dependencies, mode='compile'):
if extra_args is None:
extra_args = []
elif isinstance(extra_args, str):
extra_args = [extra_args]
if dependencies is None:
dependencies = []
elif not isinstance(dependencies, list):
dependencies = [dependencies]
# Collect compiler arguments
args = CompilerArgs(self)
for d in dependencies:
# Add compile flags needed by dependencies
args += d.get_compile_args()
if mode == 'link':
# Add link flags needed to find dependencies
args += d.get_link_args()
if mode == 'compile':
# Add DFLAGS from the env
args += env.coredata.get_external_args(self.language)
elif mode == 'link':
# Add LDFLAGS from the env
args += env.coredata.get_external_link_args(self.language)
# extra_args must override all other arguments, so we add them last
args += extra_args
return args
def compiles(self, code, env, extra_args=None, dependencies=None, mode='compile'):
args = self._get_compiler_check_args(env, extra_args, dependencies, mode)
with self.compile(code, args, mode) as p:
return p.returncode == 0
def has_multi_arguments(self, args, env):
return self.compiles('int i;\n', env, extra_args=args)
def get_target_arch_args(self):
# LDC2 on Windows targets to current OS architecture, but
# it should follow the target specified by the MSVC toolchain.
if is_windows():
if self.is_64:
return ['-m64']
return ['-m32']
return []
def translate_args_to_nongnu(cls, args):
dcargs = []
# Translate common arguments to flags the LDC/DMD compilers
# can understand.
# The flags might have been added by pkg-config files,
# and are therefore out of the user's control.
for arg in args:
if arg == '-pthread':
if arg.startswith('-Wl,'):
linkargs = arg[arg.index(',') + 1:].split(',')
for la in linkargs:
if la.startswith('--out-implib='):
# Import library name for MSVC targets
dcargs.append('-L/IMPLIB:' + la[13:].strip())
dcargs.append('-L' + la.strip())
elif arg.startswith('-install_name'):
dcargs.append('-L' + arg)
elif arg.startswith('-link-defaultlib') or arg.startswith('-linker'):
# these are special arguments to the LDC linker call,
# arguments like "-link-defaultlib-shared" do *not*
# denote a library to be linked, but change the default
# Phobos/DRuntime linking behavior, while "-linker" sets the
# default linker.
elif arg.startswith('-l'):
# translate library link flag
dcargs.append('-L' + arg)
elif arg.startswith('-L/') or arg.startswith('-L./'):
# we need to handle cases where -L is set by e.g. a pkg-config
# setting to select a linker search path. We can however not
# unconditionally prefix '-L' with '-L' because the user might
# have set this flag too to do what it is intended to for this
# compiler (pass flag through to the linker)
# Hence, we guess here whether the flag was intended to pass
# a linker search path.
dcargs.append('-L' + arg)
elif arg.startswith('/') or arg.startswith('./'):
# absolute (or relative) paths passed to the linker may be static libraries
# or other objects that we need to link.
dcargs.append('-L' + arg)
elif arg.startswith('-mscrtlib='):
mscrtlib = arg[10:].lower()
if cls is LLVMDCompiler:
# Default crt libraries for LDC2 must be excluded for other
# selected crt options.
if mscrtlib != 'libcmt':
# Fixes missing definitions for printf-functions in VS2017
if mscrtlib.startswith('msvcrt'):
return dcargs
def get_debug_args(self, is_debug):
return clike_debug_args[is_debug]
def get_crt_args(self, crt_val, buildtype):
if not is_windows():
return []
if crt_val in self.mscrt_args:
return self.mscrt_args[crt_val]
assert(crt_val == 'from_buildtype')
# Match what build type flags used to do.
if buildtype == 'plain':
return []
elif buildtype == 'debug':
return self.mscrt_args['mdd']
elif buildtype == 'debugoptimized':
return self.mscrt_args['md']
elif buildtype == 'release':
return self.mscrt_args['md']
elif buildtype == 'minsize':
return self.mscrt_args['md']
assert(buildtype == 'custom')
raise EnvironmentException('Requested C runtime based on buildtype, but buildtype is "custom".')
def get_crt_compile_args(self, crt_val, buildtype):
return []
def get_crt_link_args(self, crt_val, buildtype):
return []
class GnuDCompiler(DCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs):
DCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs) = 'gcc'
default_warn_args = ['-Wall', '-Wdeprecated']
self.warn_args = {'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra'],
'3': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra', '-Wpedantic']}
self.base_options = ['b_colorout', 'b_sanitize', 'b_staticpic', 'b_vscrt']
self._has_color_support = version_compare(self.version, '>=4.9')
# dependencies were implemented before, but broken - support was fixed in GCC 7.1+
# (and some backported versions)
self._has_deps_support = version_compare(self.version, '>=7.1')
def get_colorout_args(self, colortype):
if self._has_color_support:
return gnu_color_args[colortype][:]
return []
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget, outfile):
if not self._has_deps_support:
return []
return ['-MD', '-MQ', outtarget, '-MF', outfile]
def get_output_args(self, target):
return ['-o', target]
def get_linker_output_args(self, target):
return ['-o', target]
def get_include_args(self, path, is_system):
return ['-I' + path]
def get_warn_args(self, level):
return self.warn_args[level]
def get_werror_args(self):
return ['-Werror']
def get_linker_search_args(self, dirname):
return ['-L' + dirname]
def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype):
return d_gdc_buildtype_args[buildtype]
def build_rpath_args(self, build_dir, from_dir, rpath_paths, build_rpath, install_rpath):
return self.build_unix_rpath_args(build_dir, from_dir, rpath_paths, build_rpath, install_rpath)
def get_optimization_args(self, optimization_level):
return gnu_optimization_args[optimization_level]
class LLVMDCompiler(DCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs):
DCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs) = 'llvm'
self.base_options = ['b_coverage', 'b_colorout', 'b_vscrt']
def get_colorout_args(self, colortype):
if colortype == 'always':
return ['-enable-color']
return []
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget, outfile):
# LDC using the -deps flag returns a non-Makefile dependency-info file, which
# the backends can not use. So we disable this feature for now.
return []
def get_output_args(self, target):
return ['-of', target]
def get_linker_output_args(self, target):
return ['-of', target]
def get_include_args(self, path, is_system):
return ['-I' + path]
def get_warn_args(self, level):
if level == '2' or level == '3':
return ['-wi', '-dw']
return ['-wi']
def get_werror_args(self):
return ['-w']
def get_coverage_args(self):
return ['-cov']
def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype):
if buildtype != 'plain':
return self.get_target_arch_args() + d_ldc_buildtype_args[buildtype]
return d_ldc_buildtype_args[buildtype]
def get_pic_args(self):
return ['-relocation-model=pic']
def get_linker_search_args(self, dirname):
# -L is recognized as "add this to the search path" by the linker,
# while the compiler recognizes it as "pass to linker". So, the first
# -L is for the compiler, telling it to pass the second -L to the linker.
return ['-L-L' + dirname]
def get_crt_link_args(self, crt_val, buildtype):
return self.get_crt_args(crt_val, buildtype)
def unix_args_to_native(cls, args):
return cls.translate_args_to_nongnu(args)
def get_optimization_args(self, optimization_level):
return ldc_optimization_args[optimization_level]
class DmdDCompiler(DCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs):
DCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, is_cross, is_64, **kwargs) = 'dmd'
self.base_options = ['b_coverage', 'b_colorout', 'b_vscrt']
self.is_msvc = 'VCINSTALLDIR' in os.environ
def get_colorout_args(self, colortype):
if colortype == 'always':
return ['-color=on']
return []
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget, outfile):
# LDC using the -deps flag returns a non-Makefile dependency-info file, which
# the backends can not use. So we disable this feature for now.
return []
def get_output_args(self, target):
return ['-of' + target]
def get_werror_args(self):
return ['-w']
def get_linker_output_args(self, target):
return ['-of' + target]
def get_include_args(self, path, is_system):
return ['-I' + path]
def get_warn_args(self, level):
return ['-wi']
def get_coverage_args(self):
return ['-cov']
def get_linker_search_args(self, dirname):
# -L is recognized as "add this to the search path" by the linker,
# while the compiler recognizes it as "pass to linker". So, the first
# -L is for the compiler, telling it to pass the second -L to the linker.
return ['-L-L' + dirname]
def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype):
if buildtype != 'plain':
return self.get_target_arch_args() + d_dmd_buildtype_args[buildtype]
return d_dmd_buildtype_args[buildtype]
def get_std_shared_lib_link_args(self):
return ['-shared', '']
def get_target_arch_args(self):
# DMD32 and DMD64 on 64-bit Windows defaults to 32-bit (OMF).
# Force the target to 64-bit in order to stay consistent
# across the different platforms.
if is_windows():
if self.is_64:
return ['-m64']
elif self.is_msvc:
return ['-m32mscoff']
return ['-m32']
return []
def get_crt_compile_args(self, crt_val, buildtype):
return self.get_crt_args(crt_val, buildtype)
def unix_args_to_native(cls, args):
return cls.translate_args_to_nongnu(args)
def get_optimization_args(self, optimization_level):
return dmd_optimization_args[optimization_level]