--- short-description: Syntax and structure of Meson files ... # Syntax The syntax of Meson's specification language has been kept as simple as possible. It is *strongly typed* so no object is ever converted to another under the covers. Variables have no visible type which makes Meson *dynamically typed* (also known as *duck typed*). The main building blocks of the language are *variables*, *numbers*, *booleans*, *strings*, *arrays*, *function calls*, *method calls*, *if statements* and *includes*. Usually one Meson statement takes just one line. There is no way to have multiple statements on one line as in e.g. *C*. Function and method calls' argument lists can be split over multiple lines. Meson will autodetect this case and do the right thing. In other cases you can get multi-line statements by ending the line with a `\`. Apart from line ending whitespace has no syntactic meaning. Variables -- Variables in Meson work just like in other high level programming languages. A variable can contain a value of any type, such as an integer or a string. Variables don't need to be predeclared, you can just assign to them and they appear. Here's how you would assign values to two different variables. ```meson var1 = 'hello' var2 = 102 ``` One important difference in how variables work in Meson is that all objects are immutable. This is different from, for example, how Python works. ```meson var1 = [1, 2, 3] var2 = var1 var2 += [4] # var2 is now [1, 2, 3, 4] # var1 is still [1, 2, 3] ``` Numbers -- Meson supports only integer numbers. They are declared simply by writing them out. Basic arithmetic operations are supported. ```meson x = 1 + 2 y = 3 * 4 d = 5 % 3 # Yields 2. ``` Strings can be converted to a number like this: ```meson string_var = '42' num = string_var.to_int() ``` Booleans -- A boolean is either `true` or `false`. ```meson truth = true ``` Strings -- Strings in Meson are declared with single quotes. To enter a literal single quote do it like this: ```meson single quote = 'contains a \' character' ``` Similarly `\n` gets converted to a newline and `\\\\` to a single backslash. #### String concatenation Strings can be concatenated to form a new string using the `+` symbol. ```meson str1 = 'abc' str2 = 'xyz' combined = str1 + '_' + str2 # combined is now abc_xyz ``` #### Strings running over multiple lines Strings running over multiple lines can be declared with three single quotes, like this: ```meson multiline_string = '''#include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { return FOO_SUCCESS; }''' ``` This can also be combined with the string formatting functionality described below. #### String formatting Strings can be built using the string formatting functionality. ```meson template = 'string: @0@, number: @1@, bool: @2@' res = template.format('text', 1, true) # res now has value 'string: text, number: 1, bool: true' ``` As can be seen, the formatting works by replacing placeholders of type `@number@` with the corresponding argument. #### String methods Strings also support a number of other methods that return transformed copies. **.strip()** ```meson # Similar to the Python str.strip(). Removes leading/ending spaces and newlines define = ' -Dsomedefine ' stripped_define = define.strip() # 'stripped_define' now has the value '-Dsomedefine' ``` **.to_upper()**, **.to_lower()** ```meson target = 'x86_FreeBSD' upper = target.to_upper() # t now has the value 'X86_FREEBSD' lower = target.to_lower() # t now has the value 'x86_freebsd' ``` **.to_int()** ```meson version = '1' # Converts the string to an int and throws an error if it can't be ver_int = version.to_int() ``` **.contains()**, **.startswith()**, **.endswith()** ```meson target = 'x86_FreeBSD' is_fbsd = target.to_lower().contains('freebsd') # is_fbsd now has the boolean value 'true' is_x86 = target.startswith('x86') # boolean value 'true' is_bsd = target.to_lower().endswith('bsd') # boolean value 'true' ``` **.split()**, **.join()** ```meson # Similar to the Python str.split() components = 'a b c d '.split() # components now has the value ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] components = 'a b c d '.split(' ') # components now has the value ['a', 'b', '', '', 'c', 'd', ''] # Similar to the Python str.join() output = ' '.join(['foo', 'bar']) # Output value is 'foo bar' pathsep = ':' path = pathsep.join(['/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/local/bin']) # path now has the value '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin' # For joining paths, you should use join_paths() # This has the advantage of being cross-platform path = join_paths(['/usr', 'local', 'bin']) # path now has the value '/usr/local/bin' # Example to set an API version for use in library(), install_header(), etc project('project', 'c', version: '0.2.3') version_array = meson.project_version().split('.') # version_array now has the value ['0', '2', '3'] api_version = '.'.join([version_array[0], version_array[1]]) # api_version now has the value '0.2' # We can do the same with .format() too: api_version = '@0@.@1@'.format(version_array[0], version_array[1]) # api_version now (again) has the value '0.2' ``` **.underscorify()** ```meson name = 'Meson Docs.txt#Reference-manual' # Replaces all characters other than `a-zA-Z0-9` with `_` (underscore) # Useful for substituting into #defines, filenames, etc. underscored = name.underscorify() # underscored now has the value 'Meson_Docs_txt_Reference_manual' ``` **.version_compare()** ```meson version = '1.2.3' # Compare version numbers semantically is_new = version.version_compare('>=2.0') # is_new now has the boolean value false # Supports the following operators: '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '=' ``` Arrays -- Arrays are delimited by brackets. An array can contain an arbitrary number of objects of any type. ```meson my_array = [1, 2, 'string', some_obj] ``` Accessing elements of an array can be done via array indexing: ```meson my_array = [1, 2, 'string', some_obj] second_element = my_array[1] last_element = my_array[-1] ``` You can add more items to an array like this: ```meson my_array += ['foo', 3, 4, another_obj] ``` When adding a single item, you do not need to enclose it in an array: ```meson my_array += ['something'] # This also works my_array += 'else' ``` Note appending to an array will always create a new array object and assign it to `my_array` instead of modifying the original since all objects in Meson are immutable. #### Array methods The following methods are defined for all arrays: - `length`, the size of the array - `contains`, returns `true` if the array contains the object given as argument, `false` otherwise - `get`, returns the object at the given index, negative indices count from the back of the array, indexing out of bounds is a fatal error. Provided for backwards-compatibility, it is identical to array indexing. Function calls -- Meson provides a set of usable functions. The most common use case is creating build objects. ```meson executable('progname', 'prog.c') ``` Method calls -- Objects can have methods, which are called with the dot operator. The exact methods it provides depends on the object. ```meson myobj = some_function() myobj.do_something('now') ``` If statements -- If statements work just like in other languages. ```meson var1 = 1 var2 = 2 if var1 == var2 # Evaluates to false something_broke() elif var3 == var2 something_else_broke() else everything_ok() endif opt = get_option('someoption') if opt == 'foo' do_something() endif ``` ## Foreach statements To do an operation on all elements of an array, use the `foreach` command. As an example, here's how you would define two executables with corresponding tests. ```meson progs = [['prog1', ['prog1.c', 'foo.c']], ['prog2', ['prog2.c', 'bar.c']]] foreach p : progs exe = executable(p[0], p[1]) test(p[0], exe) endforeach ``` Note that Meson variables are immutable. Trying to assign a new value to `progs` inside a foreach loop will not affect foreach's control flow. Logical operations -- Meson has the standard range of logical operations. ```meson if a and b # do something endif if c or d # do something endif if not e # do something endif if not (f or g) # do something endif ``` Logical operations work only on boolean values. Comments -- A comment starts with the `#` character and extends until the end of the line. ```meson some_function() # This is a comment some_other_function() ``` Ternary operator -- The ternary operator works just like in other languages. ```meson x = condition ? true_value : false_value ``` The only exception is that nested ternary operators are forbidden to improve legibility. If your branching needs are more complex than this you need to write an `if/else` construct. Includes -- Most source trees have multiple subdirectories to process. These can be handled by Meson's `subdir` command. It changes to the given subdirectory and executes the contents of `meson.build` in that subdirectory. All state (variables etc) are passed to and from the subdirectory. The effect is roughly the same as if the contents of the subdirectory's Meson file would have been written where the include command is. ```meson test_data_dir = 'data' subdir('tests') ``` User-defined functions and methods -- Meson does not currently support user-defined functions or methods. The addition of user-defined functions would make Meson Turing-complete which would make it harder to reason about and more difficult to integrate with tools like IDEs. More details about this are [in the FAQ](FAQ.md#why-is-meson-not-just-a-python-module-so-i-could-code-my-build-setup-in-python). If because of this limitation you find yourself copying and pasting code a lot you may be able to use a [`foreach` loop instead](#foreach-statements).