project('get define', 'c', 'cpp') host_system = host_machine.system() foreach lang : ['c', 'cpp'] cc = meson.get_compiler(lang) if host_system == 'linux' d = cc.get_define('__linux__') assert(d == '1', '__linux__ value is @0@ instead of 1'.format(d)) elif host_system == 'darwin' d = cc.get_define('__APPLE__') assert(d == '1', '__APPLE__ value is @0@ instead of 1'.format(d)) elif host_system == 'windows' d = cc.get_define('_WIN32') assert(d == '1', '_WIN32 value is @0@ instead of 1'.format(d)) elif host_system == 'cygwin' d = cc.get_define('__CYGWIN__') assert(d == '1', '__CYGWIN__ value is @0@ instead of 1'.format(d)) else error('Please report a bug and help us improve support for this platform') endif # Check that an undefined value is empty. have = cc.get_define('MESON_FAIL_VALUE') assert(have == '', 'MESON_FAIL_VALUE value is "@0@" instead of ""'.format(have)) # This is used in the test_preprocessor_checks_CPPFLAGS() unit test. have = cc.get_define('MESON_TEST_DEFINE_VALUE') expect = get_option('MESON_TEST_DEFINE_VALUE') assert(have == expect, 'MESON_TEST_DEFINE_VALUE value is "@0@" instead of "@1@"'.format(have, expect)) run_1665_test = false if meson.is_cross_build() # Can't use an empty array as a fallback here because of # lang_args = meson.get_cross_property(lang + '_args', false) if lang_args != false foreach lang_arg : lang_args if lang_arg.contains('MESON_TEST_ISSUE_1665') run_1665_test = true endif endforeach endif endif if run_1665_test have = cc.get_define('MESON_TEST_ISSUE_1665') assert(have == '1', 'MESON_TEST_ISSUE_1665 value is "@0@" instead of "1"'.format(have)) endif endforeach