The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
3.9 KiB

from pathlib import Path
from json import loads
import re
from hotdoc.core.exceptions import HotdocSourceException
from hotdoc.core.extension import Extension
from hotdoc.core.tree import Page
from hotdoc.core.project import Project
from hotdoc.run_hotdoc import Application
from hotdoc.core.formatter import Formatter
from hotdoc.utils.loggable import Logger, warn, info
import typing as T
import argparse
Logger.register_warning_code('unknown-refman-link', HotdocSourceException, 'refman-links')
class RefmanLinksExtension(Extension):
extension_name = 'refman-links'
argument_prefix = 'refman'
def __init__(self, app: Application, project: Project):
self.project: Project
super().__init__(app, project)
self._data_file: T.Optional[Path] = None
self._data: T.Dict[str, str] = {}
def add_arguments(parser: 'argparse.ArgumentParser'):
group = parser.add_argument_group(
'Refman links',
'Custom Meson extension',
# Add Arguments with `group.add_argument(...)`
help="JSON file with the mappings to replace",
def parse_config(self, config: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
self._data_file = config.get('refman_data_file')
def _formatting_page_cb(self, formatter: Formatter, page: Page) -> None:
''' Replace Meson refman tags
Links of the form [[function]] are automatically replaced
with valid links to the correct URL. To reference objects / types use the
[[@object]] syntax.
link_regex = re.compile(r'(\[\[#?@?([ \n\t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[ \n\t]*\.)*[ \n\t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[ \n\t]*\]\])(.)?', re.MULTILINE)
for m in link_regex.finditer(page.formatted_contents):
i =
obj_id: str = i[2:-2]
obj_id = re.sub(r'[ \n\t]', '', obj_id) # Remove whitespaces
# Marked as inside a code block?
in_code_block = False
if obj_id.startswith('#'):
in_code_block = True
obj_id = obj_id[1:]
if obj_id not in self._data:
warn('unknown-refman-link', f'{Path(}: Unknown Meson refman link: "{obj_id}"')
# Just replaces [[!]] paths with the page file (no fancy HTML)
if obj_id.startswith('!'):
page.formatted_contents = page.formatted_contents.replace(i, self._data[obj_id])
# Fancy links for functions and methods
text = obj_id
if text.startswith('@'):
text = text[1:]
elif in_code_block:
if != '(':
text = text + '()'
text = text + '()'
if not in_code_block:
text = f'<code>{text}</code>'
link = f'<a href="{self._data[obj_id]}"><ins>{text}</ins></a>'
page.formatted_contents = page.formatted_contents.replace(i, link, 1)
def setup(self) -> None:
if not self._data_file:
info('Meson refman extension DISABLED')
raw = Path(self._data_file).read_text(encoding='utf-8')
self._data = loads(raw)
# Register formatter
for ext in self.project.extensions.values():
ext = T.cast(Extension, ext)
info('Meson refman extension LOADED')
def get_dependencies() -> T.List[T.Type[Extension]]:
return [] # In case this extension has dependencies on other extensions
def get_extension_classes() -> T.List[T.Type[Extension]]:
return [RefmanLinksExtension]