The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2019 The Meson development team
# This file contains the base representation for import('modname')
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
import typing as T
from .. import build, mesonlib
from ..options import OptionKey
from import IncludeDirs
from ..interpreterbase.decorators import noKwargs, noPosargs
from ..mesonlib import relpath, HoldableObject, MachineChoice
from ..programs import ExternalProgram
from ..interpreter import Interpreter
from ..interpreter.interpreter import ProgramVersionFunc
from ..interpreterbase import TYPE_var, TYPE_kwargs
from ..programs import OverrideProgram
from ..dependencies import Dependency
class ModuleState:
"""Object passed to all module methods.
This is a WIP API provided to modules, it should be extended to have everything
needed so modules does not touch any other part of Meson internal APIs.
def __init__(self, interpreter: 'Interpreter') -> None:
# Keep it private, it should be accessed only through methods.
self._interpreter = interpreter
self.source_root = interpreter.environment.get_source_dir()
self.build_to_src = relpath(interpreter.environment.get_source_dir(),
self.subproject = interpreter.subproject
self.subdir = interpreter.subdir
self.root_subdir = interpreter.root_subdir
self.current_lineno = interpreter.current_lineno
self.environment = interpreter.environment
self.project_name =
self.project_version =[interpreter.active_projectname].version
# The backend object is under-used right now, but we will need it:
self.backend = interpreter.backend
self.targets = =
self.headers = =
self.global_args =
self.project_args =, {})
self.current_node = interpreter.current_node
def get_include_args(self, include_dirs: T.Iterable[T.Union[str, build.IncludeDirs]], prefix: str = '-I') -> T.List[str]:
if not include_dirs:
return []
srcdir = self.environment.get_source_dir()
builddir = self.environment.get_build_dir()
dirs_str: T.List[str] = []
for dirs in include_dirs:
if isinstance(dirs, str):
dirs_str += [f'{prefix}{dirs}']
dirs_str.extend([f'{prefix}{i}' for i in dirs.to_string_list(srcdir, builddir)])
dirs_str.extend([f'{prefix}{i}' for i in dirs.get_extra_build_dirs()])
return dirs_str
def find_program(self, prog: T.Union[mesonlib.FileOrString, T.List[mesonlib.FileOrString]],
required: bool = True,
version_func: T.Optional[ProgramVersionFunc] = None,
wanted: T.Union[str, T.List[str]] = '', silent: bool = False,
for_machine: MachineChoice = MachineChoice.HOST) -> T.Union[ExternalProgram, build.Executable, OverrideProgram]:
if not isinstance(prog, list):
prog = [prog]
return self._interpreter.find_program_impl(prog, required=required, version_func=version_func,
wanted=wanted, silent=silent, for_machine=for_machine)
def find_tool(self, name: str, depname: str, varname: str, required: bool = True,
wanted: T.Optional[str] = None) -> T.Union['build.Executable', ExternalProgram, 'OverrideProgram']:
# Look in overrides in case it's built as subproject
progobj = self._interpreter.program_from_overrides([name], [])
if progobj is not None:
return progobj
# Look in machine file
prog_list = self.environment.lookup_binary_entry(MachineChoice.HOST, name)
if prog_list is not None:
return ExternalProgram.from_entry(name, prog_list)
# Check if pkgconfig has a variable
dep = self.dependency(depname, native=True, required=False, wanted=wanted)
if dep.found() and dep.type_name == 'pkgconfig':
value = dep.get_variable(pkgconfig=varname)
if value:
progobj = ExternalProgram(value)
if not progobj.found():
msg = (f'Dependency {depname!r} tool variable {varname!r} contains erroneous value: {value!r}\n\n'
f'This is a distributor issue -- please report it to your {depname} provider.')
raise mesonlib.MesonException(msg)
return progobj
# Normal program lookup
return self.find_program(name, required=required, wanted=wanted)
def dependency(self, depname: str, native: bool = False, required: bool = True,
wanted: T.Optional[str] = None) -> 'Dependency':
kwargs: T.Dict[str, object] = {'native': native, 'required': required}
if wanted:
kwargs['version'] = wanted
# FIXME: Even if we fix the function, mypy still can't figure out what's
# going on here. And we really dont want to call interpreter
# implementations of meson functions anyway.
return self._interpreter.func_dependency(self.current_node, [depname], kwargs) # type: ignore
def test(self, args: T.Tuple[str, T.Union[build.Executable, build.Jar, 'ExternalProgram', mesonlib.File]],
workdir: T.Optional[str] = None,
env: T.Union[T.List[str], T.Dict[str, str], str] = None,
depends: T.List[T.Union[build.CustomTarget, build.BuildTarget]] = None) -> None:
kwargs = {'workdir': workdir,
'env': env,
'depends': depends,
# typed_* takes a list, and gives a tuple to func_test. Violating that constraint
# makes the universe (or at least use of this function) implode
real_args = list(args)
# TODO: Use interpreter internal API, but we need to go through @typed_kwargs
self._interpreter.func_test(self.current_node, real_args, kwargs)
def get_option(self, name: str, subproject: str = '',
machine: MachineChoice = MachineChoice.HOST,
lang: T.Optional[str] = None,
module: T.Optional[str] = None) -> T.Union[T.List[str], str, int, bool]:
return self.environment.coredata.get_option(OptionKey(name, subproject, machine, lang, module))
def is_user_defined_option(self, name: str, subproject: str = '',
machine: MachineChoice = MachineChoice.HOST,
lang: T.Optional[str] = None,
module: T.Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
key = OptionKey(name, subproject, machine, lang, module)
return key in self._interpreter.user_defined_options.cmd_line_options
def process_include_dirs(self, dirs: T.Iterable[T.Union[str, IncludeDirs]]) -> T.Iterable[IncludeDirs]:
"""Convert raw include directory arguments to only IncludeDirs
:param dirs: An iterable of strings and IncludeDirs
:return: None
:yield: IncludeDirs objects
for d in dirs:
if isinstance(d, IncludeDirs):
yield d
yield self._interpreter.build_incdir_object([d])
def add_language(self, lang: str, for_machine: MachineChoice) -> None:
self._interpreter.add_languages([lang], True, for_machine)
class ModuleObject(HoldableObject):
"""Base class for all objects returned by modules
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.methods: T.Dict[
T.Callable[[ModuleState, T.List['TYPE_var'], 'TYPE_kwargs'], T.Union[ModuleReturnValue, 'TYPE_var']]
] = {}
class MutableModuleObject(ModuleObject):
class ModuleInfo:
"""Metadata about a Module."""
name: str
added: T.Optional[str] = None
deprecated: T.Optional[str] = None
unstable: bool = False
stabilized: T.Optional[str] = None
class NewExtensionModule(ModuleObject):
"""Class for modern modules
provides the found method.
INFO: ModuleInfo
def __init__(self) -> None:
'found': self.found_method,
def found_method(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.List['TYPE_var'], kwargs: 'TYPE_kwargs') -> bool:
return self.found()
def found() -> bool:
return True
def postconf_hook(self, b: build.Build) -> None:
# FIXME: Port all modules to stop using self.interpreter and use API on
# ModuleState instead. Modules should stop using this class and instead use
# ModuleObject base class.
class ExtensionModule(NewExtensionModule):
def __init__(self, interpreter: 'Interpreter') -> None:
self.interpreter = interpreter
class NotFoundExtensionModule(NewExtensionModule):
"""Class for modern modules
provides the found method.
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
self.INFO = ModuleInfo(name)
def found() -> bool:
return False
def is_module_library(fname: mesonlib.FileOrString) -> bool:
Check if the file is a library-like file generated by a module-specific
target, such as GirTarget or TypelibTarget
suffix = fname.split('.')[-1]
return suffix in {'gir', 'typelib'}
class ModuleReturnValue:
def __init__(self, return_value: T.Optional['TYPE_var'],
new_objects: T.Sequence[T.Union['TYPE_var', 'mesonlib.ExecutableSerialisation']]) -> None:
self.return_value = return_value
assert isinstance(new_objects, list)
self.new_objects: T.List[T.Union['TYPE_var', 'mesonlib.ExecutableSerialisation']] = new_objects
class GResourceTarget(build.CustomTarget):
source_dirs: T.List[str] = []
class GResourceHeaderTarget(build.CustomTarget):
class GirTarget(build.CustomTarget):
class TypelibTarget(build.CustomTarget):
class VapiTarget(build.CustomTarget):