#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2017 Niklas Claesson # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This is two implementations for how to get module names from the boost sources. One relies on json metadata files in the sources, the other relies on the folder names. Run the tool in the boost directory and append the stdout to the misc.py: boost/$ path/to/meson/tools/boost_names.py >> path/to/meson/dependencies/misc.py """ import sys import os import collections import pprint import json import re Module = collections.namedtuple('Module', ['dirname', 'name', 'libnames']) Module.__repr__ = lambda self: str((self.dirname, self.name, self.libnames)) LIBS = 'libs' manual_map = { 'callable_traits': 'Call Traits', 'crc': 'CRC', 'dll': 'DLL', 'gil': 'GIL', 'graph_parallel': 'GraphParallel', 'icl': 'ICL', 'io': 'IO State Savers', 'msm': 'Meta State Machine', 'mpi': 'MPI', 'mpl': 'MPL', 'multi_array': 'Multi-Array', 'multi_index': 'Multi-Index', 'numeric': 'Numeric Conversion', 'ptr_container': 'Pointer Container', 'poly_collection': 'PolyCollection', 'qvm': 'QVM', 'throw_exception': 'ThrowException', 'tti': 'TTI', 'vmd': 'VMD', } extra = [ Module('utility', 'Compressed Pair', []), Module('core', 'Enable If', []), Module('functional', 'Functional/Factory', []), Module('functional', 'Functional/Forward', []), Module('functional', 'Functional/Hash', []), Module('functional', 'Functional/Overloaded Function', []), Module('utility', 'Identity Type', []), Module('utility', 'In Place Factory, Typed In Place Factory', []), Module('numeric', 'Interval', []), Module('math', 'Math Common Factor', []), Module('math', 'Math Octonion', []), Module('math', 'Math Quaternion', []), Module('math', 'Math/Special Functions', []), Module('math', 'Math/Statistical Distributions', []), Module('bind', 'Member Function', []), Module('algorithm', 'Min-Max', []), Module('numeric', 'Odeint', []), Module('utility', 'Operators', []), Module('core', 'Ref', []), Module('utility', 'Result Of', []), Module('algorithm', 'String Algo', []), Module('core', 'Swap', []), Module('', 'Tribool', []), Module('numeric', 'uBLAS', []), Module('utility', 'Value Initialized', []), ] # Cannot find the following modules in the documentation of boost not_modules = ['beast', 'logic', 'mp11', 'winapi'] def eprint(message): print(message, file=sys.stderr) def get_library_names(jamfile): libs = [] with open(jamfile) as jamfh: jam = jamfh.read() res = re.finditer(r'^lib[\s]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)([^;]*);', jam, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) for matches in res: if ':' in matches.group(2): libs.append(matches.group(1)) res = re.finditer(r'^boost-lib[\s]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)([^;]*);', jam, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) for matches in res: if ':' in matches.group(2): libs.append('boost_{}'.format(matches.group(1))) return libs def exists(modules, module): return len([x for x in modules if x.dirname == module.dirname]) != 0 def get_modules(init=extra): modules = init for directory in os.listdir(LIBS): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(LIBS, directory)): continue if directory in not_modules: continue jamfile = os.path.join(LIBS, directory, 'build', 'Jamfile.v2') if os.path.isfile(jamfile): libs = get_library_names(jamfile) else: libs = [] if directory in manual_map.keys(): modname = manual_map[directory] else: modname = directory.replace('_', ' ').title() modules.append(Module(directory, modname, libs)) return modules def get_modules_2(): modules = [] # The python module uses an older build system format and is not easily parseable. # We add the python module libraries manually. modules.append(Module('python', 'Python', ['boost_python', 'boost_python3', 'boost_numpy', 'boost_numpy3'])) for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(LIBS): for f in files: if f == "libraries.json": projectdir = os.path.dirname(root) jamfile = os.path.join(projectdir, 'build', 'Jamfile.v2') if os.path.isfile(jamfile): libs = get_library_names(jamfile) else: libs = [] # Get metadata for module jsonfile = os.path.join(root, f) with open(jsonfile) as jsonfh: boost_modules = json.loads(jsonfh.read()) if(isinstance(boost_modules, dict)): boost_modules = [boost_modules] for boost_module in boost_modules: modules.append(Module(boost_module['key'], boost_module['name'], libs)) # Some subprojects do not have meta directory with json file. Find those jsonless_modules = [x for x in get_modules([]) if not exists(modules, x)] for module in jsonless_modules: eprint("WARNING: {} does not have meta/libraries.json. Will guess pretty name '{}'".format(module.dirname, module.name)) modules.extend(jsonless_modules) return modules def main(args): if not os.path.isdir(LIBS): eprint("ERROR: script must be run in boost source directory") # It will pick jsonless algorithm if 1 is given as argument impl = 0 if len(args) > 1: if args[1] == '1': impl = 1 if impl == 1: modules = get_modules() else: modules = get_modules_2() sorted_modules = sorted(modules, key=lambda module: module.name.lower()) sorted_modules = [x[2] for x in sorted_modules if x[2]] sorted_modules = sum(sorted_modules, []) sorted_modules = [x for x in sorted_modules if x.startswith('boost')] pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(sorted_modules) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)