The Meson Build System
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2017 The Meson development team
from __future__ import annotations
import typing as T
from .. import mesonlib, mlog
from .. import build
from ..compilers import Compiler
from ..interpreter.type_checking import BT_SOURCES_KW, STATIC_LIB_KWS
from ..interpreterbase.decorators import KwargInfo, permittedKwargs, typed_pos_args, typed_kwargs
from . import ExtensionModule, ModuleInfo
from . import ModuleState
from ..interpreter import Interpreter, kwargs as kwtypes
from ..interpreter.type_checking import SourcesVarargsType
class CheckKw(kwtypes.StaticLibrary):
compiler: Compiler
mmx: SourcesVarargsType
sse: SourcesVarargsType
sse2: SourcesVarargsType
sse3: SourcesVarargsType
ssse3: SourcesVarargsType
sse41: SourcesVarargsType
sse42: SourcesVarargsType
avx: SourcesVarargsType
avx2: SourcesVarargsType
neon: SourcesVarargsType
# FIXME add Altivec and AVX512.
class SimdModule(ExtensionModule):
INFO = ModuleInfo('SIMD', '0.42.0', unstable=True)
def __init__(self, interpreter: Interpreter):
'check': self.check,
@typed_pos_args('simd.check', str)
KwargInfo('compiler', Compiler, required=True),
*[BT_SOURCES_KW.evolve(name=iset, default=None) for iset in ISETS],
*[a for a in STATIC_LIB_KWS if != 'sources'],
allow_unknown=True) # Because we also accept STATIC_LIB_KWS, but build targets have not been completely ported to typed_pos_args/typed_kwargs.
@permittedKwargs({'compiler', *ISETS, *build.known_stlib_kwargs}) # Also remove this, per above comment
def check(self, state: ModuleState, args: T.Tuple[str], kwargs: CheckKw) -> T.List[T.Union[T.List[build.StaticLibrary], build.ConfigurationData]]:
result: T.List[build.StaticLibrary] = []
if 'sources' in kwargs:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('SIMD module does not support the "sources" keyword')
local_kwargs = set((*ISETS, 'compiler'))
static_lib_kwargs = T.cast('kwtypes.StaticLibrary', {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in local_kwargs})
prefix = args[0]
compiler = kwargs['compiler']
conf = build.ConfigurationData()
for iset in ISETS:
sources = kwargs[iset]
if sources is None:
compile_args = compiler.get_instruction_set_args(iset)
if compile_args is None:
mlog.log(f'Compiler supports {iset}:','NO'))
if not compiler.has_multi_arguments(compile_args, state.environment)[0]:
mlog.log(f'Compiler supports {iset}:','NO'))
mlog.log(f'Compiler supports {iset}:','YES'))
conf.values['HAVE_' + iset.upper()] = ('1', f'Compiler supports {iset}.')
libname = prefix + '_' + iset
lib_kwargs = static_lib_kwargs.copy()
lib_kwargs['sources'] = sources
# Add compile args we derived above to those the user provided us
langarg_key = compiler.get_language() + '_args'
old_lang_args = mesonlib.extract_as_list(lib_kwargs, langarg_key)
all_lang_args = old_lang_args + compile_args
lib_kwargs[langarg_key] = all_lang_args
lib = self.interpreter.build_target(state.current_node, (libname, []), lib_kwargs, build.StaticLibrary)
return [result, conf]
def initialize(interp: Interpreter) -> SimdModule:
return SimdModule(interp)